demo-clasp-cxx build status

Chris Kohlhepp chrisk at
Mon Jun 29 22:09:50 UTC 2015

Now the detail. What I'm seeing is this:

n file included from
In file included from /Applications/Clasp/clasp/src/include/clasp.h:2:
In file included from 
In file included from 
In file included from 
error: redefinition of
       'VariadicFunctoid<type-parameter-0-1 (*)(type-parameter-0-2, 
type-parameter-0-3, type-parameter-0-4, type-parameter-0-5, 
type-parameter-0-6, type-parameter-0-7,
       type-parameter-0-8, type-parameter-0-9, type-parameter-0-10, 
type-parameter-0-11, type-parameter-0-12, type-parameter-0-13, 
       type-parameter-0-15, type-parameter-0-16, type-parameter-0-17), 
class VariadicFunctoid
note: previous definition is here
class VariadicFunctoid

Looks to me like this header is included twice as both references are 
the same.
This header contains no header guards or pragma once statement.
It also claims to be generated which means one really should not add 
those to the source.

Best Regards

Chris Kohlhepp

On 30/06/2015 7:56 am, Chris Kohlhepp wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Clasp built and running on 10.9.4 using XCode 6.  Before going 
> into detail, I wanted to briefly inquire if at present demo-clasp-cxx 
> is expected to build, if so with what branch of Clasp? It used to be 
> the preview branch but I noticed that elements of preview, most 
> notably SICL et al are now in master.
> Please advice
> Best Regards
> Chris Kohlhepp

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