[claw-cvs] r49 - in trunk/main/claw-core: src tests

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Fri May 30 10:03:02 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
New Revision: 49

a lot of bug fixes, plus adding of checkbox and radio components

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -41,9 +41,33 @@
 (defgeneric translator-encode (translator wcomponent)
   (:documentation "Encodes the input component value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string)."))
+(defgeneric translator-type-to-string (translator wcomponent)
+  (:documentation "Encodes the input component value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string). It's a wrapper for translator-encode"))
 (defgeneric translator-decode (translator wcomponent)
   (:documentation "Decodes the input component value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type)."))
+(defgeneric translator-string-to-type (translator wcomponent)
+  (:documentation "Decodes the input component value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type). It's a wrapper for translator-decode"))
+(defgeneric translator-value-encode (translator value)
+  (:documentation "Encodes the value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string)."))
+(defgeneric translator-value-type-to-string (translator value)
+  (:documentation "Encodes the value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string). It's a wrapper for translator-value-encode"))
+(defgeneric translator-value-decode (translator value &optional client-id label)
+  (:documentation "Decodes value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type)."))
+(defgeneric translator-value-string-to-type (translator value &optional client-id label)
+  (:documentation "Decodes value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type). It's a wrapper for translator-value-decode"))
+(defgeneric label (cinput)
+  (:documentation "Returns the label that describes the component. It's also be used when component validation fails. If it's a function it is funcalled"))
+(defgeneric name-attr (cinput)
+  (:documentation "Returns the name of the input component"))
 (defclass translator () 
   (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes values passed to a html input component"))
@@ -55,10 +79,12 @@
 (defun component-validation-errors (component &optional (request *request*)) 
   "Resurns possible validation errors occurred during form rewinding bound to a specific component"
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id component)))
-    (getf (validation-errors request) (make-symbol client-id))))
+    (getf (validation-errors request) (intern client-id))))
 (defclass cform (wcomponent)
     ((action :initarg :action
 	     :accessor action
@@ -94,7 +120,6 @@
 	  (setf class "error")
 	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
     (form> :static-id client-id
-	   :name client-id	  
 	   :class class
 	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters cform)
 	   (input> :name *rewind-parameter*
@@ -154,8 +179,7 @@
    (accessor :initarg :accessor
 	     :reader cinput-accessor
 	     :documentation "Visit object slot accessor symbol. It can be used in place of the :READER and :WRITER parameters")
-   (label :initarg :label
-	  :reader label
+   (label :initarg :label	  
 	  :documentation "The label is the description of the component. It's also be used when component validation fails.")
    (translator :initarg :translator
 	       :reader translator
@@ -173,6 +197,15 @@
 		     :label nil :translator *simple-translator* :validator nil :visit-object nil)
   (:documentation "Class inherited from both CINPUT and CSELECT"))
+(defmethod label ((cinput base-cinput))
+  (let ((label (slot-value cinput 'label)))
+    (if (functionp label)
+        (funcall label)
+        label)))
+(defmethod name-attr ((cinput base-cinput))
+  (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
 (defclass cinput (base-cinput)
     ((input-type :initarg :type
 		:reader input-type
@@ -204,7 +237,7 @@
     (setf value (translator-encode translator cinput))
     (input> :static-id client-id
 	    :type type
-	    :name client-id
+	    :name (name-attr cinput)
 	    :class class
 	    :value value
 	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))
@@ -233,7 +266,7 @@
     (setf value
 	    (from-request-p (page-req-parameter (htcomponent-page cinput) 
-						client-id 
+						(name-attr cinput)
 	    ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
 	    (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
@@ -260,12 +293,15 @@
 		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
 		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
+(defmethod name-attr ((csubmit csubmit))
+  (htcomponent-client-id csubmit))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj csubmit))
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
 	(value (csubmit-value obj)))
     (input> :static-id client-id
 	    :type "submit"
-	    :name client-id
+	    :name (name-attr obj)
 	    :value value
 	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj))))
@@ -300,7 +336,7 @@
      (input> :static-id submit-id
 	     :style "display:none;"
 	     :type "submit"
-	     :name id
+	     :name (name-attr obj)
 	     :value "-")
      (a> :static-id id
 	:href (format nil "javascript:document.getElementById('~a').click();" submit-id)
@@ -332,12 +368,135 @@
 	  (setf class "error")
 	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
     (select> :static-id client-id
-	     :name client-id
+	     :name (name-attr obj)
 	     :class class
 	     :multiple (cinput-result-as-list-p obj)
 	     (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj)
 	     (htcomponent-body obj))))
+(defclass ccheckbox (cinput)
+    ((test :initarg :test
+             :accessor ccheckbox-test)
+     (value :initarg :value
+            :accessor ccheckbox-value))     
+    (:metaclass metacomponent)
+    (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :name) :empty t :type "checkbox" :test #'equal)
+    (:documentation "Request cycle aware component the renders as an INPUT tag class"))
+(let ((class (find-class 'ccheckbox)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CCHECKBOX component and renders a html <input> tag of type \"checkbox\"." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'base-cinput))
+                (describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'cinput))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((cinput ccheckbox))  
+  (let* ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
+         (translator (translator cinput))
+         (type (input-type cinput))
+         (value (translator-value-type-to-string translator (ccheckbox-value cinput)))         
+         (current-value (translator-type-to-string translator cinput))
+         (class (css-class cinput)))
+    (when (component-validation-errors cinput)
+      (if (or (null class) (string= class ""))
+	  (setf class "error")
+	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
+    (input> :static-id client-id
+	    :type type
+	    :name (name-attr cinput)
+	    :class class
+	    :value value
+            :checked (when (and current-value (equal value current-value)) "checked")
+	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))
+(defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((cinput ccheckbox) (page page))
+  (let* ((visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object cinput) page))
+         (client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
+         (translator (translator cinput))
+         (accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
+         (writer (cinput-writer cinput))
+         (validator (validator cinput))
+         (result-as-list-p (cinput-result-as-list-p cinput))
+         (new-value (page-req-parameter page 
+                                        client-id 
+                                        result-as-list-p)))
+    (when new-value
+      (setf new-value (translator-string-to-type translator cinput)))
+    (unless (component-validation-errors cinput)
+      (when validator
+        (funcall validator (or new-value "")))
+      (unless (component-validation-errors cinput)
+        (if (and (null writer) accessor)
+            (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) new-value visit-object)
+            (funcall (fdefinition writer) new-value visit-object))))))
+(defclass cradio (ccheckbox)
+    ()
+    (:metaclass metacomponent)
+    (:default-initargs :type "radio")
+    (:documentation "Request cycle aware component the renders as an INPUT tag class"))
+(let ((class (find-class 'cradio)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CRADIO component and renders a html <input> tag of type \"radio\"." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'base-cinput))
+                (describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'cinput))
+                (describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'ccheckbox))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
+(defmethod name-attr ((ccheckbox ccheckbox))
+  (htcomponent-real-id ccheckbox))
+(defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((cinput cradio) (page page))
+  (let* ((visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object cinput) page))
+         (translator (translator cinput))
+         (accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
+         (writer (cinput-writer cinput))
+         (validator (validator cinput))
+         (ccheckbox-test (ccheckbox-test cinput))
+         (result-as-list-p (cinput-result-as-list-p cinput))
+         (value (translator-value-string-to-type translator (ccheckbox-value cinput)))
+         (new-value (page-req-parameter page 
+                                        (name-attr cinput)
+                                        result-as-list-p))
+         (checked))
+    (when new-value
+      (setf new-value (translator-string-to-type translator cinput)
+            checked (funcall ccheckbox-test value new-value)))
+    (when (and checked (null (component-validation-errors cinput)))
+      (when validator
+        (funcall validator (or new-value "")))
+      (when (null (component-validation-errors cinput))
+        (if (and (null writer) accessor)
+            (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) new-value visit-object)
+            (funcall (fdefinition writer) new-value visit-object))))))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((cinput cradio))  
+  (let* ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))         
+         (translator (translator cinput))
+         (type (input-type cinput))
+         (value (translator-value-type-to-string translator (ccheckbox-value cinput)))         
+         (current-value (translator-type-to-string translator cinput))
+         (class (css-class cinput)))
+    (when (component-validation-errors cinput)
+      (if (or (null class) (string= class ""))
+	  (setf class "error")
+	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
+    (input> :static-id client-id
+	    :type type
+	    :name (name-attr cinput)
+	    :class class
+	    :value value
+            :checked (when (and current-value (equal value current-value)) "checked")
+	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 - :WELCOME-PAGE-P When true, the function will be a welcome page, making the lisplet to redirect direct access to its base path to the expressed location
 - :LOGIN-PAGE-P Marks the function as a login page"))
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (lisplet page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (lisplet page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p encoding)
   (:documentation "Registers a page into a lisplet for dispatching.
 - LISPLET the lisplet that will dispatch the page
@@ -57,15 +57,17 @@
 - LOCATION The url location where the page will be registered (relative to the lisplet base path)
 - :WELCOME-PAGE-P When true, the page will be a welcome page, making the lisplet to redirect direct access to its base path to the expressed location
-- :LOGIN-PAGE-P Marks the page as a login page"))
+- :LOGIN-PAGE-P Marks the page as a login page
+- :ENCODING The charset encoding used to render the resource"))
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-resource-location (lisplet resource-path location &optional content-type)
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-resource-location (lisplet resource-path location &optional content-type encoding)
   (:documentation "Registers a resource (file or directory) into a lisplet for dispatching.
 - LISPLET the lisplet that will dispatch the page
 - RESOURCE-PATH pathname of a file or directory that is to be registered for dispatching
 - LOCATION The url location where the resource will be registered (relative to the lisplet base path)
-- CONTENT-TYPE Meaningful only when the resource-path points to a file, indicates the resource content type"))
+- CONTENT-TYPE Meaningful only when the resource-path points to a file, indicates the resource content type
+- ENCODING The charset encoding used to render the resource"))
 (defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-method (lisplet)
   (:documentation "Performs authorizations checking then makes a call to LISPLET-DISPATCH-REQUEST
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@
             (if handler
                 (funcall handler)
                 (let ((error-page (make-instance 'error-page 
-                                                 :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)
+                                                 :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)                                                 
                                                  :error-code error-code)))
                   (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render error-page)))))))
@@ -120,6 +122,9 @@
    (login-page :initarg :login-page
                :accessor lisplet-login-page
                :documentation "url location for the welcome page")   
+   (encoding :initarg :encoding
+             :accessor lisplet-encoding
+             :documentation "The default charset external format for resources provided by this lisplet.")
    (realm :initarg :realm
           :reader lisplet-realm
           :documentation "realm for requests that pass through this lisplet and session opened into this lisplet")
@@ -137,6 +142,7 @@
                                    :documentation "When not null every request will be redirected in https mode. When running in mod-lisp mode, *apache-http-port* and *apache-https-port* values are used"))   
   (:default-initargs :welcome-page nil 
     :login-page nil
+    :encoding :utf-8
     :realm "claw"
     :redirect-protected-resources-p nil)
   (:documentation "A lisplet is a container for resources provided trhough the clawserver.
@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@
 (defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((lisplet lisplet) function location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))    
     (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
           (sort-by-location (pushnew-location (cons location function) pages)))
     (when welcome-page-p
@@ -178,16 +184,18 @@
     (when login-page-p
       (setf (lisplet-login-page lisplet) location))))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((lisplet lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
-  (lisplet-register-function-location lisplet 
-                                      #'(lambda () (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-                                                     (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet lisplet :url location))))
-                                      location 
-                                      :welcome-page-p welcome-page-p
-                                      :login-page-p login-page-p))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((lisplet lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type)
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))
+(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((lisplet lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p encoding)  
+  (let ((charset-encoding (or encoding (lisplet-encoding lisplet))))
+    (lisplet-register-function-location lisplet 
+                                        #'(lambda () (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+                                                       (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet lisplet :url location :encoding charset-encoding))))
+                                        location
+                                        :welcome-page-p welcome-page-p
+                                        :login-page-p login-page-p)))
+(defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((lisplet lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type (encoding :utf-8))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet))
+        (external-format (flexi-streams:make-external-format (or encoding (lisplet-encoding lisplet)) :eol-style :lf)))
     (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
           (sort-by-location (pushnew-location
                              (cons location 
@@ -199,11 +207,7 @@
                                                                                                   (length (lisplet-base-path lisplet))
                                                                                                   (length location) 1)))
-                                             (log-message :info "--------------------------------------------- ~%
-script-name: \"~a\"~%
-resource-path: \"~a\"~%
-resource-full-path :\"~a\"~%
---------------------------------------------" (script-name) resource-path resource-full-path)                                             
+                                             (setf (reply-external-format) external-format)
                                              (handle-static-file resource-full-path content-type)))                                                
                                        #'(lambda () (handle-static-file resource-path content-type))))
@@ -214,9 +218,7 @@
     (loop for dispatcher in dispatchers
        for url = (car dispatcher)
        for action = (cdr dispatcher)
-       do (progn
-            (log-message :info "rel-script-name: \"~a\" url: \"~a\"  --- (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) : ~a" rel-script-name url (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url))
-            (when (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) (return (funcall action)))))))
+       do (when (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) (return (funcall action))))))
 (defmethod lisplet-dispatch-method ((lisplet lisplet))
   (let ((base-path (build-lisplet-location lisplet))
@@ -266,8 +268,6 @@
          for match = (format nil "~a/~a" base-path (car protected-resource))
          for allowed-roles = (cdr protected-resource)
          do (when (or (starts-with-subseq match uri) (string= login-page-url uri))
-                                        ;(when (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p lisplet)
-                                        ;(redirect-to-https server request))
                 ((and princp (not (user-in-role-p allowed-roles)) (not (string= login-page-url uri)))
                  (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
                 (format nil "~{:~a ~}" (eval reserved-parameters))
-(defun register-library-resource (location resource-path &optional content-type)
+(defun register-library-resource (location resource-path &optional content-type (encoding :utf-8))
   "Adds a RESOURCE \(a file or directory) as a library exposed resource to the given relative LOCATION."
   (setf *claw-libraries-resources*
         (sort-by-location (pushnew-location
@@ -300,9 +300,13 @@
                                                                     (uri-to-pathname (subseq (script-name)
                                                                                              (+ (length (clawserver-base-path (current-server)))
                                                                                                 (length location))))
-                                                                    resource-path)))
+                                                                    resource-path))
+                                               (charset-encoding (flexi-streams:make-external-format encoding :eol-style :lf)))
+                                           (setf (reply-external-format) charset-encoding)
                                            (handle-static-file resource-full-path content-type)))                                                
-                                     #'(lambda () (handle-static-file resource-path content-type))))
+                                     #'(lambda () (let ((charset-encoding (flexi-streams:make-external-format encoding :eol-style :lf)))
+                                                    (setf (reply-external-format) charset-encoding)
+                                                    (handle-static-file resource-path content-type)))))
 (defun uri-to-pathname (uri &optional (relative t))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+           :page-encoding
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
+           :htcomponent-real-id
@@ -188,14 +190,18 @@
-           :wcomponent-after-render
+           :wcomponent-after-render           
-           :action-link>
+           :action-link>           
+           :ccheckbox
+           :ccheckbox>
+           :cradio
+           :cradio>
@@ -203,7 +209,12 @@
+           :input-type
+           :ccheckbox-value
+           :css-class
+           :name-attr
+           :lisplet-encoding
@@ -269,10 +280,18 @@
+           :translator-boolean
+           :translator-string-to-type
+           :translator-type-to-string
+           :translator-value-decode
+           :translator-value-encode  
+           :translator-value-string-to-type
+           :translator-value-type-to-string
+           :*boolean-translator*

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
    (error-code :initarg :error-code
 	       :reader page-error-code
 	       :documentation "The error code to display"))
+  (:default-initargs :encoding :utf-8)
   (:documentation "This is the page class used to render 
 the http error messages."))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -226,9 +226,6 @@
 (defvar *xhtml-1.0-frameset* "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">" 
   "Page doctype as XHTML 4.01 FRAMESET")
-(defvar *default-encoding* "UTF-8" 
-  "Page default encoding (if no changes 'UTF-8')")
 (defvar *rewind-parameter* "rewindobject" 
   "The request parameter for the object asking for a rewind action")
@@ -292,19 +289,20 @@
          (id-table-map (request-id-table-map))
          (id (getf (first fbody) :id))
          (static-id (getf (first fbody) :static-id))
+         (real-id (or static-id id))
     (when static-id
       (remf (first fbody) :id)
       (setf id nil))
     (setf instance (make-instance parent 
                                   :empty emptyp
+                                  :real-id real-id
                                   :name (string-downcase tag-name)
                                   :attributes (first fbody)
                                   :body (second fbody)))
     (if (null static-id)
         (when (and id-table-map id)
-          (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance)
-                (generate-id id)))
+          (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance) (generate-id id)))
         (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance) static-id))
@@ -378,9 +376,12 @@
    (components-stack :initform nil
                      :accessor page-components-stack
                      :documentation "A stack of components enetered into rendering process.")   
-   (content-type :initarg :content-type
-                 :accessor page-content-type
-                 :documentation "Define the content type of the page when rendered")
+   (mime-type :initarg :mime-type
+                 :accessor page-mime-type
+                 :documentation "Define the mime type of the page when rendered")
+   (encoding :initarg :encoding
+             :accessor page-encoding
+             :documentation "The charset external format. When not provided the lisplet one is used")
    (url :initarg :url
         :accessor page-url :documentation "The URL provided with this page instance"))
   (:default-initargs :writer t
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@
     :xmloutput nil
     :doc-type *html-4.01-strict*
     :request-parameters nil
-    :content-type hunchentoot:*default-content-type*
+    :mime-type "text/html"
     :url nil)
   (:documentation "A page object holds claw components to be rendered") )
@@ -408,6 +409,8 @@
          :accessor htcomponent-body :documentation "The tag body")
    (client-id :initarg :client-id
               :accessor htcomponent-client-id :documentation "The tag computed id if :ID war provided for the building function")
+   (real-id :initarg :real-id
+            :accessor htcomponent-real-id :documentation "The tag real id got from :ID or :STATIC-ID")   
    (attributes :initarg :attributes
                :accessor htcomponent-attributes :documentation "The tag attributes")
    (empty :initarg :empty
@@ -424,6 +427,7 @@
     :body nil
     :json-render-on-validation-errors-p nil
     :client-id nil
+    :real-id nil
     :attributes nil 
     :empty nil
     :script-files nil
@@ -578,17 +582,15 @@
     (setf (page-tabulator page) 0)))
 (defmethod page-render-headings ((page page))
-  (let* ((writer (page-writer page))
-         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
-         (encoding (handler-case (format nil "~a" (stream-external-format writer))
-                     (error () (format nil "~a" *default-encoding*))))
+  (let* ((jsonp (page-json-id-list page))         
+         (encoding (page-encoding page))
          (xml-p (page-xmloutput page))
-         (content-type (page-doc-type page)))    
+         (doc-type (page-doc-type page)))
     (when (null jsonp)
       (when xml-p
-        (page-format-raw page "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"~a\"?>~%" encoding))     
-      (when content-type
-        (page-format-raw page "~a~%" content-type)))))
+        (page-format-raw page "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"~a\"?>~%" encoding))
+      (when doc-type
+        (page-format-raw page "~a~%" doc-type)))))
 (defun json-validation-errors ()
   "Composes the error part for the json reply"
@@ -609,7 +611,8 @@
 (defmethod page-render ((page page))    
   (let ((body (page-content page))
         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page)))
-    (setf (hunchentoot:content-type) (page-content-type page))
+    (setf (reply-external-format) 
+          (flexi-streams:make-external-format (page-encoding page) :eol-style :lf))
     (if (null body)
         (format nil "null body for page ~a~%" (type-of page))   
@@ -874,7 +877,11 @@
     (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body hthead))
           (injections (page-init-injections page)))
       (tag-render-starttag hthead page)
-      (htcomponent-render (meta> :http-equiv "Content-Type" :content (page-content-type page)) page)
+      (htcomponent-render (meta> :http-equiv "Content-Type" 
+                                 :content (format nil "~a;charset=~a" 
+                                                  (page-mime-type page)
+                                                  (page-encoding page)))
+                          page)
       (dolist (child-tag body-list)     
         (when child-tag
@@ -1072,8 +1079,11 @@
 (defun make-component (name parameters content)
   "This function instantiates a wcomponent by the passed NAME, separetes parameters into formal(the ones that are the
 initarg of a slot, and informal parameters, that have their own slot in common. The CONTENT is the body content."
-  (let ((instance (make-instance name))
-        (static-id (getf parameters :static-id)))
+  (let* ((instance (make-instance name))
+         (id (getf parameters :id))
+         (static-id (getf parameters :static-id))
+         (real-id (or static-id id)))
+    (setf (htcomponent-real-id instance) real-id)
     (when static-id
       (remf parameters :id))    
     (loop for (initarg value) on parameters by #'cddr

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -29,28 +29,45 @@
 (in-package :claw)
+(defmethod translator-value-encode ((translator translator) value)
+  (format nil "~a" value))
+(defmethod translator-value-type-to-string ((translator translator) value)
+  (translator-value-encode translator value))
 (defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator) (wcomponent cinput))
-  (let ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	(visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
-	(accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
-	(reader (cinput-reader wcomponent)))
-    (format nil "~a" (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-			 (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)
-			 (progn 
-			   (when (null visit-object)
-			     (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page wcomponent)))
-			   (if (and (null reader) accessor)		  
-			       (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object)
-			       (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object)))))))
+  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
+         (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
+         (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
+         (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))     
+         (value (page-req-parameter page (name-attr wcomponent) nil)))    
+    (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
+        value
+        (progn 
+          (setf value (cond
+                        ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
+                        (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
+          (translator-value-encode translator value)))))
+(defmethod translator-type-to-string ((translator translator) (wcomponent cinput))
+  (translator-encode translator wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-value-decode ((translator translator) value &optional client-id label) 
+  (declare (ignore client-id label))
+  value)
+(defmethod translator-value-string-to-type ((translator translator) value &optional client-id label) 
+  (translator-value-decode translator value client-id label))
 (defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator) (wcomponent wcomponent))  
-  (multiple-value-bind (client-id new-value)      
+  (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)
       (component-id-and-value wcomponent)
-    (declare (ignore client-id))
-    new-value))
+    (translator-value-decode translator value client-id (label wcomponent))))
-(setf *simple-translator* (make-instance 'translator)) 
+(defmethod translator-string-to-type ((translator translator) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+  (translator-decode translator wcomponent))
+(setf *simple-translator* (make-instance 'translator)) 
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Integer translator ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@@ -58,56 +75,43 @@
 (defclass translator-integer (translator) 
   ((thousand-separator :initarg :thousand-separator
-	 :reader translator-thousand-separator
-	 :documentation "If specified (as character), it is the thousands separator. Despite of
+                       :reader translator-thousand-separator
+                       :documentation "If specified (as character), it is the thousands separator. Despite of
 its name, grouping is done following the TRANSLATOR-GROUPING-SIZE, so it's not a real 'tousands' separator")
    (always-show-signum :initarg :always-show-signum
-	 :reader translator-always-show-signum
-	 :documentation "When true the signum is used also for displaying positive numbers.")
+                       :reader translator-always-show-signum
+                       :documentation "When true the signum is used also for displaying positive numbers.")
    (grouping-size :initarg :grouping-size
-	 :reader translator-grouping-size
-	 :documentation "Used only if TRANSLATOR-THOUSAND-SEPARATOR is defined. Default to 3"))
+                  :reader translator-grouping-size
+                  :documentation "Used only if TRANSLATOR-THOUSAND-SEPARATOR is defined. Default to 3"))
   (:default-initargs :thousand-separator nil
     :grouping-size 3
     :always-show-signum nil)
   (:documentation "A translator object encodes and decodes integer values passed to a html input component"))
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent cinput))
-  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
-	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
-	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
-	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
-	 (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
-	 (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator)
-			       "@"
-			       ""))
-	 (control-string (if thousand-separator			   
-			     (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD" grouping-size signum-directive)
-			     (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive)))
-	 (value (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)))    
-    (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	value
-	(progn 
-	  (setf value (cond
-			((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
-			(t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
-	  (if thousand-separator
-	      (string-trim " " (format nil control-string thousand-separator value))
-	      (format nil control-string value))))))
+(defmethod translator-value-encode ((translator translator-integer) value)
+  (let* ((grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
+         (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
+         (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator)
+                               "@"
+                               ""))
+         (control-string (if thousand-separator                    
+                             (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD" grouping-size signum-directive)
+                             (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive))))     
+    (if thousand-separator
+        (string-trim " " (format nil control-string thousand-separator value))
+        (format nil control-string value))))
-(defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-value-decode ((translator translator-integer) value &optional client-id label)
   (let ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)
-	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)
-      (handler-case
-	  (if thousand-separator
-	      (parse-integer (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
-	      (parse-integer value))
-	(error () (progn 
-		    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label wcomponent)))
-		    value))))))
+    (handler-case
+        (if thousand-separator
+            (parse-integer (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
+            (parse-integer value))
+      (error () (progn                   
+                  (when label
+                    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") label)))
+                  value)))))
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Folating point number translator ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@@ -115,79 +119,67 @@
 (defclass translator-number (translator-integer) 
   ((decimals-separator :initarg :decimals-separator
-	 :reader translator-decimals-separator
-	 :documentation "The decimal separator of the rendered number. Default to #\.")
+                       :reader translator-decimals-separator
+                       :documentation "The decimal separator of the rendered number. Default to #\.")
    (decimal-digits :initarg :decimal-digits
-		   :reader translator-decimal-digits
-		   :documentation "force the rendering of the value to a fixed number of decimal digits")   
+                   :reader translator-decimal-digits
+                   :documentation "force the rendering of the value to a fixed number of decimal digits")   
    (coerce :initarg :coerce
-	   :accessor translator-coerce
-	   :documentation "Coerces the decoded input value to the given value type"))
+           :accessor translator-coerce
+           :documentation "Coerces the decoded input value to the given value type"))
   (:default-initargs :decimals-separator #\.
-		     ;:integer-digits nil
-		     :decimal-digits nil		     
-		     :coerce 'ratio)
+                                        ;:integer-digits nil
+    :decimal-digits nil                     
+    :coerce 'ratio)
   (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes integer values passed to a html input component"))
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent cinput))
-  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
-	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
-	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
-	 (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
-	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
-	 (decimal-digits (translator-decimal-digits translator))
-	 (decimals-separator (translator-decimals-separator translator))
-	 (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator) "@" ""))
-	 (integer-control-string (if thousand-separator			   
-				     (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD"  grouping-size signum-directive)
-				     (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive)))	 
-	 (value (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)))    
-    (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	value
-	(multiple-value-bind (int-value dec-value)
-	    (floor (cond
-		     ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
-		     (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
-	  (setf dec-value (coerce dec-value 'float))
-	  (format nil "~a~a" 
-		  (if thousand-separator
-		      (string-trim " " (format nil integer-control-string thousand-separator int-value))
-		      (format nil integer-control-string int-value))		    
-		  (cond 
-		    ((and (= 0.0 (coerce dec-value 'double-float)) decimal-digits)
-		     (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (make-string decimal-digits :initial-element #\0)))
-		    (decimal-digits 
-		     (let ((frac-part (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))
-		       (if (> (length frac-part) decimal-digits)
-			   (setf frac-part (subseq frac-part 0 decimal-digits))
-			   (setf frac-part (concatenate 'string frac-part (make-string (- decimal-digits (length frac-part)) :initial-element #\0))))
-		       (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator frac-part)))
-		    (t (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))))))))
+(defmethod translator-value-encode ((translator translator-number) value)
+  (let* ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
+         (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
+         (decimal-digits (translator-decimal-digits translator))
+         (decimals-separator (translator-decimals-separator translator))
+         (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator) "@" ""))
+         (integer-control-string (if thousand-separator                    
+                                     (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD"  grouping-size signum-directive)
+                                     (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive))))    
+    (multiple-value-bind (int-value dec-value)
+        (floor value)
+      (setf dec-value (coerce dec-value 'float))
+      (format nil "~a~a" 
+              (if thousand-separator
+                  (string-trim " " (format nil integer-control-string thousand-separator int-value))
+                  (format nil integer-control-string int-value))                    
+              (cond 
+                ((and (= 0.0 (coerce dec-value 'double-float)) decimal-digits)
+                 (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (make-string decimal-digits :initial-element #\0)))
+                (decimal-digits 
+                 (let ((frac-part (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))
+                   (if (> (length frac-part) decimal-digits)
+                       (setf frac-part (subseq frac-part 0 decimal-digits))
+                       (setf frac-part (concatenate 'string frac-part (make-string (- decimal-digits (length frac-part)) :initial-element #\0))))
+                   (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator frac-part)))
+                (t (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2))))))))
-(defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-value-decode ((translator translator-number) value &optional client-id label)
   (let ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
-	(type (translator-coerce translator)) 
-	(new-value))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)	
-	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)      
-      (if thousand-separator
-	(setf new-value (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
-	(setf new-value value))
-      (handler-case
-	  (let* ((decomposed-string (all-matches-as-strings "[0-9]+" new-value))
-		 (int-value (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (first decomposed-string) (second decomposed-string))))
-		 (dec-value (expt 10 (length (second decomposed-string))))
-		 (result (/ int-value dec-value)))
-	    (if (integerp result)
-		result
-		(coerce result type)))
-	(error () (progn 
-		    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label wcomponent)))
-		    value))))))
+        (type (translator-coerce translator)) 
+        (new-value))    
+    (if thousand-separator
+        (setf new-value (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
+        (setf new-value value))
+    (handler-case
+        (let* ((decomposed-string (all-matches-as-strings "[0-9]+" new-value))
+               (int-value (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (first decomposed-string) (second decomposed-string))))
+               (dec-value (expt 10 (length (second decomposed-string))))
+               (result (/ int-value dec-value)))
+          (if (integerp result)
+              result
+              (coerce result type)))
+      (error () (progn 
+                  (when label
+                    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") label)))
+                  value)))))
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Dates translator ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@@ -195,8 +187,8 @@
 (defclass translator-date (translator) 
   ((local-time-format :initarg :local-time-format
-		:reader translator-local-time-format
-		:documentation "Sets the format of a date using a list where element are joined together and :DATE :MONTH and :YEAR are
+                      :reader translator-local-time-format
+                      :documentation "Sets the format of a date using a list where element are joined together and :DATE :MONTH and :YEAR are
 expanded into day of the month for :DATE, month number for :MONTH and the year for :YEAR. The Default is the list '(:month \"/\" :date \"/\" :year)"))   
   (:default-initargs :local-time-format '(:month "/" :date "/" :year))
   (:documentation "A translator object encodes and decodes local-date object value passed to a html input component.
@@ -206,76 +198,74 @@
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent cinput))
-  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
-	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
-	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))	 
-	 (local-time-format (translator-local-time-format translator))	 
-	 (value (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)))    
-    (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	value	
-	(progn 
-	  (setf value (cond
-			((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
-			(t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))	  
-	  (if (and value (not (stringp value)))
-	      (local-time-to-string value local-time-format)
-	      value)))))
+(defmethod translator-value-encode ((translator translator-date) value)
+  (let* ((local-time-format (translator-local-time-format translator)))    
+    (if (and value (not (stringp value)))
+        (local-time-to-string value local-time-format)
+        value)))
-(defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent wcomponent))  
+(defmethod translator-value-decode ((translator translator-date) value &optional client-id label)  
   (let ((date-format (translator-local-time-format translator))
-	 (sec 0)
-	 (min 0)
-	 (hour 0)
-	 (day 0)
-	 (month 0)
-	 (year 0)
-	 (old-value))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id new-value)	
-	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)
-      (declare (ignore client-id))            
-      (when (and new-value (string-not-equal new-value ""))
-	(setf old-value new-value)
-	(loop for element in date-format
-	   do (if (stringp element)
-		  (setf new-value (subseq new-value (length element)))
-		  (ccase element
-		    (:second (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-				 (parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			       (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			       (setf sec value)))
-		    (:minute (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-				 (parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			       (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			       (setf min value)))
-		    (:hour (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-			       (parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			     (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			     (setf hour value)))
-		    (:date (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-			       (parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			     (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			     (setf day value)))
-		    (:month (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-				(parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			      (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			      (setf month value)))
-		    (:year (multiple-value-bind (value size) 
-			       (parse-integer new-value :junk-allowed t)
-			     (setf new-value (subseq new-value size))
-			     (setf year value))))))
-	(validate (and (string-equal new-value "")
-		       (>= sec 0)
-		       (>= min 0)
-		       (>= hour 0)			
-		       (and (> month 0) (<= month 12))
-		       (and (> day 0) (<= day (days-in-month month year))))
-		  :component wcomponent		      
-		  :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE" "Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a")
-				   (label wcomponent) 
-				   old-value))
-	(if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)	          
-	    old-value		
-	    (encode-local-time 0 sec min hour day month year))))))
+        (sec 0)
+        (min 0)
+        (hour 0)
+        (day 0)
+        (month 0)
+        (year 0)
+        (old-value))
+    (when (and value (string-not-equal value ""))
+      (setf old-value value)
+      (loop for element in date-format
+         do (if (stringp element)
+                (setf value (subseq value (length element)))
+                (ccase element
+                  (:second (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                               (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                             (setf value (subseq value size))
+                             (setf sec curr-value)))
+                  (:minute (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                               (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                             (setf value (subseq value size))
+                             (setf min curr-value)))
+                  (:hour (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                             (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                           (setf value (subseq value size))
+                           (setf hour curr-value)))
+                  (:date (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                             (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                           (setf value (subseq value size))
+                           (setf day curr-value)))
+                  (:month (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                              (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                            (setf value (subseq value size))
+                            (setf month curr-value)))
+                  (:year (multiple-value-bind (curr-value size) 
+                             (parse-integer value :junk-allowed t)
+                           (setf value (subseq value size))
+                           (setf year curr-value))))))
+      (if (and (string-equal value "")
+               (>= sec 0)
+               (>= min 0)
+               (>= hour 0)                    
+               (and (> month 0) (<= month 12))
+               (and (> day 0) (<= day (days-in-month month year))))
+          (encode-local-time 0 sec min hour day month year)
+          (progn 
+            (when label
+              (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE" "Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a") label old-value)))
+            value)))))
+(defclass translator-boolean (translator) 
+  ()
+  (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes boolean values passed to a html input component"))
+(defmethod translator-value-encode ((translator translator-boolean) value)
+  (format nil "~a" value))
+(defmethod translator-value-decode ((translator translator-boolean) value &optional client-id label)
+  (if (string-equal value "NIL")
+      nil
+      t))
+(defvar *boolean-translator* (make-instance 'translator-boolean))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
 (defun add-exception (id reason) 
   "Adds an exception for the given input component identified by its ID with the message expressed by REASON"
   (let* ((validation-errors (validation-errors))
-         (symbol-id (make-symbol id))
+         (symbol-id (intern id))
          (errors (getf validation-errors symbol-id)))
     (setf (getf validation-errors symbol-id) (nconc errors (list reason))
           (validation-errors *request*) validation-errors)))
 (defun component-exceptions (id)
   "Returns a list of exception connectd to the given component"
-  (let ((symbol-id (make-symbol id)))
+  (let ((symbol-id (intern id)))
     (getf (validation-errors) symbol-id)))
 (defun validate (test &key component message)
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@
         (add-validation-compliance client-id)
         (add-exception client-id message))))
-(defun validate-required (component value)
+(defun validate-required (component value &key message)
   "Checks if the required input field VALUE is present.  If not, a localizable message \"Field ~a may not be empty.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-REQUIRED\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
   (when (stringp value)
     (validate (and value (string-not-equal value "")) 
               :component component            
-              :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-REQUIRED" "Field ~a may not be empty.") (label component)))))
+              :message (or message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-REQUIRED" "Field ~a may not be empty.") (label component))))))
-(defun validate-size (component value &key min-size max-size)
+(defun validate-size (component value &key min-size max-size message-low message-hi)
   "Checks if the input field VALUE legth is less then or greater then rispectively of the form keywords :MIN-SIZE and :MAX-SIZE.  
 If less then :MIN-SIZE, a localizable message \"Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-SIZE-MIN\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MIN-ZIZE value.
@@ -92,17 +92,17 @@
            (when min-size 
              (validate (>= value-len min-size)
                        :component component                    
-                       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MIN" "Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars." )
-                                        (label component) 
-                                        min-size)))
+                       :message (or message-low (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MIN" "Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars." )
+                                                    (label component) 
+                                                    min-size))))
            (when max-size 
              (validate (<= value-len max-size)
                        :component component                    
-                       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MAX" "Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars." )
+                       :message (or message-hi (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MAX" "Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars." )
                                         (label component) 
-                                        max-size)))))))
+                                        max-size))))))))
-(defun validate-range (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-range (component value &key min max message-low message-hi)
   "Checks if the numeric input field VALUE is less then or greater then rispectively of the form keywords :MIN and :MAX.  
 If less then :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-RANGE-MIN\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MIN value.
@@ -112,21 +112,21 @@
     (and (when min
            (validate (>= value min)
                      :component component                
-                     :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d")
-                                      (label component) 
-                                      (if (typep min 'ratio)
-                                          (coerce min 'float)
-                                          min))))
+                     :message (or message-low (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d")
+                                                      (label component) 
+                                                      (if (typep min 'ratio)
+                                                          (coerce min 'float)
+                                                          min)))))
          (when max
            (validate (<= value max)
                      :component component                
-                     :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d")
-                                      (label component) 
-                                      (if (typep max 'ratio)
-                                          (coerce max 'float)
-                                          max)))))))
+                     :message (or message-hi (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d")
+                                                     (label component) 
+                                                     (if (typep max 'ratio)
+                                                         (coerce max 'float)
+                                                         max))))))))
-(defun validate-number (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-number (component value &key min max message-nan message-low message-hi)
   "Checks if the input field VALUE is a valid number and then passes the validation to VALIDATION-RANGE.
 If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid number.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-NUMBER\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
     (let ((test (numberp value)))
       (and (validate test
                      :component component                    
-                     :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label component)))
-           (validate-range component value :min min :max max)))))
+                     :message (or message-nan (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label component))))
+           (validate-range component value :min min :max max :message-low  message-low :message-hi message-hi)))))
-(defun validate-integer (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-integer (component value &key min max message-nan message-low message-hi)
   "Checks if the input field VALUE is a valid number and then passes the validation to VALIDATION-RANGE.
 If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid integer.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-INTEGER\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
     (let ((test (integerp value)))
       (and (validate test
                      :component component                    
-                     :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label component)))
-           (validate-range component value :min min :max max)))))
+                     :message (or message-nan (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label component))))
+           (validate-range component value :min min :max max :message-low  message-low :message-hi message-hi)))))
-(defun validate-date-range (component value &key min max (use-date-p t) use-time-p)  
+(defun validate-date-range (component value &key min max (use-date-p t) use-time-p message-low message-hi)  
   "Checks if the input field VALUE is a date between min and max.
 If :USE-DATE-P is not nil and :USE-TIME-P is nil, validation is made without considering the time part of local-time.
 If :USE-DATE-P nil and :USE-TIME-P is not nil, validation is made without considering the date part of local-time.
@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@
       (and (when min
              (validate (local-time> new-value min)
                        :component component                 
-                       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is less then ~a.") 
-                                        (label component) 
-                                        (local-time-to-string min local-time-format))))
+                       :message (or message-low (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is less then ~a.") 
+                                                        (label component) 
+                                                        (local-time-to-string min local-time-format)))))
            (when max
              (validate (local-time< new-value max)
                        :component component                 
-                       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is greater then ~a.") 
-                                        (label component) 
-                                        (local-time-to-string max local-time-format))))))))
+                       :message (or message-hi (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is greater then ~a.") 
+                                                       (label component) 
+                                                       (local-time-to-string max local-time-format)))))))))
@@ -213,16 +213,16 @@
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((exception-monitor exception-monitor))
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id exception-monitor))
         (validation-errors (validation-errors))
-        (body (htcomponent-body exception-monitor)))
+        (body (htcomponent-body exception-monitor)))       
     (div> :static-id client-id
           (wcomponent-informal-parameters exception-monitor)          
           (when validation-errors
             (if body
-                (ul>
-                 (loop for component-exceptions in (rest validation-errors) by #'cddr
-                    do (loop for message in component-exceptions
-                          collect (li> message)))))))))
+                (ul> :id "errors"
+                 (loop for (client-id component-exceptions) on validation-errors by #'cddr                    
+                      collect (loop for message in component-exceptions
+                                 collect (li> message)))))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Fri May 30 06:03:00 2008
@@ -46,10 +46,15 @@
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "en" "NAME" "Name")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "en" "SURNAME" "Surname")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "en" "WELCOME" "Welcome")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "en" "AGREE" "Agree")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "en" "SURE" "Are you sure?")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "YES" "sì")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "NAME" "Nome")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "SURNAME" "Cognome")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "WELCOME" "Benvenuto")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "SURE" "Sei sicuro?")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "SURE-ERROR-MESSAGE" "Devi essere sicuro")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "VALIDATE-REQUIRED" "Il campo ~a non può essere vuoto!")
@@ -120,7 +125,7 @@
      (title o))
     (style> :type "text/css"
-            "input.error {
+            "input.error, div.error {
   background-color: #FF9999;
@@ -331,9 +336,13 @@
            :accessor user-gender)
    (age :initarg :age
         :accessor user-age)
+   (agree :initarg :agree
+          :accessor user-agree)
+   (sure :initarg :sure
+         :accessor user-sure)
    (capital :initarg :capital
             :accessor user-capital))  
-  (:default-initargs :name "" :surname "" :gender "" :age "" :capital 0.0))
+  (:default-initargs :name "" :surname "" :gender "" :age "" :capital 0.0 :sure "" :agree ""))
 (defgeneric form-page-update-user (form-page))
@@ -351,11 +360,14 @@
          :accessor form-page-user)
    (age :initarg :age
         :accessor form-page-age)
+   (agree :initarg :agree
+          :accessor form-page-agree)
+   (sure :initarg :sure
+         :accessor form-page-sure)
    (capital :initarg :capital
             :accessor form-page-capital)
    (birthday :initarg :birthday
-             :accessor form-page-birthday))  
+             :accessor form-page-birthday))    
   (:default-initargs :name "kiuma"
     :surname "surnk"
     :colors nil
@@ -364,6 +376,8 @@
     :capital 500055/100
     :birthday (now)
     :message-dispatcher *lisplet-messages*
+    :agree t
+    :sure "yes"
     :user (make-instance 'user)))
 (defmethod form-page-update-user ((form-page form-page))
@@ -371,113 +385,149 @@
         (name (form-page-name form-page))
         (surname (form-page-surname form-page))
         (gender (form-page-gender form-page))
-        (age (form-page-age form-page)))
+        (age (form-page-age form-page))
+        (agree (form-page-agree form-page))
+        (sure (form-page-sure form-page)))
     (setf (user-name user) name
           (user-surname user) surname
           (user-gender user) gender
-          (user-age user) age)))
+          (user-age user) age
+          (user-agree user) agree
+          (user-sure user) sure)))
-                                        ;(defmethod message-dispatch ((object form-page) key locale)
+(defun validate-agree (component value)
+  (declare (ignore value))
+  (validate nil
+            :component component            
+            :message (do-message "SURE-ERROR-MESSAGE" "You must be sure")))
-(defmethod page-content ((o form-page))
-  (site-template> :title "a page title" 
-                  (cform> :id "testform" :method "post" :action #'form-page-update-user
-                          (table>
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Name")
-                            (td>
-                             (cinput> :id "name"
-                                      :type "text"
-                                      :label "Name"
-                                      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-                                                     (validate-required (page-current-component o) value))
-                                      :accessor 'form-page-name)"*"))
-                           (tr> :id "messaged"
-                                (td> (with-message "SURNAME" "SURNAME"))
-                                (td>
-                                 (cinput> :id "surname"
-                                          :type "text"
-                                          :label "Surname"
-                                          :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-                                                         (validate-required (page-current-component o) value)
-                                                         (validate-size (page-current-component o) value :min-size 1 :max-size 20))
-                                          :accessor 'form-page-surname)"*"))
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Gender")
-                            (td>
-                             (cselect> :id "gender"                                  
-                                       :accessor 'form-page-gender
-                                       (loop for gender in (list "M" "F")
-                                          collect (option> :value gender
-                                                           (when (string= gender (form-page-gender o))
-                                                             '(:selected "selected"))
-                                                           (if (string= gender "M")
-                                                               "Male"
-                                                               "Female"))))))
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Age")
-                            (td>
-                             (cinput> :id "age"
-                                      :type "text"
-                                      :label "Age"
-                                      :translator (make-instance 'translator-integer :thousand-separator #\')
-                                      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-                                                     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-                                                       (validate-required component value)
-                                                       (validate-integer component value :min 1 :max 2000)))
-                                      :accessor 'form-page-age)"*"))
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Birthday")
-                            (td>
-                             (cinput> :id "bday"
-                                      :type "text"
-                                      :label "Birthday"
-                                      :translator (make-instance 'translator-date :local-time-format '(:date "-" :month "-" :year))
-                                      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-                                                     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-                                                       (validate-date-range component value :min (local-time:encode-local-time 0 0 0 0 31 12 1900))))
-                                      :accessor 'form-page-birthday)"(dd-mm-yyyy)"))
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Capital")
-                            (td>
-                             (cinput> :id "capital"
-                                      :type "text"
-                                      :label "Capital"
-                                      :translator (make-instance 'translator-number 
-                                                                 :decimal-digits 2
-                                                                 :thousand-separator #\')
-                                      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-                                                     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-                                                       (validate-required component value)
-                                                       (validate-number component value :min 1000.01 :max 500099/100)))
-                                      :accessor 'form-page-capital)"*"))
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> "Colors")
-                            (td>
-                             (cselect> :id "colors"                             
-                                       :multiple "true"
-                                       :style "width:80px;height:120px;"
-                                       :accessor 'form-page-colors
-                                       (loop for color in (list "R" "G" "B")
-                                          collect (option> :value color
-                                                           (when (find color (form-page-colors o) :test #'string=)
-                                                             '(:selected "selected"))
-                                                           (cond 
-                                                             ((string= color "R") "red")
-                                                             ((string= color "G") "green")
-                                                             (t "blue")))))))          
-                           (tr>
-                            (td> :colspan "2"
-                                 (csubmit> :id "submit" :value "OK")))))
-                  (p>              
-                   (exception-monitor>)
-                   (hr>)
-                   (h2> "From result:")
-                   (div> (format nil "Name: ~a" (user-name (form-page-user o))))
-                   (div> (format nil "Surname: ~a" (user-surname (form-page-user o))))
-                   (div> (format nil "Gender: ~a" (user-gender (form-page-user o))))
-                   (div> (format nil "Age: ~a" (user-age (form-page-user o)))))))
+(defmethod page-content ((o form-page))  
+  (let ((user (form-page-user o)))
+    (site-template> :title "a page title" 
+                    (cform> :id "testform" :method "post" :action #'form-page-update-user
+                            (table>
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Name")
+                              (td>
+                               (cinput> :id "name"
+                                        :type "text"
+                                        :label "Name"
+                                        :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                       (validate-required (page-current-component o) value))
+                                        :accessor 'form-page-name)"*"))
+                             (tr> :id "messaged"
+                                  (td> (with-message "SURNAME" "SURNAME"))
+                                  (td>
+                                   (cinput> :id "surname"
+                                            :type "text"
+                                            :label "Surname"
+                                            :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                           (validate-required (page-current-component o) value)
+                                                           (validate-size (page-current-component o) value :min-size 1 :max-size 20))
+                                            :accessor 'form-page-surname)"*"))
+                             (tr> :id "agree"
+                                  (td> (with-message "AGREE" "AGREE"))
+                                  (td>
+                                   (ccheckbox> :id "agree"
+                                               :label (with-message "AGREE" "AGREE")
+                                               :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                              (validate-required (page-current-component o) value))
+                                               :accessor 'form-page-agree
+                                               :value t)"*"))
+                             (tr> :id "sure"
+                                  (td> (with-message "SURE" "SURE"))
+                                  (td>
+                                   (cradio> :id "sure"                                        
+                                            :label (with-message "SURE" "SURE")
+                                            :accessor 'form-page-sure
+                                            :value "yes") 
+                                   (span> :style "margin-right:1.5em;" (with-message "YES" "yes"))
+                                   (cradio> :id "sure"                                        
+                                            :label (with-message "SURE" "SURE")
+                                            :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                           (validate-agree (page-current-component o) value))
+                                            :accessor 'form-page-sure
+                                            :value "no") 
+                                   (span> :style "margin-right:1.5em;" (with-message "NO" "no"))))
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Gender")
+                              (td>
+                               (cselect> :id "gender"                                  
+                                         :accessor 'form-page-gender
+                                         (loop for gender in (list "M" "F")
+                                            collect (option> :value gender
+                                                             (when (string= gender (form-page-gender o))
+                                                               '(:selected "selected"))
+                                                             (if (string= gender "M")
+                                                                 "Male"
+                                                                 "Female"))))))
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Age")
+                              (td>
+                               (cinput> :id "age"
+                                        :type "text"
+                                        :label "Age"
+                                        :translator (make-instance 'translator-integer :thousand-separator #\')
+                                        :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                       (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
+                                                         (validate-required component value)
+                                                         (validate-integer component value :min 1 :max 2000)))
+                                        :accessor 'form-page-age)"*"))
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Birthday")
+                              (td>
+                               (cinput> :id "bday"
+                                        :type "text"
+                                        :label "Birthday"
+                                        :translator (make-instance 'translator-date :local-time-format '(:date "-" :month "-" :year))
+                                        :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                       (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
+                                                         (validate-date-range component value :min (local-time:encode-local-time 0 0 0 0 31 12 1900))))
+                                        :accessor 'form-page-birthday)"(dd-mm-yyyy)"))
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Capital")
+                              (td>
+                               (cinput> :id "capital"
+                                        :type "text"
+                                        :label "Capital"
+                                        :translator (make-instance 'translator-number 
+                                                                   :decimal-digits 2
+                                                                   :thousand-separator #\')
+                                        :validator #'(lambda (value) 
+                                                       (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
+                                                         (validate-required component value)
+                                                         (validate-number component value :min 1000.01 :max 500099/100)))
+                                        :accessor 'form-page-capital)"*"))
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> "Colors")
+                              (td>
+                               (cselect> :id "colors"                             
+                                         :multiple "true"
+                                         :style "width:80px;height:120px;"
+                                         :accessor 'form-page-colors
+                                         (loop for color in (list "R" "G" "B")
+                                            collect (option> :value color
+                                                             (when (find color (form-page-colors o) :test #'string=)
+                                                               '(:selected "selected"))
+                                                             (cond 
+                                                               ((string= color "R") "red")
+                                                               ((string= color "G") "green")
+                                                               (t "blue")))))))          
+                             (tr>
+                              (td> :colspan "2"
+                                   (csubmit> :id "submit" :value "OK")))))
+                    (p>              
+                     (exception-monitor> :class "error")
+                     (hr>)
+                     (h2> "From result:")
+                     (div> (format nil "Name: ~a" (user-name user)))
+                     (div> (format nil "Surname: ~a" (user-surname user)))
+                     (div> (format nil "Gender: ~a" (user-gender user)))
+                     (div> (format nil "Age: ~a" (user-age user)))
+                     (div> (format nil "Agree: ~a" (user-agree user)))
+                     (div> (format nil "Sure: ~a" (user-sure user)))))))
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'form-page "form.html")

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