[clbuild-devel] Programming for clbuild McClim

Oliver embry00s at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 16:09:53 UTC 2010


Hope it is ok that I am sending this question to this list, I found no
other way to get in contact with the clbuild project and couldn't
search the mailing lists. I've just had clbuild install SBCL and
McClim for me (I can run demodemo), but can't use McClim myself. What
I've tried doing is ./clbuild lisp and then (require :climxm), but the
interpreter gives me an error saying it doesn't know how to require

Is there a convenient way to get started with CLIM programming using
clbuild, or will I have to look into setting up my own system? If so,
does anybody know of a convenient way to get started quickly?
Deployment will be on an AllegroCL with Allegro's CLIM implementation,
which I'll soon have X11-forwarding access to, but I want to be able
to run it locally as well (telecommuting, and I don't trust my
employer's uptimes).

Oliver Uvman

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