[cl-xmpp-cvs] CVS public_html

eenge eenge at common-lisp.net
Wed Mar 29 16:40:50 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/public_html
In directory clnet:/home/eenge/public_htmls/cl-xmpp

Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:

--- /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/public_html/index.shtml	2006/03/29 16:40:50	NONE
+++ /project/cl-xmpp/cvsroot/public_html/index.shtml	2006/03/29 16:40:50	1.1
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">

    <div class="header">
      <h1>cl-xmpp 0.7.2</h1>
    <div class="body">
      <p>cl-xmpp is a Common Lisp client implementation of the
<a href="http://www.xmpp.org/">XMPP</a> RFCs.  These are the
RFCs which <a href="http://www.jabber.org">Jabber</a> clients and
servers use to communicate with eachother (including
<a href="http://talk.google.com/">Google Talk</a>).  In addition
cl-xmpp implements JEPs 0078, 0086, 0030 and 0070 which are
all part of <a href="http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0073.html">JEP-0073: 
Basic IM Protocol Suite</a>.  The author considers the library 
feature complete but will happily accept patches for any other 
reasonably stable JEPs.</p>

     <p>Currently, you can chat, manage your contacts, roster
and presence information using this library.  You can now also
use the service discovery protocol using the <code>xmpp:discover</code> operator.</p> 

      <p>The code is released under an <a
      href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/cl-xmpp/LICENSE?rev=HEAD&cvsroot=cl-xmpp&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">MIT-style license</a>.

      <div class="level">
        <li><em>2006-02-06</em>: Version 0.7.2 released (Bugfixes and updated for new CXML)</li>
        <li><em>2005-11-21</em>: Version 0.7.1 released (Bugfixes)</li>
        <li>Version 0.7.0 released (TLS support)</li>
        <li>Version 0.6.0 released (SASL support, tiny test suite and many small fixes and tweaks)</li>
        <li>Version 0.5.0 released (Now depending on <a href="http://cliki.net/ironclad">Ironclad</a> for digest authentication)</li>
        <li>Version 0.4.0 released (Better support for JEP0030 (service discovery) and more exported symbols)</li>
        <li>Version 0.3.0 released (Added Allegro and LispWorks support)</li>
        <li>Version 0.2.0 released (JEP 0073 support)</li>
        <li>Version 0.1.0 released (Initial release)</li>

      <div class="level">
        <li>Any implementation which can run the dependencies</li>
	<li><a href="http://cliki.net/trivial-sockets">trivial-sockets</a></li>
	<li><a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml">cxml</a></li>
	<li><a href="http://cliki.net/ironclad">Ironclad</a></li>
	<li><a href="http://cliki.net/cl-base64">cl-base64</a> (for cl-xmpp-{sasl,tls})</li>
	<li><a href="http://cliki.net/cl-sasl">cl-sasl</a> (for cl-xmpp-{sasl,tls})</li>
	<li><a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl">cl+ssl</a> (for cl-xmpp-tls)</li>

      <h2>Tested against</h2>
      <div class="level">
        <li><a href="http://talk.google.com/">Google Talk</a></li>
	<li><a href="http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/">Jabberd 1.4</a> (ie not 2)</li>
        <li><a href="http://ejabberd.jabber.ru/">ejabberd</a></li>

      <div class="level">

	  <li>Implements most commands in the RFCs</li>
           <li>event driven model with hooks makes interfacing easy -- or</li>
           <li>access to DOM-ish structure with raw data from the server so you can do whatever you like</li>

      <div class="level">
	<p>If you have <a href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf-install">
	    asdf-install</a>, just:

	<pre>$ asdf-install cl-xmpp</pre> 
	<p>cl-xmpp can manually be downloaded from here:
	  <tt><a href="ftp://common-lisp.net/pub/project/cl-xmpp/cl-xmpp_latest.tar.gz">
	<p>There is also <a href="http://common-lisp.net/faq.shtml#checkout">anonymous CVS
	  </a> and <a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/?cvsroot=cl-xmpp">


      <div class="level">
	<p>Questions, feature requests, and bug-reports are welcome on
	  <tt><a href="mailto:cl-xmpp-devel at common-lisp.net">
	      cl-xmpp-devel at common-lisp.net</a></tt> (<a href="http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/cl-xmpp-devel/">archives</a>).</p>


      <h2>Project members</h2>
      <div class="level">
<!--#include virtual="../../pprinted-project-members/cl-xmpp"--> </pre>

      <h2>Sample usage</h2>
      <div class="level">
  * (require :cl-xmpp)

  * (defvar *connection* (xmpp:connect :hostname "jabber.org"))
;; or xmpp:connect-tls if you loaded cl-xmpp-tls

;; note that for XMPP servers which do not have the same hostname
;; as the domain-part of the user's JID you will have to pass that
;; in.  eg for Google Talk:
;;  (defvar *connection* (xmpp:connect-tls :hostname "talk.google.com"
                                           :jid-domain-part "gmail.com"))

  * (xmpp:auth connection "password" "resource")
;; or pass :mechanism :sasl-plain, :digest-md5 or sasl-digest-md5
;; if you loaded cl-xmpp-sasl or cl-xmpp-tls.

;; send someone a message
  * (xmpp:message connection "username at hostname" "what's going on?")

;; then sit back and watch the messages roll in:
  * (xmpp:receive-stanza-loop connection)
<MESSAGE from=username at hostname to=me at myserver>
;; or use xmpp:receive-stanza if you're just wanting one stanza
;; (note it will still block until you have received a complete
;; stanza)

;; That's it.  Interrupt the loop to issue other commands, eg:
  * (xmpp:get-roster connection)

;; or any of the other ones you may find by looking through cl-xmpp.lisp
;; and package.lisp to see which ones are exported.

;; If you wish to handle the incoming messages or other objects simply
;; specify an xmpp:handle method for the objects you are interested in
;; or (defmethod xmpp:handle (connection object) ...)  to get them
;; all.  Or alternatively specify :dom-repr t to receive-stanza-loop
;; to get DOM-ish objects.

;; For example, if you wanted to create an annoying reply bot:

 * (defmethod xmpp:handle ((connection xmpp:connection) (message xmpp:message))
    (xmpp:message connection (xmpp:from message) 
        (format nil "reply to: ~a" (xmpp:message object))))




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