[claw-cvs] r44 - in trunk/main/claw-core: . src tests

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Tue May 6 13:39:12 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
New Revision: 44

refactoring finished

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd
--- trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   :name "claw"
   :author "Andrea Chiumenti"
   :description "Common Lisp Active Web.A famework to write web applications"
-  :depends-on (:closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
+  :depends-on (:closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time :split-sequence)
   :components ((:module src 
 			:components ((:file "packages")
 				     (:file "misc" :depends-on ("packages"))
@@ -42,5 +42,5 @@
 				     (:file "components" :depends-on ("tags"))
 				     (:file "validators" :depends-on ("components"))
 				     (:file "translators" :depends-on ("validators"))
-				     (:file "lisplet" :depends-on ("components"))				     
-				     (:file "server" :depends-on ("lisplet"))))))
+				     (:file "server" :depends-on ("components"))				     
+				     (:file "lisplet" :depends-on ("server"))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -209,43 +209,33 @@
 	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((cinput base-cinput) (page page))
-  (let ((visit-object (cinput-visit-object cinput))
+  (let ((visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object cinput) page))
 	(accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
 	(writer (cinput-writer cinput))
-	(validator (validator cinput))		
-	(translator (translator cinput))
-	(value ""))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id request-value)
-	(component-id-and-value cinput)
-      (declare (ignore client-id))
-      (setf value
-	    (handler-case 
-		(translator-decode translator cinput)
-	      (error () request-value)))
-      (unless (null value)
+	(validator (validator cinput))
+	(value (translator-decode (translator cinput) cinput)))
+      (unless (or (null value) (component-validation-errors cinput))
 	(when validator
 	  (funcall validator value))
 	(unless (component-validation-errors cinput)
-		  (when (null visit-object)
-		    (setf visit-object page))
-		  (if (and (null writer) accessor)
-		      (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) value visit-object)
-		      (funcall (fdefinition writer) value visit-object)))))))
+	  (if (and (null writer) accessor)
+	      (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) value visit-object)
+	      (funcall (fdefinition writer) value visit-object))))))
 (defmethod component-id-and-value ((cinput base-cinput) &key (from-request-p t))  
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
-	(page (htcomponent-page cinput))
-	(visit-object (cinput-visit-object cinput))
+	(visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object cinput) (htcomponent-page cinput)))
 	(accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
 	(reader (cinput-reader cinput))
 	(result-as-list-p (cinput-result-as-list-p cinput))
 	(value ""))
-    (when (null visit-object)
-      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page cinput)))
-    (cond 
-      (from-request-p (setf value (page-req-parameter page client-id result-as-list-p)))
-      ((and (null reader) accessor) (setf value (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object)))
-      (t (setf value (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
+    (setf value
+	  (cond 
+	    (from-request-p (page-req-parameter (htcomponent-page cinput) 
+						client-id 
+						result-as-list-p))
+	    ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
+	    (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
     (values client-id value))) 

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -29,6 +29,16 @@
 (in-package :claw)
+(defgeneric clawserver-register-lisplet (clawserver lisplet)
+  (:documentation "This method registers a lisplet for request dispatching
+- LISPLET the LISPLET instance"))
+(defgeneric clawserver-unregister-lisplet (clawserver lisplet)
+  (:documentation "This method unregisters a lisplet from request dispatching
+- LISPLET the LISPLET instance"))
 (defgeneric lisplet-register-function-location (lisplet function location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)
   (:documentation "Registers a function into a lisplet for dispatching.
@@ -83,10 +93,15 @@
 - LISPLET the lisplet object."))
+(defgeneric build-lisplet-location (lisplet)
+  (:documentation "Constructs a full path prepending the lisplet base path to the given location"))
 (setf *http-error-handler* 
       ;;overrides the default hunchentoot error handling
       #'(lambda (error-code)
-	  (let* ((error-handlers (lisplet-error-handlers (current-lisplet)))
+	  (let* ((error-handlers (if (current-lisplet)
+				     (lisplet-error-handlers (current-lisplet))
+				     (make-hash-table)))
 		 (handler (gethash error-code error-handlers)))
 	    (if handler
 		(funcall handler)
@@ -127,16 +142,27 @@
   (:documentation "A lisplet is a container for resources provided trhough the clawserver.
 It is similar, for purposes, to a JAVA servlet"))
-(defun build-lisplet-location (lisplet location)
+(defmethod clawserver-register-lisplet ((clawserver clawserver) (lisplet lisplet))
+  (let ((dispatchers (clawserver-dispatchers clawserver))
+	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))    
+    (setf (clawserver-dispatchers clawserver) (sort-by-location (pushnew-location
+						       (cons location
+							     #'(lambda ()
+							       (progn 
+								 (setf (current-realm *request*) (lisplet-realm lisplet)
+								       (current-lisplet) lisplet)
+								 (lisplet-dispatch-method lisplet))))
+						       dispatchers)))))
+(defmethod clawserver-unregister-lisplet ((clawserver clawserver) (lisplet lisplet))
+  (let ((dispatchers (clawserver-dispatchers clawserver))
+	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
+    (remove-by-location location dispatchers))) 
+(defmethod build-lisplet-location ((lisplet lisplet))
   "Constructs a full path prepending the lisplet base path to the given location"
-  (let ((server-base-path *clawserver-base-path*)
-	(base-path (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
-    (if location
-	(setf location (format nil "~a/~a" base-path location))
-	(setf location base-path))
-    (unless (null server-base-path)
-      (setf location (format nil "~a~a" server-base-path location)))
-    location))
+  (format nil "~a~a"  (clawserver-base-path (current-server)) (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
 (defmethod lisplet-authentication-type ((lisplet lisplet))
   (if (lisplet-login-page lisplet)
@@ -144,74 +170,64 @@
 (defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((lisplet lisplet) function location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))
     (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
-	  (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
-			     (cons new-location
-				   (create-prefix-dispatcher new-location
-							     function
-							     (lisplet-realm lisplet)))
-			     pages)))
+	  (sort-by-location (pushnew-location (cons location function) pages)))
     (when welcome-page-p
-      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet) new-location))
+      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet) location))
     (when login-page-p
-      (setf (lisplet-login-page lisplet) new-location))))
+      (setf (lisplet-login-page lisplet) location))))
 (defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((lisplet lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
-  (let ((new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
-    (lisplet-register-function-location lisplet 
-					#'(lambda () 										
-					    (with-output-to-string 
-						(*standard-output*)
-					      (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet lisplet :url new-location))))
-					location 
-					:welcome-page-p welcome-page-p
-					:login-page-p login-page-p)))
+  (lisplet-register-function-location lisplet 
+				      #'(lambda () (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+						     (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet lisplet :url location))))
+				      location 
+				      :welcome-page-p welcome-page-p
+				      :login-page-p login-page-p))
 (defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((lisplet lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type)
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))
     (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
-	 (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
-			    (cons new-location 
-				  (if (directory-pathname-p resource-path)
-				      (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler new-location resource-path)
-				      (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler new-location resource-path content-type)))
+	 (sort-by-location (pushnew-location
+			    (cons location 
+				  (if (directory-pathname-p resource-path)				      
+				      #'(lambda ()
+					(let ((resource-full-path (merge-pathnames 
+								  (uri-to-pathname (subseq (script-name)
+											 (+ (length (clawserver-base-path (current-server)))
+											    (length (lisplet-base-path (lisplet-base-path lisplet))))))
+								   resource-path)))
+					  (handle-static-file resource-full-path content-type)))						
+				      #'(lambda () (handle-static-file resource-path content-type))))
 (defmethod lisplet-dispatch-request ((lisplet lisplet))
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))    
-    (loop for dispatcher in pages
-	 for action = (funcall (cdr dispatcher) *request*)
-	 when action return (funcall action))))
+  (let ((dispatchers (lisplet-pages lisplet))
+	(rel-script-name (subseq (script-name) (length (build-lisplet-location lisplet)))))
+    (loop for dispatcher in dispatchers
+	 for url = (car dispatcher)
+	 for action = (cdr dispatcher)
+	 do (cond 
+	      ((and (string< url rel-script-name)
+		      (null (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url))) (return nil))
+	      ((starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) (return (funcall action)))))))
 (defmethod lisplet-dispatch-method ((lisplet lisplet))
-  (let ((result nil)
-	(base-path (build-lisplet-location lisplet nil))
-	(uri (request-uri))
+  (let ((base-path (build-lisplet-location lisplet))
+	(uri (script-name))
 	(welcome-page (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet)))
-    (progn 
-      (setf (current-lisplet) lisplet)
-      (setf (current-realm) (lisplet-realm lisplet))
-      (lisplet-check-authorization lisplet)
-      (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+)	
-	(if (and welcome-page (string= uri base-path))
-	    (progn
-	      (redirect (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet))
-	      t)	  
-	    (progn	    		
-	      (setf result (lisplet-dispatch-request lisplet)) 
-	      (when (null result)		    
-		(setf (return-code) +http-not-found+))
-	      result))))))
+    (lisplet-check-authorization lisplet)
+    (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+)	
+      (if (and welcome-page (string= uri base-path))	    
+	  (page-render (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet))	      
+	  (lisplet-dispatch-request lisplet)))))
 (defmethod lisplet-protect ((lisplet lisplet) location roles)
-  (let ((protected-resources (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+  (let ((protected-resources (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet)))
     (setf (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet)
-	 (sort-protected-resources (push-location-cons
-				    (cons new-location roles)
+	 (sort-protected-resources (pushnew-location
+				    (cons location roles)
 (defun redirect-to-https (server request)
@@ -231,7 +247,8 @@
        (throw 'handler-done nil)))))
 (defmethod lisplet-check-authorization ((lisplet lisplet) &optional (request *request*))
-  (let ((uri (request-uri request))
+  (let ((uri (script-name request))
+	(base-path (build-lisplet-location lisplet))
 	(protected-resources (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet))
 	(princp (current-principal))
 	(login-config (current-config))
@@ -247,9 +264,9 @@
 		 (cl-ppcre:all-matches login-page uri))
 	(redirect-to-https server request))
       (loop for protected-resource in protected-resources
-	 for match = (format nil "^~a" (car protected-resource))
+	 for match = (format nil "~a~a" base-path (car protected-resource))
 	 for allowed-roles = (cdr protected-resource)
-	 do (when (cl-ppcre:all-matches match uri)
+	 do (when (starts-with-subseq match uri)
 	      (when (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p lisplet)
 		(redirect-to-https server request))
 	      (if (null princp)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-(defvar *clawserver-base-path* nil
-  "This global variable is used to keep all lisplets \(claw web applications) under a common URL")
 (defvar *apache-http-port* 80 
   "Default apache http port when claw is running in mod_lisp mode")
 (defvar *apache-https-port* 443
   "Default apache https port when claw is running in mod_lisp mode")    
+(defvar *claw-libraries-resources* ()
+  "Global variable to hold exposed web resources")
 (defun strings-to-jsarray (strings)
   "Transforms a list of strings into a javascript array."
   (let ((st-size (length strings))
@@ -51,11 +51,10 @@
 							 items (prin1-to-string str))))
-(defun sort-dispatchers (dispatchers)
-  "Sorts a list of dispatcher. A dispatcher is a cons where the car is the url 
-where the dispatcher method(the cdr) will be called."
-  (sort dispatchers #'(lambda (item1 item2)
-			(string-not-lessp (car item1) (car item2)))))
+(defun sort-by-location (location-list)
+  "Sorts a list of location items by their first element (the location itself)."
+  (sort location-list #'(lambda (item1 item2)
+			(string-not-lessp (first item1) (first item2)))))
 (defun sort-protected-resources (protected-resources)
   "Sorts a list of protected resources. A protected resource is a cons where the car is the url 
@@ -63,20 +62,20 @@
   (sort protected-resources #'(lambda (item1 item2)
 			(string-lessp (car item1) (car item2)))))
-(defun remove-by-location (location cons-list)
-  "Removes a cons checking its car 
-against the location parameter"
-  (delete-if #'(lambda (item) (string= (car item) location)) cons-list))
-(defun push-location-cons (location-cons cons-list)
-  "Isert a new cons into a list of cons, or replace the one that has the same location
-registered (its car)."
-  (let ((result (remove-by-location (car location-cons) cons-list)))
-    (setf result (push location-cons result))))
+(defun remove-by-location (location location-list)
+  "Removes an item from LOCATION-LIST checking its first element 
+against the LOCATION parameter"
+  (delete-if #'(lambda (item) (string= (first item) location)) location-list))
+(defun pushnew-location (location-items location-list)
+  "Isert a new location info items into a list, or replace the one that has the same location
+registered (its first element)."
+  (let ((result (remove-by-location (first location-items) location-list)))
+    (setf result (push location-items result))))
-(defun start-session ()
+(defun claw-start-session ()
   "Starts a session bound to the current lisplet base path"
-  (start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (current-lisplet)))))
+  (start-session (format nil "~a/" (build-lisplet-location (current-lisplet)))))
 (defun current-page (&optional (request *request*))
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
 (defun (setf current-principal) (principal &optional (session *session*))
   "Setf the principal(user) that logged into the application"
   (unless session
-    (setf session (start-session)))
+    (setf session (claw-start-session)))
   (setf (session-value 'principal session) principal))
 (defun user-in-role-p (roles &optional (session *session*))
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@
   "This function forces the locale for the current user, binding it to the user session,
 that is created if no session exists."
   (unless session
-    (setf session (start-session)))
+    (setf session (claw-start-session)))
   (setf (session-value 'locale session) locale))
 (defun validation-errors (&optional (request *request*)) 
@@ -272,4 +271,33 @@
 	    (if reserved-parameters
 		(format nil "~{:~a ~}" (eval reserved-parameters))
-		"NONE"))))	    
\ No newline at end of file
+		"NONE"))))	    
+(defun register-library-resource (location resource-path &optional content-type)
+  "Adds a RESOURCE \(a file or directory) as a library exposed resource to the given relative LOCATION."
+  (setf *claw-libraries-resources*
+	(sort-by-location (pushnew-location
+			   (cons location 
+				 (if (directory-pathname-p resource-path)				      
+				     #'(lambda ()
+					 (let ((resource-full-path (merge-pathnames 
+								    (uri-to-pathname (subseq (script-name)
+											     (+ (length (clawserver-base-path (current-server)))
+												(length location))))
+								    resource-path)))
+					  (handle-static-file resource-full-path content-type)))						
+				      #'(lambda () (handle-static-file resource-path content-type))))
+			   *claw-libraries-resources*))))
+(defun uri-to-pathname (uri)
+  "Convert an URI to a pathname"
+  (let* ((splitted-uri (split-sequence #\/ uri))
+	 (directory-list (butlast splitted-uri))	 
+	 (file (first (last splitted-uri)))
+	 (pos (position #\. file :from-end t))
+	 (file-name-and-type (if (and pos (> pos 0) (string-not-equal (subseq file (1+ pos)) ""))
+				 (list (subseq file 0 pos)(subseq file (1+ pos)))
+				 (list file))))
+    (make-pathname :directory directory-list
+		   :name (first file-name-and-type)
+		   :type (second file-name-and-type))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 (defpackage :claw
-  (:use :cl :closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
-  (:shadow :flatten :start-session)
+  (:use :cl :closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time :split-sequence)
+  (:shadow :flatten)
   (:documentation "A comprehensive web application framework and server for the Common Lisp programming language")
   (:export :*html-4.01-strict*
@@ -206,9 +206,11 @@
-	   :start-session
+	   :lisplet-authentication-type
+	   :claw-start-session
 	   ;; clawserver
-	   :clawserver	   
+	   :clawserver		   
+	   :clawserver-base-path
@@ -249,6 +251,7 @@
+	   :register-library-resource
@@ -268,11 +271,11 @@
-	   :validator-required
-	   :validator-size
-	   :validator-range
-	   :validator-number
-	   :validator-integer
-	   :validator-date-range
+	   :validate-required
+	   :validate-size
+	   :validate-range
+	   :validate-number
+	   :validate-integer
+	   :validate-date-range
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
+;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
 ;;; $Header: src/server.lisp $
 ;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Andrea Chiumenti.  All rights reserved.
@@ -29,18 +29,8 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-(defgeneric clawserver-register-lisplet (clawserver lisplet)
-  (:documentation "This method registers a lisplet for request dispatching
-- LISPLET the LISPLET instance"))
-(defgeneric clawserver-unregister-lisplet (clawserver lisplet)
-  (:documentation "This method unregisters a lisplet from request dispatching
-- LISPLET the LISPLET instance"))
 (defgeneric clawserver-dispatch-request (clawserver)
-  (:documentation "Dispatches http requests through registered lisplets"))
+  (:documentation "Dispatches http requests through registered dispatchers"))
 (defgeneric clawserver-dispatch-method (clawserver)
   (:documentation "Uses CLAWSERVER-DISPATCH-REQUEST to perform dispatching"))
@@ -193,7 +183,10 @@
 			(format nil "The requested resource (~a) is not available." (request-uri *request*))))     
 (defclass clawserver ()
-  ((port :initarg :port
+  ((base-path :initarg :base-path
+	      :accessor clawserver-base-path
+	      :documentation "This slot is used to keep all server resources under a common URL")
+   (port :initarg :port
 	 :reader clawserver-port
 	 :documentation "Returns the claw server http port")
    (sslport :initarg :sslport
@@ -252,10 +245,12 @@
    (sslserver :initform nil
 	   :accessor clawserver-sslserver
 	   :documentation "The hunchentoot server dispatching https requests.")
-   (lisplets :initform nil
-	     :accessor clawserver-lisplets
+   (dispatchers :initform nil
+	     :accessor clawserver-dispatchers
 	     :documentation "A collection of cons where the car is an url location where a lisplet is registered and the cdr is a dispatcher for that lisplet"))
-  (:default-initargs :address nil 
+  (:default-initargs :base-path "" 
+    :use-apache-log-p nil
+    :address nil 
     :name (gensym)
     :sslname (gensym)
     :port 80 
@@ -295,31 +290,7 @@
     (when (eq use-apache-log-p :undefined)
       (setf (clawserver-use-apache-log-p clawserver) (getf keys :mod-lisp-p)))
     #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (when (eq ssl-privatekey-file :undefined)
-			    (setf (clawserver-ssl-privatekey-file clawserver) (getf keys :ssl-certificate-file)))))
-(defmethod clawserver-register-lisplet ((clawserver clawserver) (lisplet lisplet))
-  (let ((lisplets (clawserver-lisplets clawserver))
-	(server-base-path *clawserver-base-path*)
-	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
-    (unless (null server-base-path)
-      (setf location (format nil "~@[~a~]~a" server-base-path location)))
-    (setf (clawserver-lisplets clawserver) (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons 
-						       (cons location
-							     (create-prefix-dispatcher 
-							      location
-							      #'(lambda ()										
-								  (lisplet-dispatch-method lisplet))
-							      (lisplet-realm lisplet)))
-						       lisplets)))))
-(defmethod clawserver-unregister-lisplet ((clawserver clawserver) (lisplet lisplet))
-  (let ((lisplets (clawserver-lisplets clawserver))
-	(server-base-path *clawserver-base-path*)
-	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
-    (unless (null server-base-path)
-      (setf location (format nil "~@[~a~]~a" server-base-path location)))
-    (remove-by-location location lisplets))) 
+			    (setf (clawserver-ssl-privatekey-file clawserver) (getf keys :ssl-certificate-file)))))      
 ;;;-------------------------- WRITERS ----------------------------------------
@@ -399,33 +370,49 @@
 			(setf (slot-value clawserver 'ssl-privatekey-password) ssl-privatekey-password))
 ;;;-------------------------- METHODS ----------------------------------------
 (defmethod clawserver-register-configuration ((clawserver clawserver) realm (configuration configuration))
   (setf (gethash realm (clawserver-login-config clawserver)) configuration))
-(defmethod clawserver-dispatch-request ((clawserver clawserver))
-  (let ((lisplets (clawserver-lisplets clawserver)))
-    (loop for dispatcher in lisplets
-	 for action = (funcall (cdr dispatcher) *request*)
-	 when action return (funcall action))))
+(defmethod clawserver-dispatch-request ((clawserver clawserver))
+  (let ((base-path (clawserver-base-path clawserver))
+	(dispatchers (clawserver-dispatchers clawserver))
+	(script-name (script-name))
+	(rel-script-name))
+    (setf (current-server) clawserver)
+    (when (starts-with-subseq script-name base-path)
+      (setf rel-script-name (subseq script-name (length base-path)))
+      (or
+       (loop for dispatcher in *claw-libraries-resources*
+	  for url = (car dispatcher)
+	  for action = (cdr dispatcher)
+	  do (cond 
+	       ((and (string< url rel-script-name)
+		     (null (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url))) (return nil))
+	       ((starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) (return (funcall action)))))
+       (loop for dispatcher in dispatchers
+	  for url = (car dispatcher)
+	  for action = (cdr dispatcher)
+	  do (cond 
+	       ((and (string< url rel-script-name)
+		     (null (starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url))) (return nil))
+	       ((starts-with-subseq rel-script-name url) (return (funcall action)))))))))
 (defmethod clawserver-dispatch-method ((clawserver clawserver))
-  (let ((result nil))
-    (progn 
-      ;(setf (aux-request-value 'clawserver) clawserver)
-      (setf (current-server) clawserver)
-      (setf result (clawserver-dispatch-request clawserver)) 
-      (if (null result)
+  (let ((result (clawserver-dispatch-request clawserver)))    
+    (if (null result)
 	#'(lambda () (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+) 
-			 (setf (return-code *reply*) +http-not-found+)))
-	#'(lambda () result)))))
+		       (setf (return-code *reply*) +http-not-found+)))
+	#'(lambda () result))))
 (defmethod clawserver-start ((clawserver clawserver))
   (let ((port (clawserver-port clawserver))
 	(sslport (clawserver-sslport clawserver))
 	(address (clawserver-address clawserver))
 	(dispatch-table (list #'(lambda (request) 
-						  (declare (ignorable request))
-						  (clawserver-dispatch-method clawserver))))
+				  (declare (ignorable request))
+				  (clawserver-dispatch-method clawserver))))
 	(name (clawserver-name clawserver))
 	(sslname (clawserver-sslname clawserver))
 	(mod-lisp-p (clawserver-mod-lisp-p clawserver))
@@ -476,8 +463,8 @@
 (defun login (&optional (request *request*))
   "Perform user authentication for the reaml where the request has been created"
-  (let* ((server (current-server request));(aux-request-value 'clawserver))
-	 (realm  (current-realm request));(aux-request-value 'realm))
+  (let* ((server (current-server request))
+	 (realm  (current-realm request))
 	 (login-config (gethash realm (clawserver-login-config server))))
     (configuration-login login-config request)))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -997,7 +997,6 @@
 			      :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters"))
   (:default-initargs :informal-parameters nil 
     :reserved-parameters nil
-    :parameters nil
     :allow-informal-parameters t)
   (:documentation "Base class for creationg customized web components. Use this or one of its subclasses to make your own."))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 (defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
 	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
 	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
 	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@
     (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	  (when (null visit-object)
-	    (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page wcomponent)))
 	  (setf value (cond
 			((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
 			(t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
@@ -100,13 +98,16 @@
 	      (format nil control-string value))))))
 (defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent wcomponent))
-  (let* ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id new-value)
+  (let ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)
 	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)
-      (declare (ignore client-id))
-      (if thousand-separator
-	  (parse-integer (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) new-value ""))
-	  (parse-integer new-value)))))
+      (handler-case
+	  (if thousand-separator
+	      (parse-integer (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
+	      (parse-integer value))
+	(error () (progn 
+		    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label wcomponent)))
+		    value))))))
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Folating point number translator ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@@ -131,65 +132,61 @@
 (defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
 	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
 	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
 	 (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
 	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
 	 (decimal-digits (translator-decimal-digits translator))
 	 (decimals-separator (translator-decimals-separator translator))
-	 (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator)
-			       "@"
-			       ""))
+	 (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator) "@" ""))
 	 (integer-control-string (if thousand-separator			   
-			     (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD"  grouping-size signum-directive)
-			     (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive)))
+				     (format nil "~~~d,',v:~aD"  grouping-size signum-directive)
+				     (format nil "~~~ad"  signum-directive)))	 
 	 (value (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)))    
     (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	(progn 
-	  (when (null visit-object)
-	    (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page wcomponent)))
-	  (multiple-value-bind (int-value dec-value)
-	      (floor (cond
-		       ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
-		       (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
-	    (progn 	      
-	      (setf dec-value (coerce dec-value 'float))
-	    (format nil "~a~a" (if thousand-separator
-				 (string-trim " " (format nil integer-control-string thousand-separator int-value))
-				 (format nil integer-control-string int-value))		    
-		    (cond 
-		      ((and (= 0.0 (coerce dec-value 'double-float)) decimal-digits)
-		       (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (make-string decimal-digits :initial-element #\0)))
-		      (decimal-digits 
-		       (let ((frac-part (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))
-			 (if (> (length frac-part) decimal-digits)
-			     (setf frac-part (subseq frac-part 0 decimal-digits))
-			     (setf frac-part (concatenate 'string frac-part (make-string (- decimal-digits (length frac-part)) :initial-element #\0))))
-			 (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator frac-part)))
-		      (t (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))))))))))
+	(multiple-value-bind (int-value dec-value)
+	    (floor (cond
+		     ((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
+		     (t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
+	  (setf dec-value (coerce dec-value 'float))
+	  (format nil "~a~a" 
+		  (if thousand-separator
+		      (string-trim " " (format nil integer-control-string thousand-separator int-value))
+		      (format nil integer-control-string int-value))		    
+		  (cond 
+		    ((and (= 0.0 (coerce dec-value 'double-float)) decimal-digits)
+		     (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (make-string decimal-digits :initial-element #\0)))
+		    (decimal-digits 
+		     (let ((frac-part (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))
+		       (if (> (length frac-part) decimal-digits)
+			   (setf frac-part (subseq frac-part 0 decimal-digits))
+			   (setf frac-part (concatenate 'string frac-part (make-string (- decimal-digits (length frac-part)) :initial-element #\0))))
+		       (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator frac-part)))
+		    (t (format nil "~a~a" decimals-separator (subseq (format nil "~f" dec-value) 2)))))))))
 (defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent wcomponent))
-  (let* ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
-	 (type (translator-coerce translator)) 
-	 (int-value)
-	 (dec-value))
-    (multiple-value-bind (client-id new-value)	
-	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)
-      (declare (ignore client-id))
-      (when thousand-separator
-	(setf new-value (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) new-value "")))
-      (let ((decomposed-string (all-matches-as-strings "[0-9]+" new-value))
-	    (result))
-	(setf int-value (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (first decomposed-string) (second decomposed-string)))
-	      dec-value (expt 10 (length (second decomposed-string)))
-	      result (/ int-value dec-value))
-	(if (integerp result)
-	    result
-	    (coerce result type))))))
+  (let ((thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
+	(type (translator-coerce translator)) 
+	(new-value))
+    (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)	
+	(component-id-and-value wcomponent)      
+      (if thousand-separator
+	(setf new-value (regex-replace-all (format nil "~a" thousand-separator) value ""))
+	(setf new-value value))
+      (handler-case
+	  (let* ((decomposed-string (all-matches-as-strings "[0-9]+" new-value))
+		 (int-value (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (first decomposed-string) (second decomposed-string))))
+		 (dec-value (expt 10 (length (second decomposed-string))))
+		 (result (/ int-value dec-value)))
+	    (if (integerp result)
+		result
+		(coerce result type)))
+	(error () (progn 
+		    (add-exception client-id (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label wcomponent)))
+		    value))))))
@@ -204,14 +201,14 @@
   (:default-initargs :local-time-format '(:month "/" :date "/" :year))
   (:documentation "A translator object encodes and decodes local-date object value passed to a html input component.
 When decoding the input compoenent value string to a local-time instance
-if the date is expressed in a wrong format or is not valid, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-DATE\".
+if the date is expressed in a wrong format or is not valid, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-DATE\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the input component string value."))
 (defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (visit-object (or (cinput-visit-object wcomponent) page))
 	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
 	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))	 
 	 (local-time-format (translator-local-time-format translator))	 
@@ -219,15 +216,11 @@
     (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
-	  (when (null visit-object)
-	    (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page wcomponent)))
 	  (setf value (cond
 			((and (null reader) accessor) (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
 			(t (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))	  
 	  (if (and value (not (stringp value)))
-	      (progn 
-		(local-time-to-string value
-				      local-time-format))
+	      (local-time-to-string value local-time-format)
 (defmethod translator-decode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent wcomponent))  
@@ -279,7 +272,7 @@
 		       (and (> month 0) (<= month 12))
 		       (and (> day 0) (<= day (days-in-month month year))))
 		  :component wcomponent		      
-		  :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-DATE" "Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a")
+		  :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE" "Field ~a is not a valid date or wrong format: ~a")
 				   (label wcomponent) 
 	(if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)	          

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@
     (unless test      
       (add-exception client-id message))))
-(defun validator-required (component value)
-  "Checks if the required input field VALUE is present.  If not, a localizable message \"Field ~a may not be null.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-REQUIRED\".
+(defun validate-required (component value)
+  "Checks if the required input field VALUE is present.  If not, a localizable message \"Field ~a may not be null.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-REQUIRED\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
   (when (stringp value)
     (validate (and value (string-not-equal value "")) 
 	      :component component	      
-	      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-REQUIRED" "Field ~a may not be null.") (label component)))))
+	      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-REQUIRED" "Field ~a may not be null.") (label component)))))
-(defun validator-size (component value &key min-size max-size)
+(defun validate-size (component value &key min-size max-size)
 "Checks if the input field VALUE legth is less then or greater then rispectively of the form keywords :MIN-SIZE and :MAX-SIZE.  
-If less then :MIN-SIZE, a localizable message \"Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-SIZE-MIN\".
+If less then :MIN-SIZE, a localizable message \"Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-SIZE-MIN\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MIN-ZIZE value.
-If greater then :MAX-SIZE, a localizable message \"Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-SIZE-MAX\".
+If greater then :MAX-SIZE, a localizable message \"Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-SIZE-MAX\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MAX-ZIZE value."
   (let ((value-len 0))
     (when value
@@ -89,27 +89,27 @@
 	  (when min-size 
 	    (validate (>= value-len min-size)
 		      :component component		      
-		      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-SIZE-MIN" "Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars." )
+		      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MIN" "Size of ~a may not be less then ~a chars." )
 				       (label component) 
 	  (when max-size 
 	    (validate (<= value-len max-size)
 		      :component component		      
-		      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-SIZE-MAX" "Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars." )
+		      :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-SIZE-MAX" "Size of ~a may not be more then ~a chars." )
 				       (label component) 
-(defun validator-range (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-range (component value &key min max)
 "Checks if the numeric input field VALUE is less then or greater then rispectively of the form keywords :MIN and :MAX.  
-If less then :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-RANGE-MIN\".
+If less then :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-RANGE-MIN\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MIN value.
-If greater then :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-RANGE-MAX\".
+If greater then :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-RANGE-MAX\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the :MAX value."
   (when value              
     (and (when min
 	  (validate (>= value min)
 		    :component component		
-		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d")
+		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is not greater then or equal to ~d")
 				     (label component) 
 				     (if (typep min 'ratio)
 					 (coerce min 'float)
@@ -117,43 +117,43 @@
 	(when max
 	  (validate (<= value max)
 		    :component component		
-		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d")
+		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is not less then or equal to ~d")
 				     (label component) 
 				     (if (typep max 'ratio)
 					 (coerce max 'float)
-(defun validator-number (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-number (component value &key min max)
 "Checks if the input field VALUE is a valid number and then passes the validation to VALIDATION-RANGE.
-If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid number.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-NUMBER\".
+If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid number.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-NUMBER\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
   (when value        
     (let ((test (numberp value)))
       (and (validate test
 		    :component component		    
-		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label component)))
-	  (validator-range component value :min min :max max)))))
+		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-NUMBER" "Field ~a is not a valid number.") (label component)))
+	  (validate-range component value :min min :max max)))))
-(defun validator-integer (component value &key min max)
+(defun validate-integer (component value &key min max)
 "Checks if the input field VALUE is a valid number and then passes the validation to VALIDATION-RANGE.
-If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid integer.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-INTEGER\".
+If not a number, a localizable message \"Field ~a is not a valid integer.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-INTEGER\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
   (when value        
     (let ((test (integerp value)))
       (and (validate test
 		    :component component		    
-		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label component)))
-	  (validator-range component value :min min :max max)))))
+		    :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-INTEGER" "Field ~a is not a valid integer.") (label component)))
+	  (validate-range component value :min min :max max)))))
-(defun validator-date-range (component value &key min max (use-date-p t) use-time-p)  
+(defun validate-date-range (component value &key min max (use-date-p t) use-time-p)  
   "Checks if the input field VALUE is a date between min and max.
 If :USE-DATE-P is not nil and :USE-TIME-P is nil, validation is made without considering the time part of local-time.
 If :USE-DATE-P nil and :USE-TIME-P is not nil, validation is made without considering the date part of local-time.
 If :USE-DATE-P and :USE-TIME-P are both not nil or nil, validation is made considering the date and time part of local-time.
-If value is less then the date passed to :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is less then ~a.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-DATE-RANGE-MIN\".
+If value is less then the date passed to :MIN, a localizable message \"Field ~a is less then ~a.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MIN\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the value passed to :MIN parsed with the :LOCAL-TIME-FORMAT keyword.
-If value is greater then the date passed to :MAX, a localizable message \"Field ~a is greater then ~a.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-DATE-RANGE-MAX\".
+If value is greater then the date passed to :MAX, a localizable message \"Field ~a is greater then ~a.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MAX\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT and the value passed to :MAX parsed with the :LOCAL-TIME-FORMAT keyword."
   (unless (component-validation-errors component)
     (let ((local-time-format '(:date "-" :month "-" :year))
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@
       (and (when min
 	     (validate (local-time> new-value min)
 		       :component component		    
-		       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-DATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is less then ~a.") 
+		       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MIN" "Field ~a is less then ~a.") 
 					(label component) 
 					(local-time-to-string min local-time-format))))
 	   (when max
 	     (validate (local-time< new-value max)
 		       :component component		    
-		       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATOR-DATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is greater then ~a.") 
+		       :message (format nil (do-message "VALIDATE-DATE-RANGE-MAX" "Field ~a is greater then ~a.") 
 					(label component) 
 					(local-time-to-string max local-time-format))))))))
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 	(validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors)))
     (when validation-errors
       (ul> :static-id client-id
-	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters cform)
+	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters exception-monitor)
 	   (loop for component-exceptions in validation-errors
 	      collect (loop for message in (cdr component-exceptions)
 			 collect (li> message)))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/packages.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-user)
 (defpackage :claw-tests
-  (:use :cl :claw :hunchentoot :local-time)
+  (:use :cl :hunchentoot :claw :local-time)  
   (:export :claw-tst-start
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
 (in-package :claw-tests)
-(defcomponent inspector () 
+(defclass inspector (wcomponent) 
     ((ref-id :initarg :ref-id
-	     :reader ref-id)))
+	     :reader ref-id))
+  (:metaclass metacomponent))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((inspector inspector))
   (div> :static-id (htcomponent-client-id inspector) 
@@ -54,4 +55,4 @@
 		     (div> :static-id hidden-component-id :style "display: none;" rnd-value)
 		     (inspector> :id "inspector" :ref-id hidden-component-id "Show value")))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'some-page "some-page.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'some-page "/some-page.html")

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Tue May  6 09:39:11 2008
@@ -29,13 +29,16 @@
 (in-package :claw-tests)
-(setf *default-content-type* "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
+(setf hunchentoot:*default-content-type* "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
+(setf hunchentoot:*rewrite-for-session-urls* nil)
-(setf *rewrite-for-session-urls* nil)
 (defvar *this-file* (load-time-value
                      (or #.*compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*)))
-(setf *clawserver-base-path* "/claw")
+(register-library-resource "/libs/images/" (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *this-file*) '("img"))))
+(register-library-resource "/libs/img.jpg"  (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *this-file*) '("img")) :name "matrix" :type "jpg"))
 (defvar *lisplet-messages*
   (make-instance 'simple-message-dispatcher))
@@ -48,29 +51,33 @@
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "SURNAME" "Cognome")
 (simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "WELCOME" "Benvenuto")
-(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "VALIDATOR-REQUIRED" "Il campo ~a non può essere vuoto!")
+(simple-message-dispatcher-add-message *lisplet-messages* "it" "VALIDATE-REQUIRED" "Il campo ~a non può essere vuoto!")
 (defvar *test-lisplet*)
 (setf *test-lisplet* (make-instance 'lisplet :realm "test1" :base-path "/test" 
-				    ));:message-dispatcher *lisplet-messages*))
+				    :redirect-protected-resources-p t))
 (defvar *test-lisplet2*)
 (setf *test-lisplet2* (make-instance 'lisplet :realm "test2" 
 				     :base-path "/test2"))
-;;(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242))
+;;(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242 :base-path "/claw"))
-(defvar *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242 :sslport 4445 
-					  :mod-lisp-p nil
-					  :ssl-certificate-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/cacert.pem" 
-					  :ssl-privatekey-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/privkey.pem"))
+(defvar *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver 
+				    :port 4242 
+				    :sslport 4445 
+				    :base-path "/claw"
+				    :mod-lisp-p nil
+				    :ssl-certificate-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/cacert.pem" 
+				    :ssl-privatekey-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/privkey.pem"))
-(setf (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p *test-lisplet*) t)
+;(setf (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p *test-lisplet*) t)
 (clawserver-register-lisplet *clawserver* *test-lisplet*)
 (clawserver-register-lisplet *clawserver* *test-lisplet2*)
 (defun test-configuration-do-login (request user password)
+  (declare (ignore request))
   (let ((session *session*))
     (when (and (string-equal user "kiuma")
 	       (string-equal password "password"))          
@@ -130,10 +137,10 @@
 (defmethod page-content ((page auth-page))
   (site-template> :title "Unauth test page"
 		  (p> "protected content")))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "unauth.html")
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "auth.html")
-(lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "auth.html" '("admin" "user"))
-(lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "unauth.html" '("nobody"))
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "/unauth.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "/auth.html")
+(lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "/auth.html" '("admin" "user"))
+(lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "/unauth.html" '("nobody"))
 (defclass index-page (page) ())
@@ -145,6 +152,8 @@
 				"Do login"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "info.html"
 				"Headers info"))
+		       (li> (a> :href (format nil "~a/libs/images/matrix.jpg" (clawserver-base-path (current-server)))
+				"show static file provided by CLAW-TESTS package"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "images/matrix.jpg"
 				"show static file"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "images/matrix2.jpg"
@@ -157,7 +166,7 @@
 		       (li> (a> :href "form.html" "form components test"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "auth.html" "authorized page"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "unauth.html" "unauthorized page"))))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" :welcome-page-p t)
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "/index.html" :welcome-page-p t)
 (defclass msie-p (wcomponent) 
@@ -189,30 +198,30 @@
 				     (td> (format nil "~a" (cdr key-val))))))))
 		    (msie-p> :id "msie"))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'info-page "info.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'info-page "/info.html")
 (defun test-image-file () 
   (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *this-file*) '("img")) :name "matrix" :type "jpg"))
-(lisplet-register-resource-location *test-lisplet*  (test-image-file) "images/matrix.jpg" "image/jpeg")
+(lisplet-register-resource-location *test-lisplet*  (test-image-file) "/images/matrix.jpg" "image/jpeg")
 (lisplet-register-function-location *test-lisplet*  
-				    #'(lambda ()
+				    (lambda ()
 					(let ((path (test-image-file)))
-					  (setf (content-type) (mime-type path))
+					  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type) (hunchentoot:mime-type path))
 					  (with-open-file (in path :element-type 'flex:octet)
 					    (let ((image-data (make-array (file-length in)
 									  :element-type 'flex:octet)))
 					      (read-sequence image-data in)
-				    "images/matrix2.jpg" )
+				    "/images/matrix2.jpg" )
 ;;;--------------------realm test page--------------------------------
 (defclass realm-page (page) ())
 (defmethod page-content ((o realm-page))  
-  (when (null *session*)     
-    (start-session))
+  (when (null hunchentoot:*session*)     
+    (claw-start-session))
   (unless (session-value 'RND-NUMBER)
     (setf (session-value 'RND-NUMBER) (random 1000)))
   (site-template> :title "Realm test page"		  			
@@ -228,13 +237,13 @@
 		    (li> "Rnd number value: " (format nil "~d" (session-value 'RND-NUMBER)))
 		    (li> "Remote Addr: " (session-remote-addr  *session*))
 		    (li> "User agent: " (session-user-agent *session*))
-		    (li> "Lisplet Realm: " (lisplet-realm (page-lisplet o)))
+		    (li> "Lisplet Realm: " (current-realm))
 		    (li> "Session Realm: " (session-realm *session*))
 		    (li> "Session value: " (format nil "~a" (hunchentoot::session-string *session*)))
 		    (li> "Request Realm: " (hunchentoot::realm *request*))))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'realm-page "realm.html")
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet2* 'realm-page "realm.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'realm-page "/realm.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet2* 'realm-page "/realm.html")
 ;;;--------------------id testing page--------------------------------
 (defclass id-tests-page (page) ())
@@ -262,7 +271,7 @@
 			  :style "cursor: pointer;"
 			  "passed id: 'uid' (generated with generate-id)[click me, to see generated id]"))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'id-tests-page "id-tests.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'id-tests-page "/id-tests.html")
 ;;;--------------------from components testing page--------------------------------
@@ -307,7 +316,7 @@
 	(aux-request-value 'password) (login-page-password login-page))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "login.html" :login-page-p t)
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "/login.html" :login-page-p t)
 (defclass user () 
   ((name :initarg :name
@@ -378,7 +387,7 @@
 				      :type "text"
 				      :label "Name"
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-						     (validator-required (page-current-component o) value))
+						     (validate-required (page-current-component o) value))
 				      :accessor 'form-page-name)"*"))
 			   (tr> :id "messaged"
 			    (td> (with-message "SURNAME" "SURNAME"))
@@ -387,8 +396,8 @@
 				      :type "text"
 				      :label "Surname"
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
-						     (validator-required (page-current-component o) value)
-						     (validator-size (page-current-component o) value :min-size 1 :max-size 20))
+						     (validate-required (page-current-component o) value)
+						     (validate-size (page-current-component o) value :min-size 1 :max-size 20))
 				      :accessor 'form-page-surname)"*"))
 			    (td> "Gender")
@@ -411,11 +420,11 @@
 				      :translator (make-instance 'translator-integer :thousand-separator #\')
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
 						     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-						       (validator-required component value)
-						       (validator-integer component value :min 1 :max 2000)))
+						       (validate-required component value)
+						       (validate-integer component value :min 1 :max 2000)))
 				      :accessor 'form-page-age)"*"))
-			    (td> "Bithday")
+			    (td> "Birthday")
 			     (cinput> :id "bday"
 				      :type "text"
@@ -423,7 +432,7 @@
 				      :translator (make-instance 'translator-date :local-time-format '(:date "-" :month "-" :year))
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
 						     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-						       (validator-date-range component value :min (local-time:encode-local-time 0 0 0 0 31 12 1900))))
+						       (validate-date-range component value :min (local-time:encode-local-time 0 0 0 0 31 12 1900))))
 				      :accessor 'form-page-birthday)"(dd-mm-yyyy)"))
 			    (td> "Capital")
@@ -436,8 +445,8 @@
 								 :thousand-separator #\')
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
 						     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
-						       (validator-required component value)
-						       (validator-number component value :min 1000.01 :max 500099/100)))
+						       (validate-required component value)
+						       (validate-number component value :min 1000.01 :max 500099/100)))
 				      :accessor 'form-page-capital)"*"))
 			    (td> "Colors")
@@ -466,7 +475,7 @@
 		   (div> (format nil "Gender: ~a" (user-gender (form-page-user o))))
 		   (div> (format nil "Age: ~a" (user-age (form-page-user o)))))))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'form-page "form.html")
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'form-page "/form.html")

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