Tables - patch and suppressed border add-on (was Re: [cl-typesetting-devel] Problem with big table)

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at
Mon Oct 31 16:35:06 UTC 2005

Hello folks,

The patch for tables.lisp fixes the bug repored by Peter.

The add-on specially treats the NIL value of the cell :border keyword
argument, which is useful in tables like the following (the excerpt should
be added to test.lisp):

     (tt:paragraph (:top-margin 20) "Suppressed border")
     (tt:table (:col-widths '(200 50 60 60) :border 1)
       (tt:row ()
         (tt:cell () "Item name")
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "Qty"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "Price"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "Amount")))
       (tt:row ()
         (tt:cell () "Wonderous item")
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "25"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "$10.00"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "$250.00")))
       (tt:row ()
         (tt:cell () "Ordinary item")
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "3"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "$5.00"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "$15.00")))
       (tt:row ()
         (tt:cell (:col-span 3 :border nil)      ; <- suppress it at all!
           (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "TOTAL"))
         (tt:cell () (tt:paragraph (:h-align :right) "$265.00"))) )

Please test.
Dmitriy Ivanov
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