[cl-typesetting-devel] bullet character

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Tue Jan 29 07:51:38 UTC 2008

Hello jan,

| >>   How do I add a bullet character to a document?
|> I use (code-char #XB7), aka #\middle_dot (at least in ACL).
| That doesn't work for me, I'm using unicode enabled sbcl such that
| (format nil "~c" #\middle_dot) => "·"
| however
| (tt:format-string "~c" #\middle_dot) outputs ·

I would recommend using Bullet character #\U+2022 in LispWorks ((code-char
#x2022) should wokr in other implementations). In latin-1 and some Windows
code pages, it corresponds to #x95 = 149. But in Type1 fonts like Helvetica
or Symbols the corresponding code is #xB7=183.

The expanded mapping of useful characters seems like this:

(defparameter *char-single-byte-codes*
 '((#.(code-char #x2013) . #x96) ; En dash: 8211 -> 150
   (#.(code-char #x2014) . #x97) ; Em dash: 8212 -> 151
   (#.(code-char #x2022) . #xB7) ; Bullet: 8226 -> 183
   (#.(code-char #x2026) . #x85) ; Ellipsis: 8230 -> 133
   (#.(code-char #x2039) . #x8B) ; Single left angle quotation mark: 8249 ->
   (#.(code-char #x203A) . #x9B) ; Single right angle quotation mark:
8250 -> 155
   (#.(code-char #x2122) . #x99) ; Trademark: 8482 -> 153
) )

I have just committed the addition.
Dmitriy Ivanov

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