[cl-typesetting-devel] Couple of silly questions

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Mon Jan 9 18:26:55 UTC 2006

"C Y" <smustudent1 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Hi!  Just starting to look at cl-typesetting, and I had a couple of
>dumb questions:
>a)  Is there a user manual somewhere?

Not yet. Sorry. You have to look at the examples.

>b)  Can cl-typesetting read files written with TeX syntax?

No. cl-typesetting has a simple Lisp syntax so that it's easy to implement higher level
syntaxes like TeX, make macros, etc. A lot of people said they will implement front-ends
like this but to far AFAIK only Klaus Weidner and Peter Seibel have done so.

>c)  If a program wants to use cl-typesetting as (say) a backend to a
>word-processing like editing environment (I know it's not designed for
>that, but bear with me) how do the clauses in the license impact that
>kind of usage?  The only ones I've seen discuss the implications of the
>cl-typesetting license are Debian-legal
>(http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2005/04/msg00217.html) and I
>don't know that they resolved anything one way or the other.

They didn't resolved anything IIRC. In fact I adapted it from the SSL licence and even
Debian uses SSL. For sure, it doesn't prevent you to do whatever you want to do with it. I
will probably change it anyway.


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