[claw-cvs] r5 - in trunk/main/claw-core: src tests tests/img

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Fri Feb 15 10:27:32 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
New Revision: 5

   trunk/main/claw-core/tests/img/matrix.jpg   (contents, props changed)
added authentication/authorization logic

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/lisplet.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -31,27 +31,43 @@
 ;(print *this-file*)
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-function-location (obj function location &optional welcome-pagep))
-(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (obj page-class location &optional welcome-pagep))
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-function-location (obj function location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep))
+(defgeneric lisplet-register-page-location (obj page-class location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep))
 (defgeneric lisplet-register-resource-location (obj uri url &optional content-type))
 (defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-request (obj))
 (defgeneric lisplet-dispatch-method (obj))
+(defgeneric lisplet-protect (lisplet location roles))
+(defgeneric lisplet-check-authorization (lisplet &optional request))
+(defgeneric lisplet-authentication-type (lisplet))
+(setf *http-error-handler* 
+      #'(lambda (error-code)
+	  (let ((error-page (make-instance 'error-page 
+					    :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)
+					    :error-code error-code)))
+		 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render error-page)))))
 (defclass lisplet ()
   ((base-path :initarg :base-path
 	      :reader lisplet-base-path)
    (welcome-page :initarg :welcome-page
 		 :accessor lisplet-welcome-page)   
+   (login-page :initarg :login-page
+	       :accessor lisplet-login-page)   
    (realm :initarg :realm
 	  :reader lisplet-realm)   
    (pages :initform nil
 	  :accessor lisplet-pages)
-   (page404 :initarg :page404
-	    :accessor lisplet-page404))  
-  (:default-initargs :welcome-page nil :realm nil :page404 (make-instance 'page404)))
+   (protected-resources :initform nil
+			:accessor lisplet-protected-resources)
+   (redirect-protected-resources-p :initarg :redirect-protected-resources-p
+	       :accessor lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p))
+  (:default-initargs :welcome-page nil 
+    :login-page nil
+    :realm "claw"
+    :redirect-protected-resources-p nil))
 (defun build-lisplet-location (lisplet location)
   (let ((server-base-path *clawserver-base-path*)
@@ -63,39 +79,27 @@
       (setf location (format nil "~a~a" server-base-path location)))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((obj lisplet) function location &optional welcome-pagep)  
+(defmethod lisplet-authentication-type ((lisplet lisplet))
+  (if (lisplet-login-page lisplet)
+      :form
+      :basic))
+(defmethod lisplet-register-function-location ((obj lisplet) function location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep)  
   (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj))
 	(new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
     (setf (lisplet-pages obj)
-	  (sort-dispatchers (push-dispatcher
+	  (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
 			     (cons new-location
 				   (create-prefix-dispatcher new-location
 							     (lisplet-realm obj)))
     (when welcome-pagep
-      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page obj) new-location))))
+      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page obj) new-location))
+    (when login-pagep
+      (setf (lisplet-login-page obj) new-location))))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((obj lisplet) page-class location &optional welcome-pagep content-type)  
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj))
-	(new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
-    (setf (lisplet-pages obj)
-	  (sort-dispatchers (push-dispatcher
-			     (cons new-location
-				   (create-prefix-dispatcher new-location
-							     #'(lambda () 										
-								 (with-output-to-string 
-								     (*standard-output*)
-								   (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet obj :url new-location))))
-							     (lisplet-realm obj)
-							     content-type))
-			     pages)))
-    (when welcome-pagep
-      (setf (lisplet-welcome-page obj) new-location))))
-(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((obj lisplet) page-class location &optional welcome-pagep)  
+(defmethod lisplet-register-page-location ((obj lisplet) page-class location &key welcome-pagep login-pagep)  
   (let ((new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
     (lisplet-register-function-location obj 
 					#'(lambda () 										
@@ -103,13 +107,14 @@
 					      (page-render (make-instance page-class :lisplet obj :url new-location))))
-					welcome-pagep)))
+					:welcome-pagep welcome-pagep
+					:login-pagep login-pagep)))
 (defmethod lisplet-register-resource-location ((obj lisplet) resource-path location &optional content-type)
   (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj))
 	(new-location (build-lisplet-location obj location)))
     (setf (lisplet-pages obj)
-	 (sort-dispatchers (push-dispatcher
+	 (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons
 			    (cons new-location 
 				  (if (directory-pathname-p resource-path)
 				      (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler new-location resource-path)
@@ -117,23 +122,87 @@
 (defmethod lisplet-dispatch-request ((obj lisplet))
-  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj)))
+  (let ((pages (lisplet-pages obj)))    
     (loop for dispatcher in pages
 	 for action = (funcall (cdr dispatcher) *request*)
-	 when action return (funcall action))))
+	 when action return (progn 
+			      ;; handle authentication
+			      (funcall action)))))
 (defmethod lisplet-dispatch-method ((obj lisplet))
-  (let ((page404 (lisplet-page404 obj))
-	(result nil)
+  (let ((result nil)
 	(base-path (build-lisplet-location obj nil))
 	(uri (request-uri))
 	(welcome-page (lisplet-welcome-page obj)))
-    (if (and welcome-page (string= uri base-path))
-	(progn
-	  (redirect (lisplet-welcome-page obj))
-	  t)
-	(progn 
-	  (setf result (lisplet-dispatch-request obj)) 
-	  (when (null result)
-	    (setf result (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render page404))))
-	  result))))
+    (progn 
+      (setf (aux-request-value 'lisplet) obj)
+      (setf (aux-request-value 'realm) (lisplet-realm obj))
+      (lisplet-check-authorization obj)
+      (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+)	
+	(if (and welcome-page (string= uri base-path))
+	    (progn
+	      (redirect (lisplet-welcome-page obj))
+	      t)	  
+	    (progn	    		
+	      (setf result (lisplet-dispatch-request obj)) 
+	      (when (null result)		    
+		(setf (return-code) +http-not-found+))
+	      result))))))
+(defmethod lisplet-protect ((lisplet lisplet) location roles)
+  (let ((protected-resources (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet))
+	(new-location (build-lisplet-location lisplet location)))
+    (setf (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet)
+	 (sort-protected-resources (push-location-cons
+				    (cons new-location roles)
+				    protected-resources)))))
+(defun redirect-to-https (server request)    
+  (cond
+    ((= (server-port request) (clawserver-port server))
+     (progn
+       (redirect (request-uri request)
+		 :port (clawserver-sslport server)
+		 :protocol :HTTPS)
+       (throw 'handler-done nil)))
+    ((= (server-port request) *apache-http-port*)
+     (progn
+       (redirect (request-uri request)
+		 :port *apache-https-port*
+		 :protocol :HTTPS)
+       (throw 'handler-done nil)))))
+(defmethod lisplet-check-authorization ((lisplet lisplet) &optional (request *request*))
+  (let ((uri (request-uri request))
+	(protected-resources (lisplet-protected-resources lisplet))
+	(princp (current-principal))
+	(login-config (current-config))
+	(login-page (lisplet-login-page lisplet))
+	(server (current-server request))
+	(auth-basicp (eq (lisplet-authentication-type lisplet) :basic)))    
+    (when (and auth-basicp (null princp))
+      (configuration-login login-config))
+    (setf (return-code) +http-ok+
+	  princp (current-principal))
+    (when (and login-page
+	       (cl-ppcre:all-matches login-page uri))
+      (redirect-to-https server request))
+    (loop for protected-resource in protected-resources
+	 for match = (format nil "^~a" (car protected-resource))
+	 for allowed-roles = (cdr protected-resource)
+	 do (when (cl-ppcre:all-matches match uri)
+	      (when (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p lisplet)
+		(redirect-to-https server request))
+	      (if (null princp)
+		  (progn 
+		    (when auth-basicp
+		      (setf (header-out "WWW-Authenticate")
+			    (format nil "Basic realm=\"~A\"" (hunchentoot::quote-string (current-realm)))))
+		    (setf (return-code) +http-authorization-required+)
+		    (throw 'handler-done nil))
+		  (unless (loop for role in (principal-roles princp) thereis (member role allowed-roles :test #'equal))
+		    (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+)
+		    (throw 'handler-done nil)))))))
+(defun lisplet-start-session ()
+  (start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (current-lisplet)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
 (in-package :claw)
+(defvar *apache-http-port* 80)
+(defvar *apache-https-port* 443)    
 (defun strings-to-jsarray (strings)
   "Transforms a list of strings into a javascript array."
   (let ((st-size (length strings))
@@ -50,14 +52,43 @@
   (sort dispatchers #'(lambda (item1 item2)
 			(string-not-lessp (car item1) (car item2)))))
-(defun remove-dispatcher-by-location (location dispatchers)
-  "Removes a dispatcher cons (location.dispatcher-method) checking its car 
+(defun sort-protected-resources (protected-resources)
+  "Sorts a list of protected resources. A protected resource is a cons where the car is the url 
+of the resource and the cdr is a list of roles allowhed to access that resource."
+  (sort protected-resources #'(lambda (item1 item2)
+			(string-lessp (car item1) (car item2)))))
+(defun remove-by-location (location cons-list)
+  "Removes a cons checking its car 
 against the location parameter"
-  (delete-if #'(lambda (dispatcher) (string= (car dispatcher) location)) dispatchers))
+  (delete-if #'(lambda (item) (string= (car item) location)) cons-list))
-(defun push-dispatcher (dispatcher dispatchers)
-  "Isert a new dispatcher into dispatchers, or replace the one that has the same location
+(defun push-location-cons (location-cons cons-list)
+  "Isert a new cons into a list of cons, or replace the one that has the same location
 registered (its car)."
-  (let ((result (remove-dispatcher-by-location (car dispatcher) dispatchers)))
-    (setf result (push dispatcher dispatchers))))
+  (let ((result (remove-by-location (car location-cons) cons-list)))
+    (setf result (push location-cons cons-list))))
+(defun current-realm (&optional (request *request*))
+  (aux-request-value 'realm request))
+(defun current-lisplet (&optional (request *request*))
+  (aux-request-value 'lisplet request))
+(defun current-server (&optional (request *request*))
+  (aux-request-value 'clawserver request))
+(defun current-principal (&optional (session *session*))
+  (when session
+    (session-value 'principal)))
+(defun user-in-rolep (roles &optional (session *session*))
+  (let ((principal (current-principal session)))
+    (when principal
+      (loop for el in (principal-roles principal) thereis (member el roles)))))
+(defun current-config (&optional (request *request*))
+  (gethash (current-realm request) (clawserver-login-config (current-server))))
+(defun login (&optional (request *request*))
+  (configuration-login (current-config request)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
+	   :*apache-http-port*
+	   :*apache-https-port*
@@ -225,6 +227,10 @@
+	   :lisplet-protect
+	   :lisplet-authentication-type
+	   :lisplet-start-session
+	   :lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p
 	   ;; clawserver
@@ -241,8 +247,23 @@
+	   :clawserver-login-config	   
+	   :login
 	   #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :clawserver-setuid
 	   #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :clawserver-setgid
 	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-certificate-file
 	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-privatekey-file
-	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-privatekey-password))
+	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-privatekey-password
+	   :clawserver-register-configuration
+	   :claw-require-authorization
+	   :configuration
+	   :configuration-login
+	   :principal
+	   :current-principal
+	   :principal-name
+	   :principal-roles
+	   :current-lisplet
+	   :current-server
+	   :current-realm
+	   :user-in-rolep
+	   :login))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -62,11 +62,25 @@
 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (defgeneric (setf clawserver-ssl-certificate-file) (val obj))
 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (defgeneric (setf clawserver-ssl-privatekey-file) (val obj))
 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (defgeneric (setf clawserver-ssl-privatekey-password) (val obj))
+(defgeneric clawserver-register-configuration(clawserver realm configuration))
+(defgeneric configuration-login (configuration &optional request))
-(defclass page404 (page) 
-  ((style :initform 
-	  "
+(define-condition http-forbidden-error (error) ())
+(define-condition http-authorization-required-error (error) ())
+(defclass error-page (page) 
+  ((title :initarg :title
+	  :reader page-title)
+   (error-code :initarg :error-code
+	       :reader page-error-code))
+  (:documentation "This is the template page class used to render 
+the http error messages."))
+(defcomponent error-page-template () ())
+(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((error-page-template error-page-template))
+  (list :title :required :error-code :required :style 
+	"
 body {
   font-family: arial, elvetica;
   font-size: 7pt;
@@ -85,39 +99,43 @@
   margin: 0;
   margin-bottom: .5em;
-p.h2 {font-size: 1.5em;}"
-	  :reader page404-style))
-  (:documentation "This page class is used to render 
-the 404 (page not found) messages."))
-(defmethod page-content ((obj page404))
-  (html>
-   (head>
-    (title>
-     "404 Page not found")
-    (style> 
-     (page404-style obj)))
-   (body>
-    (p>
-     (p> :class "h1"
-	 (format nil "HTTP Status 404 - ~a" (request-uri *request*)))
-     (hr> :noshade "noshade")
-     (p>
-      (span> :class "blue"
-	     ($> "type"))
-      "Status report")
-     (p>
-      (span> :class "blue"
-	     "message")
-      (request-uri *request*))
-     (p>
-      (span> :class "blue"
-	     "description")
-      (format nil "The requested resource (~a) is not available." (request-uri *request*)))
-     (hr> :noshade "noshade"))
-    (p> :class "h2"
-	"cl-webobject server"))))
+p.h2 {font-size: 1.5em;}"))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((error-page-template error-page-template))
+  (let ((error-code (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':error-code))
+	(title (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':title))
+	(style (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':style)))    
+    (html>
+     (head>
+      (title> title)
+      (style> style))
+     (body>
+      (p>
+       (p> :class "h1"
+	   (format nil "HTTP Status ~a - ~a" error-code (request-uri *request*)))
+       (hr> :noshade "noshade")
+       (p>
+	(span> :class "blue"
+	       ($> "type"))
+	"Status report")
+       (p>
+	(span> :class "blue"
+	       "url")
+	(request-uri *request*))
+       (p>
+	(span> :class "blue"
+	       "description")
+	(gethash error-code hunchentoot::*http-reason-phrase-map*)
+	;(htcomponent-body error-page-template)	
+	(hr> :noshade "noshade"))
+       (p> :class "h2"
+	   "claw server"))))))
+(defmethod page-content ((error-page error-page))  
+  (error-page-template> :title (page-title error-page) 
+			:error-code (page-error-code error-page)
+			(format nil "The requested resource (~a) is not available." (request-uri *request*))))     
 (defclass clawserver ()
   ((port :initarg :port
 	 :reader clawserver-port)
@@ -130,7 +148,7 @@
    (sslname :initarg :sslname
 	 :reader clawserver-sslname)
    (mod-lisp-p :initarg :mod-lisp-p
-	       :reader clawserver-mod-lisp-p)
+	       :reader clawserver-mod-lisp-p)   
    (use-apache-log-p :initarg :use-apache-log-p
 		     :reader clawserver-use-apache-log-p)
    (input-chunking-p :initarg :input-chunking-p
@@ -139,6 +157,11 @@
 		 :reader clawserver-read-timeout)
    (write-timeout :initarg :write-timeout
 		 :reader clawserver-write-timeout)
+   (login-config :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+		 :accessor clawserver-login-config
+		 :documentation "An hash table holding a pair of realm,
+expressed as string, and a predicate. The predicate should take two arguments (login and password), and return non-nil if the login call
    #+(and :unix (not :win32)) (setuid :initarg :setuid
 				      :reader clawserver-setuid)
    #+(and :unix (not :win32)) (setgid :initarg :setgid
@@ -154,26 +177,40 @@
    (sslserver :initform nil
 	   :accessor clawserver-sslserver)
    (lisplets :initform nil
-	     :accessor clawserver-lisplets)
-   (page404 :initarg :page404
-	    :accessor clawserver-page404))
+	     :accessor clawserver-lisplets))
   (:default-initargs :address nil 
     :name (gensym)
     :sslname (gensym)
     :port 80 
     :sslport 443
-    :mod-lisp-p nil
+    :mod-lisp-p nil    
     :input-chunking-p t
     :read-timeout *default-read-timeout* 
     :write-timeout *default-write-timeout*
     #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :setuid nil
     #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :setgid nil
     #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-certificate-file nil
-    #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-password nil
-    :page404 (make-instance 'page404))
+    #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-password nil)
   (:documentation "CLAWSERVER is built around huncentoot and has the 
 instructions for lisplet dispatching, so use this class to start and stop 
-hunchentoot server."))
+3hunchentoot server."))
+(defclass configuration ()
+  ()
+  (:documentation "A configuration class for CLAW server realm login configurations"))
+(defmethod configuration-login ((configuration configuration) &optional (request *request*))
+  (declare (ignore request)))
+(defclass principal ()
+  ((name :initarg :name
+	 :reader principal-name
+	 :documentation "The principal username who is logged into the application")
+   (roles :initarg :roles
+	  :accessor principal-roles
+	  :documentation "The roles where that owns the user logged into the application"))
+  (:default-initargs :roles nil)
+  (:documentation "An instance of PRINCIPAL is stored into session after a user successfully login into the application."))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj clawserver) &rest keys)
   (let ((use-apache-log-p (getf keys :use-apache-log-p :undefined))
@@ -189,7 +226,7 @@
 	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet-obj)))
     (unless (null server-base-path)
       (setf location (format nil "~@[~a~]~a" server-base-path location)))
-    (setf (clawserver-lisplets obj) (sort-dispatchers (push-dispatcher 
+    (setf (clawserver-lisplets obj) (sort-dispatchers (push-location-cons 
 						       (cons location
@@ -204,7 +241,7 @@
 	(location (lisplet-base-path lisplet-obj)))
     (unless (null server-base-path)
       (setf location (format nil "~@[~a~]~a" server-base-path location)))
-    (remove-dispatcher-by-location location lisplets))) 
+    (remove-by-location location lisplets))) 
 ;;;-------------------------- WRITERS ----------------------------------------
@@ -285,6 +322,9 @@
 			(setf (slot-value obj 'ssl-privatekey-password) val))
 ;;;-------------------------- METHODS ----------------------------------------
+(defmethod clawserver-register-configuration ((clawserver clawserver) realm (configuration configuration))
+  (setf (gethash realm (clawserver-login-config clawserver)) configuration))
 (defmethod clawserver-dispatch-request ((obj clawserver))
   (let ((lisplets (clawserver-lisplets obj)))
     (loop for dispatcher in lisplets
@@ -292,12 +332,13 @@
 	 when action return (funcall action))))
 (defmethod clawserver-dispatch-method ((obj clawserver))
-  (let ((page404 (clawserver-page404 obj))
-	(result nil))
+  (let ((result nil))
+      (setf (aux-request-value 'clawserver) obj)
       (setf result (clawserver-dispatch-request obj)) 
       (if (null result)
-	#'(lambda () (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (page-render page404)))
+	#'(lambda () (when (= (return-code) +http-ok+) 
+			 (setf (return-code *reply*) +http-not-found+)))
 	#'(lambda () result)))))
 (defmethod clawserver-start ((obj clawserver))
@@ -355,6 +396,13 @@
     (when (clawserver-sslserver obj)
       (setf (clawserver-sslserver obj) (stop-server (clawserver-sslserver obj))))))
+(defun login (&optional (request *request*))
+  (let* ((server (aux-request-value 'clawserver))
+	 (realm  (aux-request-value 'realm))
+	 (login-config (gethash realm (clawserver-login-config server))))
+    (configuration-login login-config request)))
 (defun start-clawserver (clawserver-obj 
 			&key (port 80)		       
@@ -385,5 +433,30 @@
 		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-certificate-file ssl-certificate-file
 		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-file ssl-privatekey-file
 		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-password ssl-privatekey-password))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (defun claw-require-authorization (&optional (request *request*))
+  "Sends back appropriate headers to require basic HTTP authentication
+\(see RFC 2617) for the realm REALM."
+  ;(log-message :info "REALM:::::: ~a" (current-realm))
+  (setf (header-out "WWW-Authenticate")
+          (format nil "Basic realm=\"~A\"" (hunchentoot::quote-string (current-realm)))
+        (return-code *reply*)
+          +http-authorization-required+)
+  (throw 'handler-done nil))
+ (defun claw-require-authorization (&optional (request *request*))
+  "Sends back appropriate headers to require basic HTTP authentication
+\(see RFC 2617) for the realm REALM."
+  ;(log-message :info "REALM:::::: ~a" (current-realm))
+  (when (eq (lisplet-authentication-type lisplet) :basic)
+    (setf (header-out "WWW-Authenticate")
+          (format nil "Basic realm=\"~A\"" (hunchentoot::quote-string (current-realm)))
+;    (setf (return-code *reply*)
+;          +http-authorization-required+)
+  (cond
+    ((null (principal)) (setf (return-code) +http-authorization-required+))
+    (t (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
     (if (= 0 client-id-index)
 	(setf result id)
-	(setf result (format nil "~a~d" id client-id-index)))
+	(setf result (format nil "~a_~d" id client-id-index)))
     (setf (gethash id id-ht) (1+ client-id-index))
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
 	 (id (getf (first fbody) :id))
 	 (static-id (getf (first fbody) :static-id))
-    (unless (null static-id)
+    (when static-id
       (remf (first fbody) :id)
       (setf id nil))
     (setf instance (make-instance parent 
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 				  :attributes (first fbody)
 				  :body (second fbody)))
     (if (null static-id)
-	(unless (or (null id-table-map) (null id))
+	(when (and id-table-map id)
 	    (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance)
 		  (generate-id id)))
 	(setf (htcomponent-client-id instance) static-id))
@@ -486,14 +486,13 @@
 (defmethod (setf htcomponent-page) ((pobj page) (obj htcomponent))  
   (let ((id (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :id))
-	(static-id (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :static-id)))
+	(static-id (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :static-id))
+	(client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
     (setf (slot-value obj 'page) pobj)
-    (unless (and (null id) (null static-id))
-      (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
-	(when (null client-id)
-	  (if (null static-id)
-	      (setf (htcomponent-client-id obj) (generate-id id))
-	      (setf (htcomponent-client-id obj) static-id)))))))
+    (unless client-id
+      (if static-id
+	  (setf (htcomponent-client-id obj) static-id)
+	  (setf (htcomponent-client-id obj) (generate-id id))))))
 (defmethod page-request-parameters ((pobj page))
   (if (and (boundp '*request*) (null (slot-value pobj 'request-parameters)))
@@ -509,7 +508,7 @@
 (defmethod page-req-parameter ((pobj page) name &optional as-list)
   (let ((parameters (page-request-parameters pobj))
-    (unless (null parameters)
+    (when parameters
       (setf retval (gethash (string-upcase name) parameters))
       (if (or (null retval) as-list)
@@ -551,28 +550,30 @@
 	 (xml-p (page-xmloutput obj))
 	 (content-type (page-doc-type obj)))    
     (when (null json-p)
-      (unless (null xml-p)	  
+      (when xml-p
 	(page-format-raw obj "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"~a\"?>~%" encoding))	 
-      (unless (null content-type)
+      (when content-type
 	(page-format-raw obj "~a~%" content-type)))))
-(defmethod page-render ((obj page))  
+(defmethod page-render ((obj page))    
   (let ((body (page-content obj))
 	(json-p (page-json-id-list obj)))
     (if (null body)
 	(format nil "null body for page ~a~%" (type-of obj))
 	  (page-init obj)
-	  (unless (null (page-req-parameter obj *rewind-parameter*))
+	  (when (page-req-parameter obj *rewind-parameter*)
 	    (htcomponent-rewind body obj))
 	  (page-init obj)
 	  (htcomponent-prerender (page-content obj) obj) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
 	  (page-render-headings obj)
 	  (page-init obj)	  
-	  (unless (null json-p)
+	  (when json-p
 	    (page-format-raw obj "{components:{"))
+	  (setf (page-can-print obj) t)
 	  (htcomponent-render (page-content obj) obj) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
-	  (unless (null json-p)
+	  (when json-p
 	    (page-format-raw obj "},classInjections:\"")
 	    (setf (page-can-print obj) t)	    
 	    (dolist (injection (page-init-injections obj))
@@ -640,7 +641,8 @@
   (let* ((pobj (htcomponent-page obj))
 	 (json-p (page-json-id-list pobj))
 	 (id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
-    (unless (or (null json-p) (null (member id json-p :test #'string-equal)))
+    (when (or json-p 
+	      (member id json-p :test #'string-equal))
       (when (> (page-json-component-count pobj) 0)
 	(page-format pobj ","))
       (page-format-raw pobj "~a:\"" id)
@@ -650,7 +652,8 @@
   (let* ((pobj (htcomponent-page obj))
 	 (json-p (page-json-id-list pobj))
 	 (id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
-    (unless (or (null json-p) (null (member id json-p :test #'string-equal)))
+    (when (or json-p 
+	      (member id json-p :test #'string-equal))
       (page-format-raw pobj "\""))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind :before ((obj htcomponent) (pobj page))
@@ -667,6 +670,7 @@
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender ((obj htcomponent) (pobj page))
   (let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print pobj)))        
+;    (log-message :info "------------------- ~a" previous-print-status)
     (when (null previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj)))
     (dolist (tag (htcomponent-body obj))
@@ -677,7 +681,7 @@
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((obj htcomponent) (pobj page))  
   (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body obj))
-	(previous-print-status (page-can-print pobj)))
+	(previous-print-status (page-can-print pobj)))    
     (when (null previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj))
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component obj))
@@ -691,11 +695,11 @@
 ;;;========= TAG =====================================
 (defmethod tag-render-attributes ((obj tag) (pobj page))
-  (unless (null (htcomponent-attributes obj))
+  (when (htcomponent-attributes obj)
     (loop for (k v) on (htcomponent-attributes obj) by #'cddr 
        do (progn
 	    (assert (keywordp k)) 
-	    (unless (null v)		   
+	    (when v
 	      (page-format pobj " ~a=\"~a\"" 
 			   (string-downcase (if (eq k :static-id)
@@ -744,15 +748,15 @@
     (when (null previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj))
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component obj))
-    (unless (or (null (page-can-print pobj)) (null previous-print-status))
+    (when (or (page-can-print pobj) previous-print-status)
       (tag-render-starttag obj pobj))
     (dolist (tag body-list)
       (if (stringp tag)
 	    (htcomponent-render ($> tag) pobj)
 	    (htcomponent-render tag pobj)))
-    (unless (or (null (page-can-print pobj)) (null previous-print-status))
+    (when (or (page-can-print pobj) previous-print-status)
       (tag-render-endtag obj pobj))
-    (when (null previous-print-status)
+    (unless previous-print-status
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) nil)
       (htcomponent-json-print-end-component obj))))
@@ -779,8 +783,8 @@
   (let ((body (htcomponent-body obj))
 	(json-p (not (null (page-json-id-list pobj))))
 	(print-p (page-can-print pobj)))
-    (unless (or (null print-p) (null body))
-      (unless (null json-p)
+    (when (or print-p body)
+      (when json-p
 	(setf body (regex-replace-all "\""
 				      (regex-replace-all "\\\\\""
 							 (regex-replace-all "\\n"
@@ -788,14 +792,14 @@
-      (if (null (htstring-raw obj))      
+      (if (htstring-raw obj)
+	  (page-format-raw pobj body)
 	  (loop for ch across body
 	     do (case ch
 		  ((#\<) (page-format-raw pobj "<"))
 		  ((#\>) (page-format-raw pobj ">"))
 		  ((#\&) (page-format-raw pobj "&"))		  
-		  (t (page-format-raw pobj "~a" ch))))
-	  (page-format-raw pobj body)))))
+		  (t (page-format-raw pobj "~a" ch))))))))
 ;;;========= HTSCRIPT ===================================
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender((obj htscript) (pobj page)))
@@ -809,7 +813,7 @@
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component obj))
     (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :type)
       (append '(:type "text/javascript") (htcomponent-attributes obj)))
-    (unless (null (page-can-print pobj))
+    (when (page-can-print pobj)
       (tag-render-starttag obj pobj)    
       (when (and (null (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :src)) 
 		 (not (null (htcomponent-body obj))))
@@ -838,7 +842,7 @@
     (when (null previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj))
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component obj))
-    (unless (null (page-can-print pobj))
+    (when (page-can-print pobj)
       (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :type)
 	(append '(:type "text/css") (htcomponent-attributes obj)))
       (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes obj) :rel)
@@ -853,19 +857,19 @@
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((obj htbody) (pobj page))
   (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body obj))
 	(previous-print-status (page-can-print pobj)))    
-    (unless (or (null (page-can-print pobj)) (null previous-print-status))
+    (when (or (page-can-print pobj) previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj))
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component obj))
-    (unless (null (page-can-print pobj))
+    (when (page-can-print pobj)
       (tag-render-starttag obj pobj))
     (dolist (tag body-list)
       (if (stringp tag)
 	    (htcomponent-render ($> tag) pobj)
 	    (htcomponent-render tag pobj)))
-    (unless (null (page-can-print pobj))
+    (when (page-can-print pobj)
       (htcomponent-render (htbody-init-scripts-tag pobj) pobj)
       (tag-render-endtag obj pobj))
-    (unless (or (null (page-can-print pobj)) (null previous-print-status))
+    (when (or (page-can-print pobj) previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) nil)
       (htcomponent-json-print-end-component obj))))
@@ -920,7 +924,7 @@
 (defun make-component (name parameters content)
   (let ((instance (make-instance name))
 	(static-id (getf parameters :static-id)))
-    (unless (null static-id)
+    (when static-id
       (remf parameters :id))
     (loop for (k v) on parameters by #'cddr
        do (let ((keyword k))
@@ -929,7 +933,7 @@
 	    (multiple-value-bind (inst-k inst-v inst-p) 
 		(get-properties (wcomponent-parameters instance) (list keyword))
 	      (declare (ignore inst-v))
-	      (unless (null (find inst-k (wcomponent-reserved-parameters instance)))
+	      (when (find inst-k (wcomponent-reserved-parameters instance))
 		(error (format nil "Parameter ~a is reserved" inst-k)))
 	      (if (null inst-p)
 		  (if (null (wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp instance))
@@ -999,14 +1003,14 @@
 	(template (wcomponent-template obj)))          
     (when (null previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print pobj) (htcomponent-can-print obj)))
-    (unless (null (page-can-print pobj))
+    (when (page-can-print pobj)
       (dolist (script (htcomponent-script-files obj))
 	(pushnew script (page-script-files pobj) :test #'equal))
       (dolist (css (htcomponent-stylesheet-files obj))
 	(pushnew css (page-stylesheet-files pobj) :test #'equal))
       (dolist (js (htcomponent-class-initscripts obj))
 	(pushnew js (page-class-initscripts pobj) :test #'equal)) 
-      (unless (null (htcomponent-instance-initscript obj))
+      (when (htcomponent-instance-initscript obj)
 	(pushnew (htcomponent-instance-initscript obj) (page-instance-initscripts pobj) :test #'equal)))
     (if (listp template)
 	(dolist (tag template)	  	  

Added: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/img/matrix.jpg
Binary file. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Fri Feb 15 05:27:29 2008
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 (in-package :claw-tests)
+(setf *rewrite-for-session-urls* nil)
 (defvar *this-file* (load-time-value
                      (or #.*compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*)))
@@ -42,14 +43,42 @@
-(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242))
-;;;(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242 :sslport 4445 
-;;;					:ssl-certificate-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/cacert.pem" 
-;;;					:ssl-privatekey-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/privkey.pem"))
+;;;(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242))
+(defparameter *clawserver* (make-instance 'clawserver :port 4242 :sslport 4445 
+					  :mod-lisp-p t
+					:ssl-certificate-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/cacert.pem" 
+					:ssl-privatekey-file #P"/home/kiuma/pem/privkey.pem"))
+(setf (lisplet-redirect-protected-resources-p *test-lisplet*) t)
 (clawserver-register-lisplet *clawserver* *test-lisplet*)
 (clawserver-register-lisplet *clawserver* *test-lisplet2*)
+(defun test-configuration-do-login (request user password)
+  (let ((session *session*))
+    (when (and (string-equal user "kiuma")
+	       (string-equal password "password"))    
+      (progn
+	(unless session 
+	  (setf session (lisplet-start-session)))
+	(setf (session-value 'principal session) (make-instance 'principal :name user :roles '("user")))))))
+(defclass test-configuration (configuration) ())
+(defmethod configuration-login ((test-configuration test-configuration) &optional (request *request*))
+  (let ((lisplet (current-lisplet request)))    
+    (multiple-value-bind (user password)
+	(if (eq (lisplet-authentication-type lisplet) :basic)	
+	    (authorization)
+	    (values (aux-request-value 'user request)
+		  (aux-request-value 'password request)))
+      (test-configuration-do-login request user password))))
+(clawserver-register-configuration *clawserver* "test1" (make-instance 'test-configuration))
 (defun claw-tst-start ()
   (clawserver-start *clawserver*))
@@ -71,18 +100,29 @@
      (wcomponent-parameter-value o ':title)))
     (wcomponent-informal-parameters o)
-    (p>
-     (a> :href "/claw/test/index.html"))
+    (div>
+     :style "background-color: #DBDFE0;padding: 3px;"
+     (a> :href "/claw/test/index.html" "home"))
     (htcomponent-body o))))
 ;;;--------------------index testing page--------------------------------
+(defclass auth-page (page) ())
+(defmethod page-content ((page auth-page))
+  (site-template> :title "Unauth test page"
+		  (p> "not here")))
+;  (claw-require-authorization))
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'auth-page "unauth.html")
+(lisplet-protect *test-lisplet* "unauth.html" '("admin" "user"))
 (defclass index-page (page) ())
 (defmethod page-content ((o index-page))  
   (site-template> :title "Home test page"
 		  (p> :id "p"
+		       (li> (a> :href "login.html"
+				"Do login"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "images/matrix.jpg"
 				"show static file"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "images/matrix2.jpg"
@@ -92,11 +132,12 @@
 		       (li> (a> :href "../test2/realm.html" :target "clwo2" 
 				"realm on lisplet 'test2'"))
 		       (li> (a> :href "id-tests.html" "id generation test"))
-		       (li> (a> :href "form.html" ($> "form components test")))))))
+		       (li> (a> :href "form.html" "form components test"))
+		       (li> (a> :href "unauth.html" "unauthorized page"))))))
 (defun test-image-file () 
   (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *this-file*) '("img")) :name "matrix" :type "jpg"))
-(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" t)
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" :welcome-pagep t)
 (lisplet-register-resource-location *test-lisplet*  (test-image-file) "images/matrix.jpg" "image/jpeg")
@@ -119,7 +160,7 @@
   (let ((lisplet (page-lisplet o)))    
     (when (or (null *session*) (not (string= (session-realm *session*) (lisplet-realm lisplet))))
-	(start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (page-lisplet o))))
+	(lisplet-start-session)
 	(setf (session-value 'RND-NUMBER) (random 1000))))
     (site-template> :title "Realm test page"		  			
@@ -153,21 +194,67 @@
 		    (div> :id "foo" :class "goo" 
 			  :onclick "this.innerHTML = this.id"
+			  :style "cursor: pointer;"
 			  "passed id: 'foo'[click me, to see generated id]")
 		    (div> :id "foo" 
 			  :onclick "this.innerHTML = this.id"
+			  :style "cursor: pointer;"
 			  "passed id: 'foo'[click me, to see generated id]")
 		    (div> :static-id uid 
 			  :onclick "this.innerHTML = this.id"
+			  :style "cursor: pointer;"
 			  "passed id: 'uid' (generated with generate-id)[click me, to see generated id]")
 		    (div> :static-id uid2 
 			  :onclick "this.innerHTML = this.id"
+			  :style "cursor: pointer;"
 			  "passed id: 'uid' (generated with generate-id)[click me, to see generated id]"))))
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'id-tests-page "id-tests.html")
 ;;;--------------------from components testing page--------------------------------
+(defgeneric login-page-login (login-page))
+(defclass login-page (page) 
+  ((username :initform ""
+	 :accessor login-page-username)
+   (passowrd :initform ""
+	 :accessor login-page-password)))
+(defmethod page-content ((login-page login-page))
+  (let ((princp (current-principal)))
+    (site-template> :title "a page title" 
+		    (if (null princp)
+			(cform> :id "loginform" :method "post" :action 'login-page-login
+				(table>
+				 (tr>
+				  (td> "Username")
+				  (td>
+				   (cinput> :id "username"
+					    :type "text"
+					    :accessor 'login-page-username)))
+				 (tr>
+				  (td> "Password")
+				  (td>
+				   (cinput> :id "passowrd"
+					    :type "password"
+					    :accessor 'login-page-password)))			   
+				 (tr>
+				  (td> :colspan "2"
+				       (csubmit> :id "submit" :value "Login")))))
+			(p> 
+			 "Welcome " 
+			 (principal-name princp)
+			 (a> :href "index.html" "home"))))))
+(defmethod login-page-login ((login-page login-page))
+  (setf (aux-request-value 'user) (login-page-username login-page)
+	(aux-request-value 'password) (login-page-password login-page))
+  (login))
+(lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'login-page "login.html" :login-pagep t)
 (defclass form-page (page) 
   ((name :initarg :name
 	 :accessor form-page-name)

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