[claw-cvs] r71 - in trunk/main/claw-html: . src

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 26 10:50:30 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Tue Aug 26 06:50:29 2008
New Revision: 71

CLAW html framework

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd
--- trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/claw-html.asd	Tue Aug 26 06:50:29 2008
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
                                      ;(:file "connector" :depends-on ("misc"))
                                      ;(:file "logger" :depends-on ("misc"))
                                      ;(:file "session-manager" :depends-on ("misc"))
-                                     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("packages"))
-                                     (:file "meta" :depends-on ("packages"))
+				     (:file "meta" :depends-on ("packages"))
+                                     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("packages" "meta"))                                     
                                      (:file "components" :depends-on ("tags" "meta"))
                                      (:file "validators" :depends-on ("components"))
                                      (:file "translators" :depends-on ("validators"))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/src/components.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-html/src/components.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/src/components.lisp	Tue Aug 26 06:50:29 2008
@@ -61,13 +61,16 @@
     ((action :initarg :action
 	     :accessor action
 	     :documentation "Function performed after user submission")
+     (action-object :initarg :action-object
+                    :accessor action-object
+                    :documentation "The object that will be applied to the ACTION property")
      (css-class :initarg :class
 		:reader css-class
 		:documentation "The html CLASS attribute")
      (method :initarg :method
              :reader form-method
              :documentation "Form post method (may be \"get\" or \"post\")"))
-  (:default-initargs :action nil :class nil :method "post")
+  (:default-initargs :action nil :class nil :method "post" :action-object nil)
   (:documentation "Internal use component"))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((obj _cform) (pobj page))
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@
     (when (and (null validation-errors)
                (cform-rewinding-p obj pobj))
-      (funcall action pobj))))
+      (funcall action (or (action-object obj) pobj)))))
 (defmethod cform-rewinding-p ((cform _cform) (page page))
   (string= (htcomponent-client-id cform)
@@ -213,8 +216,8 @@
 (defclass cinput (base-cinput)
     ((input-type :initarg :type
-		:reader input-type
-		:documentation "The html <input> TYPE attribute. For submit type, use the CSUBMIT> function."))
+                 :reader input-type
+                 :documentation "The html <input> TYPE attribute. For submit type, use the CSUBMIT> function."))
     (:metaclass metacomponent)
     (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :value :name) :empty t :type "text")
     (:documentation "Request cycle aware component the renders as an INPUT tag class"))
@@ -254,7 +257,6 @@
           (writer (cinput-writer cinput))
           (validator (validator cinput))
           (value (translator-decode (translator cinput) cinput)))
-;      (log-message :info "********************* ~a : ~a" cinput value)
       (unless (or (null value) (component-validation-errors cinput))
 	(when validator
 	  (funcall validator value))
@@ -367,7 +369,8 @@
           (current-form (page-current-form pobj))
           (submitted-p (page-req-parameter pobj (htcomponent-client-id obj))))
       (unless (or (null current-form) (null submitted-p) (null action))
-        (setf (action current-form) action)))))
+        (setf (action current-form) action
+              (action-object current-form) (or (action-object obj) (action-object current-form)))))))
 (defclass submit-link (csubmit)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/src/packages.lisp	Tue Aug 26 06:50:29 2008
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@
+           #:attribute-value
+           #:page-before-render
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@
                                         ;empty tags definition
+           #:*empty-tags*

Modified: trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-html/src/tags.lisp	Tue Aug 26 06:50:29 2008
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
   (:documentation "This method is the main method fired from the framework to render the desired page and to handle all the request cycle.
  - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
+(defgeneric page-before-render (page)
+  (:documentation "This method is called as first instruction of PAGE-RENDER.
+ - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
 (defgeneric page-init-injections (page)
   (:documentation "This internal method is called during the request cycle phase to reset page slots that
 must be reinitialized during sub-phases (rewinding, pre-rendering, rendering).
@@ -247,9 +251,9 @@
   "List of component id that pass the validation")
 (defvar *claw-current-page* nil
-    "The CLAW page currently rendering")
+  "The CLAW page currently rendering")
-(defvar *id-table-map* 
+(defvar *id-table-map* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
   "Holds an hash table of used components/tags id as keys and the number of their occurrences as values.
 So if you have a :id \"compId\" given to a previous component, the second
 time this id will be used, it will be rendered as \"compId_1\", the third time will be \"compId_2\" and so on")
@@ -261,7 +265,13 @@
 (defvar *file-translator* nil
   "*FILE-TRANSLATOR* is the default translator for any CINPUT component of type \"file\".")
+(defstruct list-for-tag-attribute
+  "Since tag attributes values are flattened, it is impossible to pass lists as values. Use this struct to pass lists to values"
+  (value nil))
+(defun attribute-value (value)
+  "Creates an unflattenable value for tag attributes. This is particularly useful when you need to pass a list as an attribute value"
+  (make-list-for-tag-attribute :value value))
 (defun flatten (tree &optional result-list)
   "Traverses the tree in order, collecting even non-null leaves into a list."
@@ -290,7 +300,7 @@
        do (if (and (null body)
                    (or (keywordp elem)
                        (keywordp last-elem)))
-              (push elem attributes)
+              (push (or (when (list-for-tag-attribute-p elem) (list-for-tag-attribute-value elem)) elem) attributes)
               (when elem
                 (push elem body))))
     (list (reverse attributes) (reverse body))))
@@ -356,24 +366,6 @@
-(defclass message-dispatcher ()
-  ()
-  (:documentation "This is and interface for message dispatchers"))
-(defclass simple-message-dispatcher (message-dispatcher)
-  ((locales :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-            :accessor simple-message-dispatcher-locales
-            :documentation "Hash table of locales strings and KEY/VALUE message pairs"))
-  (:documentation "A message disptcher that leave data unchanged during encoding and decoding phases."))
-(defclass i18n-aware (message-dispatcher)
-  ((message-dispatcher :initarg :message-dispatcher
-                       :accessor message-dispatcher
-                       :documentation "Reference to a MESSAGE-DISPATCHER instance"))
-  (:default-initargs :message-dispatcher nil)
-  (:documentation "All classes that need to dispatch messages are subclasses of I18N-AWARE"))
 (defclass page()
   ((writer :initarg :writer
@@ -412,8 +404,8 @@
                     :reader page-post-parameters
                     :documentation "http request post parameters")
    (get-parameters :initarg :get-parameters
-                    :reader page-get-parameters
-                    :documentation "http request get parameters")
+                   :reader page-get-parameters
+                   :documentation "http request get parameters")
    (components-stack :initform nil
                      :accessor page-components-stack
                      :documentation "A stack of components enetered into rendering process.")
@@ -424,8 +416,8 @@
                              :accessor page-external-format-encoding
                              :documentation "Symbol for page charset encoding \(Such as UTF-8)")
    (injection-writing-p :initform nil
-                       :accessor page-injection-writing-p
-                       :documentation "Flag that becomes true when rendering page injections"))
+                        :accessor page-injection-writing-p
+                        :documentation "Flag that becomes true when rendering page injections"))
   (:default-initargs :writer t
     :external-format-encoding :utf-8
     :script-files nil
@@ -444,7 +436,13 @@
 (defun make-page-renderer (page-class http-post-parameters http-get-parameters) 
   "Generates a lambda function from PAGE-RENDER method, that may be used into LISPLET-REGISTER-FUNCTION-LOCATION"
   #'(lambda () (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-                 (page-render (make-instance page-class :post-parameters http-post-parameters :get-parameters http-get-parameters)))))
+                 (page-render (make-instance page-class 
+                                             :post-parameters (if (functionp http-post-parameters)
+                                                                  (funcall http-post-parameters)
+                                                                  http-post-parameters) 
+                                             :get-parameters (if (functionp http-get-parameters)
+                                                                 (funcall http-get-parameters)
+                                                                 http-get-parameters))))))
 (defclass htcomponent ()
   ((page :initarg :page
@@ -661,44 +659,45 @@
   (let ((js-array (ps:ps* `(array ,@*validation-compliances*))))
     (subseq js-array 0 (1- (length js-array)))))
+(defmethod page-before-render ((page page))
+  nil)
 (defmethod page-render ((page page))
   (let ((*claw-current-page* page)
-        (*id-table-map* nil)
+        (*id-table-map* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
         (*validation-errors* nil)
         (*validation-compliances* nil)
-        (body (page-content page))
         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page)))
-    (if (null body)
-        (format nil "null body for page ~a~%" (type-of page))
-        (progn
-          (page-init page)
-          (when (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)
-            (htcomponent-rewind body page))
-          (page-init page)
-          (htcomponent-prerender (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
-          (page-render-headings page)
-          (page-init page)
-          (when jsonp
-            (page-format-raw page (page-json-prefix page))
-            (page-format-raw page "{components:{"))
-          (htcomponent-render (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
-          (when jsonp
-            (page-format-raw page "},classInjections:\"")
-            (setf (page-can-print page) t
-                  (page-injection-writing-p page) t)
-            (dolist (injection (page-init-injections page))
-              (when injection
-                (htcomponent-render injection page)))
-            (page-format-raw page "\",instanceInjections:\"")
-            (let ((init-scripts (htbody-init-scripts-tag page)))
-              (when init-scripts
-                (htcomponent-render init-scripts page)))
-            (page-format-raw page "\",errors:")
-            (page-format-raw page (json-validation-errors))
-            (page-format-raw page ",valid:")
-            (page-format-raw page (json-validation-compliances))
-            (page-format-raw page "}")
-            (page-format-raw page (page-json-suffix page)))))))
+    (progn
+      (page-init page)
+      (page-before-render page)
+      (when (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)
+        (htcomponent-rewind (page-content page) page))
+      (page-init page)
+      (htcomponent-prerender (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
+      (page-render-headings page)
+      (page-init page)
+      (when jsonp
+        (page-format-raw page (page-json-prefix page))
+        (page-format-raw page "{components:{"))
+      (htcomponent-render (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
+      (when jsonp
+        (page-format-raw page "},classInjections:\"")
+        (setf (page-can-print page) t
+              (page-injection-writing-p page) t)
+        (dolist (injection (page-init-injections page))
+          (when injection
+            (htcomponent-render injection page)))
+        (page-format-raw page "\",instanceInjections:\"")
+        (let ((init-scripts (htbody-init-scripts-tag page)))
+          (when init-scripts
+            (htcomponent-render init-scripts page)))
+        (page-format-raw page "\",errors:")
+        (page-format-raw page (json-validation-errors))
+        (page-format-raw page ",valid:")
+        (page-format-raw page (json-validation-compliances))
+        (page-format-raw page "}")
+        (page-format-raw page (page-json-suffix page))))))
 (defmethod page-body-init-scripts ((page page))
   (let ((js-body ""))
@@ -757,225 +756,227 @@
     (car (page-components-stack *claw-current-page*))))
 ;;;========= HTCOMPONENT ============================
 (defmethod htcomponent-can-print ((htcomponent htcomponent))
-  (let* ((id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
-         (page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
-         (print-status (page-can-print page))
-         (validation-errors *validation-errors*)
-         (json-render-on-validation-errors-p (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent))
-         (render-p (or (and (member id (page-json-id-list page) :test #'string=)
-                            (null validation-errors))
-                       print-status)))
-    (or json-render-on-validation-errors-p print-status render-p)))
+(let* ((id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) 
+             (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
+       (page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
+       (print-status (page-can-print page))
+       (validation-errors *validation-errors*)
+       (json-render-on-validation-errors-p (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent))
+       (render-p (or (and (member id (page-json-id-list page) :test #'string=)
+                          (null validation-errors))
+                     print-status)))
+  (or json-render-on-validation-errors-p print-status render-p)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-json-print-start-component ((htcomponent htcomponent))
-  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
-         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
-         (id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
-         (validation-errors *validation-errors*))
-    (when (and jsonp
-               (or (and (null validation-errors)
-                        (member id jsonp :test #'string-equal))
-                   (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent)))
-      (when (> (page-json-component-count page) 0)
-        (page-format page ","))
-      (page-format-raw page "~a:\"" id)
-      (push id (page-json-component-id-list page))
-      (incf (page-json-component-count page)))))
+(let* ((page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
+       (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
+       (id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) 
+             (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
+       (validation-errors *validation-errors*))
+  (when (and jsonp
+             (or (and (null validation-errors)
+                      (member id jsonp :test #'string-equal))
+                 (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent)))
+    (when (> (page-json-component-count page) 0)
+      (page-format page ","))
+    (page-format-raw page "~a:\"" id)
+    (push id (page-json-component-id-list page))
+    (incf (page-json-component-count page)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-json-print-end-component ((htcomponent htcomponent))
-  (let* ((page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
-         (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
-         (id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
-         (validation-errors *validation-errors*))
-    (when (and jsonp
-               (or (and (null validation-errors)
-                        (member id jsonp :test #'string-equal))
-                   (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent)))
-      (pop (page-json-component-id-list page))
-      (page-format-raw page "\""))))
+(let* ((page (htcomponent-page htcomponent))
+       (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
+       (id (when (slot-boundp htcomponent 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id htcomponent)))
+       (validation-errors *validation-errors*))
+  (when (and jsonp
+             (or (and (null validation-errors)
+                      (member id jsonp :test #'string-equal))
+                 (htcomponent-json-render-on-validation-errors-p htcomponent)))
+    (pop (page-json-component-id-list page))
+    (page-format-raw page "\""))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
-  (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))
+(setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+(push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
-      (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+    (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render :before ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
-      (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (setf (htcomponent-page htcomponent) page)
+    (push htcomponent (page-components-stack page)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (pop (page-components-stack page)))
+(pop (page-components-stack page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (pop (page-components-stack page)))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (pop (page-components-stack page)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render :after ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (pop (page-components-stack page)))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (pop (page-components-stack page)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (dolist (tag (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
-    (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
-      (htcomponent-rewind tag page))))
+(dolist (tag (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
+  (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
+    (htcomponent-rewind tag page))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htcomponent)))
-      (dolist (tag (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
-        (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
-          (htcomponent-prerender tag page)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)))))
+(let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htcomponent)))
+    (dolist (tag (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
+      (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
+        (htcomponent-prerender tag page)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htcomponent htcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
-        (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htcomponent))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htcomponent))
-      (dolist (child-tag body-list)
-        (when child-tag
-          (cond
-            ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
-            ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
-            (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htcomponent)))))
+(let ((body-list (htcomponent-body htcomponent))
+      (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htcomponent))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htcomponent))
+    (dolist (child-tag body-list)
+      (when child-tag
+        (cond
+          ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
+          ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
+          (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htcomponent)))))
 ;;;========= TAG =====================================
 (defmethod tag-attributes ((tag tag))
-  (htcomponent-attributes tag))
+(htcomponent-attributes tag))
 (defmethod tag-render-attributes ((tag tag) (page page))
-  (when (htcomponent-attributes tag)
-    (loop for (k v) on (htcomponent-attributes tag) by #'cddr
-       do (progn
-            (assert (keywordp k))
-            (when (and (functionp v) (not (eq k :render-condition)))
-              (setf v (funcall v)))
-            (when (numberp v)
-              (setf v (princ-to-string v)))
-            (when (and (not (eq k :render-condition)) v (string-not-equal v ""))
-              (page-format page " ~a=\"~a\""
-                           (if (eq k :static-id)
-                               "id"
-                               (parenscript::symbol-to-js k))
-                           (let ((s (if (eq k :id)
-                                        (prin1-to-string (htcomponent-client-id tag))
-                                        (if (eq t v)
-                                            "\"true\""
-                                            (prin1-to-string v))))) ;escapes double quotes
-                             (subseq s 1 (1- (length s))))))))))
+(when (htcomponent-attributes tag)
+  (loop for (k v) on (htcomponent-attributes tag) by #'cddr
+     do (progn
+          (assert (keywordp k))
+          (when (and (functionp v) (not (eq k :render-condition)))
+            (setf v (funcall v)))
+          (when (numberp v)
+            (setf v (princ-to-string v)))
+          (when (and (not (eq k :render-condition)) v (string-not-equal v ""))
+            (page-format page " ~a=\"~a\""
+                         (if (eq k :static-id)
+                             "id"
+                             (parenscript::symbol-to-js k))
+                         (let ((s (if (eq k :id)
+                                      (prin1-to-string (htcomponent-client-id tag))
+                                      (if (eq t v)
+                                          "\"true\""
+                                          (prin1-to-string v))))) ;escapes double quotes
+                           (subseq s 1 (1- (length s))))))))))
 (defmethod tag-render-starttag ((tag tag) (page page))
-  (let ((tagname (tag-name tag))
-        (id (when (slot-boundp tag 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id tag)))
-        (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
-        (emptyp (htcomponent-empty tag))
-        (xml-p (page-xmloutput page))
-        (injection-writing-p (page-injection-writing-p page)))
-    (setf (page-lasttag page) tagname)
-    (when (or injection-writing-p
-              (null jsonp)
-              (null (and jsonp 
-                         (string= id (first (page-json-component-id-list page))))))
-      (page-newline page)
-      (page-print-tabulation page)
-      (page-format page "<~a" tagname)
-      (tag-render-attributes tag page)
-      (if (null emptyp)
-          (progn
+(let ((tagname (tag-name tag))
+      (id (when (slot-boundp tag 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id tag)))
+      (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
+      (emptyp (htcomponent-empty tag))
+      (xml-p (page-xmloutput page))
+      (injection-writing-p (page-injection-writing-p page)))
+  (setf (page-lasttag page) tagname)
+  (when (or injection-writing-p
+            (null jsonp)
+            (null (and jsonp 
+                       (string= id (first (page-json-component-id-list page))))))
+    (page-newline page)
+    (page-print-tabulation page)
+    (page-format page "<~a" tagname)
+    (tag-render-attributes tag page)
+    (if (null emptyp)
+        (progn
+          (page-format page ">")
+          (incf (page-tabulator page)))
+        (if (null xml-p)
             (page-format page ">")
-            (incf (page-tabulator page)))
-          (if (null xml-p)
-              (page-format page ">")
-              (page-format page "/>"))))))
+            (page-format page "/>"))))))
 (defmethod tag-render-endtag ((tag tag) (page page))
-  (let ((tagname (tag-name tag))
-        (id (when (slot-boundp tag 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id tag)))
-        (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
-        (previous-tagname (page-lasttag page))
-        (emptyp (htcomponent-empty tag))
-        (injection-writing-p (page-injection-writing-p page)))
-    (when (and (null emptyp)
-               (or injection-writing-p
-                   (null jsonp)
-                   (null (and jsonp 
-                              (string= id (first (page-json-component-id-list page)))))))
-      (progn
-        (decf (page-tabulator page))
-        (if (string= tagname previous-tagname)
-            (progn
-              (page-format page "</~a>" tagname))
-            (progn
-              (page-newline page)
-              (page-print-tabulation page)
-              (page-format page "</~a>" tagname)))))
-    (setf (page-lasttag page) nil)))
+(let ((tagname (tag-name tag))
+      (id (when (slot-boundp tag 'client-id) (htcomponent-client-id tag)))
+      (jsonp (page-json-id-list page))
+      (previous-tagname (page-lasttag page))
+      (emptyp (htcomponent-empty tag))
+      (injection-writing-p (page-injection-writing-p page)))
+  (when (and (null emptyp)
+             (or injection-writing-p
+                 (null jsonp)
+                 (null (and jsonp 
+                            (string= id (first (page-json-component-id-list page)))))))
+    (progn
+      (decf (page-tabulator page))
+      (if (string= tagname previous-tagname)
+          (progn
+            (page-format page "</~a>" tagname))
+          (progn
+            (page-newline page)
+            (page-print-tabulation page)
+            (page-format page "</~a>" tagname)))))
+  (setf (page-lasttag page) nil)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((tag tag) (page page))
-  (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body tag))
-        (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition tag)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print tag))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component tag))
-      (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
-        (tag-render-starttag tag page))
-      (dolist (child-tag body-list)
-        (when child-tag
-          (cond
-            ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
-            ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
-            (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
-      (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
-        (tag-render-endtag tag page))
-      (unless previous-print-status
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component tag)))))
+(let ((body-list (htcomponent-body tag))
+      (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition tag)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print tag))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component tag))
+    (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
+      (tag-render-starttag tag page))
+    (dolist (child-tag body-list)
+      (when child-tag
+        (cond
+          ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
+          ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
+          (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
+    (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
+      (tag-render-endtag tag page))
+    (unless previous-print-status
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component tag)))))
 ;;;========= HTHEAD ======================================
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((hthead hthead) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition hthead)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null (page-json-id-list page))
-        (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body hthead))
-              (injections (page-init-injections page))
-              (encoding (page-external-format-encoding page)))
-          (tag-render-starttag hthead page)
-          (htcomponent-render (meta> :http-equiv "Content-Type"
-                                     :content (format nil "~a;charset=~a"
-                                                      (page-mime-type page)
-                                                      encoding))
-                              page)
-          (dolist (child-tag body-list)
-            (when child-tag
-              (cond
-                ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
-                ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
-                (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
-          (dolist (injection injections)
-            (when injection
-              (htcomponent-render injection page)))
-          (tag-render-endtag hthead page))))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition hthead)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null (page-json-id-list page))
+      (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body hthead))
+            (injections (page-init-injections page))
+            (encoding (page-external-format-encoding page)))
+        (tag-render-starttag hthead page)
+        (htcomponent-render (meta> :http-equiv "Content-Type"
+                                   :content (format nil "~a;charset=~a"
+                                                    (page-mime-type page)
+                                                    encoding))
+                            page)
+        (dolist (child-tag body-list)
+          (when child-tag
+            (cond
+              ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
+              ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
+              (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
+        (dolist (injection injections)
+          (when injection
+            (htcomponent-render injection page)))
+        (tag-render-endtag hthead page))))))
 ;;;========= HTSTRING ===================================
@@ -983,397 +984,284 @@
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender((htstring htstring) (page page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htstring htstring) (page page))
-  (let ((body (htcomponent-body htstring))
-        (jsonp (not (null (page-json-id-list page))))
-        (print-p (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htstring)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (and print-p body)
-        (when (functionp body)
-          (setf body (funcall body)))
-        (when jsonp
-          (setf body (regex-replace-all "\""
-                                        (regex-replace-all "\\\\\""
-                                                           (regex-replace-all "\\n"
-                                                                              body
-                                                                              "\\n")
-                                                           "\\\\\\\"")
-                                        "\\\"")))
-        (if (htstring-raw htstring)
-            (page-format-raw page body)
-            (loop for ch across body
-               do (case ch
-                    ((#\<) (page-format-raw page "<"))
-                    ((#\>) (page-format-raw page ">"))
-                    ((#\&) (page-format-raw page "&"))
-                    (t (page-format-raw page "~a" ch)))))))))
+(let ((body (htcomponent-body htstring))
+      (jsonp (not (null (page-json-id-list page))))
+      (print-p (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htstring)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (and print-p body)
+      (when (functionp body)
+        (setf body (funcall body)))
+      (when jsonp
+        (setf body (regex-replace-all "\""
+                                      (regex-replace-all "\\\\\""
+                                                         (regex-replace-all "\\n"
+                                                                            body
+                                                                            "\\n")
+                                                         "\\\\\\\"")
+                                      "\\\"")))
+      (if (htstring-raw htstring)
+          (page-format-raw page body)
+          (loop for ch across body
+             do (case ch
+                  ((#\<) (page-format-raw page "<"))
+                  ((#\>) (page-format-raw page ">"))
+                  ((#\&) (page-format-raw page "&"))
+                  (t (page-format-raw page "~a" ch)))))))))
 ;;;========= HTSCRIPT ===================================
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender((htscript htscript) (page page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htscript htscript) (page page))
-  (let ((xml-p (page-xmloutput page))
-        (body (htcomponent-body htscript))
-        (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htscript)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htscript))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htscript))
-      (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htscript) :type)
-        (append '(:type "text/javascript") (htcomponent-attributes htscript)))
-      (when (page-can-print page)
-        (tag-render-starttag htscript page)
-        (when (and (null (getf (htcomponent-attributes htscript) :src))
-                   (not (null (htcomponent-body htscript))))
-          (if (null xml-p)
-              (page-format page "~%//<!--~%")
-              (page-format page "~%//<[CDATA[~%"))
-          (unless (listp body)
-            (setf body (list body)))
-          (dolist (element body)
-            (when element
-              (cond
-                ((stringp element) (htcomponent-render ($raw> element) page))
-                ((functionp element) (htcomponent-render ($raw> (funcall element)) page))
-                (t (htcomponent-render element page)))))
-          (if (null xml-p)
-              (page-format page "~%//-->")
-              (page-format page "~%//]]>")))
-        (setf (page-lasttag page) nil)
-        (tag-render-endtag htscript page))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htscript)))))
+(let ((xml-p (page-xmloutput page))
+      (body (htcomponent-body htscript))
+      (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htscript)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htscript))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htscript))
+    (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htscript) :type)
+      (append '(:type "text/javascript") (htcomponent-attributes htscript)))
+    (when (page-can-print page)
+      (tag-render-starttag htscript page)
+      (when (and (null (getf (htcomponent-attributes htscript) :src))
+                 (not (null (htcomponent-body htscript))))
+        (if (null xml-p)
+            (page-format page "~%//<!--~%")
+            (page-format page "~%//<[CDATA[~%"))
+        (unless (listp body)
+          (setf body (list body)))
+        (dolist (element body)
+          (when element
+            (cond
+              ((stringp element) (htcomponent-render ($raw> element) page))
+              ((functionp element) (htcomponent-render ($raw> (funcall element)) page))
+              (t (htcomponent-render element page)))))
+        (if (null xml-p)
+            (page-format page "~%//-->")
+            (page-format page "~%//]]>")))
+      (setf (page-lasttag page) nil)
+      (tag-render-endtag htscript page))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htscript)))))
 ;;;========= HTLINK ====================================
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htlink htlink) (page page))
-  (let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htlink)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htlink))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htlink))
-      (when (page-can-print page)
-        (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :type)
-          (append '(:type "text/css") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
-        (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :rel)
-          (append '(:rel "styleshhet") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
-        (tag-render-starttag htlink page)
-        (tag-render-endtag htlink page))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htlink)))))
+(let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htlink)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htlink))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htlink))
+    (when (page-can-print page)
+      (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :type)
+        (append '(:type "text/css") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
+      (unless (getf (htcomponent-attributes htlink) :rel)
+        (append '(:rel "styleshhet") (htcomponent-attributes htlink)))
+      (tag-render-starttag htlink page)
+      (tag-render-endtag htlink page))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htlink)))))
 ;;;========= HTBODY ===================================
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htbody htbody) (page page))
-  (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body htbody))
-        (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htbody)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htbody))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htbody))
-      (when (page-can-print page)
-        (tag-render-starttag htbody page))
-      (dolist (child-tag body-list)
-        (when child-tag
-          (cond
-            ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
-            ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
-            (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
-      (when (page-can-print page)
-        (htcomponent-render (htbody-init-scripts-tag page t) page)
-        (tag-render-endtag htbody page))
-      (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htbody)))))
+(let ((body-list (htcomponent-body htbody))
+      (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition htbody)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htbody))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htbody))
+    (when (page-can-print page)
+      (tag-render-starttag htbody page))
+    (dolist (child-tag body-list)
+      (when child-tag
+        (cond
+          ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
+          ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
+          (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
+    (when (page-can-print page)
+      (htcomponent-render (htbody-init-scripts-tag page t) page)
+      (tag-render-endtag htbody page))
+    (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component htbody)))))
 (defmethod htbody-init-scripts-tag ((page page) &optional on-load)
-  (let ((js (script> :type "text/javascript"))
-        (js-control-string-directive (if on-load 
-                                         "
+(let ((js (script> :type "text/javascript"))
+      (js-control-string-directive (if on-load 
+                                       "
 var bodyInitFunction = function\(e){~{~a~}};~%
 if (/MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {~%
   window.attachEvent\('onload', bodyInitFunction);~%
 } else {~%
   document.addEventListener\('DOMContentLoaded', bodyInitFunction, false);~%
-                                         "~{~a~}~%"))
-        (page-body-init-scripts (page-body-init-scripts page)))
-    (setf (htcomponent-page js) page
-          (htcomponent-body js) (when page-body-init-scripts
-                                  (format nil js-control-string-directive (if (listp page-body-init-scripts)
-                                                                              page-body-init-scripts
-                                                                              (list page-body-init-scripts)))))
-    js))
+                                       "~{~a~}~%"))
+      (page-body-init-scripts (page-body-init-scripts page)))
+  (setf (htcomponent-page js) page
+        (htcomponent-body js) (when page-body-init-scripts
+                                (format nil js-control-string-directive (if (listp page-body-init-scripts)
+                                                                            page-body-init-scripts
+                                                                            (list page-body-init-scripts)))))
+  js))
 ;;;========= WCOMPONENT ===================================
 (defclass wcomponent (htcomponent)
-  ((reserved-parameters :initarg :reserved-parameters
-                        :accessor wcomponent-reserved-parameters
-                        :type cons
-                        :documentation "Parameters that may not be used in the constructor function")
-   (json-error-monitor-p :initarg :json-error-monitor-p
-                         :accessor htcomponent-json-error-monitor-p
-                         :documentation "When not nil, if the client has sent a XHR call, let the page to fill the errorComponents property of the json reply.")
-   (informal-parameters :initform ()
-                        :accessor wcomponent-informal-parameters
-                        :type cons
-                        :documentation "Informal parameters are parameters optional for the component")
-   (allow-informal-parameters :initarg :allow-informal-parameters
-                              :reader wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp
-                              :allocation :class
-                              :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters"))
-  (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters nil
-    :allow-informal-parameters t)
-  (:documentation "Base class for creationg customized web components. Use this or one of its subclasses to make your own."))
+((reserved-parameters :initarg :reserved-parameters
+                      :accessor wcomponent-reserved-parameters
+                      :type cons
+                      :documentation "Parameters that may not be used in the constructor function")
+ (json-error-monitor-p :initarg :json-error-monitor-p
+                       :accessor htcomponent-json-error-monitor-p
+                       :documentation "When not nil, if the client has sent a XHR call, let the page to fill the errorComponents property of the json reply.")
+ (informal-parameters :initform ()
+                      :accessor wcomponent-informal-parameters
+                      :type cons
+                      :documentation "Informal parameters are parameters optional for the component")
+ (allow-informal-parameters :initarg :allow-informal-parameters
+                            :reader wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp
+                            :allocation :class
+                            :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters"))
+(:default-initargs :reserved-parameters nil
+  :allow-informal-parameters t)
+(:documentation "Base class for creationg customized web components. Use this or one of its subclasses to make your own."))
 (defun slot-initarg-p (initarg class-precedence-list)
-  "Returns nil if a slot with that initarg isn't found into the list of classes passed"
-  (loop for class in class-precedence-list
-     do (let* ((direct-slots (closer-mop:class-direct-slots class))
-               (result (loop for slot in direct-slots
-                          do (when (eq (first (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) initarg)
-                               (return initarg)))))
-          (when result
-            (return result)))))
+"Returns nil if a slot with that initarg isn't found into the list of classes passed"
+(loop for class in class-precedence-list
+   do (let* ((direct-slots (closer-mop:class-direct-slots class))
+             (result (loop for slot in direct-slots
+                        do (when (eq (first (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) initarg)
+                             (return initarg)))))
+        (when result
+          (return result)))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance wcomponent) &rest rest)
-  (let* ((class-precedence-list (closer-mop:compute-class-precedence-list (class-of instance)))
-         (informal-parameters (loop for (k v) on rest by #'cddr
-                                 for result = ()
-                                 do (unless (slot-initarg-p k class-precedence-list)
-                                      (push v result)
-                                      (push k result))
-                                 finally (return result))))
-    (setf (slot-value instance 'informal-parameters) informal-parameters)))
+(let* ((class-precedence-list (closer-mop:compute-class-precedence-list (class-of instance)))
+       (informal-parameters (loop for (k v) on rest by #'cddr
+                               for result = ()
+                               do (unless (slot-initarg-p k class-precedence-list)
+                                    (push v result)
+                                    (push k result))
+                               finally (return result))))
+  (setf (slot-value instance 'informal-parameters) informal-parameters)))
 (defmethod (setf slot-initialization) (value (wcomponent wcomponent) slot-initarg)
-  (let* ((initarg (if (or (eq slot-initarg :static-id) (eq slot-initarg :id)) :client-id slot-initarg))
-         (new-value (if (eq slot-initarg :id) (generate-id value) value))
-         (slot-name (loop for slot-definition in (closer-mop:class-slots (class-of wcomponent))
-                       do (when (eq (car (last (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot-definition))) initarg)
-                            (return (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot-definition))))))
-    (if (find initarg (wcomponent-reserved-parameters wcomponent))
-        (error (format nil "Parameter ~a is reserved" initarg))
-        (if slot-name
-            (setf (slot-value wcomponent slot-name) new-value)
-            (if (null (wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp wcomponent))
-                (error (format nil
-                               "Component ~a doesn't accept informal parameters"
-                               slot-initarg))
-                (setf (getf (wcomponent-informal-parameters wcomponent) initarg) new-value))))))
+(let* ((initarg (if (or (eq slot-initarg :static-id) (eq slot-initarg :id)) :client-id slot-initarg))
+       (new-value (if (eq slot-initarg :id) (generate-id value) value))
+       (slot-name (loop for slot-definition in (closer-mop:class-slots (class-of wcomponent))
+                     do (when (eq (car (last (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot-definition))) initarg)
+                          (return (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot-definition))))))
+  (if (find initarg (wcomponent-reserved-parameters wcomponent))
+      (error (format nil "Parameter ~a is reserved" initarg))
+      (if slot-name
+          (setf (slot-value wcomponent slot-name) new-value)
+          (if (null (wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp wcomponent))
+              (error (format nil
+                             "Component ~a doesn't accept informal parameters"
+                             slot-initarg))
+              (setf (getf (wcomponent-informal-parameters wcomponent) initarg) new-value))))))
 (defun make-component (name parameters content)
-  "This function instantiates a wcomponent by the passed NAME, separetes parameters into formal(the ones that are the
+"This function instantiates a wcomponent by the passed NAME, separetes parameters into formal(the ones that are the
 initarg of a slot, and informal parameters, that have their own slot in common. The CONTENT is the body content."
-  (let* ((instance (make-instance name))
-         (id (getf parameters :id))
-         (static-id (getf parameters :static-id))
-         (real-id (or static-id id)))
-    (setf (htcomponent-real-id instance) real-id)
-    (when static-id
-      (remf parameters :id))
-    (loop for (initarg value) on parameters by #'cddr
-       do (setf (slot-initialization instance initarg) value))
-    (setf (htcomponent-body instance) content)
-    instance))
+(unless (or (getf parameters :id) 
+            (getf parameters :static-id))
+  (setf (getf parameters :id) "claw"))
+(let* ((instance (make-instance name))
+       (id (getf parameters :id))
+       (static-id (getf parameters :static-id))
+       (real-id (or static-id id)))
+  (setf (htcomponent-real-id instance) real-id)
+  (when static-id
+    (remf parameters :id))
+  (loop for (initarg value) on parameters by #'cddr
+     do (setf (slot-initialization instance initarg) value))
+  (setf (htcomponent-body instance) content)
+  instance))
 (defun build-component (component-name &rest rest)
-  "This function is the one that WCOMPONENT init functions call to intantiate their relative components.
+"This function is the one that WCOMPONENT init functions call to intantiate their relative components.
 The REST parameter is flattened and divided into a pair, where the first element is the alist of the component parameters,
 while the second is the component body."
-  (let ((fbody (parse-htcomponent-function (flatten rest))))
-    (make-component component-name (first fbody) (second fbody))))
+(let ((fbody (parse-htcomponent-function (flatten rest))))
+  (make-component component-name (first fbody) (second fbody))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((template (wcomponent-template wcomponent)))
-    (wcomponent-before-rewind wcomponent page)
-    (if (listp template)
-        (dolist (tag template)
-          (htcomponent-rewind tag page))
-        (htcomponent-rewind template page))
-    (wcomponent-after-rewind wcomponent page)))
+(let ((template (wcomponent-template wcomponent)))
+  (wcomponent-before-rewind wcomponent page)
+  (if (listp template)
+      (dolist (tag template)
+        (htcomponent-rewind tag page))
+      (htcomponent-rewind template page))
+  (wcomponent-after-rewind wcomponent page)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-before-rewind ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-prerender ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition wcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (wcomponent-before-prerender wcomponent page)
-      (let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-            (template (wcomponent-template wcomponent)))
-        (when (null previous-print-status)
-          (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print wcomponent)))
-        (when (page-can-print page)
-          (let ((script-files (htcomponent-script-files wcomponent)))
-            (dolist (script (if (listp script-files)
-                                script-files
-                                (list script-files)))
-              (pushnew script (page-script-files page) :test #'equal)))
-          (let ((css-files (htcomponent-stylesheet-files wcomponent)))
-            (dolist (css (if (listp css-files)
-                             css-files
-                             (list css-files)))
-              (pushnew css (page-stylesheet-files page) :test #'equal)))
-          (dolist (js (htcomponent-class-initscripts wcomponent))
-            (pushnew js (page-class-initscripts page) :test #'equal))
-          (when (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent)
-            (pushnew (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent) (page-instance-initscripts page) :test #'equal)))
-        (if (listp template)
-            (dolist (tag template)
-              (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
-                (htcomponent-prerender tag page)))
-            (htcomponent-prerender template page))
-        (when (null previous-print-status)
-          (setf (page-can-print page) nil)))
-      (wcomponent-after-prerender wcomponent page))))
+(let ((render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition wcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (wcomponent-before-prerender wcomponent page)
+    (let ((previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+          (template (wcomponent-template wcomponent)))
+      (when (null previous-print-status)
+        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print wcomponent)))
+      (when (page-can-print page)
+        (let ((script-files (htcomponent-script-files wcomponent)))
+          (dolist (script (if (listp script-files)
+                              script-files
+                              (list script-files)))
+            (pushnew script (page-script-files page) :test #'equal)))
+        (let ((css-files (htcomponent-stylesheet-files wcomponent)))
+          (dolist (css (if (listp css-files)
+                           css-files
+                           (list css-files)))
+            (pushnew css (page-stylesheet-files page) :test #'equal)))
+        (dolist (js (htcomponent-class-initscripts wcomponent))
+          (pushnew js (page-class-initscripts page) :test #'equal))
+        (when (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent)
+          (pushnew (htcomponent-instance-initscript wcomponent) (page-instance-initscripts page) :test #'equal)))
+      (if (listp template)
+          (dolist (tag template)
+            (when (subtypep (type-of tag) 'htcomponent)
+              (htcomponent-prerender tag page)))
+          (htcomponent-prerender template page))
+      (when (null previous-print-status)
+        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)))
+    (wcomponent-after-prerender wcomponent page))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-before-prerender ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-prerender ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page))
-  (let ((template (wcomponent-template wcomponent))
-        (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
-        (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition wcomponent)))
-    (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print wcomponent))
-        (htcomponent-json-print-start-component wcomponent))
-      (wcomponent-before-render wcomponent page)
-      (unless (listp template)
-        (setf template (list template)))
-      (dolist (child-tag template)
-        (when child-tag
-          (cond
-            ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
-            ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
-            (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
-      (wcomponent-after-render wcomponent page)
-      (when (null previous-print-status)
-        (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
-        (htcomponent-json-print-end-component wcomponent)))))
+(let ((template (wcomponent-template wcomponent))
+      (previous-print-status (page-can-print page))
+      (render-condition (htcomponent-render-condition wcomponent)))
+  (unless (and render-condition (null (funcall render-condition)))
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print wcomponent))
+      (htcomponent-json-print-start-component wcomponent))
+    (wcomponent-before-render wcomponent page)
+    (unless (listp template)
+      (setf template (list template)))
+    (dolist (child-tag template)
+      (when child-tag
+        (cond
+          ((stringp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> child-tag) page))
+          ((functionp child-tag) (htcomponent-render ($> (funcall child-tag)) page))
+          (t (htcomponent-render child-tag page)))))
+    (wcomponent-after-render wcomponent page)
+    (when (null previous-print-status)
+      (setf (page-can-print page) nil)
+      (htcomponent-json-print-end-component wcomponent)))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-before-render ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-render ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
-(defclass error-page (page)
-  ((title :initarg :title
-	  :reader page-title
-	  :documentation "The page title")
-   (error-code :initarg :error-code
-	       :reader page-error-code
-	       :documentation "The error code to display"))
-  (:documentation "This is the page class used to render
-the http error messages."))
-(defclass error-page-template (wcomponent)
-  ((title :initarg :title
-	  :reader title
-	  :documentation "The page title")
-   (error-code :initarg :error-code
-	  :reader error-code
-	  :documentation "The http error code. For details consult http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html")
-   (style :initarg :style
-	  :reader style
-	  :documentation "The CSS <style> element, used to beautify the error page."))
-  (:default-initargs :style "
-body {
-  font-family: arial, elvetica;
-  font-size: 7pt;
-span.blue {
-  background-color: #525D76;
-  color: white;
-  font-weight: bolder;
-  margin-right: .25em;
-p.h1, p.h2 {
-  background-color: #525D76;
-  color: white;
-  font-weight: bolder;
-  font-size: 2em;
-  margin: 0;
-  margin-bottom: .5em;
-p.h2 {font-size: 1.5em;}" :empty t :allow-informal-parameters nil)
-  (:metaclass metacomponent)
-  (:documentation "The template for the error-page"))
-(let ((class (find-class 'error-page-template)))
-  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
-  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
-	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~%~%~a"
-		"Function that instantiates an ERROR-PAGE-TEMPLATE component and renders a html tenplate for CLAW generic error pages."
-		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
-		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((error-page-template error-page-template))
-  (let ((error-code (error-code error-page-template))
-	(title (title error-page-template))
-	(style (style error-page-template))
-        (request-uri (connector-request-uri (clawserver-connector *clawserver*))))
-    (html>
-     (head>
-      (title> title)
-      (style> style))
-     (body>
-      (p>
-       (p> :class "h1"
-	   (format nil "HTTP Status ~a - ~a" error-code request-uri))
-       (hr> :noshade "noshade")
-       (p>
-	(span> :class "blue"
-	       ($> "type"))
-	"Status report")
-       (p>
-	(span> :class "blue"
-	       "url")
-	request-uri)
-       (p>
-	(span> :class "blue"
-	       "description")
-	(gethash error-code *http-reason-phrase-map*)
-	(hr> :noshade "noshade"))
-       (p> :class "h2"
-	   "claw server"))))))
-(defmethod page-content ((error-page error-page))
-  (let ((connector (clawserver-connector *clawserver*)))
-    (error-page-template> :title (page-title error-page)
-                          :error-code (page-error-code error-page)
-                          (format nil "The requested resource (~a) is not available." (connector-request-uri connector)))))
-(defun render-error-page (&optional (error-code 404))
-  "This function renders a http error page."
-  (let ((connector (clawserver-connector clawserver)))
-    (page-render (make-instance 'error-page
-                                :title (format nil "Server error: ~a" error-code)
-                                :error-code error-code))))
-(defmethod message-dispatch ((message-dispatcher message-dispatcher) key locale) nil)
-(defmethod message-dispatch ((i18n-aware i18n-aware) key locale)
-  (let ((dispatcher (message-dispatcher i18n-aware))
-        (result))
-    (when dispatcher
-      (progn
-        (setf result (message-dispatch dispatcher key locale))
-        (when (and (null result) (> (length locale) 2))
-          (setf result (message-dispatch dispatcher key (subseq locale 0 2))))))
-    result))
-(defmethod simple-message-dispatcher-add-message ((simple-message-dispatcher simple-message-dispatcher) locale key value)
-  (let ((current-locale (gethash locale (simple-message-dispatcher-locales simple-message-dispatcher) (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
-    (setf (gethash key current-locale) value)
-    (setf (gethash locale (simple-message-dispatcher-locales simple-message-dispatcher)) current-locale)))
-(defmethod message-dispatch ((simple-message-dispatcher simple-message-dispatcher) key locale)
-  (let ((current-locale (gethash locale (simple-message-dispatcher-locales simple-message-dispatcher))))
-    (when current-locale
-      (gethash key current-locale))))

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