[cl-store-cvs] CVS update: cl-store/cl-store-xml.asd cl-store/xml-package.lisp cl-store/xml-tests.lisp cl-store/ChangeLog cl-store/README cl-store/backends.lisp cl-store/circularities.lisp cl-store/cl-store.asd cl-store/default-backend.lisp cl-store/package.lisp cl-store/plumbing.lisp cl-store/tests.lisp cl-store/utils.lisp cl-store/xml-backend.lisp

Sean Ross sross at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 6 14:41:07 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cl-store/cvsroot/cl-store
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6638

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog README backends.lisp circularities.lisp cl-store.asd 
	default-backend.lisp package.lisp plumbing.lisp tests.lisp 
	utils.lisp xml-backend.lisp 
Added Files:
	cl-store-xml.asd xml-package.lisp xml-tests.lisp 
Log Message:
Changelog 2004-10-06
Date: Wed Oct  6 16:41:04 2004
Author: sross

Index: cl-store/ChangeLog
diff -u cl-store/ChangeLog:1.9 cl-store/ChangeLog:1.10
--- cl-store/ChangeLog:1.9	Fri Oct  1 10:49:46 2004
+++ cl-store/ChangeLog	Wed Oct  6 16:41:02 2004
@@ -1,20 +1,45 @@
-2004-10-01 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-10-06 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
+	* cl-store-xml.asd, xml-package.lisp, xml-tests.lisp: Moved the xml backend
+	into it's own package files.
+	* xml-backend.lisp, sbcl/custom-xml.lisp, cmucl/custom-xml.lisp, lispworks/custom-xml.lisp:
+	Added support for infinite floats to sbcl, cmucl and lispworks.
+	* xml-backend.lisp, default-backend.lisp:
+	Fixed floating point contagion warning signalled by clisp.
+	* plumbing.lisp: Changed error handing to signal a store-error or restore-error
+	inside a handler-bind and leave the original error unhandled.
+	* docs/: Rudimentary Documentation.
+2004-10-05 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
+	* default-backend.lisp: New Magic number.
+	* backends.lisp: Changed with-backend to take a variable instead of a backend name.
+	* backends.lisp, plumbing.lisp: Added previous magic number field to backends and
+	an appropriate error if an incompatible magic number is read. 
+	* circularities.lisp, plumbing.lisp: Removed check-stream-element-type.
+	* default-backend.lisp: Added a small optimization for 32 byte integers and
+	support for symbols with unicode strings as names. 
+2004-10-04 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
+	* sbcl/custom.lisp: Custom float storing (supports inifinities).
+	* cmucl/custom.lisp: Custom float storing (supports inifinities).
+	* xml-backend.lisp, tests.xml: Deprecated xml-backend.
+2004-10-01 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* lispworks/custom.lisp: Lispworks support for inifinite floats from Alain Picard.
 	* tests.lisp: Infite float tests for lispworks.
-2004-09-27 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-09-27 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* plumbing.lisp: Slightly nicer error handling (I think).
 	All conditions caught in store and restore are resignalled
 	and rethrown as a store or restore error respectively.
-2004-09-01 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-09-01 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* sbcl/custom.lisp, sbcl/custom-xml.lisp: Custom structure storing.
 	* cmucl/custom.lisp, cmucl/custom-xml.lisp: Custom structure storing.
 	* lispworks/custom.lisp, lispworks/custom-xml.lisp: Custom structure storing
 	for Lispworks from Alain Picard.
 	* test.lisp: Enabled structure tests for Lispworks.
-2004-07-29 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-07-29 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* cl-store.asd: New version (0.2)
 	* sbcl/sockets.lisp: Removed.
 	* store.lisp: Removed.
@@ -27,13 +52,13 @@
 	objects in xml format.
 	* tests.lisp : More and more tests.
-2004-06-04 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-06-04 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* circularities.lisp: spelling fix.
 	* cl-store.asd: Specialized operation-done-p to stop some errors in asdf.
 	* package.lisp: Imports for openmcl from Robert Sedgewick,
 	Along with extra imports for cmucl.
-2004-05-21 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-05-21 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* store.lisp, fix-clisp.lisp, circularities.lisp, package.lisp, 
 	tests.lisp, utils.lisp, cl-store.asd:
 	   Added ability to specify the type code of an object 
@@ -41,12 +66,12 @@
 	   accessor methods for CLISP when restoring classes.
 	   EQ floats are now restored correctly.
-2004-05-18 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-05-18 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* store.lisp, fix-clisp.lisp, sbcl/sockets.lisp:
 	Added fix for sbcl to use non-blocking IO when working with sockets.
 	Created directory structure and moved fix-clisp
-2004-05-17 Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>
+2004-05-17 Sean Ross <sross at common-lisp.net>
 	* store.lisp, fast-io.lisp, circularities.lisp, package.lisp,
 	fix-clisp.lisp, utils.lisp, cl-store.asd, tests.lisp:
 	Initial import

Index: cl-store/README
diff -u cl-store/README:1.7 cl-store/README:1.8
--- cl-store/README:1.7	Fri Oct  1 10:49:46 2004
+++ cl-store/README	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 README for Package CL-STORE.
 Author: Sean Ross 
 Homepage: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cl-store/
-Version: 0.2.5
+Version: 0.2.9
 0. About.
    CL-STORE is an portable serialization package which 
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
    This requires xmls which can be found on http://www.cliki.net and
    is asdf-installable.
-   Run (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :cl-store) to make sure that
-   everything works. Running these tests will try to 
+   Run (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :cl-store) and (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :cl-store-xml)  
+   to make sure that everything works. Running these tests will try to 
    load the RT package, which is asdf-installable. 
    If anything breaks drop me a line, see 
    http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cl-store/ for mailing-lists.
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     (defclass random-obj () ((a :accessor a :initarg :a)))
-    (defvar *random-obj-code* (register-code 22 'random-obj))
+    (defvar *random-obj-code* (register-code 110 'random-obj))
     (defstore-cl-store (obj random-obj stream)
       (output-type-code *random-obj-code* stream)
@@ -82,20 +82,17 @@
    what cl-store used to be (pre 0.2) and an xml backend which writes out
    xml to character streams. 
-   NOTE: As of 0.2.5 the xml backend isn't actively being developed.
-   It's turning out to more of a pain than it's worth. It is now 
-   only there as an example.
    Store and Restore now take an optional backend argument which 
-   currently can be one of *default-backend* or *xml-backend*. 
+   currently can be one of *default-backend*, *xml-backend* or 
+   a self defined backend.
    The xml written out is not very human readable.
    I recommend using a tool like tidy <http://tidy.sourceforge.net/>
    to view it in a nice format.
 5. Issues
-   There are a number of issues with CL-STORE as it stands (0.2.5).
+   There are a number of issues with CL-STORE as it stands (0.2.9).
    - Functions, closures and anything remotely funcallable is unserializable.
    - MOP classes are largely unsupported at the moment.
@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@
    - Older cmucl versions, where (eq 'cl:class 'pcl::class)
      returns nil, cannot store classes obtained using cl:find-class.
      The solution for this is to use pcl::find-class.

Index: cl-store/backends.lisp
diff -u cl-store/backends.lisp:1.1 cl-store/backends.lisp:1.2
--- cl-store/backends.lisp:1.1	Tue Aug 17 13:12:43 2004
+++ cl-store/backends.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
   (error "~A is a required argument" name))
 (defclass backend ()
-  ((name :accessor name :initform "Unknown" :initarg :name)
-   (magic-number :accessor magic-number :initarg :magic-number)
-   (stream-type :accessor stream-type :initarg :stream-type
+  ((name :accessor name :initform "Unknown" :initarg :name :type symbol)
+   (magic-number :accessor magic-number :initarg :magic-number :type integer)
+   (old-magic-numbers :accessor old-magic-numbers :initarg :old-magic-numbers
+                      :type integer)
+   (stream-type :accessor stream-type :initarg :stream-type :type symbol
                 :initform (required-arg "stream-type"))
    (restorer-funs :accessor restorer-funs :initform (make-hash-table)
-                  :initarg :restorer-funs))
+                  :initarg :restorer-funs :type hash-table))
   (:documentation "Core class which custom backends must extend"))
 (defparameter *registered-backends* nil 
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@
         , at body))))
 (defun get-restore-macro (name)
-  "Return the defrestore-? macros which will be used by a custom backend"
+  "Return the defrestore-? macro which will be used by a custom backend"
   (let ((macro-name (symbolicate 'defrestore- name)))
     `(defmacro ,macro-name ((type place) &body body)
       (let ((fn-name (gensym (symbol-name (symbolicate ',name '- type)))))
@@ -64,12 +66,13 @@
     (char 'character)
     (binary 'integer)))
-(defun register-backend (name class magic-number stream-type)
+(defun register-backend (name class magic-number stream-type old-magic-numbers)
   (declare (type symbol name))
   (assert (member stream-type '(char binary)))
   (let ((instance (make-instance class
                                  :name name
                                  :magic-number magic-number
+                                 :old-magic-numbers old-magic-numbers
                                  :stream-type (real-stream-type stream-type))))
     (if (assoc name *registered-backends*)
         (cerror "Redefine backend" "Backend is already defined ~A" name)
@@ -84,11 +87,12 @@
 (defun get-class-form (name fields extends)
   `(defclass ,name (,extends)
-    (:documentation ,(format nil "Autogenerated cl-store class for backend ~(~A~)." 
+    (:documentation ,(format nil "Autogenerated cl-store class for backend ~(~A~)."
 (defmacro defbackend (name &key (stream-type (required-arg "stream-type"))
-                      (magic-number nil) fields (extends 'backend))
+                      (magic-number nil) fields (extends 'backend) 
+                      (old-magic-numbers nil))
   "Defines a new backend called NAME. Stream type must be either 'char or 'binary. 
 FIELDS is a list of legal slots for defclass. MAGIC-NUMBER, when supplied, will
 be written down stream as verification and checked on restoration.
@@ -99,16 +103,18 @@
     `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           ,(get-class-form class-name fields extends)
-          (register-backend ',name ',class-name ,magic-number ,stream-type )
+          (register-backend ',name ',class-name ,magic-number 
+                            ,stream-type ',old-magic-numbers)
         ,(get-store-macro name class-name)
         ,(get-restore-macro name)))))
-(defmacro with-backend ((backend-name) &body body)
-  "Run BODY with *default-backend* bound to the backend BACKEND-NAME"
-  `(let ((*default-backend* (or (find-backend ',backend-name)
-                                (error "Can't find backend ~A" 
-                                       ',backend-name))))
+(defmacro with-backend (backend &body body)
+  "Run BODY with *default-backend* bound to BACKEND"
+  `(let ((*default-backend* (or (and (typep ,backend 'backend) 
+                                     ,backend)
+                                (error "~A is not a legal backend" 
+                                       ,backend))))
     , at body))
 ;; EOF

Index: cl-store/circularities.lisp
diff -u cl-store/circularities.lisp:1.7 cl-store/circularities.lisp:1.8
--- cl-store/circularities.lisp:1.7	Mon Sep 27 13:24:18 2004
+++ cl-store/circularities.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
   "Store OBJ into PLACE. Does the setup for counters and seen values."
   (let ((*stored-counter* 0) 
         (*stored-values* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) 
-    (check-stream-element-type place backend)
     (store-backend-code place backend)
     (backend-store-object obj place backend)
@@ -183,9 +182,8 @@
   (let ((*restore-counter* 0)
         (*need-to-fix* nil)
         (*restored-values* (make-hash-table)))
-    (check-stream-element-type place backend)
-    (check-magic-number place backend)
-    (prog1 
+    (prog2 
+        (check-magic-number place backend)
         (backend-restore-object place backend)
       (dolist (fn *need-to-fix*)
         (funcall (the function fn))))))
@@ -198,13 +196,16 @@
               (new-val (funcall (the function reader) place)))
         (funcall (the function reader) place))))
-(defun int-sym-or-char-p (fn backend)
-  "Is function FN registered to restore an integer, character or symbol
+(defgeneric int-sym-or-char-p (fn backend)
+  (:argument-precedence-order backend fn)
+  (:method ((fn t) (backend t))
+    "Is function FN registered to restore an integer, character or symbol
   in BACKEND."
-  (let ((readers (restorer-funs backend)))
-    (or (eq fn (lookup-reader 'integer readers))
-        (eq fn (lookup-reader 'character readers))
-        (eq fn (lookup-reader 'symbol readers)))))
+    (let ((readers (restorer-funs backend)))
+      (or (eq fn (lookup-reader 'integer readers))
+          (eq fn (lookup-reader 'character readers))
+          (eq fn (lookup-reader 'symbol readers))))))
 (defun new-val (val)

Index: cl-store/cl-store.asd
diff -u cl-store/cl-store.asd:1.9 cl-store/cl-store.asd:1.10
--- cl-store/cl-store.asd:1.9	Fri Oct  1 10:49:46 2004
+++ cl-store/cl-store.asd	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 (in-package #:cl-user)
 (defpackage #:cl-store.system
-  (:use #:cl #:asdf))
+  (:use #:cl #:asdf)
+  (:export #:non-required-file))
 (in-package #:cl-store.system)
@@ -34,12 +35,11 @@
   (when (probe-file (component-pathname c))
 (defsystem cl-store
   :name "CL-STORE"
   :author "Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>"
   :maintainer "Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>"
-  :version "0.2.5"
+  :version "0.2.9"
   :description "Serialization package"
   :long-description "Portable CL Package to serialize data types"
   :licence "MIT"
@@ -52,34 +52,20 @@
                (:file "default-backend" :depends-on ("circularities"))
                (:non-required-file "custom" :depends-on ("default-backend"))))
-(defsystem cl-store-xml
-  :name "CL-STORE-XML"
-  :author "Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>"
-  :maintainer "Sean Ross <sdr at jhb.ucs.co.za>"
-  :description "Xml Backend for cl-store"
-  :licence "MIT"
-  :components ((:file "xml-backend")
-               (:non-required-file "custom-xml" :depends-on ("xml-backend")))
-  :depends-on (:cl-store :xmls))
 (defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :cl-store))))
   (provide 'cl-store))
-(defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :cl-store-xml))))
-  (provide 'cl-store-xml))
 (defmethod perform ((op test-op) (sys (eql (find-system :cl-store))))
   (oos 'load-op :cl-store-tests)
   (oos 'test-op :cl-store-tests))
 (defsystem cl-store-tests
-  :depends-on (rt cl-store cl-store-xml)
+  :depends-on (rt cl-store)
   :components ((:file "tests")))
 (defmethod perform ((op test-op) (sys (eql (find-system :cl-store-tests))))
-  (or (funcall (find-symbol "RUN-TESTS" "CL-STORE-TESTS"))
+  (or (funcall (find-symbol "RUN-TESTS" "CL-STORE-TESTS")
+               (symbol-value (find-symbol "*CL-STORE-BACKEND*" "CL-STORE")))
       (error "Test-op Failed.")))

Index: cl-store/default-backend.lisp
diff -u cl-store/default-backend.lisp:1.7 cl-store/default-backend.lisp:1.8
--- cl-store/default-backend.lisp:1.7	Fri Oct  1 10:49:46 2004
+++ cl-store/default-backend.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -3,13 +3,7 @@
 ;; The cl-store backend. 
-;;  functions
-;;  closures (once done add initform, and default-initargs)
-;;  funcallable instances (methods and generic functions)
-;;  add variable *store-methods-with-classes*
-;;  some sort of optimization for bignums
-;;  cater for unicode characters in symbol names
-;;  Other MOP classes.
 (in-package :cl-store)
@@ -17,17 +11,17 @@
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defvar *cl-store-backend*
-    (defbackend cl-store :magic-number 1886611788 :stream-type 'binary
+    (defbackend cl-store :magic-number 1347635532  
+                :stream-type 'binary
+                :old-magic-numbers (1912923 1886611788)
                 :extends resolving-backend
-                :fields ((restorers :accessor restorers :initform
-                                    nil))))
+                :fields ((restorers :accessor restorers :initform nil))))
   (defun register-code (code name)
     (push (cons code name) (restorers *cl-store-backend*))
 ;;  Type code constants
 (defconstant +referrer-code+ (register-code 1 'referrer))
-(defconstant +non-return-code+ (register-code 2 'non-return))
 (defconstant +integer-code+ (register-code 4 'integer))
 (defconstant +simple-string-code+ (register-code 5 'simple-string))
 (defconstant +float-code+ (register-code 6 'float))
@@ -50,7 +44,10 @@
 ;; Used by lispworks
 (defconstant +positive-infinity-code+ (register-code 22 'positive-infinity))
 (defconstant +negative-infinity-code+ (register-code 23 'negative-infinity))
+;; new storing for 32 byte ints
+(defconstant +32-byte-integer-code+ (register-code 24 '32-byte-integer))
 ;; setups for type code mapping
 (defun output-type-code (code stream)
@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@
   (read-byte stream))
 ;; get-next-reader needs to return a symbol which will be used by the
 ;; backend to lookup the function that was defined by
 ;; defrestore-cl-store to restore it, or nil if not found. 
@@ -79,19 +75,33 @@
   (make-referrer (read-32-byte stream nil)))
+;; integers
+;; The theory is that most numbers will fit in 32 bytes 
+;; so we try and cater for them
-;; non return only used with standard-classes
-(defun store-non-return (obj stream)
-  (output-type-code +non-return-code+ stream)
-  (store-object obj stream))
-(defrestore-cl-store (non-return stream)
-  (restore-object stream)
-  (restore-object stream))
+;; We need this for circularity stuff.
+(defmethod int-sym-or-char-p ((fn t) (backend cl-store-backend))
+  (let ((readers (restorer-funs backend)))
+    (or (eq fn (lookup-reader 'integer readers))
+        (eq fn (lookup-reader 'character readers))
+        (eq fn (lookup-reader '32-byte-integer readers))
+        (eq fn (lookup-reader 'symbol readers)))))
-;; integers
 (defstore-cl-store (obj integer stream)
+  (if (typep obj '(signed-byte 32))
+      (store-32-byte-integer obj stream)
+      (store-arbitrary-integer obj stream)))
+(defun store-32-byte-integer (obj stream)
+  (output-type-code +32-byte-integer-code+ stream)
+  (write-byte (if (minusp obj) 1 0) stream)
+  (store-32-byte (abs obj) stream))
+(defrestore-cl-store (32-byte-integer stream)
+  (funcall (if (zerop (read-byte stream)) #'+ #'-)
+           (read-32-byte stream nil)))
+(defun store-arbitrary-integer (obj stream)
   (output-type-code +integer-code+ stream)
   (loop for n = (abs obj) then (ash n -32)
         for counter from 0
@@ -149,10 +159,11 @@
   (restore-simple-standard-string stream))
 ;; Floats
-;; Is integer-decode-float the Right Thing, or should we 
-;; be using something like sb-kernel:single-float-bits
-;; and sb-kernel:make-single-float
+;; SBCL and CMUCL use a different mechanism for dealing
+;; with floats which supports infinities.
+;; Lispworks uses a slightly different version as well
+;; manually handling negative and positive infinity
+#-(or lispworks cmu sbcl)
 (defstore-cl-store (obj float stream)
   (output-type-code +float-code+ stream)    
   (multiple-value-bind (significand exponent sign)
@@ -162,10 +173,11 @@
     (store-object exponent stream)
     (store-object sign stream)))
+#-(or cmu sbcl)
 (defrestore-cl-store (float stream)
   (float (* (get-float-type (read-byte stream))
             (* (restore-object stream)
-               (* 1.0d0 (expt 2 (restore-object stream))))
+               (expt 2 (restore-object stream)))
             (restore-object stream))))
 ;; ratio
@@ -198,17 +210,16 @@
 ;; symbols
 (defstore-cl-store (obj symbol stream)
   (output-type-code +symbol-code+ stream)    
-  (output-simple-standard-string (package-name (or (symbol-package obj)
-                                                   *package*))
-                                 stream)
-  (output-simple-standard-string (symbol-name obj)
-                                 stream))
+  (store-object (symbol-name obj) stream)
+  (store-object (package-name (or (symbol-package obj) 
+                                  *package*))
+                stream))
 (defrestore-cl-store (symbol stream)
-  (let ((package (restore-simple-standard-string stream))
-        (name (restore-simple-standard-string stream)))
-    (values (intern name package))))
+  (values (intern (restore-object stream)
+                  (restore-object stream))))
 ;; lists
 (defstore-cl-store (obj cons stream)
   (output-type-code +cons-code+ stream)    
@@ -317,23 +328,28 @@
   (restore-type-object stream))
 ;; classes
 (defstore-cl-store (obj standard-class stream)
   (output-type-code +standard-class-code+ stream)
-  (when *store-class-superclasses*
-    (loop for x in (class-direct-superclasses obj) do
-          (when (and x (not (eql x #.(find-class 'standard-object))))
-            (store-non-return x stream))))
-  (store-object (get-class-details obj) stream))
+  (store-object (class-name obj) stream)
+  (store-object (mapcar #'get-slot-details (class-direct-slots obj))
+                stream)
+  (store-object (mapcar (if *store-class-superclasses*
+                            #'identity 
+                            #'class-name)
+                        (remove (find-class 'standard-object)
+                                (class-direct-superclasses obj)))
+                stream)
+  (store-object (type-of obj) stream))
 (defrestore-cl-store (standard-class stream)
-  (let* ((vals (restore-object stream))
+  (let* ((class (restore-object stream))
+         (slots (restore-object stream))
+         (supers (restore-object stream))
+         (meta (restore-object stream))
          (keywords '(:direct-slots :direct-superclasses
-         (final (mappend #'list keywords (cdr vals)))
-         (class (car vals)))
+         (final (mappend #'list keywords (list slots supers meta))))
     (cond ((find-class class nil)
            (cond (*nuke-existing-classes*
                   (apply #'ensure-class class final)

Index: cl-store/package.lisp
diff -u cl-store/package.lisp:1.10 cl-store/package.lisp:1.11
--- cl-store/package.lisp:1.10	Mon Sep 27 13:24:18 2004
+++ cl-store/package.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -3,45 +3,29 @@
 (defpackage #:cl-store
   (:use #:cl) 
-  (:export #:backend
-           #:magic-number
-           #:stream-type
-           #:restorer-funs
-           #:restorers
-           #:find-backend
-           #:defbackend
-           #:with-backend
-           #:fix-circularities
-           #:*default-backend*
-           #:*cl-store-backend*
-           #:*current-backend*
-           #:*store-class-slots*
-           #:*nuke-existing-classes*
-           #:*store-class-superclasses*
-           #:cl-store-error
-           #:store-error
-           #:restore-error
-           #:store
-           #:restore
-           #:backend-store
-           #:check-stream-element-type
-           #:store-backend-code
-           #:store-object
-           #:backend-store-object
-           #:get-class-details
-           #:get-array-values
-           #:restore
-           #:backend-restore
-           #:check-magic-number
-           #:get-next-reader
-           #:restore-object
-           #:backend-restore-object
-           #:cl-store
-           #:defstore-cl-store
-           #:defrestore-cl-store
-           #:register-code
-           #:output-type-code
-           #:xml)
+  (:export #:backend #:magic-number #:stream-type #:restorer-funs
+           #:restorers #:resolving-backend #:find-backend #:defbackend
+           #:*restore-counter* #:*need-to-fix* #:*restored-values*
+           #:with-backend #:fix-circularities #:*default-backend*
+           #:*cl-store-backend* #:*current-backend* #:*store-class-slots*
+           #:*nuke-existing-classes* #:*store-class-superclasses*
+           #:cl-store-error #:store-error #:restore-error #:store
+           #:restore #:backend-store #:store-backend-code #:store-object
+           #:backend-store-object #:get-class-details #:get-array-values
+           #:check-stream-element-type #:restore #:backend-restore
+           #:check-magic-number #:get-next-reader #:int-sym-or-char-p
+           #:restore-object #:backend-restore-object #:cl-store
+           #:defstore-cl-store #:defrestore-cl-store #:register-code
+           #:output-type-code #:store-referrer #:resolving-object
+           #:internal-store-object #:setting #:simple-standard-string
+           #:float-type #:get-float-type #:compute-slots
+           #:slot-definition-allocation #:slot-definition-name
+           #:slot-definition-type #:slot-definition-initargs
+           #:slot-definition-readers #:slot-definition-writers
+           #:class-direct-superclasses #:class-direct-slots
+           #:ensure-class #:make-referrer #:setting-hash
+           #:+positive-infinity+ #:+negative-infinity+
+           #:positive-infinity-p #:negative-infinity-p)
   #+sbcl (:import-from #:sb-mop

Index: cl-store/plumbing.lisp
diff -u cl-store/plumbing.lisp:1.2 cl-store/plumbing.lisp:1.3
--- cl-store/plumbing.lisp:1.2	Mon Sep 27 13:24:18 2004
+++ cl-store/plumbing.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:03 2004
@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@
 ;; conditions
 ;; From 0.2.3 all conditions which are signalled from 
-;; store or restore will be rethrown as store-error and
-;; restore-error respectively. The original condition
-;; is still signalled.
+;; store or restore will signal a store-error or a 
+;; restore-error respectively inside a handler-bind.
 (define-condition cl-store-error (condition)
   ((caused-by :accessor caused-by :initarg :caused-by 
               :initform nil)
@@ -70,18 +69,16 @@
   (:method ((obj t) (place t) &optional (backend *default-backend*))
     "Store OBJ into Stream PLACE using backend BACKEND."
     (let ((*current-backend* backend))
-      (handler-case (backend-store obj place backend)
-        (condition (c) 
-          (signal c)
-          (error (make-condition 'store-error 
-                                 :caused-by c)))))))
+      (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
+                              (signal (make-condition 'store-error 
+                                                      :caused-by c)))))
+        (backend-store obj place backend)))))
 (defgeneric backend-store (obj place backend)
   (:argument-precedence-order backend place obj)
   (:method ((obj t) (place stream) (backend t))
     "The default. Checks the streams element-type, stores the backend code
      and calls store-object."
-    (check-stream-element-type place backend)
     (store-backend-code place backend)
     (store-object obj place backend)
@@ -94,16 +91,6 @@
   (:documentation "Method wrapped by store, override this method for 
     custom behaviour (see circularities.lisp)."))
-(defun check-stream-element-type (stream backend)
-  "Ensure that the stream-element-type of STREAM is compatible with BACKEND."
-  (let ((stream-type (stream-element-type stream))
-        (backend-type (stream-type backend)))
-    (unless (subtypep stream-type backend-type)
-      (store-error  "Streams element type is ~A, backend expecting ~A."
-                    stream-type backend-type))))
 (defun store-backend-code (stream backend)
   "Store magic-number of BACKEND, when present, into STREAM."
   (let ((code (magic-number backend)))
@@ -143,10 +130,15 @@
   (:method (place &optional (backend *default-backend*))
     "Entry point for restoring objects (setfable)."
     (let ((*current-backend* backend))
-      (handler-case (backend-restore place backend)
-        (condition (c) (signal c) 
-                   (error (make-condition 'restore-error
-                                          :caused-by c)))))))
+      (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
+                              (signal (make-condition 'restore-error
+                                                      :caused-by c)))))
+        (backend-restore place backend)))))
+(declaim (inline check-stream-element-type))
+(defun check-stream-element-type (stream)
+  (declare (ignore stream))
+  nil)
 (defgeneric backend-restore (place backend)
   (:argument-precedence-order backend place)
@@ -155,7 +147,6 @@
     "Restore the object found in stream PLACE using backend BACKEND.
      Checks stream-element-type and magic-number and 
      invokes backend-restore-object"
-    (check-stream-element-type place backend)
     (check-magic-number place backend)
     (backend-restore-object place backend))
   (:method ((place string) (backend t))
@@ -184,9 +175,13 @@
       (let ((val (ecase (stream-type backend)
                    (integer (read-32-byte stream))
                    (character (retrieve-string-code stream)))))
-        (unless (equal val magic-number)
-          (restore-error "Stream does not contain a stored object for backend ~A."
-                         (name backend)))))))
+        (cond ((eql val magic-number) nil)
+              ((member val (old-magic-numbers backend))
+               (restore-error "Stream contains an object stored with a ~
+incompatible version of backend ~A." (name backend)))
+              (t (restore-error "Stream does not contain a stored object~
+ for backend ~A."
+                                (name backend))))))))
 (defun lookup-reader (val readers)
   (gethash val readers))
@@ -232,4 +227,4 @@
-;; EOF
\ No newline at end of file
+;; EOF

Index: cl-store/tests.lisp
diff -u cl-store/tests.lisp:1.6 cl-store/tests.lisp:1.7
--- cl-store/tests.lisp:1.6	Fri Oct  1 10:49:46 2004
+++ cl-store/tests.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:04 2004
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-store-tests)
 (defvar *test-file* "filetest.cls")
@@ -14,6 +13,8 @@
   (store val *test-file*)
   (let ((restored (restore *test-file*)))
     (or (and (numberp val) (= val restored))
+        (and (stringp val) (string= val restored))
+        (and (characterp val) (char= val restored))
         (eq val restored)
         (eql val restored)
         (equal val restored)
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
 (deftestit integer.4 -2322993)
 (deftestit integer.5 most-positive-fixnum)
 (deftestit integer.6 most-negative-fixnum)
 ;; ratios
 (deftestit ratio.1 1/2)
 (deftestit ratio.2 234232/23434)
@@ -62,10 +64,14 @@
 (deftestit double-float.6 most-negative-double-float)
 ;; infinite floats
-(deftestit infinite-float.1 cl-store::+negative-infinity+)
-(deftestit infinite-float.2 cl-store::+positive-infinity+)
+#+(or sbcl cmu lispworks)
+  #+sbcl (sb-int:set-floating-point-modes :traps nil)
+  #+cmu (ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps nil)
+  (deftestit infinite-float.1 (expt most-positive-single-float 3))
+  (deftestit infinite-float.2 (expt most-positive-double-float 3))
+  (deftestit infinite-float.3 (expt most-negative-single-float 3))
+  (deftestit infinite-float.4 (expt most-negative-double-float 3)))
 ;; characters
@@ -442,23 +448,15 @@
 (defrestore-cl-store (random-obj buff)
   (random (restore-object buff)))
-(add-xml-mapping "RANDOM-OBJ")
-(defstore-xml (obj random-obj stream)
-  (princ-and-store "RANDOM-OBJ" (size obj) stream))
-(defrestore-xml (random-obj stream)
-  (random (restore-first stream)))
 (deftest custom.1
   (progn (store (make-instance 'random-obj :size 5) *test-file* )
          (typep (restore *test-file*) '(integer 0 4)))
-(defun run-tests ()
-  (with-backend (cl-store)
+(defun run-tests (backend)
+  (with-backend backend
   (when (probe-file *test-file*)
     (delete-file *test-file*)))

Index: cl-store/utils.lisp
diff -u cl-store/utils.lisp:1.3 cl-store/utils.lisp:1.4
--- cl-store/utils.lisp:1.3	Tue Aug 17 13:12:43 2004
+++ cl-store/utils.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:04 2004
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
 (defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
   `(let ((it ,test))
     (if it ,then ,else)))
@@ -30,18 +29,6 @@
         :readers (slot-definition-readers slot-definition)
         :type (slot-definition-type slot-definition)
         :writers (slot-definition-writers slot-definition)))
-(defun get-class-details (x)
-  "Return a list of class details which can be 
-   used as arguments to ensure-class"
-  (list (class-name x)
-        ;; can't use this value either (see get-slot-details)
-        ;;(class-direct-default-initargs x)
-        (mapcar #'get-slot-details (class-direct-slots x))
-        (mapcar #'class-name
-                (class-direct-superclasses x))
-        (type-of x)))
 (defmacro awhen (test &body body)
   `(aif ,test

Index: cl-store/xml-backend.lisp
diff -u cl-store/xml-backend.lisp:1.3 cl-store/xml-backend.lisp:1.4
--- cl-store/xml-backend.lisp:1.3	Mon Aug 30 17:10:20 2004
+++ cl-store/xml-backend.lisp	Wed Oct  6 16:41:04 2004
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
 ;; See the file LICENCE for licence information.
-(in-package :cl-store)
+(in-package :cl-store-xml)
 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-(export '(*xml-backend* xml-backend defstore-xml defrestore-xml princ-and-store
-          princ-xml restore-first with-tag first-child second-child get-child
-          add-xml-mapping))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defvar *xml-backend*
     (defbackend xml :stream-type 'char :extends resolving-backend)))
@@ -41,6 +37,15 @@
 (add-xml-mapping "SIMPLE-VECTOR")
 (add-xml-mapping "PACKAGE")
+;; Used by cmucl and sbcl
+(add-xml-mapping "DOUBLE-FLOAT")
+(add-xml-mapping "SINGLE-FLOAT")
+;; Used by lispworks
+(add-xml-mapping "POSITIVE-INFINITY")
+(add-xml-mapping "NEGATIVE-INFINITY")
 (defmethod get-next-reader ((place list) (backend xml-backend))
   (gethash (car place) *xml-mapping*))
@@ -85,7 +90,6 @@
   (let ((*restore-counter* 0)
         (*need-to-fix* nil)
         (*restored-values* (make-hash-table)))
-    (check-stream-element-type place backend)
     (let ((obj (backend-restore-object (xmls:parse place) backend)))
       (dolist (fn *need-to-fix*)
         (funcall (the function fn)))
@@ -100,8 +104,6 @@
   (make-referrer (parse-integer (third place))))
 ;; integer
 (defstore-xml (obj integer stream)
   (princ-xml "INTEGER" obj stream))
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@
 ;; float
+#-(or lispworks sbcl cmu)
 (defstore-xml (obj float stream)
   (with-tag ("FLOAT" stream)
     (multiple-value-bind (signif exp sign) 
@@ -133,9 +136,10 @@
       (princ-and-store "SIGN" sign stream)
       (princ-and-store "TYPE" (float-type obj) stream))))
+#-(or sbcl cmu)
 (defrestore-xml (float place)
   (float (* (* (restore-first (get-child "SIGNIFICAND" place))
-               (* 1.0d0 (expt 2 (restore-first (get-child "EXPONENT" place)))))
+               (expt 2 (restore-first (get-child "EXPONENT" place))))
             (restore-first (get-child "SIGN" place)))
          (get-float-type (restore-first (get-child "TYPE" place)))))
@@ -445,4 +449,6 @@
 (defrestore-xml (package place)
   (find-package (restore-first place)))
+(setf *default-backend* *xml-backend*)
 ;; EOF

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