[cl-xmpp-cvs] CVS cl-xmpp

jstecklina jstecklina at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 5 17:38:35 UTC 2007

Update of /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv497

Modified Files:
	cl-xmpp-tls.lisp cl-xmpp.lisp cxml.lisp 
Log Message:
Removed stanza-handler. (Patch by David Lichteblau)

--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-tls.lisp	2005/11/28 15:15:46	1.8
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-tls.lisp	2007/03/05 17:38:35	1.9
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp-tls.lisp,v 1.8 2005/11/28 15:15:46 eenge Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp-tls.lisp,v 1.9 2007/03/05 17:38:35 jstecklina Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp-tls.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
   (setf (server-stream connection)
 	(cl+ssl:make-ssl-client-stream (server-stream connection)
 				       :external-format :iso-8859-1))
-  (setf (server-xstream connection) nil)
+  (setf (server-source connection) nil)
    (when begin-xml-stream
     (begin-xml-stream connection))
    (when receive-stanzas
      (receive-stanza connection)
-     (receive-stanza connection)))
\ No newline at end of file
+     (receive-stanza connection)))
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp	2007/03/04 04:26:23	1.30
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp	2007/03/05 17:38:35	1.31
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.lisp,v 1.30 2007/03/04 04:26:23 jstecklina Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cl-xmpp.lisp,v 1.31 2007/03/05 17:38:35 jstecklina Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
     :accessor server-stream
     :initarg :server-stream
     :initform nil)
-   (server-xstream
-    :accessor server-xstream
+   (server-source
+    :accessor server-source
     :initform nil)
     :accessor stream-id
@@ -317,23 +317,37 @@
 	(car (funcall stanza-callback stanza connection :dom-repr dom-repr)))))))
 (defun read-stanza (connection)
-  (unless (server-xstream connection)
-    (setf (server-xstream connection)
-          (cxml:make-xstream (make-slow-stream (server-stream connection))
-			     :name
-			     (cxml::make-stream-name
-			      :entity-name "stanza"
-			      :entity-kind :main
-			      :uri nil))))
+  (unless (server-source connection)
+    (setf (server-source connection)
+          (cxml:make-source
+	   (cxml:make-xstream (make-slow-stream (server-stream connection))
+			      :name
+			      (cxml::make-stream-name
+			       :entity-name "stanza"
+			       :entity-kind :main
+			       :uri nil))
+	   :buffering nil)))
   (force-output (server-stream connection))
-  (catch 'stanza
-    (let ((cxml::*initial-namespace-bindings*
-           (acons #"stream"
-                  #"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"
-                  cxml::*initial-namespace-bindings*)))
-      (cxml::parse-xstream (server-xstream connection)
-                           (make-instance 'stanza-handler))
-      (runes::write-xstream-buffer (server-xstream connection)))))
+  (let ((source (server-source connection)))
+    (loop
+      (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname qname)
+	  (klacks:peek-next source)
+	(when (eq key :start-element)
+	  (return
+	    (if (and (equal uri "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
+		     (equal lname "stream"))
+		;; Create an element for DOM-TO-EVENT so we don't have to have
+		;; any specialized code just to handle stream:stream.
+		(let* ((document (cxml-dom:create-document))
+		       (element (dom:create-element document qname)))
+		  (dom:append-child document element)
+		  (dolist (attribute (klacks:list-attributes source))
+		    (let ((name (sax::attribute-qname attribute))
+			  (value (sax::attribute-value attribute)))
+		      (dom:set-attribute element name value)))
+		  document)
+		(klacks:serialize-element source
+					  (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))))))
 (defmacro with-xml-stream ((stream connection) &body body)
   "Helper macro to make it easy to control outputting XML
--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cxml.lisp	2005/12/31 20:15:06	1.10
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cxml.lisp	2007/03/05 17:38:35	1.11
@@ -1,53 +1,17 @@
-;;;; $Id: cxml.lisp,v 1.10 2005/12/31 20:15:06 eenge Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cxml.lisp,v 1.11 2007/03/05 17:38:35 jstecklina Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/cl-xmpp/cxml.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
 (in-package :xmpp)
-(defclass stanza-handler (cxml:sax-proxy)
-  ((depth
-    :initform 0
-    :accessor depth)))
-(defun start-sax-document (handler)
-  (let ((dom-builder (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
-    (setf (cxml:proxy-chained-handler handler) dom-builder)
-    (sax:start-document dom-builder)
-    dom-builder))
-(defmethod sax:start-element ((handler stanza-handler) uri lname qname attrs)
-  (declare (ignore uri lname))
-  (when (eql (depth handler) 0)
-    (if (eq :stream\:stream (ensure-keyword qname))
-        ;; Create an element for DOM-TO-EVENT so we don't have to have
-        ;; any specialized code just to handle stream:stream.
-        (let* ((document (cxml-dom:create-document))
-               (element (dom:create-element document qname)))
-          (dom:append-child document element)
-          (dolist (attribute attrs)
-            (let ((name (sax::attribute-qname attribute))
-                  (value (sax::attribute-value attribute)))
-              (dom:set-attribute element name value)))
-          (throw 'stanza document))
-        (start-sax-document handler)))
-  (incf (depth handler))
-  (call-next-method))
-;;; END-ELEMENT will try and call the stanza-callback at every time
-;;; it sees depth reach 0 and there is a callback to be called.
-;;; This means that we can keep reading from the stream and as we
-;;; close out elements we parse them and return them to users
-;;; using callbacks (the one supplied to RECEIVE-STANZA-LOOP).
-(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler stanza-handler) uri lname qname)
-  (declare (ignore uri lname qname))
-  (decf (depth handler))
-  (call-next-method)
-  (when (eql (depth handler) 0)
-    (throw 'stanza
-      (cxml-dom::document (cxml:proxy-chained-handler handler)))))
 ;;; Perform single-byte reads to avoid blocking on the socket.
+;;; Also print all data read to *DEBUG-STREAM*.
+;;; FIXME: Is this still needed, now that cxml supports :BUFFERING NIL?
+;;; The debugging output could be done using a special gray stream that
+;;; dribbles input, instead of a special xstream.  --david
 (defstruct (slow-stream (:constructor make-slow-stream (target)))
   (target nil :type stream))
@@ -58,22 +22,13 @@
   (when (< start end)
     (let ((byte (read-byte (slow-stream-target stream) nil)))
       (when byte
+	(when *debug-stream*
+	  ;; Original comment:
+	  ;; I'd like to see what CXML is reading from the stream
+	  ;; and this code helps us in that regard by printing it
+	  ;; to the *debug-stream*
+	  (write-char (code-char byte) *debug-stream*))
 	(setf (elt seq start) byte)
 	(incf start))))
-;; I'd like to see what CXML is reading from the stream
-;; and this code helps us in that regard by printing it
-;; to the *debug-stream*
-(defun runes::write-xstream-buffer (xstream &optional (stream *debug-stream*))
-  (when stream
-    (write-string (map 'string
-		       #'code-char
-		       (remove runes::+end+
-			       (subseq (runes::xstream-buffer xstream) 0
-				       (runes::xstream-read-ptr xstream))))
-		  stream)
-    (force-output stream)))
-(defmethod runes::xstream-underflow :before ((input runes:xstream))
-  (runes::write-xstream-buffer input))
\ No newline at end of file

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