[cl-xml-cvs] r8 - in branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code: atn-parser xparser xquerydatamodel
banderson at common-lisp.net
banderson at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 14 17:52:43 UTC 2006
Author: banderson
Date: Tue Feb 14 11:52:41 2006
New Revision: 8
some re-arranging from old releases
Modified: branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/atn-parser/ebnf-tokenizer.lisp
--- branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/atn-parser/ebnf-tokenizer.lisp (original)
+++ branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/atn-parser/ebnf-tokenizer.lisp Tue Feb 14 11:52:41 2006
@@ -1 +1,553 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: bnf-parser; -*-
<COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
href='file://bnfp/sysdcl.lisp' />
<DELTA DATE='19980331' AUTHOR='BB'>added ',' and '->' to grammar</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>explicit quoted string reader</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='JAA'>productions id for [[#]]</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010618'>fixed incorrect readers for square brackets</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010719' AUTHOR='JCMA'>readtable mods as function</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010931'>fixed premature termination bug in comment-reader</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030529'>corrected eof errors in [,] readers</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030601'>modified // comment reader to recognize both (CR LF) newline forms</DELTA>
(in-package "BNF-PARSER")
(defparameter *bnf-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
(defparameter *ansi-cl-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
(defparameter *metasymbols*
'(|\|| * ? + - |)| |(| |'| |::=| |#[| |^| |[| |[[| |]| |]]| |/*| |/**| |//| |*/| \; \, |->| |{| |}| |'(|
"nb. all metasymbols must appear here. any other text is coerced to a string.
they must also be correctly categorized in ebnf-grammar.atn. anything else
will aslo be treated as a symbol.")
(defun defsymbol-reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(set-macro-character #\: #'(lambda (s c) (declare (ignore s c)))
(read-char stream)
(read-char stream)
(set-macro-character #\: #'defsymbol-reader nil *bnf-readtable*)
'|::=| )
(defun \'reader (stream term-char)
(coerce (loop for char = (read-char stream)
until (eql char term-char)
collect (if (eql char #\\) (read-char stream) char))
(defun [reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(cond ((char= #\[ (peek-char nil stream nil nil))
(read-char stream)
(t '[)))
(defun ]reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(cond ((char= #\] (peek-char nil stream nil nil))
(read-char stream)
(t '])))
(defun \#reader (stream char)
(set-macro-character #\[ #'(lambda (s c) (declare (ignore s c)) #\[)
(cond ((eql (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\[)
(read-char stream)
((eql (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\')
(t (read-number-string stream char)))
(set-macro-character #\[ #'[reader nil *bnf-readtable*)))
(defun /reader (stream char)
(cond ((char= (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\/)
(read-char stream)
(let ((char nil))
(loop (unless (setf char (read-char stream nil nil)) (return))
(when (member char '(#\return #\linefeed)) (return)))
((char= (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\*)
(read-comment-string stream)
(t char)))
(defun read-comment-string (stream &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
(write-char #\/ output)
(write-char (read-char stream) output)
(loop with dispatch-char
for char = (read-char stream nil nil)
while char
do (cond ((and dispatch-char (char= #\/ char))
(write-char char output)
(return-from read-comment-string (get-output-stream-string output)))
((char= char #\*) (setf dispatch-char t))
(t (setf dispatch-char nil)))
(write-char char output)))
(defun read-number-string (stream char &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
(set-syntax-from-char #\- #\a *readtable*)
(set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a *readtable*)
(write-char char output)
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(nc (peek-char nil stream nil nil)
(peek-char nil stream nil nil)))
((or (null nc) (member nc '(#\] #\- #\space)))
(get-output-stream-string output))
(write-char (read-char stream) output))))
(defun -reader (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((next (peek-char nil stream nil nil)))
(if (eql next #\>)
(progn (read-char stream) '|->|)
(defun initialize-bnf-readtable (readtable)
(flet ((char-name-reader (name)
#'(lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore stream char))
(if (fboundp 'readtable-case) (setf (readtable-case readtable) :preserve))
(set-macro-character #\| (char-name-reader '\|) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\* (char-name-reader '*) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\? (char-name-reader '?) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\+ (char-name-reader '+) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\( (char-name-reader '\() nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\) (char-name-reader '\)) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\- #'-reader nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\^ (char-name-reader '\^) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\[ '[reader nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\] ']reader nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\{ (char-name-reader '\{) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\} (char-name-reader '\}) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\# #'\#reader nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\, (char-name-reader '\,) nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\: #'defsymbol-reader nil readtable)
(set-macro-character #\; (char-name-reader '\;) nil readtable)
;; (set-syntax-from-char #\/ #\" readtable)
(set-macro-character #\/ #'/reader nil readtable)
(set-syntax-from-char #\" #\a readtable)
;; 20010301.jaa reinstated
(set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a readtable)
;; 20010605.ms (set-syntax-from-char #\' #\" readtable)
(set-macro-character #\' '\'reader nil readtable)
;; 20010122.jaa
(set-macro-character #\. (char-name-reader '\.) nil readtable)
(initialize-bnf-readtable *bnf-readtable*)
(defun bnf-reader (bnf-str &aux (*readtable* *bnf-readtable*)
#+:aclpc (allegro::*read-case* :leave))
(loop with bnf-length = (length bnf-str)
with open-range
with tokens
with start = 0
if (< start bnf-length)
(multiple-value-bind (expr end)
(read-from-string bnf-str nil nil :start start)
;; (print expr)
(cond ((null expr)
(return-from bnf-reader (nreverse tokens)))
((eq expr :comment)
(setf start end))
(cond ((member expr *metasymbols*)
(cond ((eq expr '\[) (setf open-range t))
((eq expr '\]) (setf open-range nil)))
(push expr tokens))
((stringp expr) ;; terminale
(cond ((and (> (length expr) 0) (char= (char expr 0) #\#) ;; leave non-hex as string
(not (find-if #'(lambda (c) (not (digit-char-p c 16))) expr)))
(cond (open-range
;; Range ohne terminale delimiter
(push expr tokens))
(t (push '\' tokens)
;; the originl pushed a number ?
;; (push (hex-string-to-number expr) tokens)
(push (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char (hex-string-to-number expr))) tokens)
(push '\' tokens))))
(t (push '\' tokens)
(push expr tokens)
(push '\' tokens))))
((numberp expr)
(push (format nil "~A" expr) tokens))
(t (push (string expr) tokens)))
(setf start end))))
else return (nreverse tokens)))
(defun hex-string-to-number (expr)
(let ((*readtable* *ansi-cl-readtable*))
(read-from-string expr)))
(defun alternative-chars (str)
(format nil "~{'~A'~^ | ~}" (coerce str 'list)))
(defun sequence-chars (str)
(format nil "~{'~A'~^ ~}" (coerce str 'list)))
(defmethod hexstring ((object character))
(let ((*print-base* 16))
(format nil "#x~A" (char-code object))))
(hexstring #\a)
(alternative-chars "adfa")
(sequence-chars "adf")
(bnf-reader "[a b c]")
(defun hex-string-to-char (expr)
(let ((*readtable* *ansi-cl-readtable*))
(code-char (read-from-string expr))))
(defun read-number-string (stream char &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
(write-char char output)
(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
(set-syntax-from-char #\- #\a *readtable*)
for nc = (peek-char nil stream nil nil)
for i from 0
while (and nc (char/= nc #\] #\- #\# #\space))
do (write-char (read-char stream) output))
(get-output-stream-string output)))
;; Beispiele
(bnf-reader "// doc Dies
s ::= /* comment */ 'a'")
;; note the escaping form when evaluating tests strings ...
(bnf-reader "SingleQuote ::= '\\'' ")
(bnf-reader "DoubleQuote ::= '\"' ")
(caar (callparser 'ebnf
(bnf-reader "root ::= cell+ cell ::= [2,3 -> 'foo']")))))
(caar (callparser 'ebnf
(bnf-reader "s ::= #[print foo] [^#xd-#xh] | [^#x45#x45] | [#x45-#x65] #[print a]")))))
"test ::= 'a' range '.' range ::= [a-z] | [^U-Z]")
;;; #[print a]
;;; terminal-delimiter ::= '''
(callparser 'ebnf
"ebnf ::= definition+
definition ::= symbol defsymbol rhs
rhs ::= qexpr+ | alternative
qexpr ::= (symbol | group) occurrence?
group ::= leftpar (qexpr+ | alternative) rightpar
alternative ::= qexpr oneof (qexpr | alternative)
symbol ::= terminal | nonterminal
nonterminal ::= token
terminal ::= terminal-delimiter token terminal-delimiter
leftpar ::= '('
rightpar ::= ')'
oneof ::= '|'
defsymbol ::= '::='
occurrence ::= '+' | '*' | '?'") ) )
\ No newline at end of file
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: bnf-parser; -*-
+ <COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
+ href='file://bnfp/sysdcl.lisp' />
+ <DELTA DATE='19980331' AUTHOR='BB'>added ',' and '->' to grammar</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>explicit quoted string reader</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='JAA'>productions id for [[#]]</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010618'>fixed incorrect readers for square brackets</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010719' AUTHOR='JCMA'>readtable mods as function</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010931'>fixed premature termination bug in comment-reader</DELTA>
+(in-package "BNF-PARSER")
+(defparameter *bnf-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+(defparameter *ansi-cl-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+(defparameter *metasymbols*
+ '(|\|| * ? + - |)| |(| |'| |::=| |#[| |^| |[| |[[| |]| |]]| |/*| |/**| |//| |*/| \; \, |->| |{| |}| |'(|
+ )
+ "nb. all metasymbols must appear here. any other text is coerced to a string.
+ they must also be correctly categorized in ebnf-grammar.atn. anything else
+ will aslo be treated as a symbol.")
+(defun defsymbol-reader (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore char))
+ (set-macro-character #\: #'(lambda (s c) (declare (ignore s c)))
+ nil
+ *bnf-readtable*)
+ (read-char stream)
+ (read-char stream)
+ (set-macro-character #\: #'defsymbol-reader nil *bnf-readtable*)
+ '|::=| )
+(defun \'reader (stream term-char)
+ (coerce (loop for char = (read-char stream)
+ until (eql char term-char)
+ collect (if (eql char #\\) (read-char stream) char))
+ 'string))
+(defun [reader (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore char))
+ (cond ((char= #\[ (peek-char nil stream))
+ (read-char stream)
+ '[[)
+ (t '[)))
+(defun ]reader (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore char))
+ (cond ((char= #\] (peek-char nil stream))
+ (read-char stream)
+ ']])
+ (t '])))
+(defun \#reader (stream char)
+ (set-macro-character #\[ #'(lambda (s c) (declare (ignore s c)) #\[)
+ nil
+ *bnf-readtable*)
+ (prog1
+ (cond ((eql (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\[)
+ (read-char stream)
+ '|#[|)
+ ((eql (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\')
+ #\#)
+ (t (read-number-string stream char)))
+ (set-macro-character #\[ #'[reader nil *bnf-readtable*)))
+(defun /reader (stream char)
+ (cond ((char= (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\/)
+ (read-char stream)
+ (let ((*readtable* *ansi-cl-readtable*))
+ (read-line stream)
+ :comment))
+ ((char= (peek-char nil stream nil nil) #\*)
+ (read-comment-string stream)
+ :comment)
+ (t char)))
+(defun read-comment-string (stream &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
+ (write-char #\/ output)
+ (write-char (read-char stream) output)
+ (loop with dispatch-char
+ for char = (read-char stream nil nil)
+ while char
+ do (cond ((and dispatch-char (char= #\/ char))
+ (write-char char output)
+ (return-from read-comment-string (get-output-stream-string output)))
+ ((char= char #\*) (setf dispatch-char t))
+ (t (setf dispatch-char nil)))
+ (write-char char output)))
+(defun read-number-string (stream char &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
+ (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\- #\a *readtable*)
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a *readtable*)
+ (write-char char output)
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (nc (peek-char nil stream nil nil)
+ (peek-char nil stream nil nil)))
+ ((or (null nc) (member nc '(#\] #\- #\space)))
+ (get-output-stream-string output))
+ (write-char (read-char stream) output))))
+(defun -reader (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore char))
+ (let ((next (peek-char nil stream nil nil)))
+ (if (eql next #\>)
+ (progn (read-char stream) '|->|)
+ '-)))
+(defun initialize-bnf-readtable (readtable)
+ (flet ((char-name-reader (name)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore stream char))
+ name)))
+ (if (fboundp 'readtable-case) (setf (readtable-case readtable) :preserve))
+ (set-macro-character #\| (char-name-reader '\|) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\* (char-name-reader '*) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\? (char-name-reader '?) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\+ (char-name-reader '+) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\( (char-name-reader '\() nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\) (char-name-reader '\)) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\- #'-reader nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\^ (char-name-reader '\^) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\[ '[reader nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\] ']reader nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\{ (char-name-reader '\{) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\} (char-name-reader '\}) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\# #'\#reader nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\, (char-name-reader '\,) nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\: #'defsymbol-reader nil readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\; (char-name-reader '\;) nil readtable)
+ ;; (set-syntax-from-char #\/ #\" readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\/ #'/reader nil readtable)
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\" #\a readtable)
+ ;; 20010301.jaa reinstated
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a readtable)
+ ;; 20010605.ms (set-syntax-from-char #\' #\" readtable)
+ (set-macro-character #\' '\'reader nil readtable)
+ ;; 20010122.jaa
+ (set-macro-character #\. (char-name-reader '\.) nil readtable)
+ ))
+(initialize-bnf-readtable *bnf-readtable*)
+(defun bnf-reader (bnf-str &aux (*readtable* *bnf-readtable*)
+ #+:aclpc (allegro::*read-case* :leave))
+ (loop with bnf-length = (length bnf-str)
+ with open-range
+ with tokens
+ with start = 0
+ if (< start bnf-length)
+ do
+ (multiple-value-bind (expr end)
+ (read-from-string bnf-str nil nil :start start)
+ ;; (print expr)
+ (cond ((null expr)
+ (return-from bnf-reader (nreverse tokens)))
+ ((eq expr :comment)
+ (setf start end))
+ (t
+ (cond ((member expr *metasymbols*)
+ (cond ((eq expr '\[) (setf open-range t))
+ ((eq expr '\]) (setf open-range nil)))
+ (push expr tokens))
+ ((stringp expr) ;; terminale
+ (cond ((and (> (length expr) 0) (char= (char expr 0) #\#) ;; leave non-hex as string
+ (not (find-if #'(lambda (c) (not (digit-char-p c 16))) expr)))
+ (cond (open-range
+ ;; Range ohne terminale delimiter
+ (push expr tokens))
+ (t (push '\' tokens)
+ ;; the originl pushed a number ?
+ ;; (push (hex-string-to-number expr) tokens)
+ (push (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char (hex-string-to-number expr))) tokens)
+ (push '\' tokens))))
+ (t (push '\' tokens)
+ (push expr tokens)
+ (push '\' tokens))))
+ ((numberp expr)
+ (push (format nil "~A" expr) tokens))
+ (t (push (string expr) tokens)))
+ (setf start end))))
+ else return (nreverse tokens)))
+(defun hex-string-to-number (expr)
+ (let ((*readtable* *ansi-cl-readtable*))
+ (read-from-string expr)))
+(defun alternative-chars (str)
+ (format nil "~{'~A'~^ | ~}" (coerce str 'list)))
+(defun sequence-chars (str)
+ (format nil "~{'~A'~^ ~}" (coerce str 'list)))
+(defmethod hexstring ((object character))
+ (let ((*print-base* 16))
+ (format nil "#x~A" (char-code object))))
+(hexstring #\a)
+(alternative-chars "adfa")
+(sequence-chars "adf")
+(bnf-reader "[a b c]")
+(defun hex-string-to-char (expr)
+ (let ((*readtable* *ansi-cl-readtable*))
+ (code-char (read-from-string expr))))
+(defun read-number-string (stream char &aux (output (make-string-output-stream)))
+ (write-char char output)
+ (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\- #\a *readtable*)
+ (loop
+ for nc = (peek-char nil stream nil nil)
+ for i from 0
+ while (and nc (char/= nc #\] #\- #\# #\space))
+ do (write-char (read-char stream) output))
+ (get-output-stream-string output)))
+;; Beispiele
+(bnf-reader "// doc Dies
+s ::= /* comment */ 'a'")
+;; note the escaping form when evaluating tests strings ...
+(bnf-reader "SingleQuote ::= '\\'' ")
+(bnf-reader "DoubleQuote ::= '\"' ")
+ (bnf-object-tree
+ (caar (callparser 'ebnf
+ (bnf-reader "root ::= cell+ cell ::= [2,3 -> 'foo']")))))
+ (bnf-object-tree
+ (caar (callparser 'ebnf
+ (bnf-reader "s ::= #[print foo] [^#xd-#xh] | [^#x45#x45] | [#x45-#x65] #[print a]")))))
+ (bnf-to-atn
+ "test ::= 'a' range '.' range ::= [a-z] | [^U-Z]")
+ "TestParser")
+;;; #[print a]
+;;; terminal-delimiter ::= '''
+ (callparser 'ebnf
+ (bnf-reader
+ "ebnf ::= definition+
+ definition ::= symbol defsymbol rhs
+ rhs ::= qexpr+ | alternative
+ qexpr ::= (symbol | group) occurrence?
+ group ::= leftpar (qexpr+ | alternative) rightpar
+ alternative ::= qexpr oneof (qexpr | alternative)
+ symbol ::= terminal | nonterminal
+ nonterminal ::= token
+ terminal ::= terminal-delimiter token terminal-delimiter
+ leftpar ::= '('
+ rightpar ::= ')'
+ oneof ::= '|'
+ defsymbol ::= '::='
+ occurrence ::= '+' | '*' | '?'") ) )
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-printer.lisp
--- branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-printer.lisp (original)
+++ branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-printer.lisp Tue Feb 14 11:52:41 2006
@@ -1 +1,650 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-parser; -*-
print methods for xml data models
<COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
<DELTA DATE='20010305' AUTHOR='JAA'/>
<DELTA DATE='20010511' AUTHOR='JAA'>
separate <code>WRITE-NODE</code> and <code>ENCODE-NODE</code> functions.
the first acts as the interface and takes a stream arg. the second is
internal and expects bindings for the writer function.
<DELTA DATE='20010603'>
corrected (encode-node symbol) to permit uninterned names -> no prefix;
bind *document* in (write-node doc-node) for consistency parse/serialize.
<DELTA DATE='20010621'>
fixed spacing in attribute declarations<br />
fixed encoding printing for doc-node</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010623'>encode-node for doc-node takes a default doctype
name from the root element</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010625'>
adjustments to encode-node for <code>*-model</code> for PCDATA
<br />
*node-cache* to support recursive <code>DEF-NODE</code> printing, which
makes it possible to effect prefixes analogous to those used in the
document entity.</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010626'>
changed respective <code>WRITE-NODE</code> and <code>ENCODE-NODE</code>
to specialize on <code>ABSTRACT-ELEM-NODE</code> rather than on
<code>ELEM-NODE</code> in order to support specialized instantiation.
<code>ENCODE-NODE</code> now relies on the interface rather than the
presence of slots.
<DELTA DATE='20010707'>reified <code>ENCODE-NEWLINE</code></DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010803'>
introduced uniform -interface specializers document, element, and property
<DELTA DATE='20010906'>modified <code>ENCODE-NODE</code> for name instances</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010910'>fix to encode node for default namespace names</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20011010'>use <code>ephemeral</code> property to control printing</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20011219'>*generated-ns-bindings*as a special binding with
a single global handler</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20011223'><code>writer-stream</code></DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20020112'>(ecode-node symbol) delegates keywords to the
string method</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20020118'>some CormanLisp</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030320'>with-output-encoding changed to accept keyword options;
correction for generated namespace declarations in element definitions </DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030323'>correct default serialization for attribute definitions</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030531'>corrected encode-generated-ns-bindings for string prefixes</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030602'>scl</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20031023'>enabled prefix hint in preference to namespace nickname</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20040125'>fixed 20031023 to use the node rather than the name and
to guard for unbound prefix</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20040202'>lw-4.3-pc required a definition for stream-read-char(writer-stream)</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20040210'>lw-4.3.6-pc required a direction slot declaration for xml-writer when
loading fasl files</DELTA>
(in-package "XML-PARSER")
;; interface functions
(defMacro with-xml-writer ((stream &optional (encoding :utf-8)) &rest body)
"execute the body in a context appropriate to encode xml to the
provided stream."
`(multiple-value-bind (*writer-function *writer-arg)
(encoding-stream-writer ,stream ,encoding)
(let ((*namespace-bindings* *default-namespaces*))
(handler-bind ((|NSC: Prefix Declared|
#'(lambda (condition &aux (prefix (next-prefix))
(setf node (cons prefix (name condition)))
(push node *namespace-bindings*)
(push node *generated-ns-bindings*)
(use-value prefix))))
, at body))))
(defun call-with-xml-writer (function *xml-output*
&key (encoding *output-encoding*)
((:pretty *print-pretty*) *print-pretty*)
; namespace-bindings
"execute the body in a context appropriate to encode xml to the provided stream.
this includes *default-namespaces* as the initial value for
*namespace-bindings* and a null *xml-writer-node-cache*."
(multiple-value-bind (*writer-function *writer-arg *output-encoding*)
(encoding-stream-writer *xml-output* encoding)
(let ((*namespace-bindings* *default-namespaces*))
(handler-bind ((|NSC: Namespace Declared|
;; this condition is signaled where a namespace is not bound, and thus
;; therefore no prefix is apparent for serialization.
;; if a preference is provided, this is tested to see if some other
;; namespace is already bound to it.
;; if the prefix is already in use, or if no prefix hint was provided,
;; then the 'next' one is generated. the "" prefix is handled by leaving it up to
;; prefix-namespace to observe whether default namespace bindings are visible
;; or not.
#'(lambda (condition)
(let ((namespace (condition-namespace condition))
(name (condition-name condition)))
;; if a suggestion for prefix
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "~a with prefix hint ~a~%with ns bindings ~s" condition name
(if (or name (let ((maybe-name (namespace-printname namespace)))
(when (or (equal name "")
(is-ncname maybe-name))
(setf name maybe-name))))
(handler-case (when (prefix-value name)
(setf name (next-prefix)))
(|NSC: Prefix Declared| (c)
;; if the prefix wasn't declared, then use it
(declare (ignore c))))
(setf name (next-prefix)))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "yielded prefix: ~s." name))
(setf (prefix-value (local-part name))
;(namespace-name namespace)
(push (first *namespace-bindings*) *generated-ns-bindings*)
(use-value name)))))
(funcall function)))))
(defMacro with-xml-writer ((stream &key (encoding nil)) &rest body
&aux (writer-body (gensym "WRITER-"))
(xml-stream (if (symbolp stream) stream (gensym "XML-STREAM-"))))
"ensure the the body is executed in a context appropriate for xml encoding."
`(let (,@(unless (eq xml-stream stream) `((,xml-stream ,stream))))
(flet ((,writer-body () , at body))
(declare (dynamic-extent (function ,writer-body)))
(if (eq ,xml-stream *xml-output*)
(funcall #',writer-body)
(call-with-xml-writer #',writer-body ,xml-stream
,@(when encoding `(:encoding ,encoding)))))))
(defun encode-format (&rest args)
(apply #'format *xml-writer-stream* args))
(defClass writer-stream (#+ALLEGRO excl::fundamental-binary-output-stream
#+LispWorks stream:fundamental-stream
#+digitool ccl::output-binary-stream
#+openmcl fundamental-binary-output-stream
#+CormanLisp stream)
(#+(or clisp CMU lispworks sbcl scl) (direction :initarg :direction))
(:default-initargs :direction :output
#+CormanLisp :element-type #+CormanLisp 'unsigned-byte))
(defMethod excl:stream-line-column ((stream writer-stream)) nil)
(defmethod stream:stream-write-char ((stream writer-stream) (char character))
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char))
(defMethod stream-tyo ((stream writer-stream) char)
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char))
(defMethod stream-element-type ((stream writer-stream))
(setq *xml-writer-stream* (make-instance 'writer-stream))
(defGeneric write-node (datum stream &rest args)
"encode the node as xml to the provided stream.")
(:method ((node t) (destination pathname) &rest args)
(with-open-file (stream destination :direction :output :element-type 'unsigned-byte
:if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
(apply #'write-node node stream args)))
(:method ((node t) (*output-destination* t) &rest args)
(apply #'call-with-xml-writer
#'(lambda () (encode-node node))
(pushnew '(with-xml-writer . 1) *FRED-SPECIAL-INDENT-ALIST* :key #'first)
;; primitives
(defun encode-char (char)
"encode the provided character to the current output destination."
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char))
(defun encode-string (string)
"encode the provided string to the output destination.
used when it is known that no escapes are necessary."
(dotimes (i (length string))
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg (char string i))))
(defun encode-newline ()
"emit a newline to the output destination."
(encode-char #.(code-char #x0a)))
(defGeneric encode-node (node)
"encode the provided node to the current output destination.
perform a tree walk for linked nodes.
escape character data in content and attribute values as appropriate.
introduce namespace bindings as required."))
(defMethod encode-node
((string string) &aux char)
(dotimes (x (length string))
(setf char (char string x))
(case char
(#\< (encode-string "<"))
(#\> (encode-string ">"))
; here an attempt to both escape and not
(if (position #\; string :start x)
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char)
(encode-string "&")))
(t (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char)))))
(defMethod encode-node
((node list))
(mapc #'encode-node node))
(defmethod encode-node
((node number))
(encode-node (write-to-string node)))
;; node methods
(defMethod encode-node
((node symbol)
&aux (name (local-part node))
(namespace (namespace node))
(if (keywordp node)
(encode-node (string node))
(cond ((string= (namespace-name namespace) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
(encode-string *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
(unless (eq node *default-namespace-attribute-name*)
(encode-char #\:)
(encode-node name)))
(setf prefix (local-part (namespace-prefix namespace (get node :prefix))))
(unless (string= prefix "")
(encode-node (local-part prefix))
(encode-char #\:))
(encode-node name))
(t ;; allow uninterned names
(encode-node name)))))
(defMethod encode-node
((node null))
(defMethod encode-node
((node abstract-name)
&aux (name (local-part node))
(namespace (namespace node))
(cond ((string= (namespace-name namespace) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
(encode-string *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
(unless (eq node *default-namespace-attribute-name*)
(encode-char #\:)
(encode-node name)))
(setf prefix (local-part (namespace-prefix namespace
(with-slots (prefix) node
(and (slot-boundp node 'prefix) prefix)))))
(unless (string= prefix "")
(encode-node (local-part prefix))
(encode-char #\:))
(encode-node name))
(t ;; allow uninterned names
(encode-node name))))
(defMethod encode-node
((node doc-node-interface)
(*prefix-count* *prefix-count*)
(*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
(*default-namespace* *default-namespace*)
(name nil)
(encoding (encoding node))
(standalone (standalone node))
(version (version node)))
(encode-string "<?xml")
(when (zerop (length version))
(setf version *xml-version*))
(encode-string " version='")
(encode-string version)
(encode-char #\')
(when encoding
(encode-string " encoding='")
(encode-string (string encoding))
(encode-char #\'))
(encode-string " standalone='")
(encode-string (if standalone "yes" "no"))
(encode-string "' ?>")
(setf name (name (entity-info node)))
(when (or (eq name *null-name*) (null name))
(setf name (name (root node))))
(when (or (plusp (hash-table-count (notations node)))
(> (hash-table-count (general-entities node)) 5)
(plusp (hash-table-count (parameter-entities node)))
(plusp (hash-table-count (types node)))
(attributes node))
(encode-char #\newline)
(encode-string "<!DOCTYPE ")
(encode-node (local-part name)) ;; force the literal name w/o ns|prefix
(encode-string " [")
(flet ((encode-def (key def)
(declare (ignore key))
(encode-node def)))
(maphash #'encode-def (notations node))
(maphash #'encode-def (parameter-entities node))
(maphash #'encode-def (general-entities node)))
(let* ((root (root node))
(root-type (when root (ignore-errors (def root))))
(*node-cache* nil))
(flet ((encode-def (key def)
(declare (ignore key))
(unless (find def *node-cache*)
(push def *node-cache*)
(encode-node def))))
;; encode the root definition first. the method proceeds recursively,
;; which generates sensible namespace prefixes. any remaining
;; definitions are done subsequently
(if root-type
(encode-def nil root-type)
(encode-string " <!-- no root element definition present -->"))
(maphash #'encode-def (types node))))
(encode-string " ]>"))
(dolist (child (children node))
(encode-node child)))
(defun encode-generated-ns-bindings (generated-ns-bindings)
(dolist (binding generated-ns-bindings)
(destructuring-bind (prefix . namespace) binding
(encode-char #\space)
(typecase prefix
(name (encode-node prefix))
(encode-string "xmlns")
(unless (equal prefix "")
(encode-char #\:)
(encode-string prefix))))
(encode-char #\=)
(encode-char #\')
(encode-node (namespace-name namespace))
(encode-char #\'))))
(defMethod encode-node
((node elem-node-interface))
(let ((*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
(*default-namespace* *default-namespace*)
(*node-level* (1+ *node-level*))
(*prefix-count* *prefix-count*)
(*generated-ns-bindings* nil))
(declare (dynamic-extent *namespace-bindings*))
(with-accessors ((name name)
(children children)
(attributes attributes)
(namespaces namespaces)) node
(dolist (ns-node namespaces)
(push ns-node *namespace-bindings*))
; (break "namespaces: ~s/~s." *namespace-bindings* namespaces)
(encode-char #\<)
(encode-node name)
(dolist (node namespaces)
(encode-char #\space)
(encode-node node))
(dolist (node attributes)
(encode-char #\space)
(encode-node node))
(when *generated-ns-bindings*
(encode-generated-ns-bindings *generated-ns-bindings*))
(cond (children
(encode-char #\>)
(dolist (node children)
(when *print-pretty*
(dotimes (x *node-level*) (encode-char #\space)))
(encode-node node))
(encode-string "</")
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\>))
(encode-string " />"))))))
(defMethod encode-node
((node elem-property-node-interface))
(with-slots (name children) node
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\=)
(encode-char #\')
(dolist (node children)
(encode-node node))
(encode-char #\')))
(defmethod encode-node
((node pi-node))
(encode-string "<?")
(encode-node (name node))
(encode-char #\space)
(dolist (node (children node))
(encode-node node))
(encode-string "?>"))
(defMethod encode-node
((node comment-node))
(encode-string "<!-- ")
(dolist (node (children node))
(encode-node node))
(encode-string " -->"))
;; declarations
(defMethod encode-node ((node def-elem-type)
(*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
(*generated-ns-bindings* nil)
(with-slots (name children properties) node
;; first do the definition itself, that is, the content model and the
;; attribute declarations. these all in the same namespace context
(dolist (node properties)
(when (is-ns-node (prototype node))
(push (prototype node) *namespace-bindings*)))
;; write the element declaration
(encode-string " <!ELEMENT ")
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\space)
(encode-node children)
(encode-string " >")
;; write the attribute declarations
(when properties
(encode-string " <!ATTLIST ")
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\space)
(mapc #'(lambda (n)
(encode-string " ")
(encode-node n))
(encode-string " >"))
(when *generated-ns-bindings*
(encode-string " <!ATTLIST ")
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\space)
(dolist (binding *generated-ns-bindings*)
(destructuring-bind (prefix . namespace) binding
(encode-string " ")
(typecase prefix
(string (encode-string "xmlns:") (encode-string prefix))
(t (encode-node (first binding))))
(encode-string " CDATA '")
(encode-string (namespace-name namespace))
(encode-string "'")))
(encode-string " >"))
;; then do type definitions referenced by virtue of their presence in the
;; content model
(dolist (c-name (collect-model-names (first (bnfp::bnf-rhs (model node)))))
(cond ((eq c-name *empty-name*) nil)
((eq c-name *wild-name*) nil)
((setf c-def (find-def-elem-type c-name (document node)))
(unless (find c-def *node-cache*)
(push c-def *node-cache*)
(encode-node c-def)))
(format nil " <!-- definition not found: ~a: ~a."
(name node) c-name)))))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |content-model|))
(encode-node (first (bnfp::bnf-rhs node))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |\|-content|)
&aux (expressions (bnfp::bnf-expressions node)))
(encode-char #\()
(loop (encode-node (pop expressions))
(if expressions (encode-string " | ") (return)))
(encode-char #\)))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |?-content|))
(encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
(encode-char #\?))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |*-content|)
&aux (expression (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
(setf name
(when (typep expression '|content-name|) (bnfp::bnf-name expression)))
(cond ((eq name *wild-name*) (encode-string "ANY"))
((eq name *empty-name*) (encode-string "EMPTY"))
((eq name *mixed-name*) (encode-string "(#PCDATA)"))
(t (encode-node expression)
(encode-char #\*))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |+-content|))
(encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
(encode-char #\+))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |content|))
(encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node)))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |,-content|)
&aux (expressions (bnfp::bnf-expressions node)))
(encode-char #\()
(loop (encode-node (pop expressions))
(if expressions (encode-string ", ") (return)))
(encode-char #\)))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |content-name|)
&aux (name (bnfp::bnf-name node)))
(cond ((eq name *mixed-name*) (encode-string "(#PCDATA)"))
(t (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-name node)))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node |type-name|))
(encode-node (bnfp::bnf-name node)))
;; this isn't complete, but it's a start
(defMethod encode-node ((node def-elem-property-type)
&aux (prototype (prototype node))
(default (children prototype))
(stipulation (stipulation node)))
(flet ((encode-enumeration (enumeration)
(cond (enumeration
(encode-char #\()
(loop (encode-node (pop enumeration))
(if enumeration (encode-char #\|) (return)))
(encode-char #\)))
(encode-string "()")))))
(unless (is-ephemeral node)
(encode-node (name node))
(typecase prototype
(entity-attr-node (encode-string " ENTITY"))
(entities-attr-node (encode-string " ENTITIES"))
(encode-char #\space)
(encode-enumeration (children node)))
(id-attr-node (encode-string " ID"))
(id-ref-attr-node (encode-string " IDREF"))
(id-refs-attr-node (encode-string " IDREFS"))
(nmtoken-attr-node (encode-string " NMTOKEN"))
(nmtokens-attr-node (encode-string " NMTOKENS"))
(encode-string " NOTATION")
(encode-enumeration (children node)))
(ns-node (encode-string " CDATA"))
(attr-node (encode-string " CDATA"))
(encode-char #\space)
(ecase stipulation
(:required (encode-string "#REQUIRED"))
(:implied (encode-string "#IMPLIED"))
((nil :fixed)
(when (eq stipulation :fixed) (encode-string "#FIXED"))
(encode-char #\space)
(encode-char #\')
(when default (encode-node default))
(encode-char #\'))))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node def-notation))
(with-slots (name system-id public-id) node
(encode-string " <!NOTATION " )
(encode-node name)
(encode-char #\space)
(cond (public-id
(encode-string "PUBLIC '")
(encode-string public-id)
(when system-id
(encode-string "' '")
(encode-string system-id)))
(encode-string "SYSTEM '")
(encode-string system-id)))
(encode-string "' >")))
(defMethod encode-node ((node ref-entity))
(with-slots (value children) node
(flet ((encode-char-or-byte (datum)
(funcall *writer-function *writer-arg
(if (integerp datum) (code-char datum) datum))))
(cond ((and (expand node)
(cond ((stringp value) (map nil #'encode-char value) t)
((functionp value)
(map nil #'encode-char-or-byte (funcall value))
((is-def-internal-entity value)
(with-slots (children value) value
(cond (children
(map nil #'encode-char-or-byte children)
(map nil #'encode-char value)
((typep children 'sequence)
(map nil #'encode-char-or-byte children)))))
(encode-char #\&)
(encode-node (name node))
(encode-char #\;))))))
(defMethod encode-node ((node def-internal-entity))
(encode-string " <!ENTITY ")
(when (is-def-parameter-entity node)
(encode-string "% "))
(encode-node (name node))
(encode-string " '")
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (children
(mapc #'(lambda (byte) (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg
(code-char byte)))
(map nil #'encode-char value))))
(encode-string "' >"))
(defMethod encode-node ((node def-external-entity))
(encode-string " <!ENTITY ")
(when (is-def-parameter-entity node)
(encode-string "% "))
(encode-node (name node))
(let ((system (system-id node))
(public (public-id node)))
(cond (public (encode-string " PUBLIC '")
(encode-node public)
(encode-string "' '")
(encode-node system)
(encode-node "'"))
(system (encode-string " SYSTEM '")
(encode-node system)
(encode-node "'"))))
(encode-string " >"))
\ No newline at end of file
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-parser; -*-
+ print methods for xml data models
+ <COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
+ href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
+ <DELTA DATE='20010305' AUTHOR='JAA'/>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010511' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ separate <code>WRITE-NODE</code> and <code>ENCODE-NODE</code> functions.
+ the first acts as the interface and takes a stream arg. the second is
+ internal and expects bindings for the writer function.
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010603'>
+ corrected (encode-node symbol) to permit uninterned names -> no prefix;
+ bind *document* in (write-node doc-node) for consistency parse/serialize.
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010621'>
+ fixed spacing in attribute declarations<br />
+ fixed encoding printing for doc-node</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010621'>WITH-XML-WRITER macro</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010623'>encode-node for doc-node takes a default doctype
+ name from the root element</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010625'>
+ adjustments to encode-node for <code>*-model</code> for PCDATA
+ <br />
+ *node-cache* to support recursive <code>DEF-NODE</code> printing, which
+ makes it possible to effect prefixes analogous to those used in the
+ document entity.</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010626'>
+ changed respective <code>WRITE-NODE</code> and <code>ENCODE-NODE</code>
+ to specialize on <code>ABSTRACT-ELEM-NODE</code> rather than on
+ <code>ELEM-NODE</code> in order to support specialized instantiation.
+ <code>ENCODE-NODE</code> now relies on the interface rather than the
+ presence of slots.
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010707'>reified <code>ENCODE-NEWLINE</code></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010803'>
+ introduced uniform -interface specializers document, element, and property
+ nodes</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010906'>modified <code>ENCODE-NODE</code> for name instances</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010910'>fix to encode node for default namespace names</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20011010'>use <code>ephemeral</code> property to control printing</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20011219'>*generated-ns-bindings*as a special binding with
+ a single global handler</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20011223'><code>writer-stream</code></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20020112'>(ecode-node symbol) delegates keywords to the
+ string method</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20020118'>some CormanLisp</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20030320'>with-output-encoding changed to accept keyword options;
+ correction for generated namespace declarations in element definitions </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20030323'>correct default serialization for attribute definitions</DELTA>
+(in-package "XML-PARSER")
+;; interface functions
+(defMacro with-xml-writer ((stream &optional (encoding :utf-8)) &rest body)
+ "execute the body in a context appropriate to encode xml to the
+ provided stream."
+ `(multiple-value-bind (*writer-function *writer-arg)
+ (encoding-stream-writer ,stream ,encoding)
+ (let ((*namespace-bindings* *default-namespaces*))
+ (handler-bind ((|NSC: Prefix Declared|
+ #'(lambda (condition &aux (prefix (next-prefix))
+ node)
+ (setf node (cons prefix (name condition)))
+ (push node *namespace-bindings*)
+ (push node *generated-ns-bindings*)
+ (use-value prefix))))
+ , at body))))
+(defun call-with-xml-writer (function *xml-output*
+ &key (encoding *output-encoding*)
+ ((:pretty *print-pretty*) *print-pretty*)
+ ; namespace-bindings
+ &allow-other-keys)
+ "execute the body in a context appropriate to encode xml to the provided stream.
+ this includes *default-namespaces* as the initial value for
+ *namespace-bindings* and a null *xml-writer-node-cache*."
+ (multiple-value-bind (*writer-function *writer-arg *output-encoding*)
+ (encoding-stream-writer *xml-output* encoding)
+ (let ((*namespace-bindings* *default-namespaces*))
+ (handler-bind ((|NSC: Namespace Declared|
+ ;; this condition is signaled where a namespace is not bound, and thus
+ ;; therefore no prefix is apparent for serialization.
+ ;; if a preference is provided, this is tested to see if some other
+ ;; namespace is already bound to it.
+ ;; if the prefix is already in use, or if no prefix hint was provided,
+ ;; then the 'next' one is generated. the "" prefix is handled by leaving it up to
+ ;; prefix-namespace to observe whether default namespace bindings are visible
+ ;; or not.
+ #'(lambda (condition)
+ (let ((namespace (condition-namespace condition))
+ (name (condition-name condition)))
+ ;; if a suggestion for prefix
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "~a with prefix hint ~a~%with ns bindings ~s" condition name
+ *namespace-bindings*))
+ (if (or name (let ((maybe-name (namespace-printname namespace)))
+ (when (or (equal name "")
+ (is-ncname maybe-name))
+ (setf name maybe-name))))
+ (handler-case (when (prefix-value name)
+ (setf name (next-prefix)))
+ (|NSC: Prefix Declared| (c)
+ ;; if the prefix wasn't declared, then use it
+ (declare (ignore c))))
+ (setf name (next-prefix)))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "yielded prefix: ~s." name))
+ (setf (prefix-value (local-part name))
+ namespace
+ ;(namespace-name namespace)
+ )
+ (push (first *namespace-bindings*) *generated-ns-bindings*)
+ (use-value name)))))
+ (funcall function)))))
+(defMacro with-xml-writer ((stream &key (encoding nil)) &rest body
+ &aux (writer-body (gensym "WRITER-"))
+ (xml-stream (if (symbolp stream) stream (gensym "XML-STREAM-"))))
+ "ensure the the body is executed in a context appropriate for xml encoding."
+ `(let (,@(unless (eq xml-stream stream) `((,xml-stream ,stream))))
+ (flet ((,writer-body () , at body))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent (function ,writer-body)))
+ (if (eq ,xml-stream *xml-output*)
+ (funcall #',writer-body)
+ (call-with-xml-writer #',writer-body ,xml-stream
+ ,@(when encoding `(:encoding ,encoding)))))))
+(defun encode-format (&rest args)
+ (apply #'format *xml-writer-stream* args))
+(defClass writer-stream (#+ALLEGRO excl::fundamental-binary-output-stream
+ #+LispWorks stream:fundamental-stream
+ #+digitool ccl::output-binary-stream
+ #+openmcl fundamental-binary-output-stream
+ #+CormanLisp stream)
+ (#+(or cmu sbcl) (direction :initarg :direction))
+ (:default-initargs :direction :output
+ #+CormanLisp :element-type #+CormanLisp 'unsigned-byte))
+(defMethod stream-tyo ((stream writer-stream) char)
+ (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char))
+(defMethod stream-element-type ((stream writer-stream))
+ 'character)
+(setq *xml-writer-stream* (make-instance 'writer-stream))
+(defGeneric write-node (datum stream &rest args)
+ (:documentation
+ "encode the node as xml to the provided stream.")
+ (:method ((node t) (destination pathname) &rest args)
+ (with-open-file (stream destination :direction :output :element-type 'unsigned-byte
+ :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (apply #'write-node node stream args)))
+ (:method ((node t) (*output-destination* t) &rest args)
+ (apply #'call-with-xml-writer
+ #'(lambda () (encode-node node))
+ *output-destination*
+ args)
+ node))
+ (pushnew '(with-xml-writer . 1) *FRED-SPECIAL-INDENT-ALIST* :key #'first)
+ nil)
+;; primitives
+(defun encode-char (char)
+ "encode the provided character to the current output destination."
+ (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char))
+(defun encode-string (string)
+ "encode the provided string to the output destination.
+ used when it is known that no escapes are necessary."
+ (dotimes (i (length string))
+ (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg (char string i))))
+(defun encode-newline ()
+ "emit a newline to the output destination."
+ (encode-char #.(code-char #x0a)))
+(defGeneric encode-node (node)
+ (:documentation
+ "encode the provided node to the current output destination.
+ perform a tree walk for linked nodes.
+ escape character data in content and attribute values as appropriate.
+ introduce namespace bindings as required."))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((string string) &aux char)
+ (dotimes (x (length string))
+ (setf char (char string x))
+ (case char
+ (#\< (encode-string "<"))
+ (#\> (encode-string ">"))
+ (#\&
+ ; here an attempt to both escape and not
+ (if (position #\; string :start x)
+ (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char)
+ (encode-string "&")))
+ (t (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg char)))))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node list))
+ (mapc #'encode-node node))
+(defmethod encode-node
+ ((node number))
+ (encode-node (write-to-string node)))
+;; node methods
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node symbol)
+ &aux (name (local-part node))
+ (namespace (namespace node))
+ prefix)
+ (if (keywordp node)
+ (encode-node (string node))
+ (cond ((string= (namespace-name namespace) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
+ (encode-string *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
+ (unless (eq node *default-namespace-attribute-name*)
+ (encode-char #\:)
+ (encode-node name)))
+ (namespace
+ (setf prefix (local-part (namespace-prefix namespace)))
+ (unless (string= prefix "")
+ (encode-node (local-part prefix))
+ (encode-char #\:))
+ (encode-node name))
+ (t ;; allow uninterned names
+ (encode-node name)))))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node null))
+ )
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node abstract-name)
+ &aux (name (local-part node))
+ (namespace (namespace node))
+ prefix)
+ (cond ((string= (namespace-name namespace) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
+ (encode-string *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
+ (unless (eq node *default-namespace-attribute-name*)
+ (encode-char #\:)
+ (encode-node name)))
+ (namespace
+ (setf prefix (local-part (namespace-prefix namespace)))
+ (unless (string= prefix "")
+ (encode-node (local-part prefix))
+ (encode-char #\:))
+ (encode-node name))
+ (t ;; allow uninterned names
+ (encode-node name))))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node doc-node-interface)
+ &aux
+ (*prefix-count* *prefix-count*)
+ (*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+ (*default-namespace* *default-namespace*)
+ (name nil)
+ (encoding (encoding node))
+ (standalone (standalone node))
+ (version (version node)))
+ (encode-string "<?xml")
+ (when (zerop (length version))
+ (setf version *xml-version*))
+ (encode-string " version='")
+ (encode-string version)
+ (encode-char #\')
+ (when encoding
+ (encode-string " encoding='")
+ (encode-string (string encoding))
+ (encode-char #\'))
+ (encode-string " standalone='")
+ (encode-string (if standalone "yes" "no"))
+ (encode-string "' ?>")
+ (setf name (name (entity-info node)))
+ (when (or (eq name *null-name*) (null name))
+ (setf name (name (root node))))
+ (when (or (plusp (hash-table-count (notations node)))
+ (> (hash-table-count (general-entities node)) 5)
+ (plusp (hash-table-count (parameter-entities node)))
+ (plusp (hash-table-count (types node)))
+ (attributes node))
+ (encode-char #\newline)
+ (encode-string "<!DOCTYPE ")
+ (encode-node (local-part name)) ;; force the literal name w/o ns|prefix
+ (encode-string " [")
+ (flet ((encode-def (key def)
+ (declare (ignore key))
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-node def)))
+ (maphash #'encode-def (notations node))
+ (maphash #'encode-def (parameter-entities node))
+ (maphash #'encode-def (general-entities node)))
+ (let* ((root (root node))
+ (root-type (when root (ignore-errors (def root))))
+ (*node-cache* nil))
+ (flet ((encode-def (key def)
+ (declare (ignore key))
+ (unless (find def *node-cache*)
+ (push def *node-cache*)
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-node def))))
+ ;; encode the root definition first. the method proceeds recursively,
+ ;; which generates sensible namespace prefixes. any remaining
+ ;; definitions are done subsequently
+ (if root-type
+ (encode-def nil root-type)
+ (encode-string " <!-- no root element definition present -->"))
+ (maphash #'encode-def (types node))))
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-string " ]>"))
+ (dolist (child (children node))
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-node child)))
+(defun encode-generated-ns-bindings (generated-ns-bindings)
+ (dolist (binding generated-ns-bindings)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-node (first binding))
+ (encode-char #\=)
+ (encode-char #\')
+ (encode-node (namespace-name (rest binding)))
+ (encode-char #\')))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node elem-node-interface))
+ (let ((*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+ (*default-namespace* *default-namespace*)
+ (*node-level* (1+ *node-level*))
+ (*prefix-count* *prefix-count*)
+ (*generated-ns-bindings* nil))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent *namespace-bindings*))
+ (with-accessors ((name name)
+ (children children)
+ (attributes attributes)
+ (namespaces namespaces)) node
+ (dolist (ns-node namespaces)
+ (push ns-node *namespace-bindings*))
+ ; (break "namespaces: ~s/~s." *namespace-bindings* namespaces)
+ (encode-char #\<)
+ (encode-node name)
+ (dolist (node namespaces)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-node node))
+ (dolist (node attributes)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-node node))
+ (when *generated-ns-bindings*
+ (encode-generated-ns-bindings *generated-ns-bindings*))
+ (cond (children
+ (encode-char #\>)
+ (dolist (node children)
+ (when *print-pretty*
+ (encode-newline)
+ (dotimes (x *node-level*) (encode-char #\space)))
+ (encode-node node))
+ (encode-string "</")
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\>))
+ (t
+ (encode-string " />"))))))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node elem-property-node-interface))
+ (with-slots (name children) node
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\=)
+ (encode-char #\')
+ (dolist (node children)
+ (encode-node node))
+ (encode-char #\')))
+(defmethod encode-node
+ ((node pi-node))
+ (encode-string "<?")
+ (encode-node (name node))
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (dolist (node (children node))
+ (encode-node node))
+ (encode-string "?>"))
+(defMethod encode-node
+ ((node comment-node))
+ (encode-string "<!-- ")
+ (dolist (node (children node))
+ (encode-node node))
+ (encode-string " -->"))
+;; declarations
+(defMethod encode-node ((node def-elem-type)
+ &aux
+ (*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+ (*generated-ns-bindings* nil)
+ c-def)
+ (with-slots (name children properties) node
+ ;; first do the definition itself, that is, the content model and the
+ ;; attribute declarations. these all in the same namespace context
+ (dolist (node properties)
+ (when (is-ns-node (prototype node))
+ (push (prototype node) *namespace-bindings*)))
+ ;; write the element declaration
+ (encode-string " <!ELEMENT ")
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-node children)
+ (encode-string " >")
+ ;; write the attribute declarations
+ (when properties
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-string " <!ATTLIST ")
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (mapc #'(lambda (n)
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-string " ")
+ (encode-node n))
+ properties)
+ (encode-string " >"))
+ (when *generated-ns-bindings*
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-string " <!ATTLIST ")
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (dolist (binding *generated-ns-bindings*)
+ (destructuring-bind (prefix . namespace) binding
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-string " ")
+ (typecase prefix
+ (string (encode-string "xmlns:") (encode-string prefix))
+ (t (encode-node (first binding))))
+ (encode-string " CDATA '")
+ (encode-string (namespace-name namespace))
+ (encode-string "'")))
+ (encode-string " >"))
+ ;; then do type definitions referenced by virtue of their presence in the
+ ;; content model
+ (dolist (c-name (collect-model-names (first (bnfp::bnf-rhs (model node)))))
+ (cond ((eq c-name *empty-name*) nil)
+ ((eq c-name *wild-name*) nil)
+ ((setf c-def (find-def-elem-type c-name (document node)))
+ (unless (find c-def *node-cache*)
+ (push c-def *node-cache*)
+ (encode-newline)
+ (encode-node c-def)))
+ (t
+ (encode-string
+ (format nil " <!-- definition not found: ~a: ~a."
+ (name node) c-name)))))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |content-model|))
+ (encode-node (first (bnfp::bnf-rhs node))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |\|-content|)
+ &aux (expressions (bnfp::bnf-expressions node)))
+ (encode-char #\()
+ (loop (encode-node (pop expressions))
+ (if expressions (encode-string " | ") (return)))
+ (encode-char #\)))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |?-content|))
+ (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
+ (encode-char #\?))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |*-content|)
+ &aux (expression (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
+ name)
+ (setf name
+ (when (typep expression '|content-name|) (bnfp::bnf-name expression)))
+ (cond ((eq name *wild-name*) (encode-string "ANY"))
+ ((eq name *empty-name*) (encode-string "EMPTY"))
+ ((eq name *mixed-name*) (encode-string "(#PCDATA)"))
+ (t (encode-node expression)
+ (encode-char #\*))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |+-content|))
+ (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node))
+ (encode-char #\+))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |content|))
+ (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-expression node)))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |,-content|)
+ &aux (expressions (bnfp::bnf-expressions node)))
+ (encode-char #\()
+ (loop (encode-node (pop expressions))
+ (if expressions (encode-string ", ") (return)))
+ (encode-char #\)))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |content-name|)
+ &aux (name (bnfp::bnf-name node)))
+ (cond ((eq name *mixed-name*) (encode-string "(#PCDATA)"))
+ (t (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-name node)))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node |type-name|))
+ (encode-node (bnfp::bnf-name node)))
+;; this isn't complete, but it's a start
+(defMethod encode-node ((node def-elem-property-type)
+ &aux (prototype (prototype node))
+ (default (children prototype))
+ (stipulation (stipulation node)))
+ (flet ((encode-enumeration (enumeration)
+ (cond (enumeration
+ (encode-char #\()
+ (loop (encode-node (pop enumeration))
+ (if enumeration (encode-char #\|) (return)))
+ (encode-char #\)))
+ (t
+ (encode-string "()")))))
+ (unless (is-ephemeral node)
+ (encode-node (name node))
+ (typecase prototype
+ (entity-attr-node (encode-string " ENTITY"))
+ (entities-attr-node (encode-string " ENTITIES"))
+ (enumeration-attr-node
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-enumeration (children node)))
+ (id-attr-node (encode-string " ID"))
+ (id-ref-attr-node (encode-string " IDREF"))
+ (id-refs-attr-node (encode-string " IDREFS"))
+ (nmtoken-attr-node (encode-string " NMTOKEN"))
+ (nmtokens-attr-node (encode-string " NMTOKENS"))
+ (notation-attr-node
+ (encode-string " NOTATION")
+ (encode-enumeration (children node)))
+ (ns-node (encode-string " CDATA"))
+ (attr-node (encode-string " CDATA"))
+ )
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (ecase stipulation
+ (:required (encode-string "#REQUIRED"))
+ (:implied (encode-string "#IMPLIED"))
+ ((nil :fixed)
+ (when (eq stipulation :fixed) (encode-string "#FIXED"))
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (encode-char #\')
+ (when default (encode-node default))
+ (encode-char #\'))))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node def-notation))
+ (with-slots (name system-id public-id) node
+ (encode-string " <!NOTATION " )
+ (encode-node name)
+ (encode-char #\space)
+ (cond (public-id
+ (encode-string "PUBLIC '")
+ (encode-string public-id)
+ (when system-id
+ (encode-string "' '")
+ (encode-string system-id)))
+ (t
+ (encode-string "SYSTEM '")
+ (encode-string system-id)))
+ (encode-string "' >")))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node ref-entity))
+ (with-slots (value children) node
+ (flet ((encode-char-or-byte (datum)
+ (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg
+ (if (integerp datum) (code-char datum) datum))))
+ (cond ((and (expand node)
+ (cond ((stringp value) (map nil #'encode-char value) t)
+ ((functionp value)
+ (map nil #'encode-char-or-byte (funcall value))
+ t)
+ ((is-def-internal-entity value)
+ (with-slots (children value) value
+ (cond (children
+ (map nil #'encode-char-or-byte children)
+ t)
+ (value
+ (map nil #'encode-char value)
+ t))))
+ ((typep children 'sequence)
+ (map nil #'encode-char-or-byte children)))))
+ (t
+ (encode-char #\&)
+ (encode-node (name node))
+ (encode-char #\;))))))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node def-internal-entity))
+ (encode-string " <!ENTITY ")
+ (when (is-def-parameter-entity node)
+ (encode-string "% "))
+ (encode-node (name node))
+ (encode-string " '")
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (children
+ (mapc #'(lambda (byte) (funcall *writer-function *writer-arg
+ (code-char byte)))
+ children))
+ (value
+ (map nil #'encode-char value))))
+ (encode-string "' >"))
+(defMethod encode-node ((node def-external-entity))
+ (encode-string " <!ENTITY ")
+ (when (is-def-parameter-entity node)
+ (encode-string "% "))
+ (encode-node (name node))
+ (let ((system (system-id node))
+ (public (public-id node)))
+ (cond (public (encode-string " PUBLIC '")
+ (encode-node public)
+ (encode-string "' '")
+ (encode-node system)
+ (encode-node "'"))
+ (system (encode-string " SYSTEM '")
+ (encode-node system)
+ (encode-node "'"))))
+ (encode-string " >"))
Modified: branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-stream-coding.lisp
--- branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-stream-coding.lisp (original)
+++ branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xparser/xml-stream-coding.lisp Tue Feb 14 11:52:41 2006
@@ -1 +1,732 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-parser; -*-
this implementes stream readers which perform decoding/encoding in the case
of a binary stream. the correct decoder is selected by first examining the type of
input element which the stream will offer and the, in the case of binary streams,
by examining the initial byte sequence.
no attempt is made to distinguish the encoder based on the stream's class.
the detection methods return a reader function together with its argument, the
detected decoding and, where it is necessary to read an initial byte sequence, that
sequence as a string to be reread.
<COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
<DELTA DATE='20010328' AUTHOR='JAA'>
adapted from version 0.4*</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>
LispWorks conformance</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010621'>added a method to encode UTF-8 for character streams</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010907'>
<li>fixed incorrect decoding for re-read sequence by recognized UTF-1612/21 BOM</li></ul></DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010914'>provisional us-ascii encoding method</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20020118'>corrections to encoding-stream-writer for non-mcl;
fixed autodetect code to recognize allegro :EOF; fixed us-ascii stream-reader for same.</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030602'>provisioins for allegro simple-streams with character element-type</DELTA>
(in-package "XML-PARSER")
#+(or ALLEGRO LispWorks CormanLisp CMU sbcl)
(defMacro lsh (x y) `(ash ,x ,y))
#+(and allegro allegro-version>= (not (version>= 6 0)))
;; acl 5.0 versions
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-character-input-stream))
(let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-read-char (list stream))))
(values (if (= (length methods) 1)
(clos:method-function (first methods))
#'(lambda (arg)
(setf arg (excl:stream-read-char arg))
(unless (eq arg :eof) arg)))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-binary-input-stream))
(let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-read-byte (list stream))))
(values (if (= (length methods) 1)
(clos:method-function (first methods))
#'(lambda (arg)
(setf arg (excl:stream-read-byte arg))
(unless (eq arg :eof) arg)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-character-output-stream))
(let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-write-char (list stream))))
(values (if (= (length methods) 1)
(clos:method-function (first methods))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-binary-output-stream))
(let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-write-byte (list stream))))
(values (if (= (length methods) 1)
(clos:method-function (first methods))
;; end acl5.0 versions
#+(and allegro allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0))
;; originally allegro 6.0 version
(defmethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-stream))
(values #'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil))
(defmethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-stream))
(values #'(lambda (stream byte) (write-byte byte stream))
;; originally allegro 6.1 version; Bob Rogers <rogers at rgrjr.dyndns.org> remarked, that
;; they're present in 6.0 as well
(defmethod stream-reader ((stream excl:simple-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream) (read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream excl:simple-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char) (write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte) (write-byte byte stream)))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream) (read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char) (write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte) (write-byte byte stream)))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-byte stream nil nil)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char)
(write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte)
(write-byte byte stream)))
#+(and mcl (not digitool))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-byte stream nil nil)))
#+(and mcl (not digitool))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream fundamental-stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char)
(write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte)
(write-byte byte stream)))
(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream stream))
; (cl::fd-stream-element-type stream)
'(unsigned-byte 8))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-byte stream nil nil)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char)
(write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte)
(write-byte byte stream)))
(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream stream))
; (cl::fd-stream-element-type stream)
'(unsigned-byte 8))
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-char stream nil nil))
#'(lambda (stream)
(read-byte stream nil nil)))
(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream))
(values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
#'(lambda (stream char)
(write-char char stream))
#'(lambda (stream byte)
(write-byte byte stream)))
;; adapted from cl-http:mcl;server;tcp-ot-stream for the strictly binary case
;; the first case comes into play without cl-http. connections are made with a simple tcp stream
;; the second case takes into account, that chunking decoding extends the generic function
#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
(defMethod stream-reader ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
(values #'ccl::io-buffer-read-byte (ccl::stream-io-buffer stream)))
#+(and MCL CL-HTTP)
(defmethod stream-reader ((stream ccl::modal-ascii-or-binary-tcp-stream-mixin))
(values (case (ccl::input-mode stream)
(:ascii #'stream-tyi)
((:binary nil)
(let ((method-combination (ccl::generic-function-method-combination #'ccl::stream-read-byte))
(methods (compute-applicable-methods #'ccl::stream-read-byte (list stream))))
(ccl::compute-effective-method-function #'ccl::stream-read-byte
#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
(defmethod stream-writer ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
(flet ((io-buffer-tyo-byte (io-buffer byte)
;; ? not sure that continuability is a good idea, but
(unless (typep io-buffer 'ccl::io-buffer)
(setq io-buffer (require-type io-buffer 'ccl::io-buffer)))
(if (characterp byte) (setf byte (char-code byte)))
(ccl::%io-buffer-write-byte io-buffer byte)))
(values #'io-buffer-tyo-byte (ccl::stream-io-buffer stream))))
#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
(defMethod stream-element-type ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
;; mcl 4.2 yielded BASE-CHARACTER for this class and produced a character reader ...?
;; determine whether the stream supports binary operations
(defGeneric is-binary-stream (stream)
(:method ((stream stream)) (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'unsigned-byte))
;; allegro 6 "simple streams" can always do the byte operations
(:method ((stream string-stream)) nil)
(:method ((stream stream))
#+(and allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) t
#+(and allegro-version>= (not (version>= 6 0))) (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'unsigned-byte)
(defGeneric decoding-stream-reader (stream encoding)
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding null))
(decoding-stream-reader stream (stream-element-type stream)))
(:method ((stream stream) (type cons))
(decoding-stream-reader stream (first type)))
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding string) &aux canonical-encoding)
(cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
(decoding-stream-reader stream canonical-encoding))
(warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
(values nil nil encoding))))
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding symbol) &aux canonical-encoding)
(cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
(decoding-stream-reader stream canonical-encoding))
((subtypep encoding 'integer)
(decoding-stream-reader stream :autodetect))
((subtypep encoding 'character)
(decoding-stream-reader stream *default-character-encoding*))
(warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
(values nil nil encoding)))))
(defGeneric encoding-stream-writer (stream encoding)
(:method ((stream t) (encoding t))
(warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." encoding stream)
(values nil nil))
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding null) &aux (type (stream-element-type stream)))
(unless type
(warn "assuming element type character for stream: ~s." stream)
(setf type 'character))
(encoding-stream-writer stream type))
(:method ((stream stream) (type cons))
(encoding-stream-writer stream (first type)))
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding string) &aux canonical-encoding)
(cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
(encoding-stream-writer stream canonical-encoding))
(warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
(values nil nil encoding))))
(:method ((stream stream) (encoding symbol) &aux canonical-encoding)
(cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
(encoding-stream-writer stream canonical-encoding))
((subtypep encoding 'integer)
(encoding-stream-writer stream *default-binary-encoding*))
((subtypep encoding 'character)
(encoding-stream-writer stream *default-character-encoding*))
(warn "no encoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
(values nil nil encoding)))))
(defMacro funcall-function.arg (function.arg &rest args)
`(funcall (first ,function.arg) (rest ,function.arg) , at args))
(defun change-stream-decoding (new-encoding)
(etypecase new-encoding
(keyword t)
((or string (and symbol (not null)))
(setf new-encoding (intern (string-upcase new-encoding) "KEYWORD"))))
(if (or (eq new-encoding *input-encoding*)
(and (eq new-encoding :utf-16)
(member *input-encoding* '(:utf-16-12 :utf-16-21))))
(values *input-encoding* nil)
(multiple-value-bind (function arg detected-encoding to-reread)
(decoding-stream-reader *input-source* new-encoding)
(unless (and (eq detected-encoding new-encoding)
(null to-reread))
(error "can't change encoding: ~s: ~s -> ~s = ~s/~s."
*input-encoding* new-encoding detected-encoding to-reread))
(unless function (error "no reader for encoding: ~s." new-encoding))
(setf *input-reader* function
*input-reader-arg* arg
*input-encoding* new-encoding)
;; return the new encoding
(values new-encoding t))))
;; UTF-8 is computed
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-8)))
(unless (is-binary-stream stream)
(warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
(stream-element-type stream) encoding))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte1)
(block read-utf-8-datum
(flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
(setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(if (integerp byte) byte
(return-from read-utf-8-datum nil))))
(declare (type fixnum byte1)
(ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(setf byte1 (read-byte-code))
(cond ((= 0 (logand #x80 byte1))
((= #xc0 (logand #xe0 byte1))
(logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x1f) 6)
(logand (read-byte-code) #x3f)))
((= #xe0 (logand #xf0 byte1))
(logior (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x0f) 12)
(lsh (logand (read-byte-code) #x3f) 6))
(logand (read-byte-code) #x3f)))
((= #xf0 (logand #xf8 byte1))
(let ((byte2 (read-byte-code))
(byte3 (read-byte-code))
(byte4 (read-byte-code)))
(xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s."
(list byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4))))
(xml-error "illegal UTF-8 data: x~2,'0x." byte1))))))
(cons function arg)
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-8)))
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char &aux (code (char-code char)))
(cond ((<= code 255)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg code))
((<= code #x03ff)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b11000000 (lsh code -6)))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand code #b00111111))))
((<= code #xffff)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b11100000 (lsh code -12)))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand (lsh code -6) #b00111111)))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand code #b00111111))))
(xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s." code))))
(cons function arg)))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char &aux (code (char-code char)))
(cond ((<= code 255)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg char))
(let ((string (format nil "&#~d" code)))
(dotimes (x (length string))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (char string x)))))))
(cons function arg)))))
;; ISO-8859-1 is direct
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
#-(or MCL LispWorks)
(multiple-value-bind (reader arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte)
(setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(when (integerp byte) byte))
(cons reader arg)
#+(or MCL LispWorks)
(values function arg encoding)
;; character streams must be mapped back to binary
(values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux char)
(setf char (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(when (characterp char)
;; hardcore tracing
;; (write-char char *trace-output*)
(char-code char)))
(cons function arg)
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :US-ASCII)))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
#-(or MCL LispWorks)
(multiple-value-bind (reader arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte)
(setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(when (integerp byte) byte))
(cons reader arg)
#+(or MCL LispWorks)
(values function arg encoding)
;; character streams must be mapped back to binary
(values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux char)
(setf char (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(when (characterp char)
(char-code char)))
(cons function arg)
#+digitool ;; fix eol
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg
(if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
(char-code char))))
(cons function arg)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg
(if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
#.(code-char #x0d)
(cons function arg)
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (char-code char)))
(cons function arg)
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values function arg encoding))))
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :US-ASCII)))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg
(if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
(char-code char))))
(cons function arg)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg
(if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
#.(code-char #x0d)
(cons function arg)
(if (is-binary-stream stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (char-code char)))
(cons function arg)
(values function arg encoding))))
;; UTF-16 distinguishes encoding order:
;; UTF-16LE is UTF16 in "little-endian" byte order. (order mark is 0xFF 0xFE)
;; UTF-16BE is UTF16 in "big-endian" byte order. (order mark is 0xFE 0xFF)
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16)))
(decoding-stream-reader stream *default-utf-16-encoding*))
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16)))
(encoding-stream-writer stream *default-utf-16-encoding*))
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-12)))
(unless (is-binary-stream stream)
(warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
(stream-element-type stream) encoding))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg)
(declare (ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(block read-utf-16-datum
(flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
(setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(if (integerp byte) byte
(return-from read-utf-16-datum nil))))
(+ (lsh (read-byte-code) 8) (read-byte-code)))))
(cons function arg)
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-12)))
(unless (is-binary-stream stream)
(warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
(stream-element-type stream) encoding))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg datum)
(setf datum (char-code datum))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff (lsh datum -8)))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff datum)))
(cons function arg))))
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-21)))
(unless (is-binary-stream stream)
(warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
(stream-element-type stream) encoding))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-reader stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg)
(declare (ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(block read-utf-16-datum
(flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
(setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
(if (integerp byte) byte
(return-from read-utf-16-datum nil))))
(+ (read-byte-code) (lsh (read-byte-code) 8)))))
(cons function arg)
(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-21)))
(unless (is-binary-stream stream)
(warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
(stream-element-type stream) encoding))
(multiple-value-bind (function arg)
(stream-writer stream)
(values #'(lambda (function.arg datum)
(setf datum (char-code datum))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff datum))
(funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff (lsh datum -8))))
(cons function arg))))
;; detect encoding by reading the initial content. works for binary streams only
(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
((stream stream) (encoding (eql :autodetect)) &aux byte0 byte1 to-reread)
"see PR-xml Appendix F"
(multiple-value-bind (reader arg) (stream-reader stream)
(flet ((next-byte (&aux (byte (funcall reader arg)))
(typecase byte
(fixnum byte)
(t nil))))
(case (setf byte0 (next-byte))
(#x00 (case (next-byte)
(#x00 (case (next-byte)
(#x3c (if (= (next-byte) #x00)
(setf encoding :UCS-4-2143 to-reread "<")
(error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
(#x00 (if (= (next-byte) #x3c)
(setf encoding :UCS-4-1234 to-reread "<")
(error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
(#xFE (if (= (next-byte) #xFF)
(setf encoding :UCS-4-1234 to-reread nil)
(error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
(#xFF (if (= (next-byte) #xFE)
(setf encoding :UCS-4-2143 to-reread nil)
(error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
(t (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream))))
(#x3c (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #x00)
(case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
(#x00 (setf encoding :UCS-4-3412 to-reread "<"))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming UTF-16-21 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
(setf encoding :UTF-16-21 to-reread "<?"))
(t (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x00 #x3c #x00 byte1))))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x00 #x3c byte1))))
(error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream))))
(#x3c (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
(#x00 (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
(#x3f (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming UTF-16-12 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
(setf encoding :UTF-16-12 to-reread "<?"))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 #x3f byte1)))))
(#x00 (if (= (next-byte) #x00)
(setf encoding :UCS-4-4321 to-reread "<")
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 #x00 byte1))))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 byte1)))))
(#x3f (setf encoding *default-binary-encoding* to-reread "<?"))
(unless (or (xml-initial-namechar? byte1) (= byte1 #.(char-code #\!)))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming UTF-8 encoding for stream: ~s." stream)))
(setf encoding *default-binary-encoding* to-reread (list byte0 byte1)))))
(#xEF (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
(#xBB (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xBF)
(setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread nil)
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xEF #xBB byte1))))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xEF byte1)))))
(if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xfe)
(let ((byte2 (next-byte)) (byte3 (next-byte)))
(if (and (= byte2 0) (= byte3 0))
(setf encoding :UCS4-4321 to-reread nil)
(setf encoding :UTF-16-21 to-reread (list (+ byte2 (lsh byte3 8))))))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xff byte1))))
(if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xff)
(let ((byte2 (next-byte)) (byte3 (next-byte)))
(if (and (= byte2 0) (= byte3 0))
(setf encoding :UCS4-3412 to-reread nil)
(setf encoding :UTF-16-12 to-reread (list (+ (lsh byte2 8) byte3)))))
(|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xfe byte1))))
((nil) ;; no data in stream
(setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread nil))
(when *xml-verbose*
(warn "assuming UTF-8 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
(setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread (list byte0))))
(multiple-value-bind (reader arg encoding) (decoding-stream-reader stream encoding)
(values reader arg encoding to-reread)))))
(defun utf-8-decoding (byte1 &optional (byte2 0) (byte3 0) (byte4 0))
(cond ((= 0 (logand #x80 byte1))
((= #xc0 (logand #xe0 byte1))
(logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x1f) 6) (logand byte2 #x3f)))
((= #xe0 (logand #xf0 byte1))
(logior (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x0f) 12) (lsh (logand byte2 #x3f) 6)) (logand byte3 #x3f)))
((= #xf0 (logand #xf8 byte1))
(xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s."
(list byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4)))
(xml-error "illegal UTF-8 data: #x~2,'0x." byte1))))
(xml-namechar? (utf-8-decoding 194 183 0 0))
(xml-space? (utf-8-decoding 239 187 191))
(apply #'utf-8-decoding (map 'list #'char-code "༤"))
(defun utf-8-decodingXstring (string)
(apply #'utf-8-decoding (map 'list #'char-code string))
(error (condition) (format nil "~s(~{~2,'0x~}) -> ~a"
string (map 'list #'char-code string)
(format nil "~{~8,'0x~^~%~}" (mapcar #'utf-8-decodingXstring
'("í¿" "æ°" "î" "�" "ð")))
from the 3.1 unicode report
Table 3.1.
UTF-8 Bit Distribution
Scalar Value UTF-16 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
00000000 0xxxxxxx 00000000 0xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
00000yyy yyxxxxxx 00000yyy yyxxxxxx 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
000uuuuu zzzzyyyy 110110ww wwzzzzyy 11110uuu 10uuzzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
yyxxxxxx 110111yy yyxxxxxx
Where uuuuu = wwww + 1 (to account for addition of 1000016 as in Section 3.7, Surrogates).
\ No newline at end of file
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-parser; -*-
+ <P>
+ this implementes stream readers which perform decoding/encoding in the case
+ of a binary stream. the correct decoder is selected by first examining the type of
+ input element which the stream will offer and the, in the case of binary streams,
+ by examining the initial byte sequence.
+ no attempt is made to distinguish the encoder based on the stream's class.
+ the detection methods return a reader function together with its argument, the
+ detected decoding and, where it is necessary to read an initial byte sequence, that
+ sequence as a string to be reread.
+ </P>
+ <COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
+ href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
+ <DELTA DATE='20010328' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ adapted from version 0.4*</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>
+ LispWorks conformance</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010621'>added a method to encode UTF-8 for character streams</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010907'>
+ <ul><li><code>*xml-verbose*</code></li>
+ <li>fixed incorrect decoding for re-read sequence by recognized UTF-1612/21 BOM</li></ul></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010914'>provisional us-ascii encoding method</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20020118'>corrections to encoding-stream-writer for non-mcl;
+ fixed autodetect code to recognize allegro :EOF; fixed us-ascii stream-reader for same.</DELTA>
+(in-package "XML-PARSER")
+#+(or ALLEGRO LispWorks CormanLisp CMU sbcl)
+(defMacro lsh (x y) `(ash ,x ,y))
+#+(and allegro allegro-version>= (not (version>= 6 0)))
+ ;; acl 5.0 versions
+ (defMethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-character-input-stream))
+ (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-read-char (list stream))))
+ (values (if (= (length methods) 1)
+ (clos:method-function (first methods))
+ #'(lambda (arg)
+ (setf arg (excl:stream-read-char arg))
+ (unless (eq arg :eof) arg)))
+ stream)))
+ (defMethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-binary-input-stream))
+ (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-read-byte (list stream))))
+ (values (if (= (length methods) 1)
+ (clos:method-function (first methods))
+ #'(lambda (arg)
+ (setf arg (excl:stream-read-byte arg))
+ (unless (eq arg :eof) arg)))
+ stream)))
+ (defMethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-character-output-stream))
+ (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-write-char (list stream))))
+ (values (if (= (length methods) 1)
+ (clos:method-function (first methods))
+ #'excl:stream-write-char)
+ stream)))
+ (defMethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-binary-output-stream))
+ (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'excl:stream-write-byte (list stream))))
+ (values (if (= (length methods) 1)
+ (clos:method-function (first methods))
+ #'excl:stream-write-byte)
+ stream)))
+ ;; end acl5.0 versions
+ )
+#+(and allegro allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0))
+ ;; originally allegro 6.0 version
+ (defmethod stream-reader ((stream excl:fundamental-stream))
+ (values #'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil))
+ stream))
+ (defmethod stream-writer ((stream excl:fundamental-stream))
+ (values #'(lambda (stream byte) (write-byte byte stream))
+ stream))
+ ;; originally allegro 6.1 version; Bob Rogers <rogers at rgrjr.dyndns.org> remarked, that
+ ;; they're present in 6.0 as well
+ (defmethod stream-reader ((stream excl:simple-stream))
+ (values #'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil))
+ stream))
+ (defmethod stream-writer ((stream excl:simple-stream))
+ (values #'(lambda (stream byte) (write-byte byte stream))
+ stream))
+ )
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream) (read-char stream nil nil))
+ #'(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil)))
+ stream))
+(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (write-char char stream))
+ #'(lambda (stream byte)
+ (write-byte byte stream)))
+ stream))
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-char stream nil nil))
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-byte stream nil nil)))
+ stream))
+(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream:fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (write-char char stream))
+ #'(lambda (stream byte)
+ (write-byte byte stream)))
+ stream))
+#+(and mcl (not digitool))
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-char stream nil nil))
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-byte stream nil nil)))
+ stream))
+#+(and mcl (not digitool))
+(defMethod stream-writer ((stream fundamental-stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (write-char char stream))
+ #'(lambda (stream byte)
+ (write-byte byte stream)))
+ stream))
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream stream))
+ ; (cl::fd-stream-element-type stream)
+ '(unsigned-byte 8))
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-char stream nil nil))
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-byte stream nil nil)))
+ stream))
+(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (write-char char stream))
+ #'(lambda (stream byte)
+ (write-byte byte stream)))
+ stream))
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream stream))
+ ; (cl::fd-stream-element-type stream)
+ '(unsigned-byte 8))
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-char stream nil nil))
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (read-byte stream nil nil)))
+ stream))
+(defMethod stream-writer ((stream stream))
+ (values (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
+ #'(lambda (stream char)
+ (write-char char stream))
+ #'(lambda (stream byte)
+ (write-byte byte stream)))
+ stream))
+;; adapted from cl-http:mcl;server;tcp-ot-stream for the strictly binary case
+;; the first case comes into play without cl-http. connections are made with a simple tcp stream
+;; the second case takes into account, that chunking decoding extends the generic function
+#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
+(defMethod stream-reader ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
+ (values #'ccl::io-buffer-read-byte (ccl::stream-io-buffer stream)))
+#+(and MCL CL-HTTP)
+(defmethod stream-reader ((stream ccl::modal-ascii-or-binary-tcp-stream-mixin))
+ (values (case (ccl::input-mode stream)
+ (:ascii #'stream-tyi)
+ ((:binary nil)
+ (let ((method-combination (ccl::generic-function-method-combination #'ccl::stream-read-byte))
+ (methods (compute-applicable-methods #'ccl::stream-read-byte (list stream))))
+ (ccl::compute-effective-method-function #'ccl::stream-read-byte
+ method-combination
+ methods))))
+ stream))
+#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
+(defmethod stream-writer ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
+ (flet ((io-buffer-tyo-byte (io-buffer byte)
+ ;; ? not sure that continuability is a good idea, but
+ (unless (typep io-buffer 'ccl::io-buffer)
+ (setq io-buffer (require-type io-buffer 'ccl::io-buffer)))
+ (if (characterp byte) (setf byte (char-code byte)))
+ (ccl::%io-buffer-write-byte io-buffer byte)))
+ (values #'io-buffer-tyo-byte (ccl::stream-io-buffer stream))))
+#+(and mcl mactcp-compatibility)
+(defMethod stream-element-type ((stream ccl::binary-tcp-stream))
+ ;; mcl 4.2 yielded BASE-CHARACTER for this class and produced a character reader ...?
+ 'unsigned-byte)
+;; determine whether the stream supports binary operations
+(defGeneric is-binary-stream (stream)
+ #-allegro
+ (:method ((stream stream)) (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'unsigned-byte))
+ ;; allegro 6 "simple streams" can always do the byte operations
+ #+allegro
+ (:method ((stream stream))
+ #+(and allegro-version>= (version>= 6 0)) t
+ #+(and allegro-version>= (not (version>= 6 0))) (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'unsigned-byte)
+ ))
+(defGeneric decoding-stream-reader (stream encoding)
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding null))
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream (stream-element-type stream)))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (type cons))
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream (first type)))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding string) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream canonical-encoding))
+ (t
+ (warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
+ (values nil nil encoding))))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding symbol) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream canonical-encoding))
+ ((subtypep encoding 'integer)
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream :autodetect))
+ ((subtypep encoding 'character)
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream *default-character-encoding*))
+ (t
+ (warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
+ (values nil nil encoding)))))
+(defGeneric encoding-stream-writer (stream encoding)
+ (:method ((stream t) (encoding t))
+ (warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." encoding stream)
+ (values nil nil))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding null) &aux (type (stream-element-type stream)))
+ (unless type
+ (warn "assuming element type character for stream: ~s." stream)
+ (setf type 'character))
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream type))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (type cons))
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream (first type)))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding string) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream canonical-encoding))
+ (t
+ (warn "no decoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
+ (values nil nil encoding))))
+ (:method ((stream stream) (encoding symbol) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming ~a encoding for stream: ~s." canonical-encoding stream))
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream canonical-encoding))
+ ((subtypep encoding 'integer)
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream *default-binary-encoding*))
+ ((subtypep encoding 'character)
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream *default-character-encoding*))
+ (t
+ (warn "no encoding defined for operation on stream: ~s: ~s." stream encoding)
+ (values nil nil encoding)))))
+(defMacro funcall-function.arg (function.arg &rest args)
+ `(funcall (first ,function.arg) (rest ,function.arg) , at args))
+(defun change-stream-decoding (new-encoding)
+ (etypecase new-encoding
+ (keyword t)
+ ((or string (and symbol (not null)))
+ (setf new-encoding (intern (string-upcase new-encoding) "KEYWORD"))))
+ (if (or (eq new-encoding *input-encoding*)
+ (and (eq new-encoding :utf-16)
+ (member *input-encoding* '(:utf-16-12 :utf-16-21))))
+ (values *input-encoding* nil)
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg detected-encoding to-reread)
+ (decoding-stream-reader *input-source* new-encoding)
+ (unless (and (eq detected-encoding new-encoding)
+ (null to-reread))
+ (error "can't change encoding: ~s: ~s -> ~s = ~s/~s."
+ *input-source*
+ *input-encoding* new-encoding detected-encoding to-reread))
+ (unless function (error "no reader for encoding: ~s." new-encoding))
+ (setf *input-reader* function
+ *input-reader-arg* arg
+ *input-encoding* new-encoding)
+ ;; return the new encoding
+ (values new-encoding t))))
+;; UTF-8 is computed
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-8)))
+ (unless (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
+ (stream-element-type stream) encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte1)
+ (block read-utf-8-datum
+ (flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
+ (setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (if (integerp byte) byte
+ (return-from read-utf-8-datum nil))))
+ (declare (type fixnum byte1)
+ (ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
+ (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+ (setf byte1 (read-byte-code))
+ (cond ((= 0 (logand #x80 byte1))
+ byte1)
+ ((= #xc0 (logand #xe0 byte1))
+ (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x1f) 6)
+ (logand (read-byte-code) #x3f)))
+ ((= #xe0 (logand #xf0 byte1))
+ (logior (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x0f) 12)
+ (lsh (logand (read-byte-code) #x3f) 6))
+ (logand (read-byte-code) #x3f)))
+ ((= #xf0 (logand #xf8 byte1))
+ (let ((byte2 (read-byte-code))
+ (byte3 (read-byte-code))
+ (byte4 (read-byte-code)))
+ (xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s."
+ (list byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4))))
+ (t
+ (xml-error "illegal UTF-8 data: x~2,'0x." byte1))))))
+ (cons function arg)
+ :UTF-8)))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-8)))
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char &aux (code (char-code char)))
+ (cond ((<= code 255)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg code))
+ ((<= code #x03ff)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b11000000 (lsh code -6)))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand code #b00111111))))
+ ((<= code #xffff)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b11100000 (lsh code -12)))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand (lsh code -6) #b00111111)))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logior #b10000000 (logand code #b00111111))))
+ (t
+ (xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s." code))))
+ (cons function arg)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char &aux (code (char-code char)))
+ (cond ((<= code 255)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg char))
+ (t
+ (let ((string (format nil "&#~d" code)))
+ (dotimes (x (length string))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (char string x)))))))
+ (cons function arg)))))
+;; ISO-8859-1 is direct
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ #-(or MCL LispWorks)
+ (multiple-value-bind (reader arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte)
+ (setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (when (integerp byte) byte))
+ (cons reader arg)
+ encoding))
+ #+(or MCL LispWorks)
+ (values function arg encoding)
+ ;; character streams must be mapped back to binary
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux char)
+ (setf char (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (when (characterp char)
+ ;; hardcore tracing
+ ;; (write-char char *trace-output*)
+ (char-code char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding))))
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :US-ASCII)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ #-(or MCL LispWorks)
+ (multiple-value-bind (reader arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux byte)
+ (setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (when (integerp byte) byte))
+ (cons reader arg)
+ encoding))
+ #+(or MCL LispWorks)
+ (values function arg encoding)
+ ;; character streams must be mapped back to binary
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg &aux char)
+ (setf char (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (when (characterp char)
+ (char-code char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding))))
+#+digitool ;; fix eol
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg
+ (if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
+ #x0d
+ (char-code char))))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg
+ (if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
+ #.(code-char #x0d)
+ char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding))))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :ISO-8859-1)))
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (char-code char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values function arg encoding))))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :US-ASCII)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ #+digitool
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg
+ (if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
+ #x0d
+ (char-code char))))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg
+ (if (= (char-code char) #x0a)
+ #.(code-char #x0d)
+ char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding))
+ #-digitool
+ (if (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg char)
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (char-code char)))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding)
+ (values function arg encoding))))
+;; UTF-16 distinguishes encoding order:
+;; UTF-16LE is UTF16 in "little-endian" byte order. (order mark is 0xFF 0xFE)
+;; UTF-16BE is UTF16 in "big-endian" byte order. (order mark is 0xFE 0xFF)
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16)))
+ (decoding-stream-reader stream *default-utf-16-encoding*))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16)))
+ (encoding-stream-writer stream *default-utf-16-encoding*))
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-12)))
+ (unless (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
+ (stream-element-type stream) encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg)
+ (declare (ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
+ (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+ (block read-utf-16-datum
+ (flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
+ (setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (if (integerp byte) byte
+ (return-from read-utf-16-datum nil))))
+ (+ (lsh (read-byte-code) 8) (read-byte-code)))))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding)))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-12)))
+ (unless (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
+ (stream-element-type stream) encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg datum)
+ (setf datum (char-code datum))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff (lsh datum -8)))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff datum)))
+ (cons function arg))))
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-21)))
+ (unless (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
+ (stream-element-type stream) encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-reader stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg)
+ (declare (ftype (function () fixnum) read-byte-code)
+ (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+ (block read-utf-16-datum
+ (flet ((read-byte-code (&aux byte)
+ (setf byte (funcall-function.arg function.arg))
+ (if (integerp byte) byte
+ (return-from read-utf-16-datum nil))))
+ (+ (read-byte-code) (lsh (read-byte-code) 8)))))
+ (cons function arg)
+ encoding)))
+(defMethod encoding-stream-writer
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :UTF-16-21)))
+ (unless (is-binary-stream stream)
+ (warn "stream type not compatible with encoding: ~s: ~s."
+ (stream-element-type stream) encoding))
+ (multiple-value-bind (function arg)
+ (stream-writer stream)
+ (values #'(lambda (function.arg datum)
+ (setf datum (char-code datum))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff datum))
+ (funcall-function.arg function.arg (logand #xff (lsh datum -8))))
+ (cons function arg))))
+;; detect encoding by reading the initial content. works for binary streams only
+(defMethod decoding-stream-reader
+ ((stream stream) (encoding (eql :autodetect)) &aux byte0 byte1 to-reread)
+ "see PR-xml Appendix F"
+ (multiple-value-bind (reader arg) (stream-reader stream)
+ (flet ((next-byte (&aux (byte (funcall reader arg)))
+ (typecase byte
+ (fixnum byte)
+ (t nil))))
+ (case (setf byte0 (next-byte))
+ (#x00 (case (next-byte)
+ (#x00 (case (next-byte)
+ (#x3c (if (= (next-byte) #x00)
+ (setf encoding :UCS-4-2143 to-reread "<")
+ (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
+ (#x00 (if (= (next-byte) #x3c)
+ (setf encoding :UCS-4-1234 to-reread "<")
+ (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
+ (#xFE (if (= (next-byte) #xFF)
+ (setf encoding :UCS-4-1234 to-reread nil)
+ (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
+ (#xFF (if (= (next-byte) #xFE)
+ (setf encoding :UCS-4-2143 to-reread nil)
+ (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream)))
+ (t (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream))))
+ (#x3c (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #x00)
+ (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
+ (#x00 (setf encoding :UCS-4-3412 to-reread "<"))
+ (#x3f
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming UTF-16-21 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
+ (setf encoding :UTF-16-21 to-reread "<?"))
+ (t (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x00 #x3c #x00 byte1))))
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x00 #x3c byte1))))
+ (t
+ (error "markup stream corrupt: ~s." stream))))
+ (#x3c (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
+ (#x00 (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
+ (#x3f (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
+ (#x00
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming UTF-16-12 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
+ (setf encoding :UTF-16-12 to-reread "<?"))
+ (t
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 #x3f byte1)))))
+ (#x00 (if (= (next-byte) #x00)
+ (setf encoding :UCS-4-4321 to-reread "<")
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 #x00 byte1))))
+ (t
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #x3c #x00 byte1)))))
+ (#x3f (setf encoding *default-binary-encoding* to-reread "<?"))
+ (t
+ (unless (or (xml-initial-namechar? byte1) (= byte1 #.(char-code #\!)))
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming UTF-8 encoding for stream: ~s." stream)))
+ (setf encoding *default-binary-encoding* to-reread (list byte0 byte1)))))
+ (#xEF (case (setf byte1 (next-byte))
+ (#xBB (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xBF)
+ (setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread nil)
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xEF #xBB byte1))))
+ (t
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xEF byte1)))))
+ (#xff
+ (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xfe)
+ (let ((byte2 (next-byte)) (byte3 (next-byte)))
+ (if (and (= byte2 0) (= byte3 0))
+ (setf encoding :UCS4-4321 to-reread nil)
+ (setf encoding :UTF-16-21 to-reread (list (+ byte2 (lsh byte3 8))))))
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xff byte1))))
+ (#xfe
+ (if (= (setf byte1 (next-byte)) #xff)
+ (let ((byte2 (next-byte)) (byte3 (next-byte)))
+ (if (and (= byte2 0) (= byte3 0))
+ (setf encoding :UCS4-3412 to-reread nil)
+ (setf encoding :UTF-16-12 to-reread (list (+ (lsh byte2 8) byte3)))))
+ (|EC: Byte Order Mark| :data (list #xfe byte1))))
+ ((nil) ;; no data in stream
+ (setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread nil))
+ (t
+ (when *xml-verbose*
+ (warn "assuming UTF-8 encoding for stream: ~s." stream))
+ (setf encoding :UTF-8 to-reread (list byte0))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (reader arg encoding) (decoding-stream-reader stream encoding)
+ (values reader arg encoding to-reread)))))
+(defun utf-8-decoding (byte1 &optional (byte2 0) (byte3 0) (byte4 0))
+ (cond ((= 0 (logand #x80 byte1))
+ byte1)
+ ((= #xc0 (logand #xe0 byte1))
+ (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x1f) 6) (logand byte2 #x3f)))
+ ((= #xe0 (logand #xf0 byte1))
+ (logior (logior (lsh (logand byte1 #x0f) 12) (lsh (logand byte2 #x3f) 6)) (logand byte3 #x3f)))
+ ((= #xf0 (logand #xf8 byte1))
+ (xml-error "unsupported unicode datum: ~s."
+ (list byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4)))
+ (t
+ (xml-error "illegal UTF-8 data: #x~2,'0x." byte1))))
+(xml-namechar? (utf-8-decoding 194 183 0 0))
+(xml-space? (utf-8-decoding 239 187 191))
+(apply #'utf-8-decoding (map 'list #'char-code "༤"))
+(defun utf-8-decodingXstring (string)
+ (handler-case
+ (apply #'utf-8-decoding (map 'list #'char-code string))
+ (error (condition) (format nil "~s(~{~2,'0x~}) -> ~a"
+ string (map 'list #'char-code string)
+ condition))))
+(format nil "~{~8,'0x~^~%~}" (mapcar #'utf-8-decodingXstring
+ '("í¿" "æ°" "î" "�" "ð")))
+from the 3.1 unicode report
+ Table 3.1.
+ UTF-8 Bit Distribution
+ Scalar Value UTF-16 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
+ 00000000 0xxxxxxx 00000000 0xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
+ 00000yyy yyxxxxxx 00000yyy yyxxxxxx 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
+ zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
+ 000uuuuu zzzzyyyy 110110ww wwzzzzyy 11110uuu 10uuzzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
+ yyxxxxxx 110111yy yyxxxxxx
+Where uuuuu = wwww + 1 (to account for addition of 1000016 as in Section 3.7, Surrogates).
Modified: branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xquerydatamodel/xqdm-classes.lisp
--- branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xquerydatamodel/xqdm-classes.lisp (original)
+++ branches/sbcl-0.9.x-testing/code/xquerydatamodel/xqdm-classes.lisp Tue Feb 14 11:52:41 2006
@@ -1 +1,1788 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-query-data-model; -*-
these classes implement an XML query data model
(<a href='WD-query-datamod-20010215%20.html'>XQDM</a>) conformant XML document model.
the interface is consistent with the XML infoset
(<a href='WD-xml-infoset-20010202.html'>XMLI</a>).
this includes support for all node types and an
interface which adopt analogous accessor names.
where differences exist between the infoset and the query data model the implementation
follows XQDM, because the latter
<li>includes the type information,</li>
<li>permits a wider range of attribute and element content, whereby
the parsing and serialization ensure that the xml standard's constraints
are upheld for serial forms.</li>
the model varies from the standards in several respects:
<li>the <code>NaR</code> distinguished value is represented with
<code>NIL</code>. the context of use is sufficient to distinguish
between an empty list and an absent atom.</li>
<li>the <code>StringValue</code> <code>valueNode</code> is modeled as a string.
as for the remaining types, a class is provided, but the parser produces strings.</li>
<li>numerous information items are retained as distinguished nodes
rather than masking them as opaque nodes. this includes entities and entity
references. the attribute and element node accessors conform to the spec in that they
combine content to produce the required value.
this makes it easier to represent the literal encoding in a single model.
the parser, on the other hand, always expands entity references.
<li>cdata and entity markers are not supported. the respective content is
instead encapsulated in a reified instance, either directly - as for cdata,
or indirectly - as for an entity reference.</li>
<COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
<DELTA DATE='19990000' AUTHOR='JAA'>
this started as a minimal xml document model. to wit, from the original description:
this is an absolutely minimal and nonconforming xml processor.
it reads the main document entity, skipping all processing
instructions, declarations, and definitions. it returns only the
single element in the document. it recognizes entities for <![CDATA[<>&]]>
and translates them on input and output. no other entites are
<DELTA DATE='19990209' AUTHOR='JAA'>
jaa added attribute support
<DELTA DATE='20010223' AUTHOR='JAA'>
comments, processing instructions and reified attributes
<DELTA DATE='20010226' AUTHOR='JAA'>
changed names to symbols to support namespaces
interface and classes changed to align with the query data model
<DELTA DATE='20010308' AUTHOR='JAA'>
incorporated accessors and accommodated properties from the infoset.
note that
<li>no entity start or end nodes are modeled</li>
<li>the URI handling is incomplete.</li></ul></DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010412' AUTHOR='JAA'>
eliminated teh attribute slot from doc-node.</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010501' AUTHOR='JAA'>
factored out xml-encoding specific classes.</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010520'>clone/copy-node to accept overriding initargs</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010530'>
REF-ENTITY needs to be a NAMED-NODE, in order to bind the target name</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010604'>
model traversal moved her from xqdm-qnames</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>lispworks conformance</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010611'> added |VC: No Duplicate Tokens|</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010622'> reader adjustments on null symbol names</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010625' AUTHOR='RLF'>fixed arguments in FIRST-MODEL-NAME</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010625'>
adjustments to print-object for *-model for PCDATA
<br />
eliminated <code>VALUE</code> speciaization for <code>NS-NODE</code></DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010626'>eliminated <code>ABSTRACT-NODE</code> from <code>ORDINAL-NODE</code>
in order to reduce the implementation of <code>ABSTRACT-ELEM-NODE</code>, which thereby now
prescribes <code>ORDINAL</code> and <code>DOCUMENT</code> slots only.
changed <code>*CLASS.*</code> parameters to bind classes rather than names
<DELTA DATE='20010703'>added attribute initargs to def-type-qname-context</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010803'>added def-type.node-validator reader</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010816'>additions for schema types</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010906'>updated print-object methods for name instances</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20010914'>ns-nodes for xml and xmlns namespace bindings</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20011010'>duration-scoped-nodes</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20011230'>added value alternative to print-object for general entity defs</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20020116'>names for nameset-tokenizers now accessed with name method</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20020117'>correction to print-object (def-element-type)</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE"'20030320'>conditions consistent with 0.950</DELTA>
<DELTA DATE='20030805'>correction to type specified for name slot in named</DELTA>
(in-package "XML-QUERY-DATA-MODEL")
;; classes
;; abstract
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defClass abstract-class (standard-class) ())
(defMethod validate-superclass
((class abstract-class) (superclass standard-class))
(defMethod validate-superclass
((class standard-class) (superclass abstract-class))
(defMethod make-instance ((class abstract-class) &key)
(xml-error "instantiation precluded for class: ~s." class))
(defClass abstract-node ()
((parent :initform nil :initarg :parent :accessor parent
:type (or abstract-node null))
(children :initarg :children :accessor children))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an <code>ABSTRACT-NODE</code> constitutes the generic form of all instances
in a document model and its definition. it comprises the one-many graph
relation intrinsic to the document model. it stipulates this structure for
all nodes. this even for nodes like <code>DOC-NODE</code> and
<code>ATTR-NODE</code>, which maintain a relation to a dominant node, even
though they do not have <em>parents</em> according to the DOM
(defClass abstract-value-node (abstract-node)
((value :initarg :value))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an <code>ABSTRACT-VALUE-NODE</code> encapsulates a datum in a node so that it can be
integrated into the document graph. a value which may well be modeled with
an atom (eg. a number or a string) still has children, to collect the
raw parsed form as its children and to permit complex representations for
the specializations include both direct encapsulations and more complex, annotated values,
such as type and entity definitions, element properties, and entity information."))
(defClass named (abstract-node)
((name :initform *null-name* :initarg :name :accessor name
:type name))
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass named-node (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass unamed (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass unamed-node (unamed named-node) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass ncnamed (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass ncnamed-node (ncnamed named-node) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass typed-node (abstract-node)
((def :initform nil :initarg :def :accessor def
:type (or null abstract-def-type)))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an abstract class which introduces a definition property for an instance."))
(defClass document-scoped-node ()
((document :initform nil :initarg :document :accessor document))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"mixin form for classes which exist relative to a document.
nb. it makes no provisions for graph relations."))
(defClass duration-scoped-node ()
((ephemeral :initform nil :initarg :ephemeral
:reader is-ephemeral :writer (setf ephemeral)
"ranges over T, NIL to specify whether to include the node when serializing."))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"mixin class to record whether a node should be included in serialized documents.
in particular, generated namespaces are not serialized by default."))
(defClass ordinal-node ()
((ordinality :initform 0 :initarg :ordinality :type (or fixnum null) :accessor ordinality))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a mixin form which binds a position in a global order.
this is used to cache the original document order for elements and the local order
for references. nb. it makes no provisions for graph relations."))
(defClass document () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass doc-node-interface (document)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a mixin marker to indicate that the class implements the minimal document node interface
required for serialization:
(root children encoding entity-info general-entities notations parameter-entities standalone
types version)."))
(defClass elem-node-interface ()
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a marker mixin to indicate that the class implements the minimal element node interface
required for serialization:
(name parent children attributes namespaces)."))
(defClass elem-property-node-interface ()
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a marker mixin to indicate that the class implements the minimal element property interface
required for serialization:
(name children)."))
(defClass entity-information-node (ncnamed-node abstract-value-node)
((uri :initform nil :initarg :uri :accessor uri
"for the document entity, this binds the explicit uri.
for external references, it binds the instance form of the system-id.
this is generated by resolving the system-id relative to the containing entity.
it could also be generated from th epublic id.")
(system-id :initform nil :initarg :system-id :accessor system-id)
(public-id :initform nil :initarg :public-id :accessor public-id)
(encoding :initform nil :initarg :encoding :initarg :encoding-decl
:reader encoding)
(version :initform nil :initarg :version :initarg :version-info
:accessor version)))
(defClass entity-delegate ()
((entity-info :initform nil :initarg :entity-info :writer (setf entity-info)
:type (or entity-information-node null)))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an abstract root for classes which implement references to external entities "))
(defClass attr-child-node ()
(:metaclass abstract-class)
(:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed among attributes' children"))
(defClass elem-child-node (document-scoped-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
(:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed among elements' children"))
(defClass doc-child-node (elem-child-node document-scoped-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
(:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed at the document top-level"))
(defClass document-definition-child-object () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass doctype-child-node (document-scoped-node document-definition-child-object)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
(:documentation "marker mixin for classes permitted in the dtd."))
(defClass abstract-elem-property-node (document-scoped-node elem-property-node-interface)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a marker mixin for concrete element properties (attributes and ns-nodes)
and respective reference nodes."))
(defClass annotation () () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
(defClass annotation-node (annotation) () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
(defClass elem-property-node (unamed-node abstract-value-node abstract-elem-property-node
typed-node annotation-node)
((value :initform nil))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an abstract class for values which are bound to an element as properties or annotations.
these include attributes and namespaces."))
(defClass value-node (abstract-value-node)
((value :initform nil))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"an abstract class for value nodes which provide a default <code>NULL</code> value."))
(defClass named-value-node (ncnamed-node value-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"the abstract root for classes which combine a name and a value property."))
(defClass abstract-def-node (named-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"the abstract class for model nodes which binds the definition of an attribute, element,
notation, or entity."))
(defClass abstract-def-type (abstract-def-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"the abstract class of type definitions: attributes, elements, primitive types"))
(defClass abstract-top-level-def-node (abstract-def-node doctype-child-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"a marker mixin to indicate that the node is permitted as a top-level definition
in a document type definition."))
;; concrete
(defClass doc-node (entity-delegate abstract-node doc-node-interface)
((root :initform nil :initarg :root :accessor root :accessor element
:type (or abstract-elem-node null)
"binds the root element of the document.
this is also called the <em>document element</em>.
it is <em>not</em> the <em>document root</em> - that is the doc-node itself.")
(standalone :accessor standalone :initarg :standalone :initarg :sddecl
:initform t
"indicates that an external subset is required to properly decode a document.
the value is ignored by the parser, but it should be set correctly to enable
valid serialization. default is <code>T</code>.")
(version :accessor version :initarg :version :initarg :version-info
:initform nil)
(notations :accessor notations
:initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
(ids :accessor ids
:initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
(general-entities :accessor general-entities
:initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
(parameter-entities :initarg :parameter-entities :accessor parameter-entities
:initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
(types :accessor types
:initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
(attributes :initform nil :accessor attributes
:type list :documentation
"binds attlist definition instances. these are present for documentation
purposes only: the effective definitions are integrated in the element
type definitions.")
(validate :initform nil :initarg :validate :accessor validate?)
(namespaces :initform nil :initarg :namespaces :accessor namespaces
"bind the set of namespaces present within the document.")))
(defun document-element (document) (root document))
(defun (setf document-element) (element document) (setf (root document) element))
(defClass document-type-declaration-information-node (entity-information-node document-scoped-node)
(defClass abstract-elem-node (ordinal-node doc-child-node elem-node-interface)
((ordinality :initform (when *element-count* (incf *element-count*))))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"the abstract form for element nodes.
extends the <code>elem-node-interface</code> to provide slots for ordinality and document.
the graph interface (name parent children attributes namespaces) remains to be implemented
by specializers."))
(defClass elem-node (unamed-node typed-node abstract-elem-node)
((children :initform nil :type list)
(attributes :initform nil :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes
:type list)
(namespaces :initform nil :initarg :namespaces :accessor namespaces
:type list)
(defClass ref-elem-node (ref-node abstract-elem-node) ())
(defClass ext-subset-node (entity-delegate abstract-node)
((children :initform nil :initarg :defs :accessor defs)))
(defClass abstract-attr-node () () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass attribute-node () () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
(defClass attr-node (elem-property-node abstract-attr-node attribute-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass normalizing-attr-node (attr-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass trimming-attr-node (attr-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass namespace-declaration () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass abstract-ns-node (namespace-declaration) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass nsdecl-node () ()
(:documentation "for 0.950 compatibility"))
(defClass ns-node (elem-property-node abstract-ns-node duration-scoped-node nsdecl-node)
((name :initarg :prefix :reader prefix)
(children :initform nil)
(value :initform nil :initarg :uri :initarg :namespace-name)
(namespace :initform nil :initarg :namespace :reader namespace)))
(defClass ref-elem-property-node (ref-node abstract-elem-property-node) ())
(defClass ref-attr-node (ref-elem-property-node abstract-attr-node) ())
(defClass ref-ns-node (ref-elem-property-node abstract-ns-node) ())
(defClass decimal-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass double-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass entity-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
(defClass entities-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass enumerated-attr-node (trimming-attr-node)
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defclass enumeration-attr-node (enumerated-attr-node string-attr-node) () )
(defClass id-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
(defClass id-ref-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
(defClass id-refs-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass nmtoken-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
(defClass nmtokens-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass notation-attr-node (enumerated-attr-node) () )
(defClass qname-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass recur-dur-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass string-attr-node (normalizing-attr-node) () )
(defClass time-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass uri-ref-attr-node (attr-node) () )
(defClass pi-node (named-node abstract-value-node doc-child-node doctype-child-node)
((value :initform nil)
(name :initarg :target :accessor target))
"a processing instruction binds a </it>target name</it> and a string value.
the value should not include the sequence '?>', but that it not enforced."))
(defClass comment-node (abstract-value-node doc-child-node doctype-child-node)
(defClass character-data-node (abstract-value-node doc-child-node)
(defClass info-item-node (abstract-node)
(defClass ref-node (abstract-value-node ordinal-node)
(defClass binary-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass bool-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass decimal-value (number-value) ())
(defClass double-value (number-value) ())
(defClass entity-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass float-value (number-value) ())
(defClass function-value (named-value-node)
((value :initarg :expression :reader expression)))
(defClass id-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass id-ref-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass notation-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass number-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ()
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass qname-value (named-value-node attr-child-node)
((name :initarg :local-part :reader local-part)
(value :initform nil :reader qname
:documentation "binds the universal name symbol")
(prefix :initform nil :initarg :prefix :reader prefix)
(uri :initform nil :initarg :uri :reader uri)
(namespace :initform nil :initarg :namespace :reader namespace)))
(defClass recur-dur-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass string-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass time-dur-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
(defClass uri-ref-value (named-value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ()
(:documentation "wrap an uri instance with an appropriately typed node."))
(defClass qname-context-delegate ()
((qname-context :accessor qname-context :initform nil
:documentation "binds a context to collect and resolve qualified names."))
(:metaclass abstract-class)
"augments definitions which collect qualified names."))
(defClass element-definition () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass element-type-definition () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass doctype-element-definition (element-definition element-type-definition) ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass def-elem-type (doctype-element-definition
unamed-node abstract-def-type abstract-top-level-def-node
qname-context-delegate abstract-value-node
((value :initform nil :reader node-validator
:documentation "binds the compiled validator")
(children :initarg :model :accessor model :initform nil
:documentation "binds the bnf content model")
;; (type :initarg :type :reader type)
(node-class :initform nil :initarg :node-class
:documentation "binds the class used to instantiate element nodes of this type")
(properties :initform nil :initarg :properties :accessor properties)
(props-required :initform nil
"a bit-mirror for definitions in properties where =1 implies required")
(props-defaulted :initform nil
"a bit-mirror for definitions in properties where =1 implies default")))
(defun direct-annotation-model (definition) "0-950" (properties definition))
(defun (setf direct-annotation-model) (model definition) "0-950" (setf (properties definition) model))
(defun annotation-model (definition) "0-950" (properties definition))
(defun content-model (definition) "0-950" (model definition))
(defClass doctype-attlist-definition () () (:documentation "0.950"))
(defClass def-attr (doctype-attlist-definition
abstract-top-level-def-node unamed-node qname-context-delegate
((children :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes :initform nil))
"a <code>DEF-ATTR</code> collects a set of attribute definitions for a given
element type context."))
(defClass annotation-definition () () (:documentation "0.950"))
(defClass doctype-annotation-definition (annotation-definition) () (:documentation "0.950"))
(defClass def-elem-property-type (unamed-node abstract-def-type abstract-def-node
((children :initform nil :initarg :enumeration :reader enumeration)
(stipulation :initarg :stipulation :initform nil :reader stipulation)
(prototype :initarg :prototype :initform nil :reader prototype))
"for use in the element definition."))
(defClass def-notation (abstract-top-level-def-node entity-information-node)
(defClass def-entity (ncnamed-node abstract-top-level-def-node abstract-value-node)
((value :initform nil)
(extent :initform nil :initarg :extent :reader extent
:type (member :static :temporary nil))
(maybe-markup-text :initform :unknown))
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass general-entity-definition () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass def-general-entity (def-entity general-entity-definition) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass parameter-entity-definition () ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass def-parameter-entity (def-entity parameter-entity-definition) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass def-internal-entity (def-entity) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass def-external-entity (entity-delegate def-entity)
((children :initform nil))
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass def-internal-general-entity (def-internal-entity def-general-entity)
(defClass def-external-general-entity (def-external-entity def-general-entity)
((notation :initform nil :initarg :notation :reader notation)))
(defClass def-internal-parameter-entity (def-internal-entity def-parameter-entity) ())
(defClass def-external-parameter-entity (def-external-entity def-parameter-entity)
((children :initform nil)))
(defClass type-definition (named) ()
(:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
(defClass ref-entity (ref-node named-node attr-child-node)
((expand :initform nil :initarg :expand :accessor expand
:documentation "specifies whether to expand the entity when encoding."))
(:metaclass abstract-class))
(defClass ref-general-entity (ref-entity elem-child-node) () )
(defClass ref-parameter-entity (ref-entity doctype-child-node) () )
(defClass ref-character-entity (ref-entity elem-child-node) ())
(defClass conditional-section (ref-parameter-entity)
"a <code>CONDITIONAL-SECTION</code> specializes the behaviour of a pe-reference
and serves as the container for conditional declarations, the presence of which
depend on the respective entites value.
it is produced by parsing external declaration subsets with
pe expansion disabled, and may also be generated programmatically."))
(defClass external-parsed-entity (entity-delegate ref-general-entity)
"an <code>EXTERNAL_PARSED-ENTITY</code> acts as a container for an external parsed general
entity. it binds the content sequence and the encoding. it is used to enforce the
structural constraints on the entities content."))
;; model classes
(defClass content-model () ())
(defClass |content-model| (bnfp::bnf-phrase-definition content-model) ())
(defClass |\|-content| (bnfp::bnf-alternative content-list) () )
(defClass content-occurrence () ())
(defClass |?-content| (bnfp::bnf-opt-expr content-occurrence) () )
(defClass |*-content| (bnfp::bnf-rep-expr content-occurrence) () )
(defClass |bounded-content| (bnfp::bnf-qexpr content-occurrence)
((min :initarg :min :initform nil)
(max :initarg :max :initform nil)) )
(defClass |MIXED-content| (|*-content|) () )
(defClass |+-content| (bnfp::bnf-plus-expr content-occurrence) () )
(defClass |content| (bnfp::bnf-one-expr content-occurrence) () )
(defClass content-list () ())
(defClass |,-content| (bnfp::bnf-group content-list) () )
(defClass content-name () ())
(defClass |content-name| (bnfp::bnf-phrase-symbol content-name) () )
(defClass type-name () ())
(defClass |type-name| (bnfp::bnf-nonterminal-symbol type-name) () )
(defClass mixed-atn (bnfp::atn) ())
(defClass element-atn (bnfp::atn) ())
(defMethod name ((instance |content-name|)) (bnfp::bnf-name instance))
(defMethod (setf name) (name (instance |content-name|)) (setf (bnfp::bnf-name instance) name))
(defMethod name ((instance |type-name|)) (bnfp::bnf-name instance))
(defMethod (setf name) (name (instance |type-name|)) (setf (bnfp::bnf-name instance) name))
(defMethod name ((instance |content-model|)) (name (bnfp::bnf-lhs instance)))
(defMethod nonterminal ((instance |content-model|)) (bnfp::bnf-lhs instance))
(defMethod grammar ((instance |content-model|)) (bnfp::bnf-rhs instance))
(defun expressions (x) (bnfp::bnf-expressions x))
(defmethod expression ((x content-occurrence)) (bnfp::bnf-expression x))
(defMethod print-object ((object |content-name|) stream &aux name)
(setf name (and *print-pretty* (bnfp::bnf-name object)))
;; only the special case of PCDATA with other elements gets here
;; ANY and EMPTY never get here -- see below
(cond ((eq name *mixed-name*) (princ "#PCDATA" stream))
(t (call-next-method))))
(defMethod print-object ((object |*-content|) stream &aux expr name)
(setf name (when (and *print-pretty*
(typep (setf expr (bnfp::bnf-expression object)) '|content-name|))
(bnfp::bnf-name expr)))
(cond ((eq name *wild-name*) (princ "ANY" stream))
((eq name *empty-name*) (princ "EMPTY" stream))
((eq name *mixed-name*) (princ "(#PCDATA)" stream))
(t (call-next-method))))
;; walking definition components
(defGeneric walk-model-names (particle function)
;; type declaration data
(:method ((context def-elem-type) (function t))
(setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
(walk-model-names (properties context) function)
(walk-model-names (model context) function))
;; generic expression data
(:method ((context t) (function t)) nil)
(:method ((decls list) (function t))
(dolist (decl decls) (walk-model-names decl function)))
;; attribute declaration data
(:method ((context def-elem-property-type) (function t))
(with-slots (prototype) context
(setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
(when prototype
(setf (name prototype) (funcall function (name prototype))))))
(:method ((context elem-property-node) (function t))
(with-slots (def) context
(setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
(when def (setf (name def) (funcall function (name def))))))
;; content model data
(:method ((context |content-model|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-lhs context) function)
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-rhs context) function))
(:method ((context |\|-content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expressions context) function))
(:method ((context |?-content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
(:method ((context |*-content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
(:method ((context |+-content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
(:method ((context |content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
(:method ((context |,-content|) (function t))
(walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expressions context) function))
(:method ((context |content-name|) (function t))
(setf (bnfp::bnf-name context) (funcall function (bnfp::bnf-name context))))
(:method ((context |type-name|) (function t))
(setf (bnfp::bnf-name context) (funcall function (bnfp::bnf-name context)))))
(defMethod collect-model-names ((model |content-model|) &aux names is-mixed (model-name (name model)))
(walk-model-names model
#'(lambda (name)
(cond ((or (eq name *empty-name*) (eq name *wild-name*))
(push name names)
((eq name *mixed-name*) (setf is-mixed t) name)
(t (push name names) name))))
(when (and (validate? *document*) is-mixed)
(mapl #'(lambda (rest &aux (name (first rest)))
(when (find name (rest rest)
:test #'(lambda (n1 n2)
(and (bnfp::name= n1 n2)
(not (eq n1 model-name)) (not (eq n2 model-name)))))
(|VC: No Duplicate Types| :context model :name (first rest))))
(defMethod collect-model-names ((model bnfp::bnf-expr) &aux names)
(walk-model-names model
#'(lambda (name)
(cond ((or (eq name *empty-name*) (eq name *wild-name*))
(pushnew name names)
((eq name *mixed-name*) name)
(t (pushnew name names) name))))
(nreverse names))
(defGeneric first-model-name (model)
(:method ((model |content-model|))
(first-model-name (bnfp::bnf-rhs model)))
(:method ((model t))
(walk-model-names model #'(lambda (name) (return-from first-model-name name)))))
;; classes for qualified name resolution
(defClass qname-context ()
((name :initarg :name :reader name)
(def :initform nil :initarg :def :reader def :reader definition)
(pass-id :initform nil :accessor pass-id))
"a <code>QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the uninterned qnames which are governed by a
given declaration. it is used while reading the document type definition. at the point of
appearance of each declaration a new one is created."))
(defClass def-type-qname-context (qname-context)
((parents :initform nil :accessor parents)
(children :initform nil :accessor children)
(content-names :initarg :content-names :reader content-names)
(attr-nodes :initform nil :initarg :attr-nodes :accessor attr-nodes
:initarg :attributes :accessor attributes)
(ns-nodes :initform nil :initarg :ns-nodes :accessor ns-nodes
:initarg :nsdecl-nodes :accessor nsdecl-nodes
:initarg :namespace-declarations :accessor namespace-declarations)
(successors :initform nil
"binds the conceivable successors based on the literal qualified names.")
(ns-cache :initform nil :accessor ns-cache
:documentation "bind results from searching parents"))
"a <code>def-type-QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the qualified names which contribute to
an individual element declaration. it is created with the names from the element
declaration proper and augmented with those from related attribute list declarations.
in the process of resolving qualified names to universal names, relations among element
contexts are established to simulate the visibility of prefix/namespace bindings
as specified for the document entity."))
(defClass def-attr-qname-context (qname-context)
((name :writer (setf name))
(attr-nodes :initform nil :initarg :attr-nodes :accessor attr-nodes
:initarg :attributes :accessor attributes)
(ns-nodes :initform nil :initarg :ns-nodes :accessor ns-nodes
:initarg :nsdecl-nodes :accessor nsdecl-nodes
:initarg :namespace-declarations :accessor namespace-declarations)
(assignment :initform nil :accessor assignment))
"a <code>DEF-ATTR-QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the qualified names which contribute
to attribute declarations for an element. note that the namespace nodes can be neglected
as the 'xmlns' prefix/namespace binding is static.
in the process of resolving qualified names to universal names, each attribute context
is merged into a element context."))
(defGeneric walk-model-nodes (particle function)
"walk the model tree and apply the function to each node. for 0.950")
(:method ((context element-definition) (function t))
(funcall function context)
(walk-model-nodes (annotation-model context) function)
(walk-model-nodes (content-model context) function))
(:method ((context t) (function t)) nil)
(:method ((decls list) (function t))
(dolist (decl decls) (walk-model-nodes decl function)))
(:method ((node ext-subset-node) (function t))
(walk-model-nodes (children node) function))
(:method ((context annotation-definition) (function t))
(with-accessors ((prototype prototype)) context
(funcall function context)
(when prototype
(funcall function prototype))))
(:method ((context annotation) (function t))
(with-accessors ((definition definition)) context
(funcall function context)
(when definition(funcall function definition))))
(:method ((context def-type-qname-context) (function t))
(funcall function context)
(mapcar #'(lambda (def) (walk-model-nodes def function)) (namespace-declarations context))
(let ((*default-namespace-is-visible* nil))
(mapcar #'(lambda (def) (walk-model-names def function)) (attributes context)))
(walk-model-nodes (def context) function))
;; content model data
(:method ((context content-model) (function t))
(walk-model-nodes (nonterminal context) function)
(walk-model-nodes (grammar context) function))
(:method ((context content-list) (function t))
(walk-model-nodes (expressions context) function))
(:method ((context content-occurrence) (function t))
(walk-model-nodes (expression context) function))
(:method ((context content-name) (function t))
(funcall function context))
(:method ((context type-name) (function t))
(funcall function (name context))))
;; types and constructors
;; nb. no constructors defined for the abstract classes...
(defMacro defClassConstructor (name)
`(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (string name)))
(&rest initargs)
(declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
(apply #'make-instance
,(intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*"))
(defMacro defClassConstructors (&rest names)
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
`(defParameter ,(intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*"))
(find-class ',name)))
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(defClassConstructor ,name)) names)))
(defMacro defTypePredicate (name)
`(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string "IS-" (string name))) (x)
(typep x ',name)))
(defvar *export-output* )
(defMacro defTypePredicates (&rest names)
(when (boundp '*export-output*)
(mapcar #'(lambda (names)
(format *export-output* "~%~{~s~^ ~}" names))
(sort (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
(list* (string name)
(concatenate 'string "IS-" (string name))
(unless (string= "ABSTRACT" name :end2 (min (length (string name)) 8))
(list (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*")
(concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (string name))))))
#'string< :key #'first)))
`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
`(defTypePredicate ,name)) names)))
doc-node elem-node ns-node ext-subset-node
decimal-attr-node double-attr-node entity-attr-node entities-attr-node
enumeration-attr-node id-attr-node id-ref-attr-node id-refs-attr-node
nmtoken-attr-node nmtokens-attr-node notation-attr-node
qname-attr-node recur-dur-attr-node string-attr-node time-attr-node
pi-node comment-node info-item-node character-data-node
document-type-declaration-information-node entity-information-node
string-value bool-value float-value double-value decimal-value
time-dur-value recur-dur-value binary-value uri-ref-value id-value id-ref-value
qname-value entity-value notation-value function-value
def-attr def-elem-property-type def-elem-type def-notation
def-internal-general-entity def-external-general-entity
def-internal-parameter-entity def-external-parameter-entity
ref-parameter-entity ref-general-entity ref-character-entity
conditional-section external-parsed-entity)
doc-node abstract-elem-node elem-node ext-subset-node ordinal-node
elem-property-node abstract-elem-property-node
abstract-attr-node attr-node abstract-ns-node ns-node
elem-child-node attr-child-node doctype-child-node doc-child-node
decimal-attr-node double-attr-node entity-attr-node entities-attr-node
enumeration-attr-node id-attr-node id-ref-attr-node id-refs-attr-node
nmtoken-attr-node nmtokens-attr-node notation-attr-node
qname-attr-node recur-dur-attr-node string-attr-node time-attr-node
pi-node comment-node info-item-node character-data-node
document-type-declaration-information-node entity-information-node
value-node string-value bool-value number-value float-value double-value decimal-value
time-dur-value recur-dur-value binary-value uri-ref-value id-value id-ref-value
qname-value entity-value notation-value function-value
abstract-def-node abstract-top-level-def-node abstract-def-type
def-attr def-elem-type def-notation def-entity
def-internal-entity def-external-entity def-parameter-entity def-general-entity
def-internal-general-entity def-external-general-entity
def-internal-parameter-entity def-external-parameter-entity
ref-node ref-entity
ref-parameter-entity ref-general-entity ref-character-entity
conditional-section external-parsed-entity
(defun element-p (x) (is-abstract-elem-node x))
(defun id-attr-node-p (x) (is-id-attr-node x))
(defun nsdecl-node-p (x) (is-ns-node x))
;; supplementary accessors
(defMethod value ((node value-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(or value (setf value (value-string children)))))
(defMethod parent ((node string)) nil)
(defMethod children ((node string)) nil)
(defGeneric validate? (node)
(:documentation "bound directly to document nodes. other nodes resolve relative to the container, or yield nil.")
(:method ((node document-scoped-node)) (validate? (document node)))
(:method ((node null)) nil)
(:method ((node t)) (warn "validation not defined for node: ~s." node) nil))
(defun validate-p (x) (validate? x))
;; the value generators for entites are only marginally useful.
;; the replacement mechanism uses the input sequence stored in the child slot
;; rather than the string which would have been produced here
(defMethod value ((node ref-parameter-entity))
(with-slots (value name) node
(or value (setf value (parameter-entity-value name)))))
(defMethod value ((node ref-general-entity))
(with-slots (value name) node
(or value (setf value (general-entity-value name)))))
(defMethod value ((node def-internal-entity))
(with-slots (children value) node
(or value (setf value (value-string children)))))
(defMethod value ((node def-external-entity) &aux (uri (uri node)))
(with-slots (children value) node
(if value
(setf children nil
value (when uri
(read-external-entity uri))))))
(defMethod value ((node entities-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value document) node
(cond (value)
(setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name &aux entity)
(unless (is-ncname name)
(|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an NCName"))
(setf name (intern-name name *null-namespace*))
(when document
(when (setf entity (find-def-general-entity name document))
(unless (and (is-def-external-general-entity entity)
(notation entity))
(|VC: Entity Name| :name name))))
(split-string (value-string children)
#(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
(defMethod value ((node entity-attr-node) &aux entity)
(with-slots (children value document) node
(cond (value)
(unless (is-ncname (setf value
(normalize-value node (value-string children))))
(|VC: Entity Name| :context (name node) :name value
:detail "not an NCName"))
(setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))
(when document
(when (setf entity (find-def-general-entity value document))
(unless (and (is-def-external-general-entity entity)
(notation entity))
(|VC: Entity Name|
:context (name node) :name value
:detail "must name an unparsed entity"))))))))
(defMethod value ((node id-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (value)
(unless (is-ncname (setf value
(normalize-value node (value-string children))))
(|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an NCName"))
(setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
(defMethod value ((node id-ref-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (value)
(unless (is-ncname (setf value
(normalize-value node (value-string children))))
(|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an NCName"))
(setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
(defMethod value ((node id-refs-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (value)
(setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
(unless (is-ncname name)
(|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an NCName"))
(intern-name name *null-namespace*))
(split-string (value-string children)
#(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
(defMethod value ((node nmtoken-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (value)
(unless (is-namechardata (setf value
(normalize-value node (value-string children))))
(|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not a Name"))
(setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
(defMethod value ((node nmtokens-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(cond (value)
(setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
(unless (is-namechardata name)
(|VC: Name Token|
:name (name node) :value name
:detail "not an Name"))
(intern-name name *null-namespace*))
(split-string (value-string children)
#(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
(defMethod value ((node notation-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value def) node
(cond (value)
(setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children)))
(unless (is-namechardata value)
(|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an Name"))
(setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))
(when def
(unless (find value (enumeration def))
(|VC: Notation Attributes| :name value))))
(|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
:detail "not an Name")))))
(defMethod value ((node enumeration-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value def) node
(cond (value)
(when def
(unless (find value (enumeration def) :test #'string=)
(|VC: Enumeration| :name value)))))))
(defMethod value ((node string-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(if value value
(setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children))))))
(defmethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node string-attr-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(setf children (list new-value)
value new-value)))
(defMethod value ((node ns-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(if value value
(setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children))))))
(defMethod uri ((node ns-node))
(value node))
(defMethod namespace-name ((node ns-node))
(value node))
(defMethod value ((node pi-node))
(with-slots (value children) node
(or value (setf value (or (first children) "")))))
(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node pi-node))
(with-slots (value children) node
(setf value new-value
children (list new-value))))
(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value t) (node pi-node))
(assert (typep new-value 'string)))
(defMethod value ((node uri-ref-value))
(with-slots (value children) node
(if value value
(setf value (make-uri (string-trim #(#\space) (value-string children)) *xml-base*)))))
;; normalizing reduces all space to a single character, trimming, in addition,
;; removes initial and trailing space
;; nb. in order to keep the model independent of the respective parser, a simple subsequence
;; is generated and no attempt is made to return string buffers, as the only xml parser uses them.
(defGeneric normalize-value (node value)
"value normalization is specified by the XML standard.
it is performed when a value is generated from children, which is the case
when a node is generated by the parser.")
(:method ((node attr-node) (value t)) value))
(defMethod normalize-value ((node normalizing-attr-node) (value string)
&aux (to 0) (from 0) (end (length value)) char space?)
(loop (when (>= from end) (return))
(cond ((xml-space? (setf char (schar value from)))
(setf (schar value to) #\space)
(unless space?
(incf to)
(setf space? t)))
(setf (schar value to) char)
(setf space? nil)
(incf to)))
(incf from))
(cond ((= to end) value)
(t (subseq value 0 to))))
(defun normalize-and-trim-string (value &aux (to 0) (from 0) (end (length value)) char space?)
(loop (when (>= from end) (return))
(cond ((xml-space? (setf char (schar value from)))
(setf (schar value to) #\space)
(when (and (not space?) (> to 0))
(incf to)
(setf space? t)))
(setf (schar value to) char)
(setf space? nil)
(incf to)))
(incf from))
(when (and (> to 0) (xml-space? (schar value (1- to))))
(decf to))
(cond ((= to end) value)
(t (subseq value 0 to))))
(defMethod normalize-value ((node trimming-attr-node) (value string))
(normalize-and-trim-string value))
(defMethod normalize-value ((node ns-node) (value string))
(normalize-and-trim-string value))
;(normalize-value (allocate-instance (find-class 'string-attr-node)) " d a ")
;(normalize-value (allocate-instance (find-class 'nmtoken-attr-node)) " this-gets-normalized ")
(defMethod (setf parent) :after
((parent elem-node) (instance attr-node))
;; generate the value in order to enforce constraints. this is deferred until
;; the attribute is bound to an element in order to use the context when generating
;; interned values.
(when (validate? instance)
(value instance)))
(defMethod (setf parent) :after
((parent elem-node) (instance id-attr-node) &aux (id (value instance)))
;; bind the id within the document
(with-slots (document) instance
(when (setf document (document parent))
(when (gethash id (ids document))
(|VC: ID| :name (name instance) :value id :detail "not unique"))
(setf (gethash id (ids document)) instance))))
;; encapsulated children are expendable for attribute/ns nodes and for value
;; nodes themselves.
;; children generated as parse artifacts or may be asserted for serialization.
;; the value slot dominates and modifies the children implicitly.
(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node value-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(setf value new-value)
(setf children (list new-value))))
(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value value-node) (node value-node))
(with-slots (children value) node
(setf value new-value)
(setf children (list (value-string new-value)))))
;; entity information delegation
(defMethod entity-info ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(or entity-info
(setf entity-info (make-instance 'entity-information-node)))))
(defMethod name ((node doc-node))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (name entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf name) (value (node doc-node))
(setf (name (entity-info node)) value))
(defMethod uri ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (uri entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf uri) (value (node entity-delegate))
(setf (uri (entity-info node)) value))
(defMethod system-id ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (system-id entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf system-id) (value (node entity-delegate))
(setf (system-id (entity-info node)) value))
(defMethod (setf system-id) :after ((value t) (node entity-information-node))
(with-slots (uri system-id public-id) node
(setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id *xml-base*))))
(defMethod public-id ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (public-id entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf public-id) (value (node entity-delegate))
(setf (public-id (entity-info node)) value))
(defMethod (setf public-id) :after ((value t) (node entity-information-node))
(with-slots (uri system-id public-id) node
(setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id *xml-base*))))
(defMethod encoding ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (encoding entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf encoding) (value (node entity-delegate))
(setf (encoding (entity-info node)) value))
(defmethod encoding ((node document-scoped-node))
(encoding (document node)))
(defgeneric (setf encoding) (encoding entity-information-node)
(:method ((encoding string) (node entity-information-node) &aux canonical-encoding)
((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(setf (slot-value node 'encoding) canonical-encoding))
(error "illegal encoding: ~s." encoding))))
(:method ((encoding symbol) (node entity-information-node) &aux canonical-encoding)
((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
(setf (slot-value node 'encoding) canonical-encoding))
(error "illegal encoding: ~s." encoding)))))
(defMethod version ((node entity-delegate))
(with-slots (entity-info) node
(when entity-info (version entity-info))))
(defMethod (setf version) (value (node entity-delegate))
(setf (version (entity-info node)) value))
;; reference node access delegation
(defMacro defDelegateMethod (name ((instance class)) slot)
`(progn (defMethod ,name ((,instance ,class))
(with-slots (,slot) ,instance (,name ,slot)))
(defMethod (setf ,name) (new-value (,instance ,class))
(with-slots (,slot) ,instance (setf (,name ,slot) new-value)))))
(defDelegateMethod children ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod name ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod attributes ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod def ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod namespaces ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod valid ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod children ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod name ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod def ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
(defDelegateMethod value ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
#+sbcl(make-instance 'ref-ns-node)
(defDelegateMethod namespace ((node ref-ns-node)) value)
;; node cloning. for attributes
(defMethod clone-node
((instance abstract-node) &rest initargs &aux new)
(declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
(setf new (allocate-instance (class-of instance)))
;; initialize overriding slot values.
;; do this first, to inhibit side-effects from copying
(when initargs (apply #'shared-initialize new nil initargs))
(copy-node instance new)
(defMethod clone-node ((instance string) &key) instance)
(defMethod clone-node ((nodes list) &rest initargs)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'clone-node x initargs)) nodes))
(defGeneric copy-node (from to)
"copy slot values from one node to another.
slots with bound values are left unchanged.")
(:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
(:method progn ((from abstract-node) (to abstract-node))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'parent)
(setf (slot-value to 'parent) nil))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'children)
(setf (slot-value to 'children) (clone-node (children from)))))
(:method progn ((from typed-node) (to typed-node))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'def)
(setf (slot-value to 'def) (slot-value from 'def))))
(:method progn ((from named-node) (to named-node))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'name)
(setf (slot-value to 'name) (slot-value from 'name))))
(:method progn ((from ns-node) (to ns-node))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'value)
(setf (slot-value to 'value) (slot-value from 'value)))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'namespace)
(setf (slot-value to 'namespace) (slot-value from 'namespace))))
(:method progn ((from attr-node) (to attr-node))
(unless (slot-boundp to 'value)
(setf (slot-value to 'value) (slot-value from 'value)))))
;; constituent management for a document maintains the relation between the children
;; and the root node. see also the respective check-constraint method
(defMethod nodes ((node doc-node))
"for use with path interpretation"
(children node))
(defMethod (setf nodes) (new-value (doc doc-node))
(setf (children doc) new-value))
(defMethod (setf children) ((children sequence) (doc doc-node))
(with-slots (root) doc
(setf root (find-if #'is-abstract-elem-node children))
(defGeneric document (node)
(:method ((node doc-node)) node)
(:method ((node t)) nil))
(defMethod def ((node elem-node) &aux document)
(with-slots (def name) node
(or (call-next-method)
(setf def (when (and name (setf document (document node)))
(find-def-elem-type name document))))))
(defGeneric definition (x)
(:method ((x t)) (def x)))
;; initialize property bits in a type definition
(defMethod is-required ((def def-elem-property-type))
(eq (stipulation def) :REQUIRED))
(defMethod is-implied ((def def-elem-property-type))
(eq (stipulation def) :IMPLIED))
(defMethod is-fixed ((def def-elem-property-type))
(eq (stipulation def) :FIXED))
(defMethod is-defaulted ((def def-elem-property-type))
(with-slots (prototype) def
(and prototype (children prototype))))
(defMethod is-required ((node elem-property-node))
(with-slots (def) node (when def (is-required def))))
(defMethod is-implied ((node elem-property-node))
(with-slots (def) node (when def (is-implied def))))
(defMethod is-fixed ((node elem-property-node))
(with-slots (def) node (when def (is-fixed def))))
(defMethod is-defaulted ((node elem-property-node))
(with-slots (children) node
(defMethod props-defaulted ((def def-elem-type))
(with-slots (properties props-defaulted) def
(or props-defaulted
(setf props-defaulted
(make-array (length properties) :element-type 'bit
(mapcar #'(lambda (def) (if (is-defaulted def) 1 0))
(defMethod props-required ((def def-elem-type))
(with-slots (properties props-required) def
(or props-required
(setf props-required
(make-array (length properties) :element-type 'bit
(mapcar #'(lambda (def) (if (is-required def) 1 0))
(defGeneric name-symbol (name)
(:method ((name symbol))
(if (keywordp name) (intern (string name) *package*) name))
(:method ((name uname))
(intern (local-part name)
(let* ((namespace (namespace name))
(package-name (namespace-name namespace)))
(if (eq namespace *null-namespace*)
(or (find-package package-name)
(error "package not found: ~s." package-name)))))))
(defGeneric find-node-class (name)
(:method ((name symbol)) (find-class name nil))
(:method ((name uname)) (find-node-class (ignore-errors (name-symbol name)))))
(defMethod node-class ((def def-elem-type))
(with-slots (node-class name) def
(or node-class
(cond ((and *specialize-elem-node*
(setf node-class (find-node-class name))
(subtypep (class-name node-class) 'abstract-elem-node))
(setf node-class *class.elem-node*))))))
;(trace node-class)
;(trace xmlp:construct-element-node)
;; initialization
(defMethod initialize-instance
((instance entity-delegate) &rest initargs
&key entity-info uri
system-literal (system-id system-literal)
pubid-literal (public-id pubid-literal)
encoding-decl (encoding encoding-decl)
version-info (version version-info))
;; keep name in sync. for doc-node this becomes the only binding
(when (listp entity-info)
(setf entity-info (apply #'make-entity-information-node entity-info)))
(when (is-entity-information-node entity-info)
(when uri (uri entity-info) uri)
(when system-id (setf (system-id entity-info) system-id))
(when public-id (setf (public-id entity-info) public-id))
(when encoding (setf (encoding entity-info) encoding))
(when version (setf (version entity-info) version)))
(apply #'call-next-method instance :entity-info entity-info initargs))
(defMethod initialize-instance
((instance entity-information-node) &key (defaults *xml-base*))
(with-slots (uri system-id public-id) instance
;; generate the uri from the system and public identifiers
(unless uri
(setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id defaults)))))
(defMethod initialize-instance
((instance doc-node) &rest initargs
&key declarations children (root (find-if #'is-abstract-elem-node children))
notations ids general-entities parameter-entities types attributes)
;; integrate definitions for notation, entities and types.
;; note that the attributes informational and thus not integrated. the effective
;; definitions are in the types
(apply #'call-next-method instance
:root root :children (or children (when root (list root)))
(when root (setf (parent root) instance))
(flet ((local-bind-definition (def) (bind-definition def instance)))
(etypecase notations
(hash-table (setf (notations instance) notations))
(cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition notations))
(null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-notation #'bind-definition declarations)))
(etypecase ids
(hash-table (setf (ids instance) ids))
(null t))
(etypecase general-entities
(hash-table (setf (general-entities instance) general-entities))
(cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition general-entities))
(null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-general-entity #'bind-definition declarations)))
(etypecase parameter-entities
(hash-table (setf (parameter-entities instance) general-entities))
(cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition parameter-entities))
(null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-parameter-entity #'bind-definition declarations)))
(etypecase types
(hash-table (setf (types instance) types))
(cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition types))
(null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-elem-type #'bind-definition declarations)))
(setf (attributes instance)
(etypecase attributes
(cons attributes)
(null (collect-attribute-declarations declarations))))
(defMethod initialize-instance
((instance elem-node) &rest initargs
(attributes nil attributes-p)
(namespaces nil namespaces-p)
(children nil children-p))
(apply #'call-next-method instance
:children nil
(when attributes-p (setf (attributes instance) attributes))
(when namespaces-p (setf (namespaces instance) namespaces))
(when children-p (setf (children instance) children)))
(defMethod (setf attributes) :before (attributes (instance elem-node))
(dolist (n attributes)
(etypecase n
(attr-node (setf (parent n) instance)))))
(defMethod (setf namespaces) :before (namespaces (instance elem-node))
(dolist (n namespaces)
(etypecase n
(ns-node (setf (parent n) instance)))))
(defMethod (setf children) :after (children (instance elem-node))
(declare (special |VC: Element Content|))
(slot-makunbound instance 'valid)
(dolist (n children)
(etypecase n
(elem-child-node (setf (parent n) instance))
(string )))
(when (validate? instance)
(check-constraint |VC: Element Content| instance)))
(defMethod initialize-instance :after
((instance ns-node) &key)
"upon instantiation, as ns-node generates the effective namespace name and ensures
that it exists."
(declare (special |NSC: Prefix Immutable|))
(with-slots (children value namespace name) instance
(when (string= (local-part name) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
(setf name *default-namespace-attribute-name*))
(when namespace
(setf value (namespace-name namespace)))
(etypecase value
(setf value (value-string children)))
(unless (and (stringp (first children))
(string= (first children) value)
(null (rest children)))
(setf children (list value)))))
(unless namespace
(setf namespace (find-namespace value :if-does-not-exist :create)))
(check-constraint |NSC: Prefix Immutable| instance)))
#| 20010501, now in the parser only. in constructors for type and attr defs
(defMethod initialize-instance :after
((instance abstract-top-level-def-node) &key)
;; cache declarations within each given physical entity
(push instance *entity-declarations*))
(defMethod initialize-instance :after
((instance def-elem-property-type) &key)
(with-slots (prototype children) instance
(when prototype (setf (def prototype) instance))
;; 20010611 xml-V10-2e-errata#E2
(mapl #'(lambda (values)
(when (find (first values) (rest values) :test #'bnfp::name=)
(|VC: No Duplicate Tokens| :context instance :name (first values))))
(defMethod initialize-instance :after
((instance def-attr) &key)
(with-slots (children) instance
(dolist (def children)
(setf (parent def) instance))))
;; nb, it would be nicer to note the when the entity is bound and to replace them _and_ longer
;; entities which encode character entities with the effective character entity.
;; the would require that the tokenizer recognize character entity instances.
(defMethod initialize-instance :after
((instance def-internal-entity) &key)
(with-slots (children) instance
;; normalize and constraint the entity value
(when (stringp children)
(setf children (map 'list #'char-code children)))
;; (print (list children (= 1 (length children)) (xml-markupchar? (or (first children) 0))))
(when (and (= 1 (length children)) (xml-markupchar? (first children)))
(setf children (map 'list #'char-code (format nil "&#~d;" (first children)))))))
(defMethod print-object ((node named-node) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
(write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)))
(defMethod print-object ((node doc-node) stream &aux uri)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
(if (slot-boundp node 'entity-info)
(if (setf uri (uri node))
(write-string (uri-namestring uri) stream)
(write-string "<no uri>" stream))
(write-string "<no entity info>" stream))))
(defMethod print-object ((instance qname-value) stream)
(with-slots (namespace name) instance
(format stream "{~@[~a~]}~a" (when namespace (namespace-name namespace)) name)))
(defMethod print-object ((node elem-node) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
(format stream "~s~@[ ~s~]"
(when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name))
(when (slot-boundp node 'ordinality) (slot-value node 'ordinality)))))
(defMethod print-object ((node attr-node) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
(write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)))
(defMethod print-object ((node ns-node) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
(write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)
(write-string " -> " stream)
(write (when (or (slot-boundp node 'value) (slot-boundp node 'children)) (value node))
:stream stream)))
(defMethod print-object ((instance pi-node) stream &aux value trimmed)
(print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
(prin1 (name instance) stream)
(setf value (value instance))
(write-string " '" stream)
(dotimes (i (length value))
(write-char (char value i) stream)
(when (> i 16) (setf trimmed t) (return)))
(if trimmed
(write-string "..." stream)
(write-char #\' stream))))
(defMethod print-object ((instance def-internal-entity) stream
&aux children value)
(print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
(prin1 (name instance) stream)
(cond ((setf children (children instance))
(write-string " '" stream)
(let ((i 0))
(block print-trimmed
(map nil #'(lambda (c)
(when (>= (incf i) 16) (return-from print-trimmed))
(write-char (code-char c) stream))
(when (>= i 16)
(write-string "..." stream)))
(write-char #\' stream))
((setf value (slot-value instance 'value))
(format stream " '~a'" value)))))
(defMethod print-object ((node def-elem-type) stream
&aux (*print-pretty* t) (*print-right-margin* 1024))
(with-slots (name children) node
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
(write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)
(if (typep children '|content-model|)
(princ children stream)
(format stream " ~a" children)))))
(defMethod print-object ((node def-attr) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/ ~(~/xqdm:print-qname/~^ ~)"
(when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name))
(when (slot-boundp node 'children) (slot-value node 'children)))))
(defMethod print-qname ((node named-node) (stream stream) &rest args)
(declare (dynamic-extent args))
(apply #'print-qname stream (name node) args))
(defMethod print-qname ((stream stream) (node named-node) &rest args)
(declare (dynamic-extent args))
(apply #'print-qname stream (name node) args))
(defMethod print-qname ((stream stream) (name abstract-name) &rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(let ((prefix (prefix name))
(namespace (namespace-name name))
(extent (qname-extent name))
(local-part (local-part name)))
(etypecase namespace
(nameset (setf namespace (name namespace)))
(nameset-tokenizer (setf namespace (name namespace)))
(null t)
(string t))
(if namespace
(format stream "{~a}~a" namespace local-part)
(format stream "#~@[~a:~]~a" prefix local-part))
(when extent
(format stream "[~a]" extent))
(defMethod print-qname ((name abstract-name) (stream stream) &rest args)
(declare (dynamic-extent args))
(apply #'print-qname stream name args))
(defGeneric print-ns-node (stream node &rest args)
(:method ((stream stream) (instance ns-node) &rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(with-slots (name value) instance
(if *print-pretty*
(format stream "[~a~@[/~s~]]" name value)
(print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream "~a~@[/~s~]"
name value)))))
(:method ((instance ns-node) (stream stream) &rest args)
(declare (dynamic-extent args))
(apply #'print-ns-node stream instance args)))
(defParameter *context-print-level* 0)
(defMethod print-content ((instance def-type-qname-context) stream)
(with-slots (name parents children content-names attr-nodes ns-nodes) instance
(format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/" name)
(if (slot-boundp instance 'parents)
(format stream " (^:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name parents))
(write-string " (^: #<UNBOUND>)" stream))
(format stream " (@:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name attr-nodes))
(let ((*print-pretty* t))
(format stream " (ns:~{ ~/xqdm:print-ns-node/~})" ns-nodes))
(format stream " (m:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" content-names)
(when children
(let ((*context-print-level* (+ *context-print-level* 2)))
(if *print-pretty*
(format stream "~{~%~a~}" children)
(format stream " ->(~{~/xqdm:print-qname/~^ ~})"
(mapcar #'name children)))))))
(defMethod print-content ((instance def-attr-qname-context) stream
&aux (*print-pretty* t))
(with-slots (name attr-nodes ns-nodes assignment) instance
(format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/" name)
(format stream " (@:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name attr-nodes))
(format stream " (ns:~{ ~/xqdm:print-ns-node/~})" ns-nodes)
(if assignment
(format stream " ->~/xqdm:print-qname/" (name assignment))
(format stream " ->?"))))
(defMethod print-object ((instance qname-context) stream)
(cond (*print-pretty*
(dotimes (i *context-print-level*) (write-char #\space stream))
(write-char #\[ stream)
(print-content instance stream)
(write-char #\] stream))
(print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
(print-content instance stream)))))
(defparameter *test*
(sxml-element 'test
"asdf" (sxml-element 'test2 "qwer" "<>")))
(write-node *test* *standard-output*)
(element-bind (name value) entry (print (list name value)))
(element.content (element.content-element *test* 'test2))
"<?xml version='1.0'>
<!DOCTYPE asdf [<!ELEMENT asdf #PCDATA>]>
<asdf attribute1='first' attribute2='second'>
(|Document-Parser| stream)))
(write-node (top-inspect-form) *standard-output*)
\ No newline at end of file
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Base: 10; Package: xml-query-data-model; -*-
+ these classes implement an XML query data model
+ (<a href='WD-query-datamod-20010215%20.html'>XQDM</a>) conformant XML document model.
+ the interface is consistent with the XML infoset
+ (<a href='WD-xml-infoset-20010202.html'>XMLI</a>).
+ this includes support for all node types and an
+ interface which adopt analogous accessor names.
+ <p>
+ where differences exist between the infoset and the query data model the implementation
+ follows XQDM, because the latter
+ <ul>
+ <li>includes the type information,</li>
+ <li>permits a wider range of attribute and element content, whereby
+ the parsing and serialization ensure that the xml standard's constraints
+ are upheld for serial forms.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p><p>
+ the model varies from the standards in several respects:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the <code>NaR</code> distinguished value is represented with
+ <code>NIL</code>. the context of use is sufficient to distinguish
+ between an empty list and an absent atom.</li>
+ <li>the <code>StringValue</code> <code>valueNode</code> is modeled as a string.
+ as for the remaining types, a class is provided, but the parser produces strings.</li>
+ <li>numerous information items are retained as distinguished nodes
+ rather than masking them as opaque nodes. this includes entities and entity
+ references. the attribute and element node accessors conform to the spec in that they
+ combine content to produce the required value.
+ this makes it easier to represent the literal encoding in a single model.
+ the parser, on the other hand, always expands entity references.
+ </li>
+ <li>cdata and entity markers are not supported. the respective content is
+ instead encapsulated in a reified instance, either directly - as for cdata,
+ or indirectly - as for an entity reference.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <COPYRIGHT YEAR='2001' AUTHOR='james adam anderson' MARK='(C)'
+ href='file://xml/sysdcl.lisp' />
+ <DELTA DATE='19990000' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ this started as a minimal xml document model. to wit, from the original description:
+ <quote>
+ this is an absolutely minimal and nonconforming xml processor.
+ it reads the main document entity, skipping all processing
+ instructions, declarations, and definitions. it returns only the
+ single element in the document. it recognizes entities for <![CDATA[<>&]]>
+ and translates them on input and output. no other entites are
+ supported.
+ </quote></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='19990209' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ jaa added attribute support
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010223' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ comments, processing instructions and reified attributes
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010226' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ changed names to symbols to support namespaces
+ </DELTA><DELTA DATE='20010301' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ interface and classes changed to align with the query data model
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010308' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ incorporated accessors and accommodated properties from the infoset.
+ note that
+ <ul>
+ <li>no entity start or end nodes are modeled</li>
+ <li>the URI handling is incomplete.</li></ul></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010412' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ eliminated teh attribute slot from doc-node.</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010501' AUTHOR='JAA'>
+ factored out xml-encoding specific classes.</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010520'>clone/copy-node to accept overriding initargs</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010530'>
+ REF-ENTITY needs to be a NAMED-NODE, in order to bind the target name</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010604'>
+ model traversal moved her from xqdm-qnames</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010605' AUTHOR='MS'>lispworks conformance</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010611'> added |VC: No Duplicate Tokens|</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010622'> reader adjustments on null symbol names</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010625' AUTHOR='RLF'>fixed arguments in FIRST-MODEL-NAME</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010625'>
+ adjustments to print-object for *-model for PCDATA
+ <br />
+ eliminated <code>VALUE</code> speciaization for <code>NS-NODE</code></DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010626'>eliminated <code>ABSTRACT-NODE</code> from <code>ORDINAL-NODE</code>
+ in order to reduce the implementation of <code>ABSTRACT-ELEM-NODE</code>, which thereby now
+ prescribes <code>ORDINAL</code> and <code>DOCUMENT</code> slots only.
+ changed <code>*CLASS.*</code> parameters to bind classes rather than names
+ </DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010703'>added attribute initargs to def-type-qname-context</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010803'>added def-type.node-validator reader</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010816'>additions for schema types</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010906'>updated print-object methods for name instances</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20010914'>ns-nodes for xml and xmlns namespace bindings</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20011010'>duration-scoped-nodes</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20011230'>added value alternative to print-object for general entity defs</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20020116'>names for nameset-tokenizers now accessed with name method</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE='20020117'>correction to print-object (def-element-type)</DELTA>
+ <DELTA DATE"'20030320'>conditions consistent with 0.950</DELTA>
+(in-package "XML-QUERY-DATA-MODEL")
+;; classes
+;; abstract
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defClass abstract-class (standard-class) ())
+ (defMethod validate-superclass
+ ((class abstract-class) (superclass standard-class))
+ t)
+ (defMethod validate-superclass
+ ((class standard-class) (superclass abstract-class))
+ t)
+ )
+(defMethod make-instance ((class abstract-class) &key)
+ (xml-error "instantiation precluded for class: ~s." class))
+(defClass abstract-node ()
+ ((parent :initform nil :initarg :parent :accessor parent
+ :type (or abstract-node null))
+ (children :initarg :children :accessor children))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an <code>ABSTRACT-NODE</code> constitutes the generic form of all instances
+ in a document model and its definition. it comprises the one-many graph
+ relation intrinsic to the document model. it stipulates this structure for
+ all nodes. this even for nodes like <code>DOC-NODE</code> and
+ <code>ATTR-NODE</code>, which maintain a relation to a dominant node, even
+ though they do not have <em>parents</em> according to the DOM
+ specifications."))
+(defClass abstract-value-node (abstract-node)
+ ((value :initarg :value))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an <code>ABSTRACT-VALUE-NODE</code> encapsulates a datum in a node so that it can be
+ integrated into the document graph. a value which may well be modeled with
+ an atom (eg. a number or a string) still has children, to collect the
+ raw parsed form as its children and to permit complex representations for
+ serialization.
+ the specializations include both direct encapsulations and more complex, annotated values,
+ such as type and entity definitions, element properties, and entity information."))
+(defClass named (abstract-node)
+ ((name :initform *null-name* :initarg :name :accessor name
+ :type (or symbol qname-value)))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass named-node (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass unamed (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass unamed-node (unamed named-node) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass ncnamed (named) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass ncnamed-node (ncnamed named-node) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass typed-node (abstract-node)
+ ((def :initform nil :initarg :def :accessor def
+ :type (or null abstract-def-type)))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an abstract class which introduces a definition property for an instance."))
+(defClass document-scoped-node ()
+ ((document :initform nil :initarg :document :accessor document))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "mixin form for classes which exist relative to a document.
+ nb. it makes no provisions for graph relations."))
+(defClass duration-scoped-node ()
+ ((ephemeral :initform nil :initarg :ephemeral
+ :reader is-ephemeral :writer (setf ephemeral)
+ :documentation
+ "ranges over T, NIL to specify whether to include the node when serializing."))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "mixin class to record whether a node should be included in serialized documents.
+ in particular, generated namespaces are not serialized by default."))
+(defClass ordinal-node ()
+ ((ordinality :initform 0 :initarg :ordinality :type (or fixnum null) :accessor ordinality))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a mixin form which binds a position in a global order.
+ this is used to cache the original document order for elements and the local order
+ for references. nb. it makes no provisions for graph relations."))
+(defClass document () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass doc-node-interface (document)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a mixin marker to indicate that the class implements the minimal document node interface
+ required for serialization:
+ (root children encoding entity-info general-entities notations parameter-entities standalone
+ types version)."))
+(defClass elem-node-interface ()
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a marker mixin to indicate that the class implements the minimal element node interface
+ required for serialization:
+ (name parent children attributes namespaces)."))
+(defClass elem-property-node-interface ()
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a marker mixin to indicate that the class implements the minimal element property interface
+ required for serialization:
+ (name children)."))
+(defClass entity-information-node (ncnamed-node abstract-value-node)
+ ((uri :initform nil :initarg :uri :accessor uri
+ :documentation
+ "for the document entity, this binds the explicit uri.
+ for external references, it binds the instance form of the system-id.
+ this is generated by resolving the system-id relative to the containing entity.
+ it could also be generated from th epublic id.")
+ (system-id :initform nil :initarg :system-id :accessor system-id)
+ (public-id :initform nil :initarg :public-id :accessor public-id)
+ (encoding :initform nil :initarg :encoding :initarg :encoding-decl
+ :reader encoding)
+ (version :initform nil :initarg :version :initarg :version-info
+ :accessor version)))
+(defClass entity-delegate ()
+ ((entity-info :initform nil :initarg :entity-info :writer (setf entity-info)
+ :type (or entity-information-node null)))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an abstract root for classes which implement references to external entities "))
+(defClass attr-child-node ()
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed among attributes' children"))
+(defClass elem-child-node (document-scoped-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed among elements' children"))
+(defClass doc-child-node (elem-child-node document-scoped-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation "marker mixin for classes allowed at the document top-level"))
+(defClass document-definition-child-object () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass doctype-child-node (document-scoped-node document-definition-child-object)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation "marker mixin for classes permitted in the dtd."))
+(defClass abstract-elem-property-node (document-scoped-node elem-property-node-interface)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a marker mixin for concrete element properties (attributes and ns-nodes)
+ and respective reference nodes."))
+(defClass annotation () () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
+(defClass annotation-node (annotation) () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
+(defClass elem-property-node (unamed-node abstract-value-node abstract-elem-property-node
+ typed-node annotation-node)
+ ((value :initform nil))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an abstract class for values which are bound to an element as properties or annotations.
+ these include attributes and namespaces."))
+(defClass value-node (abstract-value-node)
+ ((value :initform nil))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "an abstract class for value nodes which provide a default <code>NULL</code> value."))
+(defClass named-value-node (ncnamed-node value-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "the abstract root for classes which combine a name and a value property."))
+(defClass abstract-def-node (named-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "the abstract class for model nodes which binds the definition of an attribute, element,
+ notation, or entity."))
+(defClass abstract-def-type (abstract-def-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "the abstract class of type definitions: attributes, elements, primitive types"))
+(defClass abstract-top-level-def-node (abstract-def-node doctype-child-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "a marker mixin to indicate that the node is permitted as a top-level definition
+ in a document type definition."))
+;; concrete
+(defClass doc-node (entity-delegate abstract-node doc-node-interface)
+ ((root :initform nil :initarg :root :accessor root :accessor element
+ :type (or abstract-elem-node null)
+ :documentation
+ "binds the root element of the document.
+ this is also called the <em>document element</em>.
+ it is <em>not</em> the <em>document root</em> - that is the doc-node itself.")
+ (standalone :accessor standalone :initarg :standalone :initarg :sddecl
+ :initform t
+ :documentation
+ "indicates that an external subset is required to properly decode a document.
+ the value is ignored by the parser, but it should be set correctly to enable
+ valid serialization. default is <code>T</code>.")
+ (version :accessor version :initarg :version :initarg :version-info
+ :initform nil)
+ (notations :accessor notations
+ :initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
+ (ids :accessor ids
+ :initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
+ (general-entities :accessor general-entities
+ :initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
+ (parameter-entities :initarg :parameter-entities :accessor parameter-entities
+ :initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
+ (types :accessor types
+ :initform (make-hash-table) :type hash-table)
+ (attributes :initform nil :accessor attributes
+ :type list :documentation
+ "binds attlist definition instances. these are present for documentation
+ purposes only: the effective definitions are integrated in the element
+ type definitions.")
+ (validate :initform nil :initarg :validate :accessor validate?)
+ (namespaces :initform nil :initarg :namespaces :accessor namespaces
+ :documentation
+ "bind the set of namespaces present within the document.")))
+(defun document-element (document) (root document))
+(defun (setf document-element) (element document) (setf (root document) element))
+(defClass document-type-declaration-information-node (entity-information-node document-scoped-node)
+ ())
+(defClass abstract-elem-node (ordinal-node doc-child-node elem-node-interface)
+ ((ordinality :initform (when *element-count* (incf *element-count*))))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "the abstract form for element nodes.
+ extends the <code>elem-node-interface</code> to provide slots for ordinality and document.
+ the graph interface (name parent children attributes namespaces) remains to be implemented
+ by specializers."))
+(defClass elem-node (unamed-node typed-node abstract-elem-node)
+ ((children :initform nil :type list)
+ (attributes :initform nil :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes
+ :type list)
+ (namespaces :initform nil :initarg :namespaces :accessor namespaces
+ :type list)
+ (valid)))
+(defClass ref-elem-node (ref-node abstract-elem-node) ())
+(defClass ext-subset-node (entity-delegate abstract-node)
+ ((children :initform nil :initarg :defs :accessor defs)))
+(defClass abstract-attr-node () () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass attribute-node () () (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950"))
+(defClass attr-node (elem-property-node abstract-attr-node attribute-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass normalizing-attr-node (attr-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass trimming-attr-node (attr-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass namespace-declaration () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass abstract-ns-node (namespace-declaration) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass nsdecl-node () ()
+ (:documentation "for 0.950 compatibility"))
+(defClass ns-node (elem-property-node abstract-ns-node duration-scoped-node nsdecl-node)
+ ((name :initarg :prefix :reader prefix)
+ (children :initform nil)
+ (value :initform nil :initarg :uri :initarg :namespace-name)
+ (namespace :initform nil :initarg :namespace :reader namespace)))
+(defClass ref-elem-property-node (ref-node abstract-elem-property-node) ())
+(defClass ref-attr-node (ref-elem-property-node abstract-attr-node) ())
+(defClass ref-ns-node (ref-elem-property-node abstract-ns-node) ())
+(defClass decimal-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass double-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass entity-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
+(defClass entities-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass enumerated-attr-node (trimming-attr-node)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defclass enumeration-attr-node (enumerated-attr-node string-attr-node) () )
+(defClass id-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
+(defClass id-ref-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
+(defClass id-refs-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass nmtoken-attr-node (trimming-attr-node) () )
+(defClass nmtokens-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass notation-attr-node (enumerated-attr-node) () )
+(defClass qname-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass recur-dur-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass string-attr-node (normalizing-attr-node) () )
+(defClass time-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass uri-ref-attr-node (attr-node) () )
+(defClass pi-node (named-node abstract-value-node doc-child-node doctype-child-node)
+ ((value :initform nil)
+ (name :initarg :target :accessor target))
+ (:documentation
+ "a processing instruction binds a </it>target name</it> and a string value.
+ the value should not include the sequence '?>', but that it not enforced."))
+(defClass comment-node (abstract-value-node doc-child-node doctype-child-node)
+ ())
+(defClass character-data-node (abstract-value-node doc-child-node)
+ ())
+(defClass info-item-node (abstract-node)
+ ())
+(defClass ref-node (abstract-value-node ordinal-node)
+ ())
+(defClass binary-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass bool-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass decimal-value (number-value) ())
+(defClass double-value (number-value) ())
+(defClass entity-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass float-value (number-value) ())
+(defClass function-value (named-value-node)
+ ((value :initarg :expression :reader expression)))
+(defClass id-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass id-ref-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass notation-value (value-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass number-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ()
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass qname-value (named-value-node attr-child-node)
+ ((name :initarg :local-part :reader local-part)
+ (value :initform nil :reader qname
+ :documentation "binds the universal name symbol")
+ (prefix :initform nil :initarg :prefix :reader prefix)
+ (uri :initform nil :initarg :uri :reader uri)
+ (namespace :initform nil :initarg :namespace :reader namespace)))
+(defClass recur-dur-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass string-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass time-dur-value (value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ())
+(defClass uri-ref-value (named-value-node elem-child-node attr-child-node) ()
+ (:documentation "wrap an uri instance with an appropriately typed node."))
+(defClass qname-context-delegate ()
+ ((qname-context :accessor qname-context :initform nil
+ :documentation "binds a context to collect and resolve qualified names."))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class)
+ (:documentation
+ "augments definitions which collect qualified names."))
+(defClass element-definition () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass element-type-definition () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass doctype-element-definition (element-definition element-type-definition) ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass def-elem-type (doctype-element-definition
+ unamed-node abstract-def-type abstract-top-level-def-node
+ qname-context-delegate abstract-value-node
+ )
+ ((value :initform nil :reader node-validator
+ :documentation "binds the compiled validator")
+ (children :initarg :model :accessor model :initform nil
+ :documentation "binds the bnf content model")
+ ;; (type :initarg :type :reader type)
+ (node-class :initform nil :initarg :node-class
+ :documentation "binds the class used to instantiate element nodes of this type")
+ (properties :initform nil :initarg :properties :accessor properties)
+ (props-required :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "a bit-mirror for definitions in properties where =1 implies required")
+ (props-defaulted :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "a bit-mirror for definitions in properties where =1 implies default")))
+(defun direct-annotation-model (definition) "0-950" (properties definition))
+(defun (setf direct-annotation-model) (model definition) "0-950" (setf (properties definition) model))
+(defun annotation-model (definition) "0-950" (properties definition))
+(defun content-model (definition) "0-950" (model definition))
+(defClass doctype-attlist-definition () () (:documentation "0.950"))
+(defClass def-attr (doctype-attlist-definition
+ abstract-top-level-def-node unamed-node qname-context-delegate
+ duration-scoped-node)
+ ((children :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes :initform nil))
+ (:documentation
+ "a <code>DEF-ATTR</code> collects a set of attribute definitions for a given
+ element type context."))
+(defClass annotation-definition () () (:documentation "0.950"))
+(defClass doctype-annotation-definition (annotation-definition) () (:documentation "0.950"))
+(defClass def-elem-property-type (unamed-node abstract-def-type abstract-def-node
+ duration-scoped-node
+ doctype-annotation-definition)
+ ((children :initform nil :initarg :enumeration :reader enumeration)
+ (stipulation :initarg :stipulation :initform nil :reader stipulation)
+ (prototype :initarg :prototype :initform nil :reader prototype))
+ (:documentation
+ "for use in the element definition."))
+(defClass def-notation (abstract-top-level-def-node entity-information-node)
+ ())
+(defClass def-entity (ncnamed-node abstract-top-level-def-node abstract-value-node)
+ ((value :initform nil)
+ (extent :initform nil :initarg :extent :reader extent
+ :type (member :static :temporary nil))
+ (maybe-markup-text :initform :unknown))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass general-entity-definition () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass def-general-entity (def-entity general-entity-definition) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass parameter-entity-definition () ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass def-parameter-entity (def-entity parameter-entity-definition) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass def-internal-entity (def-entity) () (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass def-external-entity (entity-delegate def-entity)
+ ((children :initform nil))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass def-internal-general-entity (def-internal-entity def-general-entity)
+ ())
+(defClass def-external-general-entity (def-external-entity def-general-entity)
+ ((notation :initform nil :initarg :notation :reader notation)))
+(defClass def-internal-parameter-entity (def-internal-entity def-parameter-entity) ())
+(defClass def-external-parameter-entity (def-external-entity def-parameter-entity)
+ ((children :initform nil)))
+(defClass type-definition (named) ()
+ (:documentation "added for compatibility with 0.950 conditions"))
+(defClass ref-entity (ref-node named-node attr-child-node)
+ ((expand :initform nil :initarg :expand :accessor expand
+ :documentation "specifies whether to expand the entity when encoding."))
+ (:metaclass abstract-class))
+(defClass ref-general-entity (ref-entity elem-child-node) () )
+(defClass ref-parameter-entity (ref-entity doctype-child-node) () )
+(defClass ref-character-entity (ref-entity elem-child-node) ())
+(defClass conditional-section (ref-parameter-entity)
+ ()
+ (:documentation
+ "a <code>CONDITIONAL-SECTION</code> specializes the behaviour of a pe-reference
+ and serves as the container for conditional declarations, the presence of which
+ depend on the respective entites value.
+ it is produced by parsing external declaration subsets with
+ pe expansion disabled, and may also be generated programmatically."))
+(defClass external-parsed-entity (entity-delegate ref-general-entity)
+ ()
+ (:documentation
+ "an <code>EXTERNAL_PARSED-ENTITY</code> acts as a container for an external parsed general
+ entity. it binds the content sequence and the encoding. it is used to enforce the
+ structural constraints on the entities content."))
+;; model classes
+(defClass content-model () ())
+(defClass |content-model| (bnfp::bnf-phrase-definition content-model) ())
+(defClass |\|-content| (bnfp::bnf-alternative content-list) () )
+(defClass content-occurrence () ())
+(defClass |?-content| (bnfp::bnf-opt-expr content-occurrence) () )
+(defClass |*-content| (bnfp::bnf-rep-expr content-occurrence) () )
+(defClass |bounded-content| (bnfp::bnf-qexpr content-occurrence)
+ ((min :initarg :min :initform nil)
+ (max :initarg :max :initform nil)) )
+(defClass |MIXED-content| (|*-content|) () )
+(defClass |+-content| (bnfp::bnf-plus-expr content-occurrence) () )
+(defClass |content| (bnfp::bnf-one-expr content-occurrence) () )
+(defClass content-list () ())
+(defClass |,-content| (bnfp::bnf-group content-list) () )
+(defClass content-name () ())
+(defClass |content-name| (bnfp::bnf-phrase-symbol content-name) () )
+(defClass type-name () ())
+(defClass |type-name| (bnfp::bnf-nonterminal-symbol type-name) () )
+(defClass mixed-atn (bnfp::atn) ())
+(defClass element-atn (bnfp::atn) ())
+(defMethod name ((instance |content-name|)) (bnfp::bnf-name instance))
+(defMethod (setf name) (name (instance |content-name|)) (setf (bnfp::bnf-name instance) name))
+(defMethod name ((instance |type-name|)) (bnfp::bnf-name instance))
+(defMethod (setf name) (name (instance |type-name|)) (setf (bnfp::bnf-name instance) name))
+(defMethod name ((instance |content-model|)) (name (bnfp::bnf-lhs instance)))
+(defMethod nonterminal ((instance |content-model|)) (bnfp::bnf-lhs instance))
+(defMethod grammar ((instance |content-model|)) (bnfp::bnf-rhs instance))
+(defun expressions (x) (bnfp::bnf-expressions x))
+(defmethod expression ((x content-occurrence)) (bnfp::bnf-expression x))
+(defMethod print-object ((object |content-name|) stream &aux name)
+ (setf name (and *print-pretty* (bnfp::bnf-name object)))
+ ;; only the special case of PCDATA with other elements gets here
+ ;; ANY and EMPTY never get here -- see below
+ (cond ((eq name *mixed-name*) (princ "#PCDATA" stream))
+ (t (call-next-method))))
+(defMethod print-object ((object |*-content|) stream &aux expr name)
+ (setf name (when (and *print-pretty*
+ (typep (setf expr (bnfp::bnf-expression object)) '|content-name|))
+ (bnfp::bnf-name expr)))
+ (cond ((eq name *wild-name*) (princ "ANY" stream))
+ ((eq name *empty-name*) (princ "EMPTY" stream))
+ ((eq name *mixed-name*) (princ "(#PCDATA)" stream))
+ (t (call-next-method))))
+;; walking definition components
+(defGeneric walk-model-names (particle function)
+ ;; type declaration data
+ (:method ((context def-elem-type) (function t))
+ (setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
+ (walk-model-names (properties context) function)
+ (walk-model-names (model context) function))
+ ;; generic expression data
+ (:method ((context t) (function t)) nil)
+ (:method ((decls list) (function t))
+ (dolist (decl decls) (walk-model-names decl function)))
+ ;; attribute declaration data
+ (:method ((context def-elem-property-type) (function t))
+ (with-slots (prototype) context
+ (setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
+ (when prototype
+ (setf (name prototype) (funcall function (name prototype))))))
+ (:method ((context elem-property-node) (function t))
+ (with-slots (def) context
+ (setf (name context) (funcall function (name context)))
+ (when def (setf (name def) (funcall function (name def))))))
+ ;; content model data
+ (:method ((context |content-model|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-lhs context) function)
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-rhs context) function))
+ (:method ((context |\|-content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expressions context) function))
+ (:method ((context |?-content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
+ (:method ((context |*-content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
+ (:method ((context |+-content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
+ (:method ((context |content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expression context) function))
+ (:method ((context |,-content|) (function t))
+ (walk-model-names (bnfp::bnf-expressions context) function))
+ (:method ((context |content-name|) (function t))
+ (setf (bnfp::bnf-name context) (funcall function (bnfp::bnf-name context))))
+ (:method ((context |type-name|) (function t))
+ (setf (bnfp::bnf-name context) (funcall function (bnfp::bnf-name context)))))
+(defMethod collect-model-names ((model |content-model|) &aux names is-mixed (model-name (name model)))
+ (walk-model-names model
+ #'(lambda (name)
+ (cond ((or (eq name *empty-name*) (eq name *wild-name*))
+ (push name names)
+ name)
+ ((eq name *mixed-name*) (setf is-mixed t) name)
+ (t (push name names) name))))
+ (when (and (validate? *document*) is-mixed)
+ (mapl #'(lambda (rest &aux (name (first rest)))
+ (when (find name (rest rest)
+ :test #'(lambda (n1 n2)
+ (and (bnfp::name= n1 n2)
+ (not (eq n1 model-name)) (not (eq n2 model-name)))))
+ (|VC: No Duplicate Types| :context model :name (first rest))))
+ names))
+ names)
+(defMethod collect-model-names ((model bnfp::bnf-expr) &aux names)
+ (walk-model-names model
+ #'(lambda (name)
+ (cond ((or (eq name *empty-name*) (eq name *wild-name*))
+ (pushnew name names)
+ name)
+ ((eq name *mixed-name*) name)
+ (t (pushnew name names) name))))
+ (nreverse names))
+(defGeneric first-model-name (model)
+ (:method ((model |content-model|))
+ (first-model-name (bnfp::bnf-rhs model)))
+ (:method ((model t))
+ (walk-model-names model #'(lambda (name) (return-from first-model-name name)))))
+;; classes for qualified name resolution
+(defClass qname-context ()
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader name)
+ (def :initform nil :initarg :def :reader def :reader definition)
+ (pass-id :initform nil :accessor pass-id))
+ (:documentation
+ "a <code>QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the uninterned qnames which are governed by a
+ given declaration. it is used while reading the document type definition. at the point of
+ appearance of each declaration a new one is created."))
+(defClass def-type-qname-context (qname-context)
+ ((parents :initform nil :accessor parents)
+ (children :initform nil :accessor children)
+ (content-names :initarg :content-names :reader content-names)
+ (attr-nodes :initform nil :initarg :attr-nodes :accessor attr-nodes
+ :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes)
+ (ns-nodes :initform nil :initarg :ns-nodes :accessor ns-nodes
+ :initarg :nsdecl-nodes :accessor nsdecl-nodes
+ :initarg :namespace-declarations :accessor namespace-declarations)
+ (successors :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "binds the conceivable successors based on the literal qualified names.")
+ (ns-cache :initform nil :accessor ns-cache
+ :documentation "bind results from searching parents"))
+ (:documentation
+ "a <code>def-type-QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the qualified names which contribute to
+ an individual element declaration. it is created with the names from the element
+ declaration proper and augmented with those from related attribute list declarations.
+ in the process of resolving qualified names to universal names, relations among element
+ contexts are established to simulate the visibility of prefix/namespace bindings
+ as specified for the document entity."))
+(defClass def-attr-qname-context (qname-context)
+ ((name :writer (setf name))
+ (attr-nodes :initform nil :initarg :attr-nodes :accessor attr-nodes
+ :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes)
+ (ns-nodes :initform nil :initarg :ns-nodes :accessor ns-nodes
+ :initarg :nsdecl-nodes :accessor nsdecl-nodes
+ :initarg :namespace-declarations :accessor namespace-declarations)
+ (assignment :initform nil :accessor assignment))
+ (:documentation
+ "a <code>DEF-ATTR-QNAME-CONTEXT</code> collects the qualified names which contribute
+ to attribute declarations for an element. note that the namespace nodes can be neglected
+ as the 'xmlns' prefix/namespace binding is static.
+ in the process of resolving qualified names to universal names, each attribute context
+ is merged into a element context."))
+(defGeneric walk-model-nodes (particle function)
+ (:documentation
+ "walk the model tree and apply the function to each node. for 0.950")
+ (:method ((context element-definition) (function t))
+ (funcall function context)
+ (walk-model-nodes (annotation-model context) function)
+ (walk-model-nodes (content-model context) function))
+ (:method ((context t) (function t)) nil)
+ (:method ((decls list) (function t))
+ (dolist (decl decls) (walk-model-nodes decl function)))
+ (:method ((node ext-subset-node) (function t))
+ (walk-model-nodes (children node) function))
+ (:method ((context annotation-definition) (function t))
+ (with-accessors ((prototype prototype)) context
+ (funcall function context)
+ (when prototype
+ (funcall function prototype))))
+ (:method ((context annotation) (function t))
+ (with-accessors ((definition definition)) context
+ (funcall function context)
+ (when definition(funcall function definition))))
+ (:method ((context def-type-qname-context) (function t))
+ (funcall function context)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (def) (walk-model-nodes def function)) (namespace-declarations context))
+ (let ((*default-namespace-is-visible* nil))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (def) (walk-model-names def function)) (attributes context)))
+ (walk-model-nodes (def context) function))
+ ;; content model data
+ (:method ((context content-model) (function t))
+ (walk-model-nodes (nonterminal context) function)
+ (walk-model-nodes (grammar context) function))
+ (:method ((context content-list) (function t))
+ (walk-model-nodes (expressions context) function))
+ (:method ((context content-occurrence) (function t))
+ (walk-model-nodes (expression context) function))
+ (:method ((context content-name) (function t))
+ (funcall function context))
+ (:method ((context type-name) (function t))
+ (funcall function (name context))))
+;; types and constructors
+;; nb. no constructors defined for the abstract classes...
+(defMacro defClassConstructor (name)
+ `(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (string name)))
+ (&rest initargs)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
+ (apply #'make-instance
+ ,(intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*"))
+ initargs)))
+(defMacro defClassConstructors (&rest names)
+ `(progn
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+ `(defParameter ,(intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*"))
+ (find-class ',name)))
+ names)
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(defClassConstructor ,name)) names)))
+(defMacro defTypePredicate (name)
+ `(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string "IS-" (string name))) (x)
+ (typep x ',name)))
+(defvar *export-output* )
+(defMacro defTypePredicates (&rest names)
+ (when (boundp '*export-output*)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (names)
+ (format *export-output* "~%~{~s~^ ~}" names))
+ (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+ (list* (string name)
+ (concatenate 'string "IS-" (string name))
+ (unless (string= "ABSTRACT" name :end2 (min (length (string name)) 8))
+ (list (concatenate 'string "*CLASS." (string name) "*")
+ (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (string name))))))
+ names)
+ #'string< :key #'first)))
+ `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+ `(defTypePredicate ,name)) names)))
+ doc-node elem-node ns-node ext-subset-node
+ decimal-attr-node double-attr-node entity-attr-node entities-attr-node
+ enumeration-attr-node id-attr-node id-ref-attr-node id-refs-attr-node
+ nmtoken-attr-node nmtokens-attr-node notation-attr-node
+ qname-attr-node recur-dur-attr-node string-attr-node time-attr-node
+ uri-ref-attr-node
+ pi-node comment-node info-item-node character-data-node
+ document-type-declaration-information-node entity-information-node
+ string-value bool-value float-value double-value decimal-value
+ time-dur-value recur-dur-value binary-value uri-ref-value id-value id-ref-value
+ qname-value entity-value notation-value function-value
+ def-attr def-elem-property-type def-elem-type def-notation
+ def-internal-general-entity def-external-general-entity
+ ref-node
+ def-internal-parameter-entity def-external-parameter-entity
+ ref-parameter-entity ref-general-entity ref-character-entity
+ conditional-section external-parsed-entity)
+ doc-node abstract-elem-node elem-node ext-subset-node ordinal-node
+ elem-property-node abstract-elem-property-node
+ abstract-attr-node attr-node abstract-ns-node ns-node
+ def-elem-property-type
+ elem-child-node attr-child-node doctype-child-node doc-child-node
+ decimal-attr-node double-attr-node entity-attr-node entities-attr-node
+ enumeration-attr-node id-attr-node id-ref-attr-node id-refs-attr-node
+ nmtoken-attr-node nmtokens-attr-node notation-attr-node
+ qname-attr-node recur-dur-attr-node string-attr-node time-attr-node
+ uri-ref-attr-node
+ pi-node comment-node info-item-node character-data-node
+ document-type-declaration-information-node entity-information-node
+ value-node string-value bool-value number-value float-value double-value decimal-value
+ time-dur-value recur-dur-value binary-value uri-ref-value id-value id-ref-value
+ qname-value entity-value notation-value function-value
+ abstract-def-node abstract-top-level-def-node abstract-def-type
+ def-attr def-elem-type def-notation def-entity
+ def-internal-entity def-external-entity def-parameter-entity def-general-entity
+ def-internal-general-entity def-external-general-entity
+ def-internal-parameter-entity def-external-parameter-entity
+ ref-node ref-entity
+ ref-parameter-entity ref-general-entity ref-character-entity
+ conditional-section external-parsed-entity
+ qname-context)
+(defun element-p (x) (is-abstract-elem-node x))
+(defun id-attr-node-p (x) (is-id-attr-node x))
+(defun nsdecl-node-p (x) (is-ns-node x))
+;; supplementary accessors
+(defMethod value ((node value-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (or value (setf value (value-string children)))))
+(defMethod parent ((node string)) nil)
+(defMethod children ((node string)) nil)
+(defGeneric validate? (node)
+ (:documentation "bound directly to document nodes. other nodes resolve relative to the container, or yield nil.")
+ (:method ((node document-scoped-node)) (validate? (document node)))
+ (:method ((node null)) nil)
+ (:method ((node t)) (warn "validation not defined for node: ~s." node) nil))
+(defun validate-p (x) (validate? x))
+;; the value generators for entites are only marginally useful.
+;; the replacement mechanism uses the input sequence stored in the child slot
+;; rather than the string which would have been produced here
+(defMethod value ((node ref-parameter-entity))
+ (with-slots (value name) node
+ (or value (setf value (parameter-entity-value name)))))
+(defMethod value ((node ref-general-entity))
+ (with-slots (value name) node
+ (or value (setf value (general-entity-value name)))))
+(defMethod value ((node def-internal-entity))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (or value (setf value (value-string children)))))
+(defMethod value ((node def-external-entity) &aux (uri (uri node)))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (if value
+ value
+ (setf children nil
+ value (when uri
+ (read-external-entity uri))))))
+(defMethod value ((node entities-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value document) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name &aux entity)
+ (unless (is-ncname name)
+ (|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an NCName"))
+ (setf name (intern-name name *null-namespace*))
+ (when document
+ (when (setf entity (find-def-general-entity name document))
+ (unless (and (is-def-external-general-entity entity)
+ (notation entity))
+ (|VC: Entity Name| :name name))))
+ name)
+ (split-string (value-string children)
+ #(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
+(defMethod value ((node entity-attr-node) &aux entity)
+ (with-slots (children value document) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (t
+ (unless (is-ncname (setf value
+ (normalize-value node (value-string children))))
+ (|VC: Entity Name| :context (name node) :name value
+ :detail "not an NCName"))
+ (setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))
+ (when document
+ (when (setf entity (find-def-general-entity value document))
+ (unless (and (is-def-external-general-entity entity)
+ (notation entity))
+ (|VC: Entity Name|
+ :context (name node) :name value
+ :detail "must name an unparsed entity"))))))))
+(defMethod value ((node id-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (unless (is-ncname (setf value
+ (normalize-value node (value-string children))))
+ (|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an NCName"))
+ (setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
+(defMethod value ((node id-ref-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (unless (is-ncname (setf value
+ (normalize-value node (value-string children))))
+ (|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an NCName"))
+ (setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
+(defMethod value ((node id-refs-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+ (unless (is-ncname name)
+ (|VC: ID| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an NCName"))
+ (intern-name name *null-namespace*))
+ (split-string (value-string children)
+ #(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
+(defMethod value ((node nmtoken-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (unless (is-namechardata (setf value
+ (normalize-value node (value-string children))))
+ (|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not a Name"))
+ (setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))))))
+(defMethod value ((node nmtokens-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (setf value (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+ (unless (is-namechardata name)
+ (|VC: Name Token|
+ :name (name node) :value name
+ :detail "not an Name"))
+ (intern-name name *null-namespace*))
+ (split-string (value-string children)
+ #(#\space #\return #\linefeed #\tab))))))))
+(defMethod value ((node notation-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value def) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children)))
+ (unless (is-namechardata value)
+ (|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an Name"))
+ (setf value (intern-name value *null-namespace*))
+ (when def
+ (unless (find value (enumeration def))
+ (|VC: Notation Attributes| :name value))))
+ (t
+ (|VC: Name Token| :name (name node) :value value
+ :detail "not an Name")))))
+(defMethod value ((node enumeration-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value def) node
+ (cond (value)
+ (children
+ (call-next-method)
+ (when def
+ (unless (find value (enumeration def) :test #'string=)
+ (|VC: Enumeration| :name value)))))))
+(defMethod value ((node string-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (if value value
+ (setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children))))))
+(defmethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node string-attr-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (setf children (list new-value)
+ value new-value)))
+(defMethod value ((node ns-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (if value value
+ (setf value (normalize-value node (value-string children))))))
+(defMethod uri ((node ns-node))
+ (value node))
+(defMethod namespace-name ((node ns-node))
+ (value node))
+(defMethod value ((node pi-node))
+ (with-slots (value children) node
+ (or value (setf value (or (first children) "")))))
+(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node pi-node))
+ (with-slots (value children) node
+ (setf value new-value
+ children (list new-value))))
+(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value t) (node pi-node))
+ (assert (typep new-value 'string)))
+(defMethod value ((node uri-ref-value))
+ (with-slots (value children) node
+ (if value value
+ (setf value (make-uri (string-trim #(#\space) (value-string children)) *xml-base*)))))
+;; normalizing reduces all space to a single character, trimming, in addition,
+;; removes initial and trailing space
+;; nb. in order to keep the model independent of the respective parser, a simple subsequence
+;; is generated and no attempt is made to return string buffers, as the only xml parser uses them.
+(defGeneric normalize-value (node value)
+ (:documentation
+ "value normalization is specified by the XML standard.
+ it is performed when a value is generated from children, which is the case
+ when a node is generated by the parser.")
+ (:method ((node attr-node) (value t)) value))
+(defMethod normalize-value ((node normalizing-attr-node) (value string)
+ &aux (to 0) (from 0) (end (length value)) char space?)
+ (loop (when (>= from end) (return))
+ (cond ((xml-space? (setf char (schar value from)))
+ (setf (schar value to) #\space)
+ (unless space?
+ (incf to)
+ (setf space? t)))
+ (t
+ (setf (schar value to) char)
+ (setf space? nil)
+ (incf to)))
+ (incf from))
+ (cond ((= to end) value)
+ (t (subseq value 0 to))))
+(defun normalize-and-trim-string (value &aux (to 0) (from 0) (end (length value)) char space?)
+ (loop (when (>= from end) (return))
+ (cond ((xml-space? (setf char (schar value from)))
+ (setf (schar value to) #\space)
+ (when (and (not space?) (> to 0))
+ (incf to)
+ (setf space? t)))
+ (t
+ (setf (schar value to) char)
+ (setf space? nil)
+ (incf to)))
+ (incf from))
+ (when (and (> to 0) (xml-space? (schar value (1- to))))
+ (decf to))
+ (cond ((= to end) value)
+ (t (subseq value 0 to))))
+(defMethod normalize-value ((node trimming-attr-node) (value string))
+ (normalize-and-trim-string value))
+(defMethod normalize-value ((node ns-node) (value string))
+ (normalize-and-trim-string value))
+;(normalize-value (allocate-instance (find-class 'string-attr-node)) " d a ")
+;(normalize-value (allocate-instance (find-class 'nmtoken-attr-node)) " this-gets-normalized ")
+(defMethod (setf parent) :after
+ ((parent elem-node) (instance attr-node))
+ ;; generate the value in order to enforce constraints. this is deferred until
+ ;; the attribute is bound to an element in order to use the context when generating
+ ;; interned values.
+ (when (validate? instance)
+ (value instance)))
+(defMethod (setf parent) :after
+ ((parent elem-node) (instance id-attr-node) &aux (id (value instance)))
+ ;; bind the id within the document
+ (with-slots (document) instance
+ (when (setf document (document parent))
+ (when (gethash id (ids document))
+ (|VC: ID| :name (name instance) :value id :detail "not unique"))
+ (setf (gethash id (ids document)) instance))))
+;; encapsulated children are expendable for attribute/ns nodes and for value
+;; nodes themselves.
+;; children generated as parse artifacts or may be asserted for serialization.
+;; the value slot dominates and modifies the children implicitly.
+(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value string) (node value-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (setf value new-value)
+ (setf children (list new-value))))
+(defMethod (setf value) ((new-value value-node) (node value-node))
+ (with-slots (children value) node
+ (setf value new-value)
+ (setf children (list (value-string new-value)))))
+;; entity information delegation
+(defMethod entity-info ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (or entity-info
+ (setf entity-info (make-instance 'entity-information-node)))))
+(defMethod name ((node doc-node))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (name entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf name) (value (node doc-node))
+ (setf (name (entity-info node)) value))
+(defMethod uri ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (uri entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf uri) (value (node entity-delegate))
+ (setf (uri (entity-info node)) value))
+(defMethod system-id ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (system-id entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf system-id) (value (node entity-delegate))
+ (setf (system-id (entity-info node)) value))
+(defMethod (setf system-id) :after ((value t) (node entity-information-node))
+ (with-slots (uri system-id public-id) node
+ (setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id *xml-base*))))
+(defMethod public-id ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (public-id entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf public-id) (value (node entity-delegate))
+ (setf (public-id (entity-info node)) value))
+(defMethod (setf public-id) :after ((value t) (node entity-information-node))
+ (with-slots (uri system-id public-id) node
+ (setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id *xml-base*))))
+(defMethod encoding ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (encoding entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf encoding) (value (node entity-delegate))
+ (setf (encoding (entity-info node)) value))
+(defmethod encoding ((node document-scoped-node))
+ (encoding (document node)))
+(defgeneric (setf encoding) (encoding entity-information-node)
+ (:method ((encoding string) (node entity-information-node) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond
+ ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (setf (slot-value node 'encoding) canonical-encoding))
+ (t
+ (error "illegal encoding: ~s." encoding))))
+ (:method ((encoding symbol) (node entity-information-node) &aux canonical-encoding)
+ (cond
+ ((setf canonical-encoding (canonical-encoding encoding))
+ (setf (slot-value node 'encoding) canonical-encoding))
+ (t
+ (error "illegal encoding: ~s." encoding)))))
+(defMethod version ((node entity-delegate))
+ (with-slots (entity-info) node
+ (when entity-info (version entity-info))))
+(defMethod (setf version) (value (node entity-delegate))
+ (setf (version (entity-info node)) value))
+;; reference node access delegation
+(defMacro defDelegateMethod (name ((instance class)) slot)
+ `(progn (defMethod ,name ((,instance ,class))
+ (with-slots (,slot) ,instance (,name ,slot)))
+ (defMethod (setf ,name) (new-value (,instance ,class))
+ (with-slots (,slot) ,instance (setf (,name ,slot) new-value)))))
+(defDelegateMethod children ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod name ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod attributes ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod def ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod namespaces ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod valid ((node ref-elem-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod children ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod name ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod def ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
+(defDelegateMethod value ((node ref-elem-property-node)) value)
+#+sbcl(make-instance 'ref-ns-node)
+(defDelegateMethod namespace ((node ref-ns-node)) value)
+;; node cloning. for attributes
+(defMethod clone-node
+ ((instance abstract-node) &rest initargs &aux new)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
+ (setf new (allocate-instance (class-of instance)))
+ ;; initialize overriding slot values.
+ ;; do this first, to inhibit side-effects from copying
+ (when initargs (apply #'shared-initialize new nil initargs))
+ (copy-node instance new)
+ new)
+(defMethod clone-node ((instance string) &key) instance)
+(defMethod clone-node ((nodes list) &rest initargs)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'clone-node x initargs)) nodes))
+(defGeneric copy-node (from to)
+ (:documentation
+ "copy slot values from one node to another.
+ slots with bound values are left unchanged.")
+ (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+ (:method progn ((from abstract-node) (to abstract-node))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'parent)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'parent) nil))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'children)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'children) (clone-node (children from)))))
+ (:method progn ((from typed-node) (to typed-node))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'def)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'def) (slot-value from 'def))))
+ (:method progn ((from named-node) (to named-node))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'name)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'name) (slot-value from 'name))))
+ (:method progn ((from ns-node) (to ns-node))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'value)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'value) (slot-value from 'value)))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'namespace)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'namespace) (slot-value from 'namespace))))
+ (:method progn ((from attr-node) (to attr-node))
+ (unless (slot-boundp to 'value)
+ (setf (slot-value to 'value) (slot-value from 'value)))))
+;; constituent management for a document maintains the relation between the children
+;; and the root node. see also the respective check-constraint method
+(defMethod nodes ((node doc-node))
+ "for use with path interpretation"
+ (children node))
+(defMethod (setf nodes) (new-value (doc doc-node))
+ (setf (children doc) new-value))
+(defMethod (setf children) ((children sequence) (doc doc-node))
+ (with-slots (root) doc
+ (setf root (find-if #'is-abstract-elem-node children))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defGeneric document (node)
+ (:method ((node doc-node)) node)
+ (:method ((node t)) nil))
+(defMethod def ((node elem-node) &aux document)
+ (with-slots (def name) node
+ (or (call-next-method)
+ (setf def (when (and name (setf document (document node)))
+ (find-def-elem-type name document))))))
+(defGeneric definition (x)
+ (:method ((x t)) (def x)))
+;; initialize property bits in a type definition
+(defMethod is-required ((def def-elem-property-type))
+ (eq (stipulation def) :REQUIRED))
+(defMethod is-implied ((def def-elem-property-type))
+ (eq (stipulation def) :IMPLIED))
+(defMethod is-fixed ((def def-elem-property-type))
+ (eq (stipulation def) :FIXED))
+(defMethod is-defaulted ((def def-elem-property-type))
+ (with-slots (prototype) def
+ (and prototype (children prototype))))
+(defMethod is-required ((node elem-property-node))
+ (with-slots (def) node (when def (is-required def))))
+(defMethod is-implied ((node elem-property-node))
+ (with-slots (def) node (when def (is-implied def))))
+(defMethod is-fixed ((node elem-property-node))
+ (with-slots (def) node (when def (is-fixed def))))
+(defMethod is-defaulted ((node elem-property-node))
+ (with-slots (children) node
+ children))
+(defMethod props-defaulted ((def def-elem-type))
+ (with-slots (properties props-defaulted) def
+ (or props-defaulted
+ (setf props-defaulted
+ (make-array (length properties) :element-type 'bit
+ :initial-contents
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (def) (if (is-defaulted def) 1 0))
+ properties))))))
+(defMethod props-required ((def def-elem-type))
+ (with-slots (properties props-required) def
+ (or props-required
+ (setf props-required
+ (make-array (length properties) :element-type 'bit
+ :initial-contents
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (def) (if (is-required def) 1 0))
+ properties))))))
+(defGeneric name-symbol (name)
+ (:method ((name symbol))
+ (if (keywordp name) (intern (string name) *package*) name))
+ (:method ((name uname))
+ (intern (local-part name)
+ (let* ((namespace (namespace name))
+ (package-name (namespace-name namespace)))
+ (if (eq namespace *null-namespace*)
+ *package*
+ (or (find-package package-name)
+ (error "package not found: ~s." package-name)))))))
+(defGeneric find-node-class (name)
+ (:method ((name symbol)) (find-class name nil))
+ (:method ((name uname)) (find-node-class (ignore-errors (name-symbol name)))))
+(defMethod node-class ((def def-elem-type))
+ (with-slots (node-class name) def
+ (or node-class
+ (cond ((and *specialize-elem-node*
+ (setf node-class (find-node-class name))
+ (subtypep (class-name node-class) 'abstract-elem-node))
+ node-class)
+ (t
+ (setf node-class *class.elem-node*))))))
+;(trace node-class)
+;(trace xmlp:construct-element-node)
+;; initialization
+(defMethod initialize-instance
+ ((instance entity-delegate) &rest initargs
+ &key entity-info uri
+ system-literal (system-id system-literal)
+ pubid-literal (public-id pubid-literal)
+ encoding-decl (encoding encoding-decl)
+ version-info (version version-info))
+ ;; keep name in sync. for doc-node this becomes the only binding
+ (when (listp entity-info)
+ (setf entity-info (apply #'make-entity-information-node entity-info)))
+ (when (is-entity-information-node entity-info)
+ (when uri (uri entity-info) uri)
+ (when system-id (setf (system-id entity-info) system-id))
+ (when public-id (setf (public-id entity-info) public-id))
+ (when encoding (setf (encoding entity-info) encoding))
+ (when version (setf (version entity-info) version)))
+ (apply #'call-next-method instance :entity-info entity-info initargs))
+(defMethod initialize-instance
+ ((instance entity-information-node) &key (defaults *xml-base*))
+ (with-slots (uri system-id public-id) instance
+ (call-next-method)
+ ;; generate the uri from the system and public identifiers
+ (unless uri
+ (setf uri (resolve-entity-identifiers public-id system-id defaults)))))
+(defMethod initialize-instance
+ ((instance doc-node) &rest initargs
+ &key declarations children (root (find-if #'is-abstract-elem-node children))
+ notations ids general-entities parameter-entities types attributes)
+ ;; integrate definitions for notation, entities and types.
+ ;; note that the attributes informational and thus not integrated. the effective
+ ;; definitions are in the types
+ (apply #'call-next-method instance
+ :root root :children (or children (when root (list root)))
+ initargs)
+ (when root (setf (parent root) instance))
+ (flet ((local-bind-definition (def) (bind-definition def instance)))
+ (etypecase notations
+ (hash-table (setf (notations instance) notations))
+ (cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition notations))
+ (null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-notation #'bind-definition declarations)))
+ (etypecase ids
+ (hash-table (setf (ids instance) ids))
+ (null t))
+ (etypecase general-entities
+ (hash-table (setf (general-entities instance) general-entities))
+ (cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition general-entities))
+ (null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-general-entity #'bind-definition declarations)))
+ (etypecase parameter-entities
+ (hash-table (setf (parameter-entities instance) general-entities))
+ (cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition parameter-entities))
+ (null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-parameter-entity #'bind-definition declarations)))
+ (etypecase types
+ (hash-table (setf (types instance) types))
+ (cons (map nil #'local-bind-definition types))
+ (null (map-node-by-type #'is-def-elem-type #'bind-definition declarations)))
+ (setf (attributes instance)
+ (etypecase attributes
+ (cons attributes)
+ (null (collect-attribute-declarations declarations))))
+ ))
+(defMethod initialize-instance
+ ((instance elem-node) &rest initargs
+ &key
+ (attributes nil attributes-p)
+ (namespaces nil namespaces-p)
+ (children nil children-p))
+ (apply #'call-next-method instance
+ :children nil
+ initargs)
+ (when attributes-p (setf (attributes instance) attributes))
+ (when namespaces-p (setf (namespaces instance) namespaces))
+ (when children-p (setf (children instance) children)))
+(defMethod (setf attributes) :before (attributes (instance elem-node))
+ (dolist (n attributes)
+ (etypecase n
+ (attr-node (setf (parent n) instance)))))
+(defMethod (setf namespaces) :before (namespaces (instance elem-node))
+ (dolist (n namespaces)
+ (etypecase n
+ (ns-node (setf (parent n) instance)))))
+(defMethod (setf children) :after (children (instance elem-node))
+ (declare (special |VC: Element Content|))
+ (slot-makunbound instance 'valid)
+ (dolist (n children)
+ (etypecase n
+ (elem-child-node (setf (parent n) instance))
+ (string )))
+ (when (validate? instance)
+ (check-constraint |VC: Element Content| instance)))
+(defMethod initialize-instance :after
+ ((instance ns-node) &key)
+ "upon instantiation, as ns-node generates the effective namespace name and ensures
+ that it exists."
+ (declare (special |NSC: Prefix Immutable|))
+ (with-slots (children value namespace name) instance
+ (when (string= (local-part name) *xmlns-prefix-namestring*)
+ (setf name *default-namespace-attribute-name*))
+ (when namespace
+ (setf value (namespace-name namespace)))
+ (etypecase value
+ (null
+ (setf value (value-string children)))
+ (string
+ (unless (and (stringp (first children))
+ (string= (first children) value)
+ (null (rest children)))
+ (setf children (list value)))))
+ (unless namespace
+ (setf namespace (find-namespace value :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (check-constraint |NSC: Prefix Immutable| instance)))
+#| 20010501, now in the parser only. in constructors for type and attr defs
+(defMethod initialize-instance :after
+ ((instance abstract-top-level-def-node) &key)
+ ;; cache declarations within each given physical entity
+ (push instance *entity-declarations*))
+(defMethod initialize-instance :after
+ ((instance def-elem-property-type) &key)
+ (with-slots (prototype children) instance
+ (when prototype (setf (def prototype) instance))
+ ;; 20010611 xml-V10-2e-errata#E2
+ (mapl #'(lambda (values)
+ (when (find (first values) (rest values) :test #'bnfp::name=)
+ (|VC: No Duplicate Tokens| :context instance :name (first values))))
+ children)))
+(defMethod initialize-instance :after
+ ((instance def-attr) &key)
+ (with-slots (children) instance
+ (dolist (def children)
+ (setf (parent def) instance))))
+;; nb, it would be nicer to note the when the entity is bound and to replace them _and_ longer
+;; entities which encode character entities with the effective character entity.
+;; the would require that the tokenizer recognize character entity instances.
+(defMethod initialize-instance :after
+ ((instance def-internal-entity) &key)
+ (with-slots (children) instance
+ ;; normalize and constraint the entity value
+ (when (stringp children)
+ (setf children (map 'list #'char-code children)))
+ ;; (print (list children (= 1 (length children)) (xml-markupchar? (or (first children) 0))))
+ (when (and (= 1 (length children)) (xml-markupchar? (first children)))
+ (setf children (map 'list #'char-code (format nil "&#~d;" (first children)))))))
+(defMethod print-object ((node named-node) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
+ (write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)))
+(defMethod print-object ((node doc-node) stream &aux uri)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
+ (if (slot-boundp node 'entity-info)
+ (if (setf uri (uri node))
+ (write-string (uri-namestring uri) stream)
+ (write-string "<no uri>" stream))
+ (write-string "<no entity info>" stream))))
+(defMethod print-object ((instance qname-value) stream)
+ (with-slots (namespace name) instance
+ (format stream "{~@[~a~]}~a" (when namespace (namespace-name namespace)) name)))
+(defMethod print-object ((node elem-node) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
+ (format stream "~s~@[ ~s~]"
+ (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name))
+ (when (slot-boundp node 'ordinality) (slot-value node 'ordinality)))))
+(defMethod print-object ((node attr-node) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
+ (write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)))
+(defMethod print-object ((node ns-node) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :identity t :type t)
+ (write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)
+ (write-string " -> " stream)
+ (write (when (or (slot-boundp node 'value) (slot-boundp node 'children)) (value node))
+ :stream stream)))
+(defMethod print-object ((instance pi-node) stream &aux value trimmed)
+ (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
+ (prin1 (name instance) stream)
+ (setf value (value instance))
+ (write-string " '" stream)
+ (dotimes (i (length value))
+ (write-char (char value i) stream)
+ (when (> i 16) (setf trimmed t) (return)))
+ (if trimmed
+ (write-string "..." stream)
+ (write-char #\' stream))))
+(defMethod print-object ((instance def-internal-entity) stream
+ &aux children value)
+ (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
+ (prin1 (name instance) stream)
+ (cond ((setf children (children instance))
+ (write-string " '" stream)
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (block print-trimmed
+ (map nil #'(lambda (c)
+ (when (>= (incf i) 16) (return-from print-trimmed))
+ (write-char (code-char c) stream))
+ children))
+ (when (>= i 16)
+ (write-string "..." stream)))
+ (write-char #\' stream))
+ ((setf value (slot-value instance 'value))
+ (format stream " '~a'" value)))))
+(defMethod print-object ((node def-elem-type) stream
+ &aux (*print-pretty* t) (*print-right-margin* 1024))
+ (with-slots (name children) node
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
+ (write (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name)) :stream stream)
+ (if (typep children '|content-model|)
+ (princ children stream)
+ (format stream " ~a" children)))))
+(defMethod print-object ((node def-attr) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
+ (format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/ ~(~/xqdm:print-qname/~^ ~)"
+ (when (slot-boundp node 'name) (slot-value node 'name))
+ (when (slot-boundp node 'children) (slot-value node 'children)))))
+(defMethod print-qname ((node named-node) (stream stream) &rest args)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+ (apply #'print-qname stream (name node) args))
+(defMethod print-qname ((stream stream) (node named-node) &rest args)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+ (apply #'print-qname stream (name node) args))
+(defMethod print-qname ((stream stream) (name abstract-name) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (let ((prefix (prefix name))
+ (namespace (namespace-name name))
+ (extent (qname-extent name))
+ (local-part (local-part name)))
+ (etypecase namespace
+ (nameset (setf namespace (name namespace)))
+ (nameset-tokenizer (setf namespace (name namespace)))
+ (null t)
+ (string t))
+ (if namespace
+ (format stream "{~a}~a" namespace local-part)
+ (format stream "#~@[~a:~]~a" prefix local-part))
+ (when extent
+ (format stream "[~a]" extent))
+ name))
+(defMethod print-qname ((name abstract-name) (stream stream) &rest args)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+ (apply #'print-qname stream name args))
+(defGeneric print-ns-node (stream node &rest args)
+ (:method ((stream stream) (instance ns-node) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (with-slots (name value) instance
+ (if *print-pretty*
+ (format stream "[~a~@[/~s~]]" name value)
+ (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
+ (format stream "~a~@[/~s~]"
+ name value)))))
+ (:method ((instance ns-node) (stream stream) &rest args)
+ (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+ (apply #'print-ns-node stream instance args)))
+(defParameter *context-print-level* 0)
+(defMethod print-content ((instance def-type-qname-context) stream)
+ (with-slots (name parents children content-names attr-nodes ns-nodes) instance
+ (format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/" name)
+ (if (slot-boundp instance 'parents)
+ (format stream " (^:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name parents))
+ (write-string " (^: #<UNBOUND>)" stream))
+ (format stream " (@:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name attr-nodes))
+ (let ((*print-pretty* t))
+ (format stream " (ns:~{ ~/xqdm:print-ns-node/~})" ns-nodes))
+ (format stream " (m:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" content-names)
+ (when children
+ (let ((*context-print-level* (+ *context-print-level* 2)))
+ (if *print-pretty*
+ (format stream "~{~%~a~}" children)
+ (format stream " ->(~{~/xqdm:print-qname/~^ ~})"
+ (mapcar #'name children)))))))
+(defMethod print-content ((instance def-attr-qname-context) stream
+ &aux (*print-pretty* t))
+ (with-slots (name attr-nodes ns-nodes assignment) instance
+ (format stream "~/xqdm:print-qname/" name)
+ (format stream " (@:~{ ~/xqdm:print-qname/~})" (mapcar #'name attr-nodes))
+ (format stream " (ns:~{ ~/xqdm:print-ns-node/~})" ns-nodes)
+ (if assignment
+ (format stream " ->~/xqdm:print-qname/" (name assignment))
+ (format stream " ->?"))))
+(defMethod print-object ((instance qname-context) stream)
+ (cond (*print-pretty*
+ (dotimes (i *context-print-level*) (write-char #\space stream))
+ (write-char #\[ stream)
+ (print-content instance stream)
+ (write-char #\] stream))
+ (t
+ (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
+ (print-content instance stream)))))
+(defparameter *test*
+ (sxml-element 'test
+ "asdf" (sxml-element 'test2 "qwer" "<>")))
+(write-node *test* *standard-output*)
+(element-bind (name value) entry (print (list name value)))
+(element.content (element.content-element *test* 'test2))
+ (with-input-from-string
+ (stream
+ "<?xml version='1.0'>
+ <!DOCTYPE asdf [<!ELEMENT asdf #PCDATA>]>
+ <asdf attribute1='first' attribute2='second'>
+ testing&one;
+ </asdf>")
+ (|Document-Parser| stream)))
+(write-node (top-inspect-form) *standard-output*)
+ |#
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