[cl-smtp-devel] pointer out of memory bounds

William P. Proffitt jacobite1607 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 20:14:34 UTC 2014


Recently as in the last couple of days. I have been having trouble with  
Cl-Smtp  on Exchange 2003 in Lispworks 6.1.1 .

It goes like this:

(in-package "CL-USER")

(ql:quickload 'cl-smtp)

(cl-smtp:send-email "ServerName"
                     "User1 at FooSite.com"
                     "User2 at FooSite.com"
                     "Read this message"
                     :authentication '(:login "FooUser" "FooPassword"))

Error: The condition In + of (8 #<pointer out of memory bounds: 52>)  
arguments should be of type NUMBER. occurred.

It appears it encounters this error in the underlined code below in  
cl-smtp.lisp (cl-smtp-20140211-cvs)

(defun read-from-smtp (stream &optional lines)
      (let* ((line (read-line stream))
         (response (string-trim '(#\Return #\NewLine) (subseq line 4)))
         (response-code (parse-integer line :start 0 :junk-allowed t)))
        (WHEN *DEBUG* (PRINT (FORMAT NIL "from server: ~A" LINE)))
         (if (= (char-code (elt line 3)) (char-code #\-))
            (read-from-smtp stream (append lines (list response)))
            (values response-code response lines))))

Any idea what is wrong?


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