[cl-unification-devel] Bugreport

norman werner norman.werner at web.de
Wed Aug 24 21:38:50 UTC 2005


(cl.ext.dacf.unification:unify #T(list 3 4) '(3 ))
will result in an error.

I don't really understand the following code but i think the problem is 
in "(unify (subseq a 0 (list-length vars)) vars env))". 
I don't know how to fix this right.

A temporary solution could be to do something like

(when (< (length a) (length vars))
  (error 'unification-failurse))



(defmethod unify ((a list) (b sequence-template) &optional (env (make-empty-environment)))
  (let ((template-lambda-list (sequence-template-lambda-list b))
        (ll (list-length a))
    (multiple-value-bind (vars optionals keys rest)
        (parse-extended-ordinary-lambda-list template-lambda-list
                                             :ordinary-variable-test #'valid-template-p
                                             :optional-variable-test #'valid-template-p
                                             :key-variable-test #'valid-template-p
                                             :rest-variable-test #'valid-template-p)
      (let* ((n-vars (list-length vars))
             (n-optionals (list-length optionals))
             (env (unify (subseq a 0 (list-length vars)) vars env)))
        (when (and optionals (>= ll (+ n-vars n-optionals)))
          (setf env (unify (subseq a n-vars (+ n-vars n-optionals)) optionals env)))
        (when (and rest (>= ll (+ n-vars n-optionals)))
          (setf env (unify (subseq a (+ n-vars n-optionals)) (first rest) env)))
        (when keys (warn "Sorry mathcing of keywords ~S not yet implemented." keys))
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