[cl-who-devel] Problems with indent

Marco Antoniotti antoniotti.marco at disco.unimib.it
Sun Apr 17 13:05:32 UTC 2011


I would like to use CL-WHO for a little project of mine and I am getting bogged down by the :indent behavior.  Note that I am not trying to generate any PRE tags (yet).  The following snippet illustrates the problem.  Given the expansion of with-html-output, cl-who::*indent* does not behave as a special variable and this prevents me from producing "properly" indented HTML.

(use-package "CL-WHO")

(defun who-test (x &optional (out *standard-output*) (indent 2))
  (let ((cl-who::*indent* indent))
    (declare (special cl-who::*indent*))
    (with-html-output (out out :indent 4 #| indent |#)
      (htm (:body (:frameset :rows "65px" :border 0 :noresize "noresize"
                   (frame-stuff x)))

(defun frame-stuff (x &optional (out *standard-output*))
  (with-html-output (out out :indent 3)
    (htm (:frame :src x))))

If you remove the 4 and uncomment indent you will see what happens.

Any suggestions about how to "fix" this?  Note that I do want the inner function pretty much 'as-is'.



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