[claw-cvs] r13 - in trunk/main/claw-core: src tests

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 19 11:24:12 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
New Revision: 13

added beginning of validation support.
added method page-current-component to page

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
@@ -40,33 +40,41 @@
 	      (:documentation "This component render as a FORM tag class, but it is aware of
 the request cycle and is able to fire an action on rewind"))
-(defmethod cform-rewinding-p ((obj cform) (pobj page))
-  (string= (htcomponent-client-id obj)
-	   (page-req-parameter pobj *rewind-parameter*)))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((o cform))
-  (list :id :required :action nil))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template((o cform))
-  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id o)))
+(defmethod cform-rewinding-p ((cform cform) (page page))
+  (string= (htcomponent-client-id cform)
+	   (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)))
+(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((cform cform))
+  (list :id :required 
+	:class nil
+	:action nil))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template((cform cform))
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cform))
+	(class (wcomponent-parameter-value cform :class)))
     (when (null client-id)
       (setf client-id ""))
+    (when (null class)
+      (setf class ""))
     (form> :static-id client-id
 	   :name client-id
-	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters o)
+	   :class class
+	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters cform)
 	   (input> :name *rewind-parameter*
 		   :type "hidden" 		 
 		   :value client-id)
-	   (htcomponent-body o))))
+	   (htcomponent-body cform))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-before-rewind ((obj cform) (pobj page))
   (setf (page-current-form pobj) obj))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((obj cform) (pobj page))
-  (let ((action (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :action)))
-    (unless (or (null action) (null (cform-rewinding-p obj pobj))) 
-      (funcall (fdefinition action) pobj))
-    (setf (page-current-form pobj) nil)))
+  (let ((validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors))
+	(action (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :action)))
+    (unless validation-errors
+      (when (or action (cform-rewinding-p obj pobj))
+	(funcall (fdefinition action) pobj))
+      (setf (page-current-form pobj) nil))))
@@ -94,34 +102,54 @@
     (:default-initargs :result-as-list nil)
     (:documentation "Request cycle aware component the renders as an INPUT tag class"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((o cinput))
-  (list :id :required :reader nil :writer nil :visit-object nil :accessor nil :type :required))
+(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((cinput cinput))
+  (list :id :required 
+	:reader nil 
+	:writer nil 	
+	:visit-object nil 
+	:accessor nil
+	:validator-handler nil
+	:class nil
+	:label nil
+	:validator nil
+	:type :required))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((o cinput))
+(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((cinput cinput))
   '(:value :name))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj cinput))
-  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
-	(type (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :type))
-	(visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :visit-object))
-	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :accessor))
-	(reader (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :reader))
-	(value ""))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((cinput cinput))
+  (let* ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
+	 (type (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :type))
+	 (visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :visit-object))
+	 (accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :accessor))
+	 (reader (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :reader))
+	 (class (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :class))	
+	 (value "")
+	 (validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors))
+	 (component-exceptions (assoc client-id validation-errors :test #'equal)))
     (when (null visit-object)
-      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page obj)))
+      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page cinput)))
+    (when (null class)
+      (setf class ""))
+    (when component-exceptions
+      (if (string= class "")
+	  (setf class "error")
+	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
     (if (and (null reader) accessor)		  
 	(setf value (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
 	(setf value (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object)))
     (input> :static-id client-id
 	    :type type
 	    :name client-id
+	    :class class
 	    :value value
-	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj))))
+	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((obj cinput) (pobj page))
   (let ((visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :visit-object))
 	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :accessor))
-	(writer (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :writer))	  
+	(writer (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :writer))
+	(validator (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :validator))
 	(new-value (page-req-parameter pobj 
 				       (htcomponent-client-id obj)
 				       (cinput-result-as-list obj))))
@@ -130,7 +158,9 @@
 	(setf visit-object (htcomponent-page obj)))
       (if (and (null writer) accessor)
 	  (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) new-value visit-object)
-	  (funcall (fdefinition writer) new-value visit-object)))))
+	  (funcall (fdefinition writer) new-value visit-object))
+      (when validator
+	(funcall validator)))))
 (defcomponent csubmit () ()
@@ -205,3 +235,55 @@
 	     (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj)
 	     (htcomponent-body obj))))
+(defun component-id-and-value (component)
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id component))
+	(visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value component :visit-object))
+	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value component :accessor))
+	(reader (wcomponent-parameter-value component :reader))
+	(value ""))
+    (when (null visit-object)
+      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page component)))
+    (if (and (null reader) accessor)		  
+	(setf value (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object))
+	(setf value (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object)))
+    (values client-id value)))
+(defun add-exception (id reason) 
+  (let* ((validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors))
+	 (component-exceptions (assoc id validation-errors :test #'equal)))
+    (if component-exceptions
+	(push reason (cdr component-exceptions))
+	(push (cons id (list reason)) 
+	      (aux-request-value :validation-errors)))))
+(defun validator-required (component)
+  (multiple-value-bind (client-id value)
+      (component-id-and-value component)
+    (when (or (null value) (string= value ""))      
+      (add-exception client-id
+		     (format nil "Field ~a may not be null." (wcomponent-parameter-value component :label))))))
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defcomponent exce (cinput) ()
+	      (:default-initargs :result-as-list t)
+	      (:documentation "This component renders as a normal SELECT tag class, 
+but it is request cycle aware."))
+(defmethod wcomponent-parameters :around ((obj cselect))
+  (declare (ignore obj))
+  (let ((params (call-next-method)))
+    (remf params :reader)
+    (remf params :type)
+    params))
+(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((obj cselect))
+  (declare (ignore obj))
+  '(:type :name))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj cselect))
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
+    (select> :static-id client-id
+	     :name client-id
+	     (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj)
+	     (htcomponent-body obj))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@
 (defun login (&optional (request *request*))
   "Perfoms a login action using the configuration object given for the request realm"
-  (configuration-login (current-config request)))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (configuration-login (current-config request)))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+	   :page-current-component
@@ -219,6 +220,7 @@
+	   :validator-required

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@
 See PAGE-BODY-INIT-SCRIPTS form more info.
  - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
+(defgeneric page-current-component (page)
+  (:documentation "The component being processed into one of the rendering phases"))
 (defgeneric htcomponent-rewind (htcomponent page)
   (:documentation "This internal method is the first called during the request cycle phase. 
 It is evaluated when a form action or an action-link action is fired. It is used to update all visit objects slots.
@@ -353,6 +356,9 @@
    (json-component-count :initarg :json-component-count
 			 :accessor page-json-component-count :documentation "Need to render the json object after an xhr call.")
    (request-parameters :initarg :request-parameters)
+   (components-stack :initform nil
+		     :accessor page-components-stack
+		     :documentation "A stack of components enetered into rendering process.")
    (url :initarg :url
 	:accessor page-url :documentation "The URL provided with this page instance"))
   (:default-initargs :writer t
@@ -631,6 +637,8 @@
+(defmethod page-current-component ((page page))
+  (car (page-components-stack page)))
 ;;;========= HTCOMPONENT ============================
 (defmethod htcomponent-can-print ((htcomponent htcomponent))
   (let* ((id (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent))
@@ -659,13 +667,25 @@
       (page-format-raw page "\""))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page))
+  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+  (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page))
+  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+  (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page))      
+  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+  (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))      
+(defmethod htcomponent-rewind :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
+  (pop (page-components-stack page)))
+(defmethod htcomponent-prerender :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
+  (pop (page-components-stack page)))
+(defmethod htcomponent-render :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
+  (pop (page-components-stack page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
   (dolist (tag (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
@@ -702,7 +722,7 @@
     (loop for (k v) on (htcomponent-attributes tag) by #'cddr 
        do (progn
 	    (assert (keywordp k)) 
-	    (when v
+	    (when (and v (string-not-equal v ""))
 	      (page-format page " ~a=\"~a\"" 
 			   (string-downcase (if (eq k :static-id)
@@ -890,16 +910,20 @@
 	       :documentation "must be a plist or nil")
    (reserved-parameters :initarg :reserved-parameters
 			:accessor wcomponent-reserved-parameters
-			:type cons :documentation "Parameters that may not be used in the constructor function")
+			:type cons 
+			:documentation "Parameters that may not be used in the constructor function")
    (informal-parameters :initarg :informal-parameters
 			:accessor wcomponent-informal-parameters
-			:type cons :documentation "Informal parameters are parameters optional for the component")
+			:type cons 
+			:documentation "Informal parameters are parameters optional for the component")
    (allow-informal-parameters :initarg :allow-informal-parameters
 			      :reader wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp
-			      :allocation :class :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters")
+			      :allocation :class 
+			      :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters")
    (template :initform nil
 	     :accessor wcomponent-template
-	     :type htcomponent :documentation "The component template. What gives to each wcomponent its unique aspect and features"))
+	     :type htcomponent 
+	     :documentation "The component template. What gives to each wcomponent its unique aspect and features"))
   (:default-initargs :informal-parameters nil 
     :reserved-parameters nil
     :parameters nil

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Tue Feb 19 06:24:12 2008
@@ -99,7 +99,12 @@
-     (wcomponent-parameter-value o ':title)))
+     (wcomponent-parameter-value o ':title))
+    (style> :type "text/css"
+"input.error {
+  background-color: #FF9999;
     (wcomponent-informal-parameters o)
@@ -113,7 +118,6 @@
 (defmethod page-content ((page auth-page))
   (site-template> :title "Unauth test page"
 		  (p> "not here")))
-;  (claw-require-authorization))
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "unauth.html")
 (lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "unauth.html" '("admin" "user"))
@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@
 				  (td> "Username")
 				   (cinput> :id "username"
-					    :type "text"
+					    :type "text"					    
 					    :accessor 'login-page-username)))
 				  (td> "Password")
@@ -256,38 +260,66 @@
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "login.html" :login-page-p t)
-(defclass form-page (page) 
+(defclass user () 
+  ((name :initarg :name
+	 :accessor user-name)
+   (surname :initarg :surname
+	    :accessor user-surname)
+   (gender :initarg :gender	   
+	   :accessor user-gender))
+  (:default-initargs :name "" :surname "" :gender ""))
+(defgeneric form-page-update-user (form-page))
+(defclass form-page (page user) 
   ((name :initarg :name
 	 :accessor form-page-name)
    (surname :initarg :surname
 	    :accessor form-page-surname)
-   (gender :initarg :gender	   
-	   :reader form-page-gender
-	   :writer setf-gender)
    (colors :initarg :colors
-	    :accessor form-page-colors))
+	   :accessor form-page-colors)
+   (gender :initarg :gender
+	   :writer setf-gender
+	   :accessor form-page-gender)
+   (user :initarg :user
+	 :accessor form-page-user))  
   (:default-initargs :name "kiuma"
     :surname "surnk"
     :colors nil
-    :gender '("M")))
+    :gender '("M")
+    :user (make-instance 'user)))
+(defmethod form-page-update-user ((form-page form-page))
+  (let ((user (form-page-user form-page))
+	(name (form-page-name form-page))
+	(surname (form-page-surname form-page))
+	(gender (first (form-page-gender form-page))))
+    (setf (user-name user) name
+	  (user-surname user) surname
+	  (user-gender user) gender)))
 (defmethod page-content ((o form-page))
   (site-template> :title "a page title" 
-		  (cform> :id "testform" :method "post"
+		  (cform> :id "testform" :method "post" :action 'form-page-update-user
 			    (td> "Name")
 			     (cinput> :id "name"
 				      :type "text"
-				      :accessor 'form-page-name)))
+				      :label "Name"
+				      :validator #'(lambda () 
+						     (validator-required (page-current-component o)))
+				      :accessor 'form-page-name)"*"))
 			    (td> "Surname")
 			     (cinput> :id "surname"
 				      :type "text"
-				      :accessor 'form-page-surname)))
+				      :label "Name"
+				      :validator #'(lambda () 
+						     (validator-required (page-current-component o)))
+				      :accessor 'form-page-surname)"*"))
 			    (td> "Gender")
@@ -318,9 +350,12 @@
 			    (td> :colspan "2"
 				 (csubmit> :id "submit" :value "OK")))))
-		  (div> (format nil "Name: ~a" (form-page-name o)))
-		  (div> (format nil "Surname: ~a" (form-page-surname o)))
-		  (div> (format nil "Gender: ~a" (first (form-page-gender o))))))
+		  (p>
+		   (hr>)
+		   (h2> "From result:")
+		   (div> (format nil "Name: ~a" (user-name (form-page-user o))))
+		   (div> (format nil "Surname: ~a" (user-surname (form-page-user o))))
+		   (div> (format nil "Gender: ~a" (user-gender (form-page-user o)))))))
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'form-page "form.html")

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