[cl-typesetting-devel] Image in upper-right corner.

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Fri Mar 26 15:02:59 UTC 2004

"Erik Enge" <erik at nittin.net> wrote:

OK i've looked at this:

> I tried
>      (typeset:cell ()
>        :hfill (typeset:image :file #p"/somwhere.jpg" :dx 200 :dy 20
> :inline t))
> Though that did not help much.  Did I misunderstand?

When you do this, you are left aligned by default so you will get one hfill
on each side of the image so it will end up centered.

> > Or wrapping the image in a paragraph with a :align :right style ?
> Tried that but that did not work, the image stayed in the same spot.

Sorry it's not :align but :h-align
I tried this in the single-page-example in test.lisp and for me it works:

(cell (:background-color '(1 1 1))
       (paragraph (:h-align :right)
           (image :file fractal-jpg :dx 15 :dy 15 :inline t)))


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