[claw-cvs] r102 - trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 1 11:59:17 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Wed Oct  1 07:59:17 2008
New Revision: 102

several bugfixes and enhancements

Modified: trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/commons.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/commons.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/commons.lisp	Wed Oct  1 07:59:17 2008
@@ -29,70 +29,6 @@
 (in-package :claw-demo-frontend)
-(defclass site-template (wcomponent)
-  ((title :initarg :title
-          :reader site-template-title)
-   (djconfig :initarg :djconfig
-             :reader site-template-djconfig))
-  (:metaclass metacomponent)
-  (:default-initargs :djconfig nil))
-(defclass redirect (wcomponent)
-  ((href :initarg :href
-         :reader redirect-href))
-  (:metaclass metacomponent))
-(defmethod htcomponent-instance-initscript ((redirect redirect))
-  (ps:ps* `(location.replace ,(redirect-href redirect))))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((redirect redirect))
-  ($> ""))
-(defun current-site-template ()
-  (claw-aux-request-value 'site-template))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((site-template site-template))
-  (let ((principal (current-principal)))
-    (html>
-     (head>
-      (title> (site-template-title site-template))
-      (link> :href (format nil "~a/docroot/css/style.css" *root-path*)
-             :rel "stylesheet"
-             :type "text/css"))
-     (djbody> :is-debug "false"
-              :theme "soria"
-              :class "demo"
-              :djconfig (site-template-djconfig site-template)
-              (wcomponent-informal-parameters site-template)
-              (div> :class "topheader"
-                    (div> :class "logoDemo")
-                    (div> :class "logoClaw"))
-              (djtoolbar> :id "menuBar" :class "menuBar"
-                          (djdrop-down-button> (span> "File")
-                                               (djmenu>
-                                                (djmenu-item> :id "loginMenu"
-                                                              :render-condition #'(lambda () (null principal))
-                                                              :on-click (ps:ps* `(location.replace ,(format nil "~a/login.html" *root-path*)))
-                                                              "Login")
-                                                (djmenu-item> :id "logoutMenu"
-                                                              :render-condition #'(lambda () principal)
-                                                              :on-click (ps:ps* `(location.replace ,(format nil "~a/logout.html" *root-path*)))
-                                                              "Logout")))
-                          (djdrop-down-button> :render-condition #'(lambda () principal)
-                                               (span> "Anagraphics")
-                                               (djmenu>
-                                                (djmenu-item> :id "customersMenu"
-                                                              :on-click (ps:ps* `(location.replace ,(format nil "~a/customers.html" *root-path*)))
-                                                              "Customers")
-                                                (djmenu-item> :id "usersMenu"
-                                                              :render-condition #'(lambda () (user-in-role-p '("admin")))
-                                                              "Users"))))
-              (div> :class "contentBody"
-                    (htcomponent-body site-template))))))
 (defclass db-page (page)
@@ -106,156 +42,6 @@
-(defgeneric pager-count-pages (pager))
-(defgeneric pager-current-page (pager))
-(defgeneric pager-page-list (pager))
-(defgeneric set-offset-value (pager page))
-(defclass pager (wcomponent)
-  ((update-component-id :initarg :update-component-id
-                        :accessor pager-update-component-id)
-   (class :initarg :class
-          :reader pager-class)
-   (page-size :initarg :page-size
-              :reader pager-page-size)
-   (visible-pages :initarg :visible-pages
-                  :accessor pager-visible-pages)
-   (total-items :initarg :total-items
-                :accessor pager-total-items)
-   (first-item-offset :initarg :first-item-offset
-                      :accessor pager-first-item-offset))
-  (:metaclass metacomponent)
-  (:default-initargs :page-size 10 :visible-pages 10 :class "pager"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((pager pager))
-  (let ((total-items (pager-total-items pager))
-        (page-size (pager-page-size pager))
-        (page-list (pager-page-list pager))
-        (current-page (pager-current-page pager))
-        (count-pages (pager-count-pages pager))
-        (id (htcomponent-client-id pager)))
-    (when (> total-items page-size)
-      (div>
-       :static-id id
-       :class (pager-class pager)
-       (wcomponent-informal-parameters pager)
-       (when (> current-page 1)
-         (list (div> :class "button first"
-                     (span> :on-click (set-offset-value pager 1) "first"))
-               (div> :class "button previous"
-                     (span> :on-click (set-offset-value pager (1- current-page)) "previous"))))
-       (loop for page in page-list
-          collect (if (= page current-page)
-                      (div> :class "current page"
-                            (span> (format nil "~a" page)))
-                      (div> :class "page" (span> :on-click (set-offset-value pager page) (format nil "~a" page)))))
-       (when (< current-page count-pages)
-         (list (div> :class "button next"
-                     (span> :on-click (set-offset-value pager (1+ current-page)) "next"))
-               (div> :class "button last"
-                     (span> :on-click (set-offset-value pager count-pages) "last"))))))))
-(defmethod htcomponent-class-initscripts ((pager pager))
-  (let ((update-component-id (pager-update-component-id pager))
-        (page-size (pager-page-size pager)))
-    (list
-     (ps:ps* `(defun pager-go-to (page)
-                (setf (slot-value (dojo.by-id ,update-component-id) 'value) (* (1- page) ,page-size))
-                (defvar form-id (slot-value (slot-value (dojo.by-id ,update-component-id) 'form) 'id))
-                (let ((form-el (or (dijit.by-id form-id) 
-                                   (dojo.by-id form-id))))
-                  (.submit form-el)))))))
-(defmethod set-offset-value ((pager pager) page)
-  (ps:ps* `(pager-go-to ,page)))
-(defmethod pager-count-pages ((pager pager))
-  (let ((page-size (pager-page-size pager))
-        (total-items (pager-total-items pager)))
-    (count-pages page-size total-items)))
-(defun count-pages (page-size total-items)
-  (multiple-value-bind (pages rest)
-      (truncate total-items page-size)
-    (when (> rest 0) (incf pages))
-    pages))
-(defmethod pager-current-page ((pager pager))
-  (let ((page-size (pager-page-size pager))
-        (first-item-offset (pager-first-item-offset pager)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (page rest)
-        (truncate (1+ first-item-offset) page-size)
-      (when (> rest 0) (incf page))
-      page)))
-(defmethod pager-page-list ((pager pager))
-  (let ((current-page (pager-current-page pager))
-        (count-pages (pager-count-pages pager))
-        (visible-pages (pager-visible-pages pager))
-        (pages-before-current-page)
-        (pages-after-current-page)
-        (result))
-    (when (> current-page 1)
-      (setf pages-before-current-page
-            (reverse
-             (loop for page from (1- current-page) downto (max 1 (- current-page 
-                                                                    (truncate visible-pages 2)))
-                collect page))))
-    (when (< current-page count-pages)
-      (setf pages-after-current-page
-            (loop for page from (1+ current-page) to (min count-pages (+ (1- current-page) 
-                                                                         (- visible-pages (length pages-before-current-page))))
-               collect page)))
-    (setf result (append pages-before-current-page (list current-page) pages-after-current-page))
-    (let ((result-length (length result))
-          (first-result-page (first result)))
-      (if (< result-length visible-pages)
-          (append (reverse (loop for page from (1- first-result-page) downto (max 1 (- first-result-page (- visible-pages result-length)))
-                              collect page)) result)
-          result))))
 (defun null-when-empty (string)
   (unless (string= string "")
-(defclass djconfirmation-submit (wcomponent)
-  ((value :initarg :value
-          :accessor djconfirmation-submit-value)
-   (action :initarg :action
-           :accessor djconfirmation-submit-action)
-   (confirmation-message :initarg :confirmation-message
-                         :accessor djconfirmation-submit-confirmation-message)
-   (yes-label :initarg :yes
-              :accessor djconfirmation-submit-yes)
-   (no-label :initarg :no
-              :accessor djconfirmation-submit-no))
-  (:default-initargs :yes "Yes" :no "No")
-  (:metaclass metacomponent))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj djconfirmation-submit))
-  (let* ((dialog-id (generate-id "confirmationDiaolg"))
-         (yes-id (generate-id "yes"))
-         (value (djconfirmation-submit-value obj)))
-    (div> :class "dijit dijitReset dijitLeft dijitInline"
-     (djbutton> :static-id (htcomponent-client-id obj)
-                :on-click (ps:ps* `(.show (dijit.by-id ,dialog-id)))
-                (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj)
-                (or  (htcomponent-body obj) value))
-     (djdialog> :static-id dialog-id
-                :title "Confirm"
-                (div> (djconfirmation-submit-confirmation-message obj)
-                      (div> :class "buttonContainer"
-                            (djsubmit-button> :static-id yes-id
-                                              :value (djconfirmation-submit-value obj)
-                                              :action (djconfirmation-submit-action obj)
-                                              :on-click (ps:ps* `(.hide (dijit.by-id ,dialog-id)))
-                                              (djconfirmation-submit-yes obj))
-                            (djbutton> :id dialog-id
-                                       :on-click (ps:ps* `(.hide (dijit.by-id ,dialog-id)))
-                                       (djconfirmation-submit-no obj))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/customers.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/customers.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-demo/src/frontend/customers.lisp	Wed Oct  1 07:59:17 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; $Header: dojo/tests/customers.lisp $
+;;; $Header: customers.lisp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Andrea Chiumenti.  All rights reserved.
@@ -29,228 +29,6 @@
 (in-package :claw-demo-frontend)
-(defgeneric edit-customer-save (edit-customer))
-(defclass edit-customer (djform)
-  ((customer :initarg :customer
-             :accessor edit-customer-customer)
-   (on-before-submit :initarg :on-before-submit
-                     :accessor on-before-submit)
-   (on-xhr-finish :initarg :on-xhr-finish
-                  :accessor on-xhr-finish)
-   (customer-id-parameter :initarg :customer-id-parameter
-                          :accessor edit-customer-customer-id-parameter)
-   (on-close-click :initarg :on-close-click
-                   :accessor edit-customer-on-close-click))
-  (:metaclass metacomponent)
-  (:default-initargs :on-close-click nil
-                     :class "customerForm" :customer-id-parameter "customerid"))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj edit-customer) &key rest)
-  (declare (ignore rest))
-  (setf (action-object obj) obj
-        (action obj) 'edit-customer-save))
-(defun find-or-add-address (customer address-type)
-  (let ((address (loop for item in (customer-addresses customer)
-                      when (= (customer-address-type item) address-type)
-                      return item)))
-    (unless address 
-      (setf address (make-instance 'customer-address :address-type address-type))
-      (push address (customer-addresses customer)))
-    address))
-(defun address-nullp (address) 
-  (let ((attributes (list (customer-address-address address)
-                          (customer-address-zip address)
-                          (customer-address-city address)
-                          (customer-address-state address)
-                          (customer-address-country address))))
-    (not
-     (loop for val in (mapcar #'(lambda (x) 
-                                  (when (and x (string-not-equal x "")) 
-                                    t)) 
-                              attributes)
-        when val
-        return t))))
-(defmethod htcomponent-body ((obj edit-customer))
-  (let* ((visit-object (edit-customer-customer obj))
-         (main-address (find-or-add-address visit-object 0))
-         (billing-address (find-or-add-address visit-object 1)))
-    (list
-     (cinput> :id (edit-customer-customer-id-parameter obj)
-              :type "hidden" :visit-object visit-object
-              :translator *integer-translator*
-              :accessor 'table-id)
-     (cinput> :id "tabbleVersion" 
-              :type "hidden" 
-              :visit-object visit-object
-              :translator *integer-translator*
-              :accessor 'table-version)
-     (div> :class "label name1"
-           (span> "Name 1")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :required "true"
-                                   :label "Name 1"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-name1))
-     (div> :class "label name2"
-           (span> "Name 2")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Name 2"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-name2))
-     (div> :class "label email"
-           (span> "Email")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Email"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-email))
-     (div> :class "label pone1"
-           (span> "Phone 1")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Phone 1"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-phone1))
-     (div> :class "label pone2"
-           (span> "Phone 2")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Phone 2"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-phone2))
-     (div> :class "label pone3"
-           (span> "Phone 3")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Phone 3"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-phone3))
-     (div> :class "label fax"
-           (span> "Fax")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Fax"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-fax))
-     (div> :class "label vat"
-           (span> "VAT")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "VAT"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-vat))
-     (div> :class "label code1"
-           (span> "Code 1")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Code 1"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-code1))
-     (div> :class "label code2"
-           (span> "Code 2")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Code 2"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-code2))
-     (div> :class "label code3"
-           (span> "Code 3")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Code 3"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-code3))
-     (div> :class "label code4"
-           (span> "Code 4")
-           (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object visit-object
-                                   :label "Code 4"
-                                   :accessor 'customer-code4))
-     (djtab-container> :id "addressTabs"
-                       :class "addressTabs"
-                      (djcontent-pane> :id "mainAddress" :title "Main address"
-                                       (div> (div> :class "address"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Street")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object main-address
-                                                                           :label "Main Address[address]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-address))
-                                             (div> :class "zip"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Zip")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object main-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Main Address[zip]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-zip))
-                                             (div> :class "city"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "City")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object main-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Main Address[city]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-city))
-                                             (div> :class "state"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "State")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object main-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Main Address[state]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-state))
-                                             (div> :class "country"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Country")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object main-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Main Address[country]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-country))))
-                      (djcontent-pane> :id "billingAddress" :title "Billing address"
-                                       (div> (div> :class "address"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Street")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object billing-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Billing Address[street]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-address))
-                                             (div> :class "zip"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Zip")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object billing-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Billing Address[zip]"
-                                                                      :accessor 'customer-address-zip))
-                                             (div> :class "city"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "City")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object billing-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Billing Address[city]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-city))
-                                             (div> :class "state"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "State")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object billing-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Billing Address[state]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-state))
-                                             (div> :class "country"
-                                                   (span> :class "label" "Country")
-                                                   (djvalidation-text-box> :visit-object billing-address
-                                                                           :class "text"
-                                                                           :label "Billing Address[country]"
-                                                                           :accessor 'customer-address-country)))))
-     (div> :class "buttons"
-           (djsubmit-button> :value "Save")
-           (djbutton> :render-condition #'(lambda () (edit-customer-on-close-click obj))
-                      :id "Close"
-                      :on-click (edit-customer-on-close-click obj)
-                      "Close")))))
-(defmethod wcomponent-before-rewind :before ((obj edit-customer) (page page))
-  (when (string-equal (htcomponent-client-id obj) (claw-parameter *rewind-parameter*))
-    (let ((customer-id (parse-integer (claw-parameter (edit-customer-customer-id-parameter obj)))))
-      (setf (edit-customer-customer obj) 
-            (find-by-id 'customer 
-                        customer-id))
-      (find-or-add-address (edit-customer-customer obj) 0)
-      (find-or-add-address (edit-customer-customer obj) 1))))
-(defmethod edit-customer-save ((obj edit-customer))
-  (let ((id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
-        (customer (edit-customer-customer obj))
-        (main-address (find-or-add-address (edit-customer-customer obj) 0))
-        (billing-address (find-or-add-address (edit-customer-customer obj) 1))
-        (address-list ()))
-    (handler-case
-        (progn
-          (log-message :info "PHONE: ~a" (customer-phone1 customer))
-          (unless (address-nullp main-address)
-            (push main-address address-list))
-          (unless (address-nullp billing-address)
-            (push billing-address address-list))
-          (setf (customer-addresses customer) address-list)
-          (update-db-item customer))
-      (clsql-sys:sql-database-error (cond)
-        (log-message :info "Exception on edit-customer-save: ~a" cond)
-        (add-validation-error id (clsql-sys:sql-error-database-message cond))
-        nil))))
 (defgeneric customers-page-find-customers (customers-page))
 (defgeneric customers-page-offset-reset (customers-page))
@@ -376,7 +154,11 @@
                              (div> :static-id result-container-id
                                    (table> :class "listTable"
                                            (tr> :class "header"
-                                                (th> :class "delete" (djcheck-box> :id "deleteAll" :accessor 'customers-page-delete-all :value "all"))
+                                                (th> :class "deleteAll" (djcheck-box> :id "deleteAll" 
+                                                                                      ;:reader 'customers-page-delete-all 
+                                                                                      :value "all" 
+                                                                                      :onchange(remove #\newline (ps:ps (.for-each dojo (.map (.query dojo ".deleteItem") dijit.by-node)
+                                                                                                                                   (lambda (checkbox) (.attr checkbox "checked" (.attr this "checked"))) this)))))
                                                 (th> :class "name" (span> :class (if (string-equal "name1" sort-field) 
                                                                                      (if (string-equal "asc" sort-direction)
                                                                                          "sort sortAsc"
@@ -410,7 +192,7 @@
                                            (loop for customer in customers
                                               for index = 0 then (incf index)
                                               collect (tr> :class (if (evenp index) "item even" "item odd")
-                                                           (th> :class "delete" (djcheck-box> :id "deleteItem" :accessor 'customers-page-delete-items 
+                                                           (th> :class "delete" (djcheck-box> :id "deleteItem" :class "deleteItem" :accessor 'customers-page-delete-items 
                                                                                               :value (table-id customer) 
                                                                                               :translator *integer-translator*
                                                                                               :multiple t))

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