[claw-cvs] r42 - in trunk/main/claw-core: . src tests

achiumenti at common-lisp.net achiumenti at common-lisp.net
Sat Apr 26 15:05:45 UTC 2008

Author: achiumenti
Date: Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
New Revision: 42

changed component initfunctions generation with MOP system instead of using macro. Finished API documentation

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd
--- trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/claw.asd	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@
   :name "claw"
   :author "Andrea Chiumenti"
   :description "Common Lisp Active Web.A famework to write web applications"
-  :depends-on (:hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
+  :depends-on (:closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
   :components ((:module src 
 			:components ((:file "packages")
 				     (:file "misc" :depends-on ("packages"))
 				     (:file "i18n" :depends-on ("packages"))
 				     (:file "locales" :depends-on ("i18n"))
 				     (:file "hunchentoot-overrides" :depends-on ("packages"))
-				     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("misc"))
-				     (:file "validators" :depends-on ("tags"))
+				     (:file "tags" :depends-on ("misc"))				     
+				     (:file "components" :depends-on ("tags"))
+				     (:file "validators" :depends-on ("components"))
 				     (:file "translators" :depends-on ("validators"))
-				     (:file "components" :depends-on ("tags" "validators"))
 				     (:file "lisplet" :depends-on ("components"))				     
 				     (:file "server" :depends-on ("lisplet"))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/components.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -34,26 +34,66 @@
 - OBJ the wcomponent instance
 - PAGE-OBJ the wcomponent owner page"))
+(defgeneric component-id-and-value (cinput &key from-request-p)
+  (:documentation "Returns the form component \(such as <input> and <select>) client-id and the associated value. 
+When FROM-REQUEST-P is not null, the value is retrived from the http request by its name, from the associated reader or accessor when nil"))
+(defgeneric translator-encode (translator wcomponent)
+  (:documentation "Encodes the input component value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string)."))
+(defgeneric translator-decode (translator wcomponent)
+  (:documentation "Decodes the input component value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type)."))
+(defclass translator () 
+  ()
+  (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes values passed to a html input component"))
+(defvar *simple-translator* nil
+  "*SIMPLE-TRANSLATOR* is the default translator for any CINPUT component. 
+Its encoder and decoder methods pass values unchanged")
+(defun component-validation-errors (component &optional (request *request*)) 
+  "Resurns possible validation errors occurred during form rewinding bound to a specific component"
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id component)))
+    (assoc client-id (validation-errors request) :test #'equal)))
-(defcomponent cform () ()
-	      (:documentation "This component render as a FORM tag class, but it is aware of
+(defclass cform (wcomponent)
+    ((action :initarg :action
+	     :accessor action
+	     :documentation "Function performed after user submission")
+     (css-class :initarg :class
+		:reader css-class
+		:documentation "The html CLASS attribute"))
+  (:default-initargs :action nil :class nil)   
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:documentation "This component render as a FORM tag class, but it is aware of
 the request cycle and is able to fire an action on rewind"))
+(let ((class (find-class 'cform)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CFORM component and renders a html <form> tag."
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod cform-rewinding-p ((cform cform) (page page))
   (string= (htcomponent-client-id cform)
 	   (page-req-parameter page *rewind-parameter*)))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((cform cform))
-  (list :id :required 
-	:class nil
-	:action nil))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template((cform cform))
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cform))
-	(class (wcomponent-parameter-value cform :class)))
+	(class (css-class cform))
+	(validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors)))
+    (when validation-errors
+      (if (or (null class) (string= class ""))
+	  (setf class "error")
+	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
     (form> :static-id client-id
-	   :name client-id
+	   :name client-id	  
 	   :class class
 	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters cform)
 	   (input> :name *rewind-parameter*
@@ -66,20 +106,29 @@
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((obj cform) (pobj page))
   (let ((validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors))
-	(action (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :action)))
+	(action (action obj)))
     (unless validation-errors
       (when (or action (cform-rewinding-p obj pobj))
-	(funcall (fdefinition action) pobj))
+	(funcall action pobj))
       (setf (page-current-form pobj) nil))))
-(defcomponent action-link (cform) ()
-	      (:documentation "This component behaves like a CFORM, firing it's associated action once clicked.
+(defclass action-link (cform) ()
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :href))
+  (:documentation "This component behaves like a CFORM, firing it's associated action once clicked.
 It renders as a normal link."))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((o action-link))
-  '(:href))
+(let ((class (find-class 'action-link)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Instantiates an ACTION-LINK that renders an <a> link that cals a page method."
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'cform))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template((o action-link))
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id o)))
@@ -91,35 +140,62 @@
 	(htcomponent-body o))))
-(defcomponent cinput ()
-    ((result-as-list :initarg :result-as-list
-		     :accessor cinput-result-as-list))
-    (:default-initargs :result-as-list nil)
+(defclass base-cinput (wcomponent)
+  ((result-as-list-p :initarg :multiple
+		   :accessor cinput-result-as-list-p
+		   :documentation "When not nil the associated request parameter will ba a list")     
+   (writer :initarg :writer
+	   :reader cinput-writer
+	  :documentation "Visit object slot writer symbol, used to write the input value to the visit object")
+   (reader :initarg :reader
+	     :reader cinput-reader
+	     :documentation "Visit object slot reader symbol, used to get the corresponding value from the visit object")
+   (accessor :initarg :accessor
+	     :reader cinput-accessor
+	     :documentation "Visit object slot accessor symbol. It can be used in place of the :READER and :WRITER parameters")
+   (label :initarg :label
+	  :reader label
+	  :documentation "The label is the description of the component. It's also be used when component validation fails.")
+   (translator :initarg :translator
+	       :reader translator
+	       :documentation "A validator instance that encodes and decodes input values to and from the visit object mapped property")
+   (validator :initarg :validator
+	      :reader validator
+	      :documentation "A function that accept the passed component value during submission and performs the validation logic calling the validator functions.")
+   (visit-object :initarg :visit-object
+		 :reader cinput-visit-object
+		 :documentation "The object hoding the property mapped to the current input html component. When nil the owner page is used.")
+   (css-class :initarg :class
+	      :reader css-class
+	      :documentation "the html component class attribute"))
+  (:default-initargs :multiple nil :writer nil :reader nil :accessor nil :class nil
+		     :label nil :translator *simple-translator* :validator nil :visit-object nil)
+  (:documentation "Class inherited from both CINPUT and CSELECT"))
+(defclass cinput (base-cinput)
+    ((input-type :initarg :type
+		:reader input-type
+		:documentation "The html <input> TYPE attribute. For submit type, use the CSUBMIT> function."))  
+    (:metaclass metacomponent)
+    (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :value :name) :empty t)
     (:documentation "Request cycle aware component the renders as an INPUT tag class"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((cinput cinput))
-  (list :id :required 
-	:reader nil 
-	:writer nil 	
-	:visit-object nil 
-	:accessor nil
-	:validator-handler nil
-	:class nil
-	:label nil
-	:translator *simple-translator*
-	:validator nil
-	:type :required))
+(let ((class (find-class 'cinput)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CINPUT component and renders a html <input> tag." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'base-cinput))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((cinput cinput))
-  '(:value :name))
-(defmethod wcomponent-template ((cinput cinput))
+(defmethod wcomponent-template ((cinput cinput))  
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
-	 (type (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :type))
-	 (class (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :class))
-	 (translator (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :translator))
-	 (value ""))
+	(type (input-type cinput))
+	(translator (translator cinput))
+	(value "")
+	(class (css-class cinput)))
     (when (component-validation-errors cinput)
       (if (or (null class) (string= class ""))
 	  (setf class "error")
@@ -132,19 +208,20 @@
 	    :value value
 	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters cinput))))
-(defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((cinput cinput) (page page))
-  (let ((visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :visit-object))
-	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :accessor))
-	(writer (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :writer))
-	(validator (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :validator))		
-	(translator (wcomponent-parameter-value cinput :translator))
-	(value))
+(defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((cinput base-cinput) (page page))
+  (let ((visit-object (cinput-visit-object cinput))
+	(accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
+	(writer (cinput-writer cinput))
+	(validator (validator cinput))		
+	(translator (translator cinput))
+	(value ""))
     (multiple-value-bind (client-id request-value)
 	(component-id-and-value cinput)
+      (declare (ignore client-id))
       (setf value
 		(translator-decode translator cinput)
-	      (error () request-value))) 
+	      (error () request-value)))
       (unless (null value)
 	(when validator
 	  (funcall validator value))
@@ -155,20 +232,46 @@
 		      (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor)) value visit-object)
 		      (funcall (fdefinition writer) value visit-object)))))))
+(defmethod component-id-and-value ((cinput base-cinput) &key (from-request-p t))  
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id cinput))
+	(page (htcomponent-page cinput))
+	(visit-object (cinput-visit-object cinput))
+	(accessor (cinput-accessor cinput))
+	(reader (cinput-reader cinput))
+	(result-as-list-p (cinput-result-as-list-p cinput))
+	(value ""))
+    (when (null visit-object)
+      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page cinput)))
+    (cond 
+      (from-request-p (setf value (page-req-parameter page client-id result-as-list-p)))
+      ((and (null reader) accessor) (setf value (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object)))
+      (t (setf value (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
+    (values client-id value))) 
-(defcomponent csubmit () ()
-	      (:documentation "This component render as an INPUT tag class ot type submit, but 
+(defclass csubmit (cform) 
+    ((value :initarg :value
+	    :reader csubmit-value
+	    :documentation "The html VALUE attribute"))
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :type :name) :empty t :action nil)
+  (:documentation "This component render as an INPUT tag class ot type submit, but 
 can override the default CFORM action, using its own associated action"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((o csubmit))
-  (list :id :required :value :required :action nil))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((o csubmit))
-  '(:type :name))
+(let ((class (find-class 'csubmit)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CSUBMIT component and renders a html <input> tag of submit type." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'cform))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj csubmit))
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
-	(value (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :value)))
+	(value (csubmit-value obj)))
     (input> :static-id client-id
 	    :type "submit"
 	    :name client-id
@@ -176,18 +279,28 @@
 	    (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-rewind ((obj csubmit) (pobj page))
-  (let ((action (wcomponent-parameter-value obj :action))
+  (let ((action (action obj))
 	(current-form (page-current-form pobj))
 	(submitted-p (page-req-parameter pobj (htcomponent-client-id obj))))
     (unless (or (null current-form) (null submitted-p) (null action))
-      (setf (getf (wcomponent-parameters current-form) :action) action))))
+      (setf (action current-form) action))))
-(defcomponent submit-link (csubmit) ()
-	      (:documentation "This component renders as a normal link, but behaves like a CSUBMIT,
+(defclass submit-link (csubmit) 
+    ()
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :href) :empty nil)
+  (:documentation "This component renders as a normal link, but behaves like a CSUBMIT,
 so it can be used instead of CSUBMIT when needed"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((o submit-link))
-  '(:href))
+(let ((class (find-class 'submit-link)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a SUBMIT-LINK component and renders a html <a> tag that can submit the form where it is contained." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'cform))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj submit-link))
   (let* ((id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
@@ -204,27 +317,33 @@
 	(htcomponent-body obj)))))
-(defcomponent cselect (cinput) ()
-	      (:default-initargs :result-as-list t)
-	      (:documentation "This component renders as a normal SELECT tag class, 
+(defclass cselect (base-cinput) ()
+  (:default-initargs :reserved-parameters (list :type :name) :empty nil)
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:documentation "This component renders as a normal SELECT tag class, 
 but it is request cycle aware."))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters :around ((obj cselect))
-  (declare (ignore obj))
-  (let ((params (call-next-method)))
-    (remf params :reader)
-    (remf params :type)
-    params))
-(defmethod wcomponent-reserved-parameters ((obj cselect))
-  (declare (ignore obj))
-  '(:type :name))
+(let ((class (find-class 'cselect)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates a CSELECT component and renders a html <select> tag." 
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (find-class 'base-cinput))
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((obj cselect))
-  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj)))
+  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id obj))
+	(class (css-class obj)))
+    (when (component-validation-errors obj)
+      (if (or (null class) (string= class ""))
+	  (setf class "error")
+	  (setf class (format nil "~a error" class))))
     (select> :static-id client-id
 	     :name client-id
+	     :class class
+	     :multiple (cinput-result-as-list-p obj)
 	     (wcomponent-informal-parameters obj)
 	     (htcomponent-body obj))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/i18n.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/i18n.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/i18n.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -43,42 +43,55 @@
 And other FIELD value will produce an error condition."))
-(defvar *locales* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defvar *locales* (make-hash-table :test 'equal) 
+  "A hash table of locale key strings and lists of locale directives. 
+You should use locale access functions to get its internal values.")
 (defun number-format-grouping-separator (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns the character used as thousands grouping separator for numbers"
   (getf (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :number-format) :grouping-separator))
 (defun number-format-decimal-separator (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns the character used as decimals separator for numbers"
   (getf (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :number-format) :decimal-separator))
 (defun ampm (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a list with the localized version of AM and PM for time"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :ampm))
 (defun months (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a localized list of monthes in long form"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :months))
 (defun short-months (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a localized list of monthes in short form"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :short-months))
 (defun first-day-of-the-week (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
-  (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :first-day-of-the-week))
+  "Returns the first day position of the week for the given locale, being sunday on position 0 and saturday on position 6"
+  (1- (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :first-day-of-the-week)))
 (defun weekdays (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a localized list of days of the week in long form"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :weekdays))
 (defun short-weekdays (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a localized list of days of the week in short form"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :short-weekdays))
 (defun eras (&optional (locale (user-locale)))
+  "Returns a list with the localized version of BC and AD eras"
   (getf (gethash locale *locales*) :eras))
 (defun local-time-add-year (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove years, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance"
   (multiple-value-bind (ns ss mm hh day month year)
       (decode-local-time local-time)
     (encode-local-time ns ss mm hh day month (+ year value))))
 (defun local-time-add-month (local-time value)  
+  "Add or remove monthes, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (multiple-value-bind (d-month d-year)
       (floor (abs value) 12)
     (when (< value 0)
@@ -91,6 +104,7 @@
 	    (encode-local-time ns ss mm hh day month year))))))
 (defun local-time-add-day (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove days, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (let* ((curr-day (day-of local-time))
 	 (local-time-result (make-instance 'local-time
 					  :day curr-day
@@ -101,6 +115,7 @@
 (defun local-time-add-hour (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove hours, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (multiple-value-bind (ns ss mm hh day month year)
 	  (decode-local-time local-time)
     (multiple-value-bind (d-hour d-day)
@@ -114,6 +129,7 @@
 	  (encode-local-time ns2 ss2 mm2 (+ hh d-hour) day2 month2 year2))))))
 (defun local-time-add-min (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove minutes, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (multiple-value-bind (ns ss mm hh day month year)
 	  (decode-local-time local-time)
     (multiple-value-bind (d-min d-hour)
@@ -127,6 +143,7 @@
 	  (encode-local-time ns2 ss2 (+ mm d-min) hh2 day2 month2 year2))))))
 (defun local-time-add-sec (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove seconds, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (multiple-value-bind (ns ss mm hh day month year)
 	  (decode-local-time local-time)
     (multiple-value-bind (d-sec d-min)
@@ -140,6 +157,7 @@
 	  (encode-local-time ns2 (+ ss d-sec) mm2 hh2 day2 month2 year2))))))
 (defun local-time-add-nsec (local-time value)
+  "Add or remove nanoseconds, expressed by the value parameter, to a local-time instance. Correction on other local-time fields is performed if needed"
   (multiple-value-bind (ns ss mm hh day month year)
 	  (decode-local-time local-time)
     (multiple-value-bind (d-nsec d-sec)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/misc.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-(defvar *clawserver-base-path* nil)
+(defvar *clawserver-base-path* nil
+  "This global variable is used to keep all lisplets \(claw web applications) under a common URL")
 (defvar *apache-http-port* 80 
   "Default apache http port when claw is running in mod_lisp mode")
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
     (setf result (push location-cons result))))
 (defun lisplet-start-session ()
-  "Starts a session boud to the current lisplet base path"
+  "Starts a session bound to the current lisplet base path"
   (start-session (format nil "~@[~a~]~a/" *clawserver-base-path* (lisplet-base-path (current-lisplet)))))
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@
   (gethash (current-realm request) (clawserver-login-config (current-server request))))
 (defun login (&optional (request *request*))
-  "Perfoms a login action using the configuration object given for the request realm"
+  "Perfoms a login action using the configuration object given for the request realm (see CURRENT-REALM)"
   (configuration-login (current-config request)))
 (defun flatten (tree &optional result-list)
@@ -152,6 +153,10 @@
 	(all-matches "MSIE" (string-upcase (cdr user-agent))))))
 (defmacro with-message (key &optional (default "") locale)
+"Returns a lambda function that can localize a message by its key.
+The first message dispatching is made by the lisplet, then, if the message is not already vlorized the 
+computation is left to the current rendering page, then to the current rendering web component. 
+If the message is null after these passages the default value is used."
   (let ((current-lisplet (gensym))
 	(current-page (gensym))
 	(current-component (gensym))
@@ -186,9 +191,11 @@
 (defun do-message (key &optional (default "") locale)
+  "This function call the lambda function returned by the WITH-MESSAGE macro."
   (funcall (with-message key default locale)))
 (defun user-locale (&optional (request *request*) (session *session*))
+  "This function returns the user locale. If no locale was directly set, the browser default locale is used."
   (let ((locale (when session
 		  (session-value 'locale session))))
     (unless locale
@@ -201,8 +208,68 @@
 (defun (setf user-locale) (locale &optional (session *session*))
+  "This function forces the locale for the current user, binding it to the user session,
+that is created if no session exists."
   (unless session
     (setf session (lisplet-start-session)))
   (setf (session-value 'locale session) locale))
+(defun validation-errors (&optional (request *request*)) 
+  "Resurns possible validation errors occurred during form rewinding"
+  (aux-request-value :validation-errors request))
+(defclass metacomponent (standard-class)
+  ()
+  (:documentation "This is the meta class the must be set for every WCOMPONENT.
+It creates a function whose name is the WCOMPONENT class name plus the character '>'.
+The function may then be called as any other claw tag function."))
+(defmethod closer-mop:validate-superclass ((class metacomponent)(super standard-class))
+  t)
+(defun find-first-classdefault-initarg-value (initargs initarg)
+  "Returns the first class default init arg value matching matching the given INITARG"
+  (loop for current-initarg in initargs
+     do (when (eq (first current-initarg) initarg)
+	  (return (second current-initarg)))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((class metacomponent) &key)
+  (let* ((name (class-name class))
+	 (builder-function (format nil "~a>" name))
+	 (symbolf (find-symbol builder-function)))    
+    (unless symbolf
+      (setf symbolf (intern builder-function)))
+    (setf (fdefinition symbolf) #'(lambda(&rest rest) (build-component name rest)))))
+(defun describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs (class)
+  "Helper function that generates documentation for wcomponent init functions"
+  (let* ((class-slots (closer-mop:class-direct-slots class)))
+    (format nil "~{~%~a~}"
+	    (remove-if #'null 
+		       (reverse (loop for slot in class-slots
+				   collect (let ((slot-initarg (first (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot))))
+					     (when slot-initarg
+					       (format nil 
+						       "- :~a ~a" 
+						       slot-initarg 
+						       (documentation slot 't))))))))))
+(defvar *id-and-static-id-description* "- :ID The htcomponent-client-id value. CLAW can transform its value to make it univocal
+- :STATIC-ID Like the :ID parameter, it sets the htcomponent-client-id instance property, but CLAW will not manage its value to manage its univocity." "Description used for describing :ID and :STATIC-ID used in claw component init functions documentation
+(defun describe-component-behaviour (class)
+  "Returns the behaviour descrioption of a WCOMPONENT init function. If it allows informal parameters, body and the reserved parameters"
+  (let* ((initargs (closer-mop:class-default-initargs class))
+	(reserved-parameters (find-first-classdefault-initarg-value initargs :reserved-parameters)))
+    (format nil "Allows informal parameters: ~a~%Allows body: ~a~%Reserved parameters: ~a"
+	    (if (find-first-classdefault-initarg-value initargs :allow-informal-parameters)
+		"Yes"
+		"No")
+	    (if (find-first-classdefault-initarg-value initargs :empty)
+		"No"
+		"Yes")	    
+	    (if reserved-parameters
+		(format nil "~{:~a ~}" (eval reserved-parameters))
+		"NONE"))))	    
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/packages.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 (defpackage :claw
-  (:use :cl :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
+  (:use :cl :closer-mop :hunchentoot :alexandria :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :local-time)
   (:shadow :flatten)
+  (:documentation "A comprehensive web application framework and server for the Common Lisp programming language")
   (:export :*html-4.01-strict*
@@ -47,12 +48,7 @@
-					;:request-realm
-	   :request-id-table-map
-					;:dyna-id
-	   :flatten
-	   :tag-symbol-class
@@ -199,6 +195,7 @@
+	   :metacomponent
@@ -212,12 +209,16 @@
-	   :defcomponent
+	   :base-cinput
+	   :cinput-reader
+	   :cinput-writer
+	   :cinput-accessor
+	   :cinput-visit-object
@@ -262,6 +263,9 @@
 	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-privatekey-file
 	   #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :clawserver-ssl-privatekey-password
+	   :*id-and-static-id-description*
+	   :describe-component-behaviour
+	   :describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs
@@ -305,4 +309,4 @@
-	   :exception-monitor>))
+	   :exception-monitor>))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/server.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -117,13 +117,17 @@
   (:documentation "This is the page class used to render 
 the http error messages."))
-(defcomponent error-page-template () 
-  ()
-  (:documentation "The template for the error-page"))
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((error-page-template error-page-template))
-  (list :title :required :error-code :required :style 
-	"
+(defclass error-page-template (wcomponent) 
+  ((title :initarg :title
+	  :reader title
+	  :documentation "The page title")
+   (error-code :initarg :error-code
+	  :reader error-code
+	  :documentation "The http error code. For details consult http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html")
+   (style :initarg :style
+	  :reader style
+	  :documentation "The CSS <style> element, used to beautify the error page."))
+  (:default-initargs :style "
 body {
   font-family: arial, elvetica;
   font-size: 7pt;
@@ -142,12 +146,22 @@
   margin: 0;
   margin-bottom: .5em;
-p.h2 {font-size: 1.5em;}"))
+p.h2 {font-size: 1.5em;}" :empty t :allow-informal-parameters nil)
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:documentation "The template for the error-page"))
+(let ((class (find-class 'error-page-template)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~%~%~a"
+		"Function that instantiates an ERROR-PAGE-TEMPLATE component and renders a html tenplate for CLAW generic error pages."
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((error-page-template error-page-template))
-  (let ((error-code (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':error-code))
-	(title (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':title))
-	(style (wcomponent-parameter-value error-page-template ':style)))    
+  (let ((error-code (error-code error-page-template))
+	(title (title error-page-template))
+	(style (style error-page-template)))    
       (title> title)
@@ -169,7 +183,6 @@
 	(span> :class "blue"
 	(gethash error-code hunchentoot::*http-reason-phrase-map*)
-	;(htcomponent-body error-page-template)	
 	(hr> :noshade "noshade"))
        (p> :class "h2"
 	   "claw server"))))))
@@ -467,36 +480,4 @@
 	 (realm  (current-realm request));(aux-request-value 'realm))
 	 (login-config (gethash realm (clawserver-login-config server))))
     (configuration-login login-config request)))
-(defun start-clawserver (clawserver
-			&key (port 80)		       
-			address
-			(name (gensym))
-			(mod-lisp-p nil)
-			(use-apache-log-p mod-lisp-p)
-			(input-chunking-p t)
-			(read-timeout *default-read-timeout*)
-			(write-timeout *default-write-timeout*)
-			#+(and :unix (not :win32)) setuid
-			#+(and :unix (not :win32)) setgid
-			#-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-certificate-file
-			#-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (ssl-privatekey-file ssl-certificate-file)
-			#-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-privatekey-password)
-	(start-server :port port
-		      :address address
-		      :dispatch-table (list #'(lambda (request) 
-						(declare (ignorable request))
-						(clawserver-dispatch-method clawserver)))
-		      :name name
-		      :mod-lisp-p mod-lisp-p
-		      :use-apache-log-p use-apache-log-p
-		      :input-chunking-p input-chunking-p
-		      :read-timeout read-timeout
-		      :write-timeout write-timeout
-		      #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :setuid setuid
-		      #+(and :unix (not :win32)) :setgid setgid
-		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-certificate-file ssl-certificate-file
-		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-file ssl-privatekey-file
-		      #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl :ssl-privatekey-password ssl-privatekey-password))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/tags.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
  - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
 (defgeneric page-request-parameters (page) 
-  (:documentation "This internal method builds the get and post parameters into an hash table.
- - PAGE is the page instance that must be given"))
+  (:documentation "This internal method builds the get and post parameters into an hash table. 
+Parameters are collected as lists so that this method can collect parameters that appear moter then once."))
 (defgeneric page-print-tabulation (page)
   (:documentation "This internal method is called during the rendering phase if tabulation is enabled. It writes the right amount
@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@
  - HTCOMPONENT is the tag instance
  - PAGE the page instance"))
+(defgeneric (setf slot-initialization) (value wcomponent slot-initarg)
+  (:documentation "Sets a slot by its :INITARG. It's used just after instance creation"))
 (defgeneric wcomponent-parameter-value (wcomponent key)
   (:documentation "Returns the value of a parameter passed to the wcomponent initialization
 function (the one generated with DEFCOMPONENT) or :UNDEFINED if not passed.
@@ -214,6 +217,9 @@
  - WCOMPONENT is the tag instance
  - PAGE the page instance"))
+(defgeneric wcomponent-template (wcomponent)
+  (:documentation "The component template. What gives to each wcomponent its unique aspect and features"))
 (defgeneric simple-message-dispatcher-add-message (simple-message-dispatcher locale key value)
   (:documentation "Adds a key value pair to a given locale for message translation"))
@@ -321,17 +327,26 @@
   "Internal function that generates an htcomponent creation function from the component class name
 - TAG-NAME the symbol class name of the component
 - EMPTYP determines if the tag must be rendered as an empty tag during the request cycle phase."
-  (setf (fdefinition (intern (format nil "~a>" (string-upcase tag-name))))
-	#'(lambda (&rest rest) (build-tagf tag-name 'tag emptyp rest))))
+  (let ((fsymbol (intern (format nil "~a>" (string-upcase tag-name)))))
+    (setf (fdefinition fsymbol)
+	  #'(lambda (&rest rest) (build-tagf tag-name 'tag emptyp rest)))
+    (setf (documentation fsymbol 'function) (format nil "This function generates the ~a<~a> html tag" 
+							 (if  emptyp
+							      "empty "
+							      "")
+							 tag-name))))
 (defclass message-dispatcher () 
-  ())
+  ()
+  (:documentation "This is and interface for message dispatchers"))
 (defclass simple-message-dispatcher (message-dispatcher) 
   ((locales :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-	    :accessor simple-message-dispatcher-locales)))
+	    :accessor simple-message-dispatcher-locales
+	    :documentation "Hash table of locales strings and KEY/VALUE message pairs"))
+  (:documentation "A message disptcher that leave data unchanged during encoding and decoding phases."))
 (defclass i18n-aware (message-dispatcher) 
   ((message-dispatcher :initarg :message-dispatcher
@@ -346,7 +361,9 @@
    (lisplet :initarg :lisplet
 	    :reader page-lisplet :documentation "The lisplet that owns this page instance")
    (can-print :initform nil
-	      :accessor page-can-print)
+	      :accessor page-can-print
+	      :documentation "Controls the printing process when a json request is dispatched. 
+Only components with a matching id and their contents can be printed")
    (script-files :initarg :script-files
 		 :accessor page-script-files :documentation "Holds component class scripts files injected by components during the request cycle")
    (stylesheet-files :initarg :stylesheet-files
@@ -369,7 +386,8 @@
 	     :accessor page-lasttag :documentation "Last rendered tag. Needed for page output rendering")
    (json-component-count :initarg :json-component-count
 			 :accessor page-json-component-count :documentation "Need to render the json object after an xhr call.")
-   (request-parameters :initarg :request-parameters)
+   (request-parameters :initarg :request-parameters
+		       :documentation "This slot is used to avoid PAGE-REQUEST-PARAMETERS multimple computations, saving the result of this function on the first call and then using the cached value.")
    (components-stack :initform nil
 		     :accessor page-components-stack
 		     :documentation "A stack of components enetered into rendering process.")   
@@ -456,24 +474,28 @@
   (:documentation "Creates a component for rendering a <script> tag"))
 (defun script> (&rest rest)
+  "This function generates the <script> html tag"
   (build-tagf "script" 'htscript nil rest))
 (defclass htlink (tag) ()
   (:documentation "Creates a component for rendering a <link> tag"))
 (defun link> (&rest rest)
+  "This function generates the <link> html tag" 
   (build-tagf "link" 'htlink t rest))
 (defclass htbody (tag) ()
   (:documentation "Creates a component for rendering a <body> tag"))
 (defun body> (&rest rest)
+  "This function generates the <body> html tag" 
   (build-tagf "body" 'htbody nil rest))
 (defclass hthead (tag) ()
   (:documentation "Creates a component for rendering a <head> tag"))
 (defun head> (&rest rest)
+  "Renders a <head> tag"
   (build-tagf "head" 'hthead nil rest))
 (mapcar #'(lambda (tag-name) (generate-tagf tag-name t))
@@ -505,14 +527,6 @@
   "Returns if a tag defined by the string TAG-NAME is empty"
   (member tag-name *empty-tags* :test #'string-equal))
-(defun tag-symbol-class (tag-name)
-  "Returns the symbol class for a given TAG-NAME"
-  (let ((name (string-downcase tag-name))) 
-    (cond ((string= name "script") 'htscript)
-	  ((string= name "link") 'htlink)
-	  ((string= name "body") 'htbody)
-	  ((string= name "head") 'hthead)
-	  (t 'tag))))
 ;;;--------------------METHODS implementation----------------------------------------------
 (defmethod (setf htcomponent-page) ((page page) (htcomponent htcomponent))  
@@ -587,6 +601,7 @@
 	(page-format-raw page "~a~%" content-type)))))
 (defun json-validation-errors ()
+  "Composes the error part for the json reply"
   (let ((validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors)))
     (if validation-errors      
@@ -613,7 +628,6 @@
 	  (page-init page)	  
 	  (when jsonp
 	    (page-format-raw page "{components:{"))
-	  ;;(setf (page-can-print page) (null jsonp))
 	  (htcomponent-render (page-content page) page) ;Here we need a fresh new body!!!
 	  (when jsonp
 	    (page-format-raw page "},classInjections:\"")
@@ -680,8 +694,9 @@
 (defmethod page-current-component ((page page))
   (car (page-components-stack page)))
-(defmethod current-component ()
-  (let ((page (current-page)))
+(defun current-component (&optional (request *request*))
+  "Returns the component that is currently rendering"
+  (let ((page (current-page request)))
     (when page
       (car (page-components-stack page)))))
 ;;;========= HTCOMPONENT ============================
@@ -939,7 +954,7 @@
 (defmethod htcomponent-render ((htbody htbody) (page page))
   (let ((body-list (htcomponent-body htbody))
 	(previous-print-status (page-can-print page)))    
-    (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
+   (when (or (page-can-print page) previous-print-status)
       (setf (page-can-print page) (htcomponent-can-print htbody))
       (htcomponent-json-print-start-component htbody))
     (when (page-can-print page)
@@ -960,8 +975,8 @@
 (defmethod htbody-init-scripts-tag ((page page))
   (let ((js (script> :type "text/javascript"))
 	(js-start-directive (if (msie-p)
-				"window.attachEvent('onload', function(e) {"
-				"document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {"))
+				"window.attachEvent\('onload', function\(e) {"
+				"document.addEventListener\('DOMContentLoaded', function\(e) {"))
 	(js-end-directive (if (msie-p)
 			      "}, false);"))
@@ -992,69 +1007,72 @@
    (allow-informal-parameters :initarg :allow-informal-parameters
 			      :reader wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp
 			      :allocation :class 
-			      :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters")
-   (template :initform nil
-	     :accessor wcomponent-template
-	     :type htcomponent 
-	     :documentation "The component template. What gives to each wcomponent its unique aspect and features"))
+			      :documentation "Determines if the component accepts informal parameters"))
   (:default-initargs :informal-parameters nil 
     :reserved-parameters nil
     :parameters nil
     :allow-informal-parameters t)
   (:documentation "Base class for creationg customized web components. Use this or one of its subclasses to make your own."))
-(defmethod wcomponent-check-parameters((comp wcomponent))
-  (let ((id nil)
-	(static-id nil))
-    (loop for (k v) on (htcomponent-attributes comp) by #'cddr
-       do (progn (when (and (eql v ':required) (not (eq k :id)))
-		   (error (format nil 
-				  "Parameter ~a of class ~a is required" 
-				  k (class-name (class-of comp)))))
-		 (when (eq k :id)
-		   (setf id v))
-		 (when (eq k :static-id)
-		   (setf static-id v))))    
-    (when (and (eq id :required) (null static-id))
-      (error (format nil 
-		     "Parameter id of class ~a is required" 
-		     (class-name (class-of comp)))))))
+(defmethod wcomponent-informal-parameters ((wcomponent wcomponent)))
+(defun slot-initarg-p (initarg class-precedence-list)
+  "Returns nil if a slot with that initarg isn't found into the list of classes passed"
+  (loop for class in class-precedence-list
+       do (let* ((direct-slots (closer-mop:class-direct-slots class))
+		 (result (loop for slot in direct-slots
+			    do (when (eq (first (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) initarg)
+				 (return initarg)))))
+	    (when result
+	      (return result)))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance wcomponent) &rest rest)
+  (let* ((class-precedence-list (closer-mop:compute-class-precedence-list (class-of instance)))
+	 (informal-parameters (loop for (k v) on rest by #'cddr
+				  for result = ()
+				  do (unless (slot-initarg-p k class-precedence-list)
+				       (push v result)
+				       (push k result))
+				  finally (return result))))
+    (setf (slot-value instance 'informal-parameters) informal-parameters)))
+(defmethod wcomponent-check-parameters((comp wcomponent)))
+(defmethod (setf slot-initialization) (value (wcomponent wcomponent) slot-initarg)
+  (let* ((initarg (if (or (eq slot-initarg :static-id) (eq slot-initarg :id)) :client-id slot-initarg))
+	 (new-value (if (eq slot-initarg :id) (generate-id value) value))
+	 (slot-name (loop for slot-definition in (closer-mop:class-slots (class-of wcomponent))
+		  do (when (eq (car (last (closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slot-definition))) initarg)		       
+		       (return (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot-definition))))))
+    (if (find initarg (wcomponent-reserved-parameters wcomponent))
+	(error (format nil "Parameter ~a is reserved" initarg))
+	(if slot-name 
+	    (setf (slot-value wcomponent slot-name) new-value)
+	    (if (null (wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp wcomponent))
+		(error (format nil 
+			       "Component ~a doesn't accept informal parameters" 
+			       slot-initarg))
+		(setf (getf (wcomponent-informal-parameters wcomponent) initarg) new-value))))))
 (defun make-component (name parameters content)
+  "This function instantiates a wcomponent by the passed NAME, separetes parameters into formal(the ones that are the
+initarg of a slot, and informal parameters, that have their own slot in common. The CONTENT is the body content."
   (let ((instance (make-instance name))
 	(static-id (getf parameters :static-id)))
     (when static-id
       (remf parameters :id))
-    (loop for (k v) on parameters by #'cddr
-       do (let ((keyword k))
-	    (when (eq keyword :static-id)
-	      (setf keyword :id))
-	    (multiple-value-bind (inst-k inst-v inst-p) 
-		(get-properties (wcomponent-parameters instance) (list keyword))
-	      (declare (ignore inst-v))
-	      (when (find inst-k (wcomponent-reserved-parameters instance))
-		(error (format nil "Parameter ~a is reserved" inst-k)))
-	      (if (null inst-p)
-		  (if (null (wcomponent-allow-informal-parametersp instance))
-		      (error (format nil 
-				     "Component ~a doesn't accept informal parameters" 
-				     name))
-		      (setf (getf (wcomponent-informal-parameters instance) keyword) v))
-		  (progn
-		    (when (and (eq keyword :id) (not (null static-id)))
-		      (setf keyword :static-id))
-		    (setf (getf (htcomponent-attributes instance) keyword) v))))))
+    (loop for (initarg value) on parameters by #'cddr
+       do (setf (slot-initialization instance initarg) value))
     (wcomponent-check-parameters instance)    
-    (let ((id (wcomponent-parameter-value instance :id))
-	  (static-id (wcomponent-parameter-value instance :static-id)))
-      (if (and (null static-id) id)	  
-	  (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance) (generate-id id))
-	  (setf (htcomponent-client-id instance) static-id)))
     (setf (htcomponent-body instance) content)
 (defun build-component (component-name &rest rest)
+  "This function is the one that WCOMPONENT init functions call to intantiate their relative components.
+The REST parameter is flattened and divided into a pair, where the first element is the alist of the component parameters,
+while the second is the component body."
   (let ((fbody (parse-htcomponent-function (flatten rest))))
     (make-component component-name (first fbody) (second fbody))))
@@ -1065,26 +1083,6 @@
 	(getf (wcomponent-parameters c) key)
-(defmacro defcomponent (name superclass-name slot-specifier &body class-option)
-  (let ((symbolf (intern (format nil "~a>" name))))
-    `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) 
-      (defclass ,name 
-	  ,@(if (null superclass-name)
-		(list '(wcomponent))
-		(list 
-		 (let ((result))
-		   (dolist (parent superclass-name) 
-		     (when (subtypep parent 'wcomponent)
-		       (setf result t)))
-		   (if result
-		       superclass-name
-		       (append '(wcomponent) superclass-name)))))
-	,@(if (null class-option)
-	      (list slot-specifier)
-	      (push slot-specifier class-option)))
-      (setf (fdefinition `,',symbolf) #'(lambda(&rest rest) (build-component ',name rest))))))
 (defmethod htcomponent-rewind ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page))
   (let ((template (wcomponent-template wcomponent)))
     (wcomponent-before-rewind wcomponent page)
@@ -1147,24 +1145,6 @@
 (defmethod wcomponent-before-render ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-after-render ((wcomponent wcomponent) (page page)))
-(defun component-id-and-value (component &key (from-request-p t) value-as-list-p)
-  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id component))
-	(page (htcomponent-page component))
-	(visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value component :visit-object))
-	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value component :accessor))
-	(reader (wcomponent-parameter-value component :reader))
-	(result-as-list (cinput-result-as-list component))
-	(value ""))
-    (when (null visit-object)
-      (setf visit-object (htcomponent-page component)))
-    (cond 
-      (from-request-p (setf value (page-req-parameter page client-id value-as-list-p)))
-      ((and (null reader) accessor) (setf value (funcall (fdefinition accessor) visit-object)))
-      (t (setf value (funcall (fdefinition reader) visit-object))))
-    (values client-id 
-	    (if result-as-list
-		(list value)
-		value))))
 (defmethod message-dispatch ((message-dispatcher message-dispatcher) key locale) nil)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/translators.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -29,21 +29,11 @@
 (in-package :claw)
-(defgeneric translator-encode (translator wcomponent)
-  (:documentation "Encodes the input component value, used when rendering the component (Encodes from type to string)."))
-(defgeneric translator-decode (translator wcomponent)
-  (:documentation "Decodes the input component value after a form submit (Decodes from string to type)."))
-(defclass translator () 
-  ()
-  (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes values passed to a html input component"))
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	(visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :visit-object))
-	(accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :accessor))
-	(reader (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :reader)))    
+	(visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	(accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
+	(reader (cinput-reader wcomponent)))
     (format nil "~a" (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)
 			 (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)
@@ -59,9 +49,7 @@
     (declare (ignore client-id))
-(defvar *simple-translator* (make-instance 'translator) 
-  "*SIMPLE-TRANSLATOR* is the default translator for any CINPUT component. 
-Its encoder and decoder methods pass values unchanged")
+(setf *simple-translator* (make-instance 'translator)) 
@@ -84,11 +72,11 @@
     :always-show-signum nil)
   (:documentation "A translator object encodes and decodes integer values passed to a html input component"))
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-integer) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :visit-object))
-	 (accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :accessor))
-	 (reader (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :reader))
+	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
+	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
 	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
 	 (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
 	 (signum-directive (if (translator-always-show-signum translator)
@@ -141,11 +129,11 @@
   (:documentation "a translator object encodes and decodes integer values passed to a html input component"))
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-number) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :visit-object))
-	 (accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :accessor))
-	 (reader (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :reader))
+	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
+	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))
 	 (thousand-separator (translator-thousand-separator translator))
 	 (grouping-size (translator-grouping-size translator))
 	 (decimal-digits (translator-decimal-digits translator))
@@ -221,11 +209,11 @@
-(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent wcomponent))
+(defmethod translator-encode ((translator translator-date) (wcomponent cinput))
   (let* ((page (htcomponent-page wcomponent))
-	 (visit-object (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :visit-object))
-	 (accessor (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :accessor))
-	 (reader (wcomponent-parameter-value wcomponent :reader))
+	 (visit-object (cinput-visit-object wcomponent))
+	 (accessor (cinput-accessor wcomponent))
+	 (reader (cinput-reader wcomponent))	 
 	 (local-time-format (translator-local-time-format translator))	 
 	 (value (page-req-parameter page (htcomponent-client-id wcomponent) nil)))    
     (if (component-validation-errors wcomponent)

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/src/validators.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -67,15 +67,6 @@
     (unless test      
       (add-exception client-id message))))
-(defun validation-errors (&optional (request *request*)) 
-  "Resurns possible validation errors occurred during form rewinding"
-  (aux-request-value :validation-errors request))
-(defun component-validation-errors (component &optional (request *request*)) 
-  "Resurns possible validation errors occurred during form rewinding bound to a specific component"
-  (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id component)))
-    (assoc client-id (validation-errors request) :test #'equal)))
 (defun validator-required (component value)
   "Checks if the required input field VALUE is present.  If not, a localizable message \"Field ~a may not be null.\" is sent with key \"VALIDATOR-REQUIRED\".
 The argument for the message will be the :label attribute of the COMPONENT."
@@ -202,9 +193,20 @@
 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defcomponent exception-monitor () ()	      
+(defclass exception-monitor (wcomponent) ()
+  (:metaclass metacomponent)
+  (:default-initargs :empty t)
   (:documentation "If from submission contains exceptions. It displays exception messages"))
+(let ((class (find-class 'exception-monitor)))
+  (closer-mop:ensure-finalized class)
+  (setf (documentation (find-symbol (format nil "~a>" (class-name class))) 'function)
+	(format nil "Description: ~a~%Parameters:~%~a~a~%~%~a"
+		"If from submission contains exceptions. It displays exception messages with a <ul> list"
+		*id-and-static-id-description*
+		(describe-html-attributes-from-class-slot-initargs class)
+		(describe-component-behaviour class))))
 (defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((exception-monitor exception-monitor))
   (declare (ignore exception-monitor))
   (list :class nil))
@@ -213,9 +215,10 @@
   (let ((client-id (htcomponent-client-id exception-monitor))
 	(validation-errors (aux-request-value :validation-errors)))
     (when validation-errors
-      (ul> :static-id client-id  
-       (loop for component-exceptions in validation-errors
-	    collect (loop for message in (cdr component-exceptions)
-	      collect (li> message)))))))
+      (ul> :static-id client-id
+	   (wcomponent-informal-parameters cform)
+	   (loop for component-exceptions in validation-errors
+	      collect (loop for message in (cdr component-exceptions)
+			 collect (li> message)))))))

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/some-page.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -29,10 +29,9 @@
 (in-package :claw-tests)
-(defcomponent inspector () ())
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((inspector inspector))
-  (list :id :required :ref-id :required))
+(defcomponent inspector () 
+    ((ref-id :initarg :ref-id
+	     :reader ref-id)))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((inspector inspector))
   (div> :static-id (htcomponent-client-id inspector) 
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@
   (format nil "document.getElementById\('~a').onclick = 
           function \() {alert\(document.getElementById\('~a').innerHTML);};"
           (htcomponent-client-id inspector)
-          (wcomponent-parameter-value inspector :ref-id)))
+          (ref-id inspector)))
 (defclass some-page (page) ())

Modified: trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp
--- trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/main/claw-core/tests/test1.lisp	Sat Apr 26 11:05:43 2008
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
-(defcomponent site-template () ()) 
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((o site-template))
-  (list :title :required))
+(defclass site-template (wcomponent) 
+  ((title :initarg :title
+	    :reader title))
+  (:metaclass metacomponent))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((o site-template))
-     (wcomponent-parameter-value o :title))
+     (title o))
     (style> :type "text/css"
 "input.error {
   background-color: #FF9999;
@@ -163,10 +163,9 @@
 		       (li> (a> :href "unauth.html" "unauthorized page"))))))
 (lisplet-register-page-location *test-lisplet* 'index-page "index.html" :welcome-page-p t)
-(defcomponent msie-p ()())
-(defmethod wcomponent-parameters ((msie-p msie-p))
-  (list :id :required))
+(defclass msie-p (wcomponent) 
+  ()
+  (:metaclass metacomponent))
 (defmethod wcomponent-template ((msie-p msie-p))
   (let ((id (htcomponent-client-id msie-p)))
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@
   (let ((princp (current-principal)))
     (site-template> :title "a page title" 
 		    (if (null princp)
-			(cform> :id "loginform" :method "post" :action 'login-page-login
+			(cform> :id "loginform" :method "post" :action #'login-page-login
 				  (td> "Username")
@@ -351,7 +350,7 @@
   (:default-initargs :name "kiuma"
     :surname "surnk"
     :colors nil
-    :gender '("M")
+    :gender "M"
     :age 1800
     :capital 500055/100
     :birthday (now)
@@ -362,7 +361,7 @@
   (let ((user (form-page-user form-page))
 	(name (form-page-name form-page))
 	(surname (form-page-surname form-page))
-	(gender (first (form-page-gender form-page)))
+	(gender (form-page-gender form-page))
 	(age (form-page-age form-page)))
     (setf (user-name user) name
 	  (user-surname user) surname
@@ -374,7 +373,7 @@
 (defmethod page-content ((o form-page))
   (site-template> :title "a page title" 
-		  (cform> :id "testform" :method "post" :action 'form-page-update-user
+		  (cform> :id "testform" :method "post" :action #'form-page-update-user
 			    (td> "Name")
@@ -399,10 +398,10 @@
 			    (td> "Gender")
 			     (cselect> :id "gender"				     
-				      :writer 'setf-gender
+				      :accessor 'form-page-gender
 				      (loop for gender in (list "M" "F")
 					   collect (option> :value gender
-							    (when (string= gender (first (form-page-gender o)))
+							    (when (string= gender (form-page-gender o))
 								'(:selected "selected"))
 							    (if (string= gender "M")
@@ -437,7 +436,7 @@
 				      :type "text"
 				      :label "Capital"
 				      :translator (make-instance 'translator-number 
-								 :decimal-digits 4
+								 :decimal-digits 2
 								 :thousand-separator #\')
 				      :validator #'(lambda (value) 
 						     (let ((component (page-current-component o)))
@@ -450,13 +449,13 @@
 			     (cselect> :id "colors"				
 				       :multiple "true"
 				       :style "width:80px;height:120px;"
-				      :accessor 'form-page-colors
-				      (loop for color in (list "R" "G" "B")
-					   collect (option> :value color
-							    (when (member color (form-page-colors o) :test #'string=)
-								'(:selected "selected"))
-							    (cond 
-							      ((string= color "R") "red")
+				       :accessor 'form-page-colors
+				       (loop for color in (list "R" "G" "B")
+					  collect (option> :value color
+							   (when (find color (form-page-colors o) :test #'string=)
+							     '(:selected "selected"))
+							   (cond 
+							     ((string= color "R") "red")
 							      ((string= color "G") "green")
 							      (t "blue")))))))		

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