[cl-who-devel] Is it bug?

Young Hoo Kim m212a at mac.com
Fri Jun 25 07:47:03 UTC 2004


when I evaluation this form,

(let ((page-title "title"))
  (with-html-output-to-string (output-str)
	  (:title  page-title)

it return "<title></title>".

I suppose page-title in (:title) form isn't expanded as expected.

On the other hand,

this form

(let ((name "name")
      (checked t)
      (value nil))
  (with-html-output-to-string (string)
      (:input :type "checkbox" :name name :checked checked :value value) string))

works as expected.

So I suppose only one-tag form (like (:title) or (:br) or (:p)) has this bug.

My environment is mac os x.3, lispworks 4.3, cl-who 0.4.0.

Thanks for any advance,


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