[cl-xmpp-devel] All calls return connection object

Adam Thorsen adam.thorsen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 16:33:46 UTC 2005

I've been working with cl-xmpp for the past couple of days.  I seem to
be able to create a connection object successfully:

(defvar connection (xmpp:connect :hostname "jabber.loglibrary.com"))


All subsequent calls to the API seem only to return the connection
object, and accomplish nothing:

CL-USER> (xmpp:message connection "awt at jabber.loglibrary.com" "what's
going on?")
#<CL-XMPP:CONNECTION to jabber.loglibrary.com:5222 (open) {40D789D1}>

CL-USER> (xmpp:presence connection)
#<CL-XMPP:CONNECTION to jabber.loglibrary.com:5222 (open) {40D789D1}>

None of the above actually seem to work (the account's buddy icon
doesn't appear to come online, and no messages are recieved from it.)

If I describe the connection object, this is what I see:

CL-USER> (describe (xmpp:discover connection))
#<CL-XMPP:CONNECTION to jabber.loglibrary.com:5222 (open) {40D789D1}>
is an instance of class #<STANDARD-CLASS CL-XMPP:CONNECTION>.
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
 SERVER-STREAM     #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "a constant string"
 SOCKET            #<SB-BSD-SOCKETS:INET-SOCKET descriptor 10
 STREAM-ID         NIL
 HOSTNAME          "jabber.loglibrary.com"
 PORT              5222
; No value

I am using SBCL obtained a few days ago via darwinports.


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