[cl-typesetting-devel] Practical Common Lisp Colophon

Dmitriy Ivanov divanov at aha.ru
Fri Oct 7 05:49:15 UTC 2005

Hello Marc,

MB> IIRC, I don't think it has ever been exported.
MB> In fact very few symbols are exported as I don't know if I should
MB> export almost all or only the highest level functions.

In my experience, the following bunch of symbols is worth exporting (an
excerp from my contrib/di-typeset.lisp).

(in-package typeset)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  '(pdf:*document* pdf::*embed-fonts* pdf:*page*))

  (export (mapcar (lambda (name) (intern (string name)))
    #:*leading* #:*leading-ratio*
    #:*table* #:*table-row*

    #:add-table-cell #:add-table-row
    #:p  ; synonym of paragraph

Dmitriy Ivanov

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