[cl-typesetting-devel] Acrobat 5.1: Broken space strings (PDF operator TJ)

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Wed Dec 26 11:05:09 UTC 2007


Please take a look at the attached pdf-file in various viewers. It was
generated by paragraphs with :h-align :fill and explicit :hfill, i.e.

   (tt:paragraph (:h-align :fill)
     (tt:format-string "Nr of words ~d - ~a" count comment)
     "Words:"  (dotimes (i count) (tt:format-string " wrd:~d" (1+ i)))

To me, the file looks fine in GSview 4.3. But Acrobat Reader 5.1 renders
three lines as follows.

(line 1) The right words are shown not at the right margin.

(line 2) There is a spurious space between wrd:1 and wrd:2.
Such a break can potentially emerge at an arbitrary place in the text line,
even within a word.

(line 3) Look fine.

Actually, the mentioned Acrobat version seems to wrongly compute size back
from the negative unit of space amount. The space is computed in
     #<method stroke (text-line t t)>.
I have got a new version of stroke.lisp with a workaround but not committed
it yet.

BTW, why is maximum of nb-spaces, the number of spaces within one
text-chunk, limited to 10? Is this an experimental value or due to the TJ
operator limitation?
Dmitriy Ivanov
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