[claw-cvs] r9 - in trunk/main/claw-core: src tests

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Fri Feb 15 15:12:47 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Fri Feb 15 10:12:46 2008
New Revision: 9

added some documentation
added lisplet error hanlders logic

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	Fri Feb 15 10:12:46 2008
@@ -29,47 +29,110 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-;(print *this-file*)
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-function-location (obj function location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep))
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (obj page-class location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep))
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-resource-location (obj uri url &optional content-type))
-(defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-request (obj))
-(defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-method (obj))
-(defgeneric lisplet-protect (lisplet location roles))
-(defgeneric lisplet-check-authorization (lisplet &optional request))
-(defgeneric lisplet-authentication-type (lisplet))
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-function-location (lisplet function location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)
+  (:documentation "Registers a function into a lisplet for dispatching.
+- LISPLET the lisplet that will dispatch the function
+- FUNCTION the function to register for dispatching
+- LOCATION The url location where the function will be registered (relative to the lisplet base path)
+- :WELCOME-PAGE-P When true, the function will be a welcome page, making the lisplet to redirect direct access to its base path to the expressed location
+- :LOGIN-PAGE-P Marks the function as a login page"))
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (lisplet page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)
+  (:documentation "Registers a page into a lisplet for dispatching.
+- LISPLET the lisplet that will dispatch the page
+- PAGE-CLASS symbol name of the page that is to be registerd for dispatching
+- LOCATION The url location where the page will be registered (relative to the lisplet base path)
+- :WELCOME-PAGE-P When true, the page will be a welcome page, making the lisplet to redirect direct access to its base path to the expressed location
+- :LOGIN-PAGE-P Marks the page as a login page"))
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-resource-location (lisplet resource-path location &optional content-type)
+  (:documentation "Registers a resource (file or directory) into a lisplet for dispatching.
+- LISPLET the lisplet that will dispatch the page
+- RESOURCE-PATH pathname of a file or directory that is to be registered for dispatching
+- LOCATION The url location where the resource will be registered (relative to the lisplet base path)
+- CONTENT-TYPE Meaningful only when the resource-path points to a file, indicates the resource content type"))
+(defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-method (lisplet)
+  (:documentation "Performs authorizations checking then makes a call to LISPLET-DISPATCH-REQUEST
+- LISPLET the lisplet object"))
+(defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-request (lisplet)
+  (:documentation "Dispatches the http request.
+- LISPLET the lisplet object"))
+(defgeneric lisplet-protect (lisplet location roles)
+  (:documentation "protects all the resources that start with the given LOCATION, making them available only if the 
+user is logged and belongs at least to one of the given roles.
+- LISPLET the lisplet object.
+- LOCATION the location that must be protected.
+- ROLES a string list containing all the roles allowed to acces the given location."))
+(defgeneric lisplet-check-authorization (lisplet &optional request)
+  (:documentation "Performs authentication and authorization checking. 
+Sets the return code of each REPLY, to +HTTP-OK+, +HTTP-FORBIDDEN+ or +HTTP-AUTHORIZATION-REQUIRED+. If the
+lisplet authentication type is :BASIC and the user isn't logged in, asks for a basic login."))
+(defgeneric lisplet-authentication-type (lisplet)
+  (:documentation "When there is no page or function registered into the lisplet as login page returns :BASIC, otherwise returns :FORM.
+- LISPLET the lisplet object."))
 (setf *http-error-handler* 
+      ;;overrides the default hunchentoot error handling
       #'(lambda (error-code)
-	  (let ((error-page (make-instance 'error-page 
-					    :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)
-					    :error-code error-code)))
-		 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render error-page)))))
+	  (let* ((error-handlers (current-lisplet))
+		 (handler (gethash error-code error-handlers)))
+	    (if handler
+		(funcall handler)
+		(let ((error-page (make-instance 'error-page 
+						 :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)
+						 :error-code error-code)))
+		  (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render error-page)))))))
+(defun lisplet-start-session ()
+  "Starts a session boud to the current lisplet base path"
+  (start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (current-lisplet)))))
 (defclass lisplet ()
   ((base-path :initarg :base-path
-	      :reader lisplet-base-path)
+	      :reader lisplet-base-path
+	      :documentation "common base path all resources registered into this lisplet")
    (welcome-page :initarg :welcome-page
-		 :accessor lisplet-welcome-page)   
+		 :accessor lisplet-welcome-page
+		 :documentation "url location for the welcome page")   
    (login-page :initarg :login-page
-	       :accessor lisplet-login-page)   
+	       :accessor lisplet-login-page
+	       :documentation "url location for the welcome page")   
    (realm :initarg :realm
-	  :reader lisplet-realm)   
+	  :reader lisplet-realm
+	  :documentation "realm for requests that pass through this lisplet and session opened into this lisplet")
    (pages :initform nil
-	  :accessor lisplet-pages)
+	  :accessor lisplet-pages
+	  :documentation "A collection of cons where the car is an url location and the cdr is a dispatcher")
+   (error-handlers :initform (make-hash-table)
+		  :accessor lisplet-error-hadlers
+		  :documentation "An hash table where keys are http error codes and values are functions with no parameters")
    (protected-resources :initform nil
-			:accessor lisplet-protected-resources)
+			:accessor lisplet-protected-resources
+			:documentation "A collection of cons where the car is the protected url location and the cdr is a string list of roles allowhed to access the relative location")
    (redirect-protected-resources-p :initarg :redirect-protected-resources-p
-	       :accessor lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p))
+	       :accessor lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p
+	       :documentation "When not null every request will be redirected in https mode. When running in mod-lisp mode, *apache-http-port* and *apache-https-port* values are used"))
   (:default-initargs :welcome-page nil 
     :login-page nil
     :realm "claw"
-    :redirect-protected-resources-p nil))
+    :redirect-protected-resources-p nil)
+  (:documentation "A lisplet is a container for resources provided trhough the clawserver.
+It is similar, for purposes, to a JAVA servlet"))
 (defun build-lisplet-location (lisplet location)
+  "Constructs a full path prepending the lisplet base path to the given location"
   (let ((server-base-path *clawserver-base-path*)
 	(base-path (lisplet-base-path lisplet)))
     (if location
@@ -84,36 +147,36 @@
-(defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((obj lisplet) function location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep)  
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
-    (setf (lisplet-pages obj)
+(defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((lisplet lisplet) function location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet))
+	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+    (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
 	  (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
 			     (cons new-location
 				   (create-prefix-dispatcher new-location
-							     (lisplet-realm obj)))
+							     (lisplet-realm lisplet)))
-    (when welcome-pagep
-      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page obj) new-location))
-    (when login-pagep
-      (setf (lisplet-login-page obj) new-location))))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((obj lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep)  
-  (let ((new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
-    (lisplet-register-function-location obj 
+    (when welcome-page-p
+      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet) new-location))
+    (when login-page-p
+      (setf (lisplet-login-page lisplet) new-location))))
+(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((lisplet lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-page-p login-page-p)  
+  (let ((new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+    (lisplet-register-function-location lisplet 
 					#'(lambda () 										
-					      (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet obj :url new-location))))
+					      (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet lisplet :url new-location))))
-					:welcome-pagep welcome-pagep
-					:login-pagep login-pagep)))
+					:welcome-page-p welcome-page-p
+					:login-page-p login-page-p)))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((obj lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type)
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
-    (setf (lisplet-pages obj)
+(defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((lisplet lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type)
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet))
+	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+    (setf (lisplet-pages lisplet)
 	 (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
 			    (cons new-location 
 				  (if (directory-pathname-p resource-path)
@@ -121,30 +184,28 @@
 				      (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler new-location resource-path content-type)))
-(defmethod lisplet-dispatch-request ((obj lisplet))
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj)))    
+(defmethod lisplet-dispatch-request ((lisplet lisplet))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages lisplet)))    
     (loop for dispatcher in pages
 	 for action = (funcall (cdr dispatcher) *request*)
-	 when action return (progn 
-			      ;; handle authentication
-			      (funcall action)))))
+	 when action return (funcall action))))
-(defmethod lisplet-dispatch-method ((obj lisplet))
+(defmethod lisplet-dispatch-method ((lisplet lisplet))
   (let ((result nil)
-	(base-path (build-lisplet-location obj nil))
+	(base-path (build-lisplet-location lisplet nil))
 	(uri (request-uri))
-	(welcome-page (lisplet-welcome-page obj)))
+	(welcome-page (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet)))
-      (setf (aux-request-value 'lisplet) obj)
-      (setf (aux-request-value 'realm) (lisplet-realm obj))
-      (lisplet-check-authorization obj)
+      (setf (aux-request-value 'lisplet) lisplet)
+      (setf (aux-request-value 'realm) (lisplet-realm lisplet))
+      (lisplet-check-authorization lisplet)
       (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+)	
 	(if (and welcome-page (string= uri base-path))
-	      (redirect (lisplet-welcome-page obj))
+	      (redirect (lisplet-welcome-page lisplet))
-	      (setf result (lisplet-dispatch-request obj)) 
+	      (setf result (lisplet-dispatch-request lisplet)) 
 	      (when (null result)		    
 		(setf (return-code) +http-not-found+))
@@ -157,7 +218,8 @@
 				    (cons new-location roles)
-(defun redirect-to-https (server request)    
+(defun redirect-to-https (server request)
+  "Redirects a request sent through http using https"
     ((= (server-port request) (clawserver-port server))
@@ -204,6 +266,3 @@
 		  (unless (user-in-role-p)
 		    (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+)
 		    (throw 'handler-done nil))))))))
-(defun lisplet-start-session ()
-  (start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (current-lisplet)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Fri Feb 15 10:12:46 2008
@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-(defvar *apache-http-port* 80)
-(defvar *apache-https-port* 443)    
+(defvar *apache-http-port* 80 
+  "Default apache http port when claw is running in mod_lisp mode")
+(defvar *apache-https-port* 443
+  "Default apache https port when claw is running in mod_lisp mode")    
 (defun strings-to-jsarray (strings)
   "Transforms a list of strings into a javascript array."

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Fri Feb 15 10:12:46 2008
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
+	   :lisplet-error-handlers
 	   ;; clawserver

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Fri Feb 15 10:12:46 2008
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 (defun test-image-file () 
   (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *this-file*) '("img")) :name "matrix" :type "jpg"))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" :welcome-pagep t)
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" :welcome-page-p t)
 (lisplet-register-resource-location *test-lisplet*  (test-image-file) "images/matrix.jpg" "image/jpeg")
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
 	(aux-request-value 'password) (login-page-password login-page))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "login.html" :login-pagep t)
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "login.html" :login-page-p t)
 (defclass form-page (page) 
   ((name :initarg :name

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