[cl-unification-devel] implement ASDF testing

Robert Brown robert.brown at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 20:28:01 UTC 2011

I'd ilke to add the ability to test cl-unification by evaluating either of:

  (asdf:test-system 'cl-unification)
  (asdf:test-system 'cl-unification-test)

The change involves adding one line:

    :in-order-to ((test-op (test-op :cl-unification-test)))

to cl-unification.asd and adding the cl-unification-test.asd file below.
Any objections?



;;;;    cl-unification-test.asd

(in-package #:asdf)

;; Tests implemented using the ptester framework are run at *load* time, so
;; we tell ASDF that loading a file containing ptester code is never done.
;; This causes ASDF to run all the tests whenever ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM or
;; ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM is called with argument CL-UNIFICATION-TEST.

(defclass ptester-source-file (cl-source-file)
  (:documentation "A Common Lisp source file containing ptester code."))

(defmethod operation-done-p ((operation load-op) (component

(in-package #:common-lisp-user)

(defpackage #:cl-unification-test-system
  (:use #:common-lisp #:asdf))

(in-package #:cl-unification-test-system)

(defsystem #:cl-unification-test
  :depends-on (:cl-unification :ptester)
  ((:module "test"
            ((:ptester-source-file "unification-tests")))))

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