[claw-cvs] r149 - in trunk/main/claw-html: . src

Andrea Chiumenti achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 13 14:16:07 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Sat Dec 13 14:15:57 2008
New Revision: 149

css component injection bugfix


Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd
--- trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd	Sat Dec 13 14:15:57 2008
@@ -34,17 +34,8 @@
   :depends-on (:closer-mop :local-time :parenscript :cl-ppcre :split-sequence)
   :components ((:module src
                         :components ((:file "packages")
-                                     ;(:file "mime-type" :depends-on ("packages"))
-                                     ;(:file "misc" :depends-on ("mime-type"))
-                                     ;:(:file "i18n" :depends-on ("packages"))
-                                     ;(:file "locales" :depends-on ("i18n"))
-                                     ;(:file "connector" :depends-on ("misc"))
-                                     ;(:file "logger" :depends-on ("misc"))
-                                     ;(:file "session-manager" :depends-on ("misc"))
 				     (:file "meta" :depends-on ("packages"))
-                                     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("packages" "meta"))                                     
+                                     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("packages" "meta"))
                                      (:file "components" :depends-on ("tags" "meta"))
                                      (:file "validators" :depends-on ("components"))
-                                     (:file "translators" :depends-on ("validators"))))))
-                                     ;(:file "server" :depends-on ("components"))
-                                     ;(:file "lisplet" :depends-on ("server"))))))
+                                     (:file "translators" :depends-on ("validators"))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp	Sat Dec 13 14:15:57 2008
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
-           ;#:duplicate-back-slashes
@@ -59,6 +58,7 @@
+           #:page-initstyles
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+           #:htcomponent-initstyles

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp	Sat Dec 13 14:15:57 2008
@@ -111,7 +111,9 @@
 (defgeneric page-body-init-scripts (page)
   (:documentation "During the render phase wcomponent instances inject their initialization scripts (javascript)
 that will be evaluated when the page has been loaded.
-This internal method is called to render these scripts.
+This internal method is called to render these scripts. The result is used by the HTBODY-INIT-SCRIPTS-TAG method 
+that generates a <script> tag that will be appended at the end of the <body> tag (generated by the BODY> function
  - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
 (defgeneric htbody-init-scripts-tag (page &optional on-load)
@@ -391,6 +393,8 @@
                       :accessor page-class-initscripts :documentation "Holds component class javascript directives injected by components during the request cycle")
    (instancee-initscripts :initarg :instance-initscripts
                           :accessor page-instance-initscripts :documentation "Holds component instance javascript directives injected by components during the request cycle")
+   (initstyles :initarg :initstyles
+               :accessor page-initstyles :documentation "Holds component class and instance stylesheet directives injected by components during the request cycle")
    (indent :initarg :indent
            :accessor page-indent :documentation "Determine if the output must be indented or not")
    (tabulator :initarg :tabulator
@@ -400,7 +404,7 @@
    (current-form :initform nil
                  :accessor page-current-form :documentation "During the rewinding phase the form or the action-link whose action has been fired")
    (doc-type :initarg :doc-type
-             :accessor page-doc-type :documentation "The DOCUMENT TYPE of the page (default to HTML 4.01 STRICT)")
+             :accessor page-doc-type :documentation "The DOCUMENT TYPE of the page (default to HTML 4.01 Transitional)")
    (lasttag :initform nil
             :accessor page-lasttag :documentation "Last rendered tag. Needed for page output rendering")
    (json-component-count :initarg :json-component-count
@@ -434,10 +438,11 @@
     :stylesheet-files nil
     :class-initscripts nil
     :instance-initscripts nil
+    :initstyles nil
     :indent t
     :tabulator 0
     :xmloutput nil
-    :doc-type *html-4.01-strict*
+    :doc-type *html-4.01-transitional*
     :request-parameters nil
     :mime-type "text/html")
   (:documentation "A page object holds claw components to be rendered") )
@@ -480,7 +485,9 @@
    (class-initscripts :initarg :class-initscripts
                       :accessor htcomponent-class-initscripts :documentation "Page injectable javascript class derectives")
    (instance-initscript :initarg :instance-initscript
-                        :accessor htcomponent-instance-initscript :documentation "Page injectable javascript instance derectives"))
+                        :accessor htcomponent-instance-initscript :documentation "Page injectable javascript instance derectives")
+   (initstyles :initarg :initstyles
+                     :accessor htcomponent-initstyles :documentation "Component injectable css derectives"))
   (:default-initargs :page nil
     :body nil
     :json-render-on-validation-errors-p nil
@@ -491,7 +498,8 @@
     :script-files nil
     :stylesheet-files nil
     :class-initscripts nil
-    :instance-initscript nil)
+    :instance-initscript nil
+    :initstyles nil)
   (:documentation "Base class for all other claw components"))
 (defclass tag (htcomponent)
@@ -605,8 +613,7 @@
     (when parameters
       (setf retval (gethash (string-upcase name) parameters))
       (if (or (null retval) as-list)
-          (progn
-            retval)
+          retval
           (first retval)))))
 (defmethod page-format ((page page) str &rest rest)
@@ -637,11 +644,10 @@
   (or (page-req-parameter page "jsonSuffix" nil) ""))
 (defmethod page-init ((page page))
-  (progn
-    (reset-request-id-table-map)
-    (setf (page-can-print page) (null (page-json-id-list page)))
-    (reset-request-id-table-map)
-    (setf (page-tabulator page) 0)))
+  (reset-request-id-table-map)
+  (setf (page-can-print page) (null (page-json-id-list page)))
+  (reset-request-id-table-map)
+  (setf (page-tabulator page) 0))
 (defmethod page-render-headings ((page page))
   (let* ((jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
@@ -679,44 +685,41 @@
         (*validation-errors* nil)
         (*validation-compliances* nil)
         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page)))
-    (progn
-      (page-init page)
-      (page-before-render page)
-      (when (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)
-        (htcomponent-rewind (page-content page) page))
-      (page-init page)
-      (htcomponent-prerender (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
-      (page-render-headings page)
-      (page-init page)
-      (when jsonp
-        (page-format-raw page (page-json-prefix page))
-        (page-format-raw page "{components:{"))
-      (htcomponent-render (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
-      (when jsonp
-        (page-format-raw page "},classInjections:\"")
-        (setf (page-can-print page) t
-              (page-injection-writing-p page) t)
-        (dolist (injection (page-init-injections page))
-          (when injection
-            (htcomponent-render injection page)))
-        (page-format-raw page "\",instanceInjections:\"")
-        (let ((init-scripts (htbody-init-scripts-tag page)))
-          (when init-scripts
-            (htcomponent-render init-scripts page)))
-        (page-format-raw page "\",errors:")
-        (page-format-raw page (json-validation-errors))
-        (page-format-raw page ",valid:")
-        (page-format-raw page (json-validation-compliances))
-        (page-format-raw page "}")
-        (page-format-raw page (page-json-suffix page))))))
+    (page-init page)
+    (page-before-render page)
+    (when (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)
+      (htcomponent-rewind (page-content page) page))
+    (page-init page)
+    (htcomponent-prerender (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
+    (page-render-headings page)
+    (page-init page)
+    (when jsonp
+      (page-format-raw page (page-json-prefix page))
+      (page-format-raw page "{components:{"))
+    (htcomponent-render (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
+    (when jsonp
+      (page-format-raw page "},classInjections:\"")
+      (setf (page-can-print page) t
+            (page-injection-writing-p page) t)
+      (dolist (injection (page-init-injections page))
+        (when injection
+          (htcomponent-render injection page)))
+      (page-format-raw page "\",instanceInjections:\"")
+      (let ((init-scripts (htbody-init-scripts-tag page)))
+        (when init-scripts
+          (htcomponent-render init-scripts page)))
+      (page-format-raw page "\",errors:")
+      (page-format-raw page (json-validation-errors))
+      (page-format-raw page ",valid:")
+      (page-format-raw page (json-validation-compliances))
+      (page-format-raw page "}")
+      (page-format-raw page (page-json-suffix page)))))
 (defmethod page-body-init-scripts ((page page))
   (let ((js-body ""))
     (dolist (current-js (reverse (page-instance-initscripts page)))
       (setf js-body (format nil "~a~%~a~%" js-body current-js)))
-    (if (string= "" js-body)
-        js-body
-        (format nil "~a" js-body))))
+    (format nil "~@[~a~]" js-body)))
 (defmethod page-print-tabulation ((page page))
   (let ((tabulator (page-tabulator page))
@@ -733,11 +736,16 @@
 (defmethod page-init-injections ((page page))
   (let ((tag-list)
-        (class-init-scripts ""))
+        (class-init-scripts "")
+        (init-styles ""))
     (dolist (script (reverse (page-class-initscripts page)))
       (setf class-init-scripts (format nil "~a~%~a"
+    (dolist (style (reverse (page-initstyles page)))
+      (setf init-styles (format nil "~a~%~a"
+                                init-styles
+                                style)))
     (unless (string= "" class-init-scripts)
       (let ((current-js (script> :type "text/javascript")))
         (setf (htcomponent-body current-js) class-init-scripts)
@@ -754,7 +762,10 @@
           (let ((current-css (link> :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "")))
             (setf (getf (htcomponent-attributes current-css) :href) css-file)
             (push current-css tag-list))))
+    (unless (string= "" init-styles)
+      (let ((current-css (style> :type "text/css")))
+        (setf (htcomponent-body current-css) (list init-styles))
+        (push current-css tag-list)))
 (defmethod page-current-component ((page page))
@@ -944,15 +955,13 @@
                    (null jsonp)
                    (null (and jsonp 
                               (string= id (first (page-json-component-id-list page)))))))
-      (progn
-        (decf (page-tabulator page))
-        (if (string= tagname previous-tagname)
-            (progn
-              (page-format page "</~a>" tagname))
-            (progn
-              (page-newline page)
-              (page-print-tabulation page)
-              (page-format page "</~a>" tagname)))))
+      (decf (page-tabulator page))
+      (if (string= tagname previous-tagname)
+          (page-format page "</~a>" tagname)
+          (progn
+            (page-newline page)
+            (page-print-tabulation page)
+            (page-format page "</~a>" tagname))))
     (setf (page-lasttag page) nil)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((tag tag) (page page))
@@ -1084,7 +1093,7 @@
         (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :type)
           (append '(:type "text/css") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
         (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :rel)
-          (append '(:rel "styleshhet") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
+          (append '(:rel "stylesheet") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
         (tag-render-starttag htlink page)
         (tag-render-endtag htlink page))
       (when (null previous-print-status)
@@ -1119,13 +1128,13 @@
   (let ((js (script> :type "text/javascript"))
         (js-control-string-directive (if on-load 
-var bodyInitFunction = function\(e){~{~a~}};~%
+var bodyInitFunction = function\(e){~{~a~%~}};~%
 if (/MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {~%
   window.attachEvent\('onload', bodyInitFunction);~%
 } else {~%
   document.addEventListener\('DOMContentLoaded', bodyInitFunction, false);~%
-                                         "~{~a~}~%"))
+                                         "~{~a~%~}~%"))
         (page-body-init-scripts (page-body-init-scripts page)))
     (setf (htcomponent-page js) page
           (htcomponent-body js) (when page-body-init-scripts
@@ -1260,8 +1269,8 @@
               (pushnew css (page-stylesheet-files page) :test #'equal)))
           (dolist (js (htcomponent-class-initscripts wcomponent))
             (pushnew js (page-class-initscripts page) :test #'equal))
-          (when (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent)
-            (pushnew (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent) (page-instance-initscripts page) :test #'equal)))
+          (dolist (style (htcomponent-initstyles wcomponent))
+            (pushnew style (page-initstyles page) :test #'equal)))
         (if (listp template)
             (dolist (tag template)
               (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)

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