[cl-typesetting-devel] Acrobat 5.1: Broken space strings (PDF operator TJ)

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Sun Jan 20 21:55:08 UTC 2008

Dmitriy Ivanov wrote:
> Hello,
> Please take a look at the attached pdf-file in various viewers. It was
> generated by paragraphs with :h-align :fill and explicit :hfill, i.e.
>    (tt:paragraph (:h-align :fill)
>      (tt:format-string "Nr of words ~d - ~a" count comment)
>      :hfill
>      "Words:"  (dotimes (i count) (tt:format-string " wrd:~d" (1+ i)))
> To me, the file looks fine in GSview 4.3. But Acrobat Reader 5.1 renders
> three lines as follows.
> (line 1) The right words are shown not at the right margin.
> (line 2) There is a spurious space between wrd:1 and wrd:2.
> Such a break can potentially emerge at an arbitrary place in the text line,
> even within a word.
> (line 3) Look fine.
> Actually, the mentioned Acrobat version seems to wrongly compute size back
> from the negative unit of space amount. The space is computed in
>      #<method stroke (text-line t t)>.
> I have got a new version of stroke.lisp with a workaround but not committed
> it yet.
Looks fine for me in Acrobat 8.1.
If only the old versions of Acrobat have this problem, then let's keep
it that way. Anyway, people should download a more recent version of
acrobat as it's free.

> BTW, why is maximum of nb-spaces, the number of spaces within one
> text-chunk, limited to 10? Is this an experimental value or due to the TJ
> operator limitation?
I don't remember if there was a reason for this but it's probably not a
good thing anyway.


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