[cl-xmpp-cvs] CVS cl-xmpp

ehuelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 9 21:02:40 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp
In directory clnet:/home/ehuelsmann/cl-xmpp-cvs

Modified Files:
	cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp cl-xmpp.asd cl-xmpp.lisp package.lisp 
	result.lisp variable.lisp 
Added Files:
	administration.lisp multi-user-chat.lisp 
Log Message:
Collected Ravenpack Int'l patches as submitted by Kevin Crosbie (kcrosbie at ravenpack.com).

--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp	2008/07/09 19:53:19	1.12
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.13
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp,v 1.12 2008/07/09 19:53:19 ehuelsmann Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp,v 1.13 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-sasl.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
   (if (eq reply :authentication-successful)
 	(begin-xml-stream connection :xml-identifier nil)
+        ;; Clean the server-source.
+        ;; See https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-455
+        (setf (server-source connection) nil)
 	(receive-stanza connection) ; stream
 	(receive-stanza connection) ; features
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.asd	2008/07/09 19:58:50	1.9
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.asd	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.10
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.asd,v 1.9 2008/07/09 19:58:50 ehuelsmann Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.asd,v 1.10 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.asd,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -18,14 +18,12 @@
     :description "Common Lisp XMPP client implementation"
     :depends-on (:usocket :cxml :ironclad)
     :components ((:file "package")
-                 (:file "variable"
-                        :depends-on ("package"))
-                 (:file "utility"
-                        :depends-on ("variable"))
-		 (:file "result"
-			:depends-on ("utility"))
-                 (:file "cl-xmpp"
-                        :depends-on ("result"))))
+                 (:file "variable"        :depends-on ("package"))
+                 (:file "utility"         :depends-on ("variable"))
+                 (:file "result"          :depends-on ("utility"))
+                 (:file "cl-xmpp"         :depends-on ("result"))
+                 (:file "multi-user-chat" :depends-on ("cl-xmpp"))
+                 (:file "administration"  :depends-on ("cl-xmpp"))))
 (defmethod perform ((operation test-op) (component (eql (find-system 'cl-xmpp))))
   (operate 'load-op 'cl-xmpp-test)
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp	2008/07/09 19:58:50	1.33
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.34
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.lisp,v 1.33 2008/07/09 19:58:50 ehuelsmann Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.lisp,v 1.34 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
 (in-package :xmpp)
+;; Define our own error condition for server disconnections
+(define-condition server-disconnect (simple-condition)
+  ())
 (defclass connection ()
     :accessor server-stream
@@ -47,7 +51,14 @@
     :accessor port
     :initarg :port
-    :initform *default-port*))
+    :initform *default-port*)
+   (stanza-thread
+    :accessor stanza-thread
+    :initform nil)
+   (stanza-callback
+    :accessor stanza-callback
+    :initarg  :stanza-callback
+    :initform 'default-stanza-callback))
   (:documentation "A TCP connection between this XMPP client and
 an, assumed, XMPP compliant server.  The connection does not
 know whether or not the XML stream has been initiated nor whether
@@ -67,7 +78,7 @@
 ;;; connect-tls to be the same.
 (defun connect (&key (hostname *default-hostname*) (port *default-port*) 
                      (receive-stanzas t) (begin-xml-stream t) jid-domain-part
-                     (class 'connection))
+                     (class 'connection) stanza-callback)
   "Open TCP connection to hostname.
 By default this will set up the complete XML stream and receive the initial
@@ -91,7 +102,8 @@
                                     :jid-domain-part jid-domain-part
                                     :server-stream stream
                                     :hostname hostname
-                                    :port port)))
+                                    :port            port
+                                    :stanza-callback stanza-callback)))
     (when begin-xml-stream
       (begin-xml-stream connection))
     (when receive-stanzas
@@ -202,10 +214,10 @@
     (if errorp
 	(make-error errorp)
       (case id
-	(:error (make-error errorp))
+        (:error (make-error object))
 	(:roster_1 (make-roster object))
 	(:reg2 :registration-successful)
-	(:unreg_1 :registration-cancellation-successful)
+        ((:unreg_1 :unreg1) :registration-cancellation-successful)
 	(:change1 :password-changed-successfully)
 	(:auth2 :authentication-successful)
 	(:bind_2 :bind-successful)
@@ -213,14 +225,17 @@
 	 (case type
 	   (:get (warn "Don't know how to handle IQ get yet."))
+           (:result 
+            ;; assuming a simple result (no query)
+            (make-simple-result object))
-	     ((member id '(info1 info2 info3))
+             ((member id '(:info1 :info2 :info3))
 	      (make-disco-info (get-element object :query)))
-	     ((member id '(items1 items2 items3 items4))
+             ((member id '(:items1 :items2 :items3 :items4))
 	      (make-disco-items (get-element object :query)))
 	     (t ;; Assuming an error
-              (make-error (get-element object :error)))))))))))
+              (make-error object))))))))))
 (defmethod xml-element-to-event ((connection connection)
 				 (object xml-element) (name (eql :error)))
@@ -279,43 +294,50 @@
 ;;; you do please feel free to submit a patch.
 (defmethod xml-element-to-event ((connection connection)
 				 (object xml-element) (name (eql :message)))
-  (make-instance 'message
-                 :xml-element object
-		 :from (value (get-attribute object :from))
-		 :to (value (get-attribute object :to))
-                 :id (value (get-attribute object :id))
-                 :type (value (get-attribute object :type))
-		 :body (data (get-element (get-element object :body) :\#text))))
+  (cond
+   ((get-invitation object)
+    (make-invitation object))
+   (t
+    (make-message object))))
 ;; Receive stanzas
-(defmethod receive-stanza-loop ((connection connection)	&key
-                                (stanza-callback 'default-stanza-callback)
-                                dom-repr)
+(defmethod stop-stanza-loop ((connection connection))
+  (setf (stanza-thread connection) nil))
+(defmethod receive-stanza-loop ((connection connection)
+                                &key stanza-callback dom-repr)
   "Reads from connection's stream and parses the XML received
 on-the-go.  As soon as it has a complete element it calls
 the stanza-callback (which by default eventually dispatches
 to HANDLE)."
-  (loop (receive-stanza connection
+  (setf (stanza-thread connection) t)
+  (unwind-protect
+      (loop while (stanza-thread connection)
+          do (receive-stanza connection
 			:stanza-callback stanza-callback
-			:dom-repr dom-repr)))
+                             :dom-repr        dom-repr))
+    (setf (stanza-thread connection) nil)))
-(defmethod receive-stanza ((connection connection) &key
-			   (stanza-callback 'default-stanza-callback)
-			   dom-repr)
+(defmethod receive-stanza ((connection connection)
+                           &key stanza-callback dom-repr)
   "Returns one stanza.  Hangs until one is received."
-  (let* ((stanza (read-stanza connection))
-	 (tagname (dom:tag-name (dom:document-element stanza))))
-    (cond
-     ((equal tagname "stream:error")
-      (when stanza-callback
-	(car (funcall stanza-callback stanza connection :dom-repr dom-repr)))
-      (error "Received error."))
-     (t
-      (when stanza-callback
-	(car (funcall stanza-callback stanza connection :dom-repr dom-repr)))))))
+  (handler-case
+      (let ((stanza   (read-stanza connection))
+            (callback (or stanza-callback (stanza-callback connection))))
+        (when callback
+          (car (funcall callback stanza connection :dom-repr dom-repr))))
+    ;; Catch the cxml well-formedness-violation and propagate it through as
+    ;; a server-disconnection.   Perhaps this should be a handler bind and
+    ;; should only propagate when the cxml error has :EOF in it...
+    (cxml:well-formedness-violation (condition)
+      (error 'server-disconnect
+             :format-control (princ-to-string condition)))))
 (defun read-stanza (connection)
   (unless (server-source connection)
@@ -401,7 +423,7 @@
 	       (write-sequence (map 'string #'code-char ,xml) *debug-stream*)))
 	 (force-output ,stream)))))
-(defmacro with-iq ((connection &key id to (type "get")) &body body)
+(defmacro with-iq ((connection &key id to from (type "get")) &body body)
   "Macro to make it easier to write IQ stanzas."
   `(with-xml-output (,connection)
      (cxml:with-element "iq"
@@ -409,18 +431,33 @@
          (cxml:attribute "id" ,id))
        (when ,to
          (cxml:attribute "to" ,to))
+       (when ,from
+         (cxml:attribute "from" ,from))
        (cxml:attribute "type" ,type)
        , at body)))
-(defmacro with-iq-query ((connection &key xmlns id to node (type "get")) &body body)
+(defmacro with-iq-query ((connection &key xmlns id to from
+                                          node (type "get")) &body body)
   "Macro to make it easier to write QUERYs."
-  `(with-iq (,connection :id ,id :type ,type :to ,to)
+  `(with-iq (,connection :id ,id :type ,type :to ,to :from ,from)
      (cxml:with-element "query"
        (cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,xmlns)
          (when ,node
            (cxml:attribute "node" ,node))
          , at body)))
+(defmacro with-iq-command ((connection &key xmlns id to from node action (type "get")) &body body)
+  "Macro to make it easier to write COMMANDs."
+  `(with-iq (,connection :id ,id :type ,type :to ,to :from ,from)
+     (cxml:with-element "command"
+       (cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,xmlns)
+       (when ,action
+         (cxml:attribute "action" ,action))
+       (when ,node
+         (cxml:attribute "node" ,node))
+       , at body)))
 ;; Discovery
@@ -470,9 +507,7 @@
 call presence on your behalf if the authentication was successful."
   (setf (username connection) username)
   (let ((result (funcall (get-auth-method mechanism) connection username password resource)))
-    (if (and (eq result :authentication-successful)
-	     bind-et-al)
-	(progn
+    (when (and (eq result :authentication-successful) bind-et-al)
 	  (when (feature-p connection :bind)
 	    (bind connection resource)
 	    (receive-stanza connection))
@@ -481,7 +516,9 @@
 	    (receive-stanza connection))
 	  (when send-presence
 	    (presence connection)))
-      result)))
+    ;; KC: Always return the result of the auth.   Previously the result of the
+    ;; last executed form was returned, which is arbitrary
+    result))
 (defmethod %plain-auth% ((connection connection) username password resource)
   (with-iq-query (connection :id "auth2" :type "set" :xmlns "jabber:iq:auth")
@@ -593,4 +630,3 @@
   (with-iq-query (connection :id "getlist2" :xmlns "jabber:iq:privacy")
    (cxml:with-element "list"
     (cxml:attribute "name" name))))
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/package.lisp	2005/11/18 21:43:52	1.12
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/package.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.13
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.12 2005/11/18 21:43:52 eenge Exp $
+;;;; $Id: package.lisp,v 1.13 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/package.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
      :receive-stanza-loop :begin-xml-stream :end-xml-stream :with-iq
      :with-iq-query :connection :username :mechanisms :features
      :feature-p :feature-required-p :mechanism-p :receive-stanza
-     :server-stream
+     :server-stream :stop-stanza-loop
      ;; only available if you've loaded cl-xmpp-tls
      :connect-tls :connect-tls2
      ;; xmpp commands
@@ -48,9 +48,28 @@
      :disco :identities
      :disco-items :items
-     :item :jid
-     :message :to :from :body
+     :item :jid :id
+     :message :to :from :body :subject :type- :chatroom :password
+     :simple-result :invitation
      ;; user-hooks for handling events
      ;; variables
-     :*default-port :*default-hostname* :*errors* :*debug-stream*)))
+     :*default-port :*default-hostname* :*errors* :*debug-stream*
+     ;; multi-user-chat
+     :create-chatroom
+     :join-chatroom
+     :leave-chatroom
+     :invite-to-chatroom
+     :kick-from-chatroom
+     :grant-room-membership
+     :revoke-room-membership
+     :broadcast-room
+     :set-chatroom-subject
+     :default-room-config
+     :destroy-chatroom
+     :revoke-voice
+     :get-online-users
+     ;; errors
+     :server-disconnect
+     )))
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/result.lisp	2005/12/31 20:15:06	1.13
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/result.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.14
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: result.lisp,v 1.13 2005/12/31 20:15:06 eenge Exp $
+;;;; $Id: result.lisp,v 1.14 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/result.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -61,27 +61,40 @@
     :initform nil)))
 (defmethod data (object)
+  (declare (ignore object))
 (defmethod print-object ((object xml-element) stream)
   "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
-    (format stream "~a (~aattr:~achild:~adata)"
+    (format stream "~a (~a:~_~a:~_~a)"
 	    (name object)
-	    (length (attributes object))
-	    (length (elements object))
-	    (length (data object)))))
+            (attributes object)
+            (elements object)
+            (data object))))
 (defmethod get-attribute ((element xml-element) name &key (test 'eq))
   (dolist (attribute (attributes element))
     (when (funcall test name (name attribute))
       (return-from get-attribute attribute))))
+;; KC: The get-element function is not correct to use as is, because it
+;; basically returns the first element that matches in the list.
+;; It is possible to have multiple matching elements.
+;; The correct solution that I have provided is to provide a get-elements
+;; function that returns all matching elements and allows the user to choose
+;; which they want.
+;; I have not removed the old get-element function or any code that uses it.
 (defmethod get-element ((element xml-element) name &key (test 'eq))
   (dolist (subelement (elements element))
     (when (funcall test name (name subelement))
       (return-from get-element subelement))))
+(defmethod get-elements ((element xml-element) name &key (test 'eq))
+  (loop for subelement in (elements element)
+      when (funcall test name (name subelement))
+      collect subelement))
 (defclass xml-attribute ()
     :accessor name
@@ -96,11 +109,12 @@
     :initform nil)))
 (defmethod value (object)
+  (declare (ignore object))
 (defmethod print-object ((object xml-attribute) stream)
   "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
-  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity nil)
     (format stream "~a=~a" (name object) (value object))))
@@ -113,6 +127,10 @@
     :initarg :xml-element
     :initform nil)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object event) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity nil)
+    (format stream "~a" (xml-element object))))
 (defclass message (event)
     :accessor to
@@ -126,6 +144,10 @@
     :accessor body
     :initarg :body
     :initform "")
+   (subject
+    :accessor subject
+    :initarg :subject
+    :initform "")
     :accessor id
     :initarg :id
@@ -138,11 +160,28 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((object message) stream)
   "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
-    (format stream "to:~a from:~a id:~a type:~a" 
+    (format stream "to:~a from:~a id:~a type:~a subject:~a"
             (to object) 
             (from object)
             (id object)
-            (type- object))))
+            (type- object)
+            (subject object))))
+(defmethod make-message ((object xml-element))
+  (let ((body-element (or (get-element object :body)
+                          (get-element object :x)))
+        (subject-element (get-element object :subject)))
+    (make-instance 'message
+      :xml-element object
+      :from (value (get-attribute object :from))
+      :to   (value (get-attribute object :to))
+      :id   (value (get-attribute object :id))
+      :type (value (get-attribute object :type))
+      :body (data  (and body-element (get-element body-element :\#text)))
+      :subject (data (and subject-element
+                          (get-element subject-element :\#text))))))
 (defclass presence (event)
@@ -249,6 +288,11 @@
     :initarg :features
     :initform nil)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object disco-info) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "~a ~_~a" (identities object) (features object))))
 (defmethod make-disco-info ((object xml-element))
   (let ((disco-info (make-instance 'disco-info :xml-element object)))
     (dolist (element (elements object))
@@ -287,7 +331,7 @@
-;; Error
+;; Errors
 (defclass xmpp-protocol-error (event)
@@ -296,26 +340,37 @@
     :initarg :code)
     :accessor name
-    :initarg :name)))
+    :initarg :name)
+   (text
+    :accessor text
+    :initarg :text)))
 (defmethod print-object ((object xmpp-protocol-error) stream)
   "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity t)
-    (format stream "~a code:~a name:~a"
+    (format stream "~a code:~a name:~a ~_elem:~a"
 	    (type-of object)
 	    (code object)
-	    (name object))))
+            (name object)
+            (xml-element object))))
 (defclass xmpp-protocol-error-modify (xmpp-protocol-error) ())
 (defclass xmpp-protocol-error-cancel (xmpp-protocol-error) ())
 (defclass xmpp-protocol-error-wait (xmpp-protocol-error) ())
 (defclass xmpp-protocol-error-auth (xmpp-protocol-error) ())
-(defun get-error-data-name (name)
-  (assoc name *errors*))
+(defun get-legacy-error-data-code (code)
+  (rassoc code *legacy-errors* :key #'second))
-(defun get-error-data-code (code)
-  (rassoc code *errors* :key #'second))
+(defun find-error-data (elements)
+  "An error can be of the form <errorname> so this function searches the
+   errors that we know about until we find one that's in our element list"
+  (or (find-if #'(lambda (elt)
+                   (member elt elements :key #'name))
+                *legacy-errors* :key #'car)
+      (find-if #'(lambda (elt)
+                   (member elt elements :key #'name))
+                *errors* :key #'car)))
 (defun map-error-type-to-class (type)
   (case type
@@ -323,30 +378,175 @@
     (:cancel (find-class 'xmpp-protocol-error-cancel))
     (:wait (find-class 'xmpp-protocol-error-wait))
     (:auth (find-class 'xmpp-protocol-error-auth))
-    (t (format *debug-stream* "~&Unable to find error class for ~w.~&" type)
+    (t (format *debug-stream* "~&Unable to find error class for ~w.~%" type)
        (find-class 'xmpp-protocol-error))))
 ;;; XXX: Handle legacy errors
+(defmethod make-legacy-error ((object xml-element))
+  (let* ((code-value (value (get-attribute object :code)))
+         (code       (parse-integer code-value))
+         (data       (get-legacy-error-data-code code))
+         (name       (first  data))
+         (type       (second data))
+         (text       name)
+         (class      (map-error-type-to-class type)))
+    (make-instance class
+      :xml-element object
+      :code        code
+      :name        name
+      :text        text)))  
 (defmethod make-error ((object xml-element))
-  (let ((code-value (value (get-attribute object :code)))
-	(code)
-	(name)
-	(type)
-	(class))
-    ; Slightly verbose but there are still cases I have not
-    ; addressed (and have no examples of, any more) so I'm going
-    ; to leave it like this for now.   
-    (if code-value
-	(let* ((code-number (parse-integer code-value))
-	       (data (get-error-data-code code-number)))
-	  (setq code code-number)
-	  (setq name (first data))
-	  (setq type (second data))
-	  (setq class (map-error-type-to-class type)))
-      (let* ((name (name (first (elements object))))
-	     (data (get-error-data-name name)))
-	(format *debug-stream* "~&Name: ~a~&" name)
-	(setq code (first data))
-	(setq type (second data))
-	(setq class (map-error-type-to-class type))))
-    (make-instance class :code code :name name :xml-element object)))
+  "Handle errors as defined in:
+     XEP-0086 for legacy errors
+     RFC-3920 for current standard
+   Attempts to provide the proper mappings to bridge the two."
+  (if (get-attribute object :code)
+      (make-legacy-error object)
+    ;; Slightly verbose but there are still cases I have not
+    ;; addressed (and have no examples of, any more) so I'm going
+    ;; to leave it like this for now.
+    (let* ((elements  (elements object))
+           ;; KC: Fixed this.   Previous code looked at the first element
+           ;; which doesn't have to be the condition.
+           (condition (find-error-data    elements))
+           (text-elt  (get-element object :\#text))
+           (text      (and text-elt (data text-elt)))
+           (name      (first condition))
+           (type      (second condition))
+           (code      (third condition))
+           (class     (map-error-type-to-class type)))
+      (make-instance class
+        :xml-element object
+        :code        code
+        :name        name
+        :text        text))))
+;;<iq from='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
+;;    id='voice2'
+;;    to='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
+;;    type='result'/>
+(defclass simple-result (event)
+  ((node
+    :accessor node
+    :initarg :node
+    :initform nil)
+   (to
+    :accessor to
+    :initarg :to
+    :initform nil)
+   (from
+    :accessor from
+    :initarg :from
+    :initform nil)
+   (id
+    :accessor id
+    :initarg :id
+    :initform nil)
+   (type
+    :accessor type-
+    :initarg :type
+    :initform nil)
+   (items
+    :accessor items
+    :initarg :items
+    :initform nil)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object simple-result) stream)
+  "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "node: ~a to:~a from:~a id:~a type:~a items: ~a"
+            (node object)
+            (to object)
+            (from object)
+            (id object)
+            (type- object)
+            (length (items object)))))
+(defmethod make-simple-result ((object xml-element))
+  (let* ((query     (first (get-elements object :query)))
+         (item-list (and query (get-elements query :item))))
+    (make-instance 'simple-result
+      :xml-element object
+      :node  (value (get-attribute query :node))
+      :to    (value (get-attribute object :to))
+      :from  (value (get-attribute object :from))
+      :id    (value (get-attribute object :id))
+      :type  (value (get-attribute object :type))
+      :items (mapcar #'make-item item-list))))
+    from='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
+    to='hecate at shakespeare.lit'>
+  <body>You have been invited to darkcave at macbeth by crone1 at shakespeare.lit.</body>
+  <x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'>
+    <invite from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit'>
+      <reason>
+        Hey Hecate, this is the place for all good witches!
+      </reason>
+    </invite>
+    <password>cauldronburn</password>
+  </x>
+(defclass invitation (message)
+  ((chatroom
+    :accessor chatroom
+    :initarg :chatroom
+    :initform nil)
+   (password
+    :accessor password
+    :initarg :password
+    :initform nil)
+   (reason
+    :accessor reason
+    :initarg :reason
+    :initform nil)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object invitation) stream)
+  "Print the object for the Lisp reader."
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "to:~a from:~a id:~a type:~a"
+            (to       object)
+            (from     object)
+            (id       object)
+            (type-    object)
+            (chatroom object)
+            (password object)
+            (reason   object))))
+(defconstant +invitation-node+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user")
+(defmethod get-invitation ((object xml-element))
+  (let ((x-elements (get-elements object :x)))
+    (find-if #'(lambda (element)
+                 (let ((attr (get-attribute element :xmlns)))
+                   (and attr (string-equal (value attr) +invitation-node+))))
+              x-elements)))
+(defmethod make-invitation ((object xml-element))
+  (let* ((x-element (get-invitation object))
+         (invite    (and x-element (get-element x-element :invite)))
+         (reason    (and invite    (get-element invite    :reason)))
+         (password  (and x-element (get-element x-element :password)))
+         (body      (get-element object :body)))
+    (make-instance 'invitation
+      :xml-element object
+      :to       (value (get-attribute object :to))
+      :from     (or (and invite (value (get-attribute invite :from)))
+                    (value (get-attribute object :from)))
+      :id       (value (get-attribute object :id))
+      :type     (value (get-attribute object :type))
+      :body     (and body (data  (get-element body :\#text)))
+      :chatroom (value (get-attribute object :from))
+      :password (and password (data  (get-element password :\#text)))
+      :reason   (and reason   (data  (get-element reason   :\#text))))))
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/variable.lisp	2005/11/18 21:43:52	1.5
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/variable.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.6
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: variable.lisp,v 1.5 2005/11/18 21:43:52 eenge Exp $
+;;;; $Id: variable.lisp,v 1.6 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/variable.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -11,30 +11,59 @@
 (defvar *default-port* 5222)
 (defvar *default-hostname* "localhost")
-(defvar *errors*
-  '((:bad-request :modify 400)
-    (:conflict :cancel 409)
-    (:feature-not-implemented :cancel 501)
+(defvar *legacy-errors*
+    '((:undefined-condition     :any    500)
     (:forbidden :auth 403)
-    (:gone :modify 302)
-    (:internal-server-error :wait 500)
-    (:item-not-found :cancel 404)
-    (:jid-malformed :modify 400)
-    (:not-acceptable :modify 406)
-    (:not-allowed :cancel 405)
+      (:bad-auth                :auth   401)
     (:not-authorized :auth 401)
     (:payment-required :auth 402)
-    (:recipient-unavailable :wait 404)
-    (:redirect :modify 302)
     (:registration-required :auth 407)
+      (:subscription-required   :auth   407)
+      (:redirect                :modify 302)
+      (:bad-request             :modify 400)
+      (:jid-malformed           :modify 400)
+      (:not-acceptable          :modify 406)
+      (:gone                    :modify 302)
+      (:conflict                :cancel 409)
+      (:feature-not-implemented :cancel 501)
+      (:item-not-found          :cancel 404)
+      (:not-allowed             :cancel 405)
     (:remote-server-not-found :cancel 404)
+      (:service-unavailable     :cancel 503)
+      (:internal-server-error   :wait   500)
+      (:recipient-unavailable   :wait   404)
     (:remote-server-timeout :wait 504)
     (:resource-constraint :wait 500)
-    (:service-unavailable :cancel 503)
-    (:subscription-required :auth 407)
-    (:undefined-condition :any 500)
     (:unexpected-request :wait 400)))
+(defvar *errors*
+    '((:bad-format)
+      (:bad-namespace-prefix)
+      (:conflict)
+      (:connection-timeout)
+      (:host-gone)
+      (:host-unknown)
+      (:improper-addressing)
+      (:internal-server-error)
+      (:invalid-from)
+      (:invalid-id)
+      (:invalid-namespace)
+      (:invalid-xml)
+      (:not-authorized)
+      (:policy-violation)
+      (:remote-connection-failed)
+      (:resource-constraint)
+      (:restricted-xml)
+      (:see-other-host)
+      (:system-shutdown)
+      (:undefined-condition)
+      (:unsupported-encoding)
+      (:unsupported-stanza-type)
+      (:unsupported-version)
+      (:xml-not-well-formed)))
 (defvar *auth-methods* nil
   "Alist of method name to operator.

--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/administration.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	NONE
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/administration.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.1
;;;; $Id: administration.lisp,v 1.1 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/administration.lisp,v $

(in-package :cl-xmpp)

;;<iq from='bard at shakespeare.lit/globe'
;;    id='end-user-session-1'
;;    to='shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='get'
;;    xml:lang='en'>
;;  <command xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/commands' 
;;           action='execute'
;;           node='http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#end-user-session'/>

;;<iq type="set" to="shakespeare.lit" id="ae23a" >
;;  <command xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"
;;            node="http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#end-user-session"
;;       sessionid="2007-12-04T11:56:33.920539Z" >
;;    <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit" >
;;      <field type="hidden" var="FORM_TYPE" >
;;        <value>http://jabber.org/protocol/admin</value>
;;      </field>
;;      <field type="jid-single" var="accountjid" >
;;        <value>bard at shakespeare.lit</value>
;;      </field>
;;    </x>
;;  </command>

(defmethod end-user-session ((connection connection) &key to server)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
        (connection :xmlns  "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"
                    :node   "http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#end-user-session"
                    :to     server
                    :type   "set")
      (cxml:with-element "x"
        (cxml:attribute "xmlns" "jabber:x:data")
        (cxml:attribute "type"  "submit")
        (with-form-field "hidden" "FORM_TYPE" "http://jabber.org/protocol/admin")
        (with-form-field "jid-single" "accountjid" to)))))

;;<iq type="get"
;;      to="shakespeare.lit"
;;      id="ab48a" >
;;  <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"
;;          node="online users" />

(defmethod get-online-users ((connection connection) &key server)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :type "get" :to server
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"
                               :node  "online users"))))
      --- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/multi-user-chat.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	NONE
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/multi-user-chat.lisp	2008/07/09 21:02:40	1.1
;;;; $Id: multi-user-chat.lisp,v 1.1 2008/07/09 21:02:40 ehuelsmann Exp $
;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/multi-user-chat.lisp,v $

(in-package :cl-xmpp)

;; Multi User Chat
;;    from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit/firstwitch'>
;;  <x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/>

(defmethod create-chatroom ((connection connection) &key from room priority)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "presence"
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (when priority
        (cxml:with-element "priority"
          (cxml:text "0")))
      (cxml:with-element "x"
        (cxml:attribute "xmlns" "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc")))))

;;    from='hag66 at shakespeare.lit/pda'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit/thirdwitch'/>

(defmethod join-chatroom ((connection connection) &key from room password)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "presence"
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (when password
        (cxml:with-element "x"
          (cxml:attribute "xmlns" "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc")
          (cxml:with-element "password"
            (cxml:text password)))))))

;;    from='hag66 at shakespeare.lit/pda'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit/thirdwitch'
;;    type='unavailable'/>

(defmethod leave-chatroom ((connection connection) &key from room)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "presence"
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (cxml:attribute "type" "unavailable"))))
;;    from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'>
;;  <x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'>
;;    <invite to='hecate at shakespeare.lit'>
;;      <reason>
;;        Hey Hecate, this is the place for all good witches!
;;      </reason>
;;    </invite>
;;  </x>

(defmethod invite-to-chatroom ((connection connection)
                               &key from room to reason)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "message"
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (cxml:with-element "x"
        (cxml:attribute "xmlns" "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user")
        (cxml:with-element "invite"
          (cxml:attribute "to" to)
          (cxml:with-element "reason"
            (cxml:text reason)))))))

;;<iq from='fluellen at shakespeare.lit/pda'
;;    id='kick1'
;;    to='harfleur at henryv.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='set'>
;;  <query xmlns=''>
;;    <item nick='pistol' role='none'>
;;      <reason>Avaunt, you cullion!</reason>
;;    </item>
;;  </query>

(defmethod kick-from-chatroom ((connection connection)
                               &key to room reason)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :to room :type "set"
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin")
      (cxml:with-element "item"
        (cxml:attribute "nick" to)
        (cxml:attribute "role" "none")
        (cxml:with-element "reason"
          (cxml:text reason))))))

;;<iq from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
;;    id='member1'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='set'>
;;  <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin'>
;;    <item affiliation='member'
;;          jid='hag66 at shakespeare.lit'/>
;;  </query>

(defmethod set-room-affiliation ((connection connection)
                                   &key room to affiliation)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :to room :type "set"
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin")
      (cxml:with-element "item"
        (cxml:attribute "affiliation" affiliation)
        (cxml:attribute "jid"         to)))))

(defmethod grant-room-membership ((connection connection) &key room to)
  (set-room-affiliation connection :room room :to to :affiliation "member"))

(defmethod revoke-room-membership ((connection connection) &key room to)
  (set-room-affiliation connection :room room :to to :affiliation "none"))

;;    from='hag66 at shakespeare.lit/pda'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='groupchat'>
;;  <body>Harpier cries: 'tis time, 'tis time.</body>

(defmethod broadcast-room ((connection connection) &key from room message)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "message"
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "type" "groupchat")
      (cxml:with-element "body"
        (cxml:text message)))))

(defmacro with-form-field (type var &optional (value ""))
  `(cxml:with-element "field"
     ,(when type
        `(cxml:attribute "type" ,type))
     ,(when var
        `(cxml:attribute "var"  ,var))
     (cxml:with-element "value"
       (cxml:text ,(or value "")))))

;; For now these are just the settings that I want to use.   It would be easy
;; to change this method so that it takes a list of arguments and looks up
;; nodes/data-types in some structure.
(defmethod default-room-config ((connection connection) &key room)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :type "set" :to room
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner")
      (cxml:with-element "x"
        (cxml:attribute "xmlns" "jabber:x:data")
        (cxml:attribute "type" "submit")
        (with-form-field "hidden" "FORM_TYPE" 
        (with-form-field "text-single" "muc#roomconfig_roomname")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_publicroom" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "public_list" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom" "0")
        (with-form-field "text-private" "muc#roomconfig_roomsecret")
        (with-form-field "list-single" "muc#roomconfig_whois" "moderators")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_membersonly" "1")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "members_by_default" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_changesubject" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "allow_private_messages" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "allow_query_users" "0")
        (with-form-field "boolean" "muc#roomconfig_allowinvites" "0")))))

;;    from='wiccarocks at shakespeare.lit/laptop'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='groupchat'>
;;  <subject>Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble!</subject>

(defmethod set-chatroom-subject ((connection connection)
                                 &key from room subject)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (cxml:with-element "message"
      (cxml:attribute "from" from)
      (cxml:attribute "to"   room)
      (cxml:attribute "type" "groupchat")
      (cxml:with-element "subject"
        (cxml:text subject)))))

;;<iq from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
;;    id='begone'
;;    to='heath at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='set'>
;;  <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner'>
;;    <destroy jid='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'>
;;      <reason>Macbeth doth come.</reason>
;;    </destroy>
;;  </query>

(defmethod destroy-chatroom ((connection connection) &key room reason)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :type "set" :to room
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner")
      (cxml:with-element "destroy"
        (cxml:attribute "jid" room)
        (when reason
          (cxml:with-element "reason"
            (cxml:text reason)))))))

;;<iq from='crone1 at shakespeare.lit/desktop'
;;    id='voice2'
;;    to='darkcave at macbeth.shakespeare.lit'
;;    type='set'>
;;  <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin'>
;;    <item nick='thirdwitch'
;;          role='visitor'/>
;;  </query>

(defmethod revoke-voice ((connection connection) &key room nickname)
  (with-xml-output (connection)
    (with-iq-query (connection :type "set" :to room
                               :xmlns "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin")
      (cxml:with-element "item"
        (cxml:attribute "nick" nickname)
        (cxml:attribute "role" "visitor")))))

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