Hi,<br><br>When I try to compile CL-STORE on ECL 9.8.3 (both on Linux and Windows), I get the following error:<br><br>;;; Invoking external command:<br>;;; gcc -o "/home/elliott/Programming/Lisp/asdf/cl-store/default-backend.fas" -L"/usr/local/lib/" "/tmp/ECLINITwoLr1d.o" "/home/elliott/Programming/Lisp/asdf/cl-store/default-backend.o" -shared -lecl -lgmp -ldl -lm <br>
;;; Loading "/home/elliott/Programming/Lisp/asdf/cl-store/default-backend.fas"<br><br>Cannot find out entry point for binary file /home/elliott/Programming/Lisp/asdf/cl-store/ecl/custom.o<br>Available restarts:<br>
<br>1. (QUIT-DEBUGGER) Quit debugger level 1.<br>2. (TRY-RECOMPILING) Try recompiling custom<br>3. (RETRY) Retry performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 21887856> on #<CL-STORE.SYSTEM:NON-REQUIRED-FILE "custom" "cl-store" 23139120>.<br>
4. (ACCEPT) Continue, treating #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 21887856> on #<CL-STORE.SYSTEM:NON-REQUIRED-FILE "custom" "cl-store" 23139120> as having been successful.<br>5. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL.<br>
<br>Broken at SI:BYTECODES. [Evaluation of: (ASDF:OOS 'ASDF:LOAD-OP :CL-STORE)]<br>>><br><br>Any help resolving this error would be appreciated.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Elliott Slaughter<br><br>"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay<br>