[cl-smtp-cvs] CVS cl-smtp

jidzikowski jidzikowski at common-lisp.net
Wed Apr 2 18:02:29 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv3901

Modified Files:
	CHANGELOG README cl-smtp.asd cl-smtp.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
A lot of changes:
- add support for sending raw messages
- add character quoting in email headers (according to RFC2047)
- add condition classes for error reporting
- fixed STARTTLS
- change authentication functionality
See CHANGELOG and source.
Thanks Hans Huebner for these changes.

--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/CHANGELOG	2007/11/11 23:10:21	1.10
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/CHANGELOG	2008/04/02 18:02:28	1.11
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Version 20080202.1
+Added support for sending raw messages. (Hans Huebner)
+Fixed STARTTLS so that an EHLO command is sent after STARTTLS. (Hans Huebner)
+Changed Authentication functionality, the actual authentication method used is determined by looking at the advertised features of the SMTP server. (Hans Huebner)
+Added non-ASCII character quoting in email headers (according to RFC2047). (Hans Huebner)
+Added condition classes for error reporting. (Hans Huebner)
+Change cl-smtp.lisp, cl-smtp.asd, CHANGELOG
+Add smtp-output-stream.lisp
 Version 20071113.1
 Add SSL support, thank Timothy Ritchey for the suggestions.
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/README	2007/11/11 23:10:21	1.8
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/README	2008/04/02 18:02:28	1.9
@@ -25,26 +25,29 @@
   - host (String)                  : hostname or ip-adress of the smtpserver
   - from (String)                  : email adress 
-  - to (String or Cons of Strings) : email adress 
+  - to (String or List of Strings) : email adress 
   - subject (String)               : subject text
   - message (String)               : message body
-  - cc (String or Cons of Strings) : email adress carbon copy
-  - bcc (String or Cons of Strings): email adress blind carbon copy
+  - cc (String or List of Strings) : email adress carbon copy
+  - bcc (String or List of Strings): email adress blind carbon copy
   - reply-to (String)              : email adress
   - displayname (String)           : displayname of the sender
-  - extra-headers (Cons)           : extra headers as alist
+  - extra-headers (List)           : extra headers as alist
   - html-message (String)          : message body formatted with HTML tags
-  - authentication (Cons)          : list with 3 elements
-                                     (:method "username" "password")
+  - authentication (List)          : list with 2 or elements
+                                     ([:method] "username" "password")
                                      method is a keyword :plain or :login
+                                     If the method is not specified, the
+                                     proper method is determined automatically.
   - attachments (String or Pathname: attachments to send
-                Cons of String/Pathnames)
+                List of String/Pathnames)
   - buffer-size (Number default 256): controls how much of a attachment file
                                       is read on each loop before encoding 
                                       and transmitting the contents, 
-                                      the number is interpretted in KB 
-  - ssl (Boolean)                   : if true than use the STARTTLS functionality to make a ssl connection
+                                      the number is interpreted in KB 
+  - ssl (or t :starttls :tls)       : if t or :STARTTLS: use the STARTTLS functionality
+                                      if :TLS: use TLS directly
 Returns nil or error with message
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.asd	2007/11/11 23:10:21	1.12
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.asd	2008/04/02 18:02:29	1.13
@@ -16,25 +16,18 @@
 ;;; File: cl-smtp.asd
 ;;; Description: cl-smtp ASDF system definition file
-(defpackage :cl-smtp
-   	(:use :cl :asdf)
-	(:export :send-email))
-(in-package :cl-smtp)
-(defparameter *debug* nil)
-(defmacro print-debug (str)
-  `(when *debug*
-      (print ,str)))
 (asdf:defsystem :cl-smtp
-       :version "20071113.1"
-	:perform (load-op :after (op webpage)
-			  (pushnew :cl-smtp cl:*features*))
-	:depends-on (:usocket #-allegro :cl-base64 
-			      #-allegro :flexi-streams
-			      #-allegro :cl+ssl)
-	:components ((:file "cl-smtp" :depends-on ("attachments"))
-                    (:file "attachments")
-                    (:file "mime-types")))
+  :version "20080202.1"
+  :perform (load-op :after (op webpage)
+                    (pushnew :cl-smtp cl:*features*))
+  :depends-on (:usocket 
+               :trivial-gray-streams
+               :flexi-streams
+               #-allegro :cl-base64 
+               #-allegro :cl+ssl)
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:file "package")
+               (:file "attachments")
+               (:file "cl-smtp")
+               (:file "smtp-output-stream")
+               (:file "mime-types")))
--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2007/11/11 23:10:21	1.11
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2008/04/02 18:02:29	1.12
@@ -34,21 +34,23 @@
     (error "the \"~A\" argument is not a string or cons" name))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defvar *line-with-one-dot* #.(format nil "~C~C.~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
+                                        #\Return #\NewLine))
+  (defvar *line-with-two-dots* #.(format nil "~C~C..~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
+                                         #\Return #\NewLine)))
 (defun mask-dot (str)
-  "replace \r\n.\r\n with \r\n..\r\n"
-  (let ((dotstr (format nil "~C~C.~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
-			#\Return #\NewLine))
-	(maskdotsr (format nil "~C~C..~C~C" #\Return #\NewLine
-			#\Return #\NewLine))
-	(resultstr ""))
+  "Replace all occurences of \r\n.\r\n in STR with \r\n..\r\n"
+  (let ((resultstr ""))
     (labels ((mask (tempstr)
-	       (let ((n (search dotstr tempstr)))
+	       (let ((n (search *line-with-one-dot* tempstr)))
 		   (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr 
 						(subseq tempstr 0 n)
-						maskdotsr))
-		   (mask (subseq tempstr (+ n 5))))
+						*line-with-two-dots*))
+		   (mask (subseq tempstr (+ n #.(length *line-with-one-dot*)))))
 		   (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr 
@@ -60,11 +62,76 @@
   #+allegro (excl:string-to-base64-string str)
   #-allegro (cl-base64:string-to-base64-string str))
+(define-condition smtp-error (error)
+  ())
+(define-condition smtp-protocol-error (smtp-error)
+  ((command :initarg :command :reader command)
+   (expected-response-code :initarg :expected-response-code :reader expected-response-code)
+   (response-code :initarg :response-code :reader response-code)
+   (response-message :initarg :response-message :reader response-message))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t)
+               (format stream "a command failed:~%command: ~S expected: ~A response: ~A"
+                       (command condition)
+                       (expected-response-code condition)
+                       (response-message condition))))))
+(define-condition rcpt-failed (smtp-protocol-error)
+  ((recipient :initarg :recipient
+              :reader recipient))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t)
+               (format stream "while trying to send email through SMTP, the server rejected the recipient ~A: ~A"
+                       (recipient condition)
+                       (response-message condition))))))
+(defun smtp-command (stream command expected-response-code
+                     &key (condition-class 'smtp-protocol-error) 
+                     condition-arguments)
+  (when command
+    (write-to-smtp stream command))
+  (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr lines)
+      (read-from-smtp stream)
+    (when (/= code expected-response-code)
+      (apply #'error
+             condition-class
+             (append condition-arguments
+                     (list :command command
+                           :expected-response-code expected-response-code
+                           :response-code code
+                           :response-message msgstr))))
+    lines))
+(defun do-with-smtp-mail (host from to thunk &key port authentication ssl local-hostname)
+  (usocket:with-client-socket (socket stream host port)
+    (let ((stream (smtp-handshake stream
+                                  :authentication authentication 
+                                  :ssl ssl
+                                  :local-hostname local-hostname)))
+      (initiate-smtp-mail stream from to)
+      (funcall thunk  (make-instance 'smtp-output-stream :encapsulated-stream stream))
+      (finish-smtp-mail stream))))
+(defmacro with-smtp-mail ((stream-var host from to &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) authentication local-hostname)
+                          &body body)
+  "Encapsulate a SMTP MAIl conversation.  A connection to the SMTP
+   server on HOST and PORT is established and a MAIL command is
+   initiated with FROM being the mail sender and TO being the list of
+   recipients.  BODY is evaluated with STREAM-VAR being the stream
+   connected to the remote SMTP server.  BODY is expected to write the
+   RFC2821 message (headers and body) to STREAM-VAR."
+  `(do-with-smtp-mail ,host ,from ,to
+                      (lambda (,stream-var) , at body)
+                      :port ,port
+                      :authentication ,authentication 
+                      :ssl ,ssl
+                      :local-hostname ,local-hostname))
 (defun send-email (host from to subject message 
-		   &key (port 25) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers
+		   &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers
 		   html-message display-name authentication
-		   attachments (buffer-size 256) ssl)
+		   attachments (buffer-size 256))
   (send-smtp host from (check-arg to "to") subject (mask-dot message)
 	     :port port :cc (check-arg cc "cc") :bcc (check-arg bcc "bcc")
 	     :reply-to reply-to 
@@ -78,186 +145,216 @@
 	     :ssl ssl))
-(defun send-smtp (host from to subject message 
-		  &key (port 25) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers html-message 
-		  display-name authentication attachments buffer-size ssl)
-  (let* ((sock (usocket:socket-stream (usocket:socket-connect host port)))
-	 (boundary (make-random-boundary))
-	 (html-boundary (if (and attachments html-message)
-			    (make-random-boundary)
-			    boundary)))
-    (unwind-protect
-	 (let ((stream (open-smtp-connection sock 
-					     :authentication authentication 
-					     :ssl ssl)))
-	   (send-smtp-headers stream :from from :to to :cc cc :bcc bcc 
-			      :reply-to reply-to
-			      :display-name display-name 
-			      :extra-headers extra-headers :subject subject)
-	   (when (or attachments html-message)
-	     (send-multipart-headers 
-	      stream :attachment-boundary (when attachments boundary) 
-	      :html-boundary html-boundary))
-	   ;;----------- Send  the body Message ---------------------------
-	   ;;--- Send the proper headers depending on plain-text, 
-	   ;;--- multi-part or html email 
-	   (cond ((and attachments html-message)
-		  ;; if both present, start attachment section, 
-		  ;; then define alternative section, 
-		  ;; then write alternative header
-		  (progn 
-		    (generate-message-header 
-		     stream :boundary boundary :include-blank-line? nil)
-		    (generate-multipart-header stream html-boundary 
-					       :multipart-type "alternative")
-		    (write-blank-line stream)
-		    (generate-message-header 
-		     stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
-		     :content-disposition "inline" :include-blank-line? nil)))
-		 (attachments 
-		  (generate-message-header 
-		   stream :boundary boundary 
-		   :content-type *content-type* :content-disposition "inline"
-		   :include-blank-line? nil))
-		 (html-message
-		  (generate-message-header 
-		   stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
-		   :content-disposition "inline"))
-		 (t 
-		  (generate-message-header stream :content-type *content-type*
-					   :include-blank-line? nil)))
-	   (write-blank-line stream)
-	   (write-to-smtp stream message)
-	   (write-blank-line stream)
-	   ;;---------- Send  Html text if needed -------------------------
-	   (when html-message
-	     (generate-message-header 
-	      stream :boundary html-boundary 
-	      :content-type "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" 
-	      :content-disposition "inline")
-	     (write-to-smtp stream html-message)
-	     (send-end-marker stream html-boundary))
-	   ;;---------- Send Attachments -----------------------------------
-	   (when attachments
-	     (dolist (attachment attachments)
-	       (send-attachment stream attachment boundary buffer-size))
-	     (send-end-marker stream boundary))
-	   (write-char #\. stream)
-	   (write-blank-line stream)
-	   (force-output stream)
-	   (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	       (read-from-smtp stream)
-	     (when (/= code 250)
-	       (error "Message send failed: ~A" msgstr)))
-	   (write-to-smtp stream "QUIT")
-	   (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	       (read-from-smtp stream)
-	     (when (/= code 221)
-	       (error "in QUIT command:: ~A" msgstr))))      
-      (close sock))))
-(defun open-smtp-connection (stream &key authentication ssl)
-  (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-      (read-from-smtp stream)
-    (when (/= code 220)
-      (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr)))
-  (when ssl
-    (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "EHLO ~A" 
-				  (usocket::get-host-name)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr lines)
-	(read-from-smtp stream)
-      (when (/= code 250)
-	(error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr))
-      (when ssl
-	(cond
-	  ((find "STARTTLS" lines :test #'equal)
-	   (print-debug "this server supports TLS")
-	   (write-to-smtp stream "STARTTLS")
-	   (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	       (read-from-smtp stream)
-	     (when (/= code 220)
-	       (error "Unable to start TLS: ~A" msgstr))
-	     (setf stream 
-		   #+allegro (socket:make-ssl-client-stream stream)
-		   #-allegro
-		   (let ((s stream))
-		     (cl+ssl:make-ssl-client-stream 
-		      (cl+ssl:stream-fd stream)
-		      :close-callback (lambda () (close s)))))
-	     #-allegro
-	     (setf stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream 
-			   stream
-			   :external-format 
-			   (flexi-streams:make-external-format 
-			    :latin-1 :eol-style :lf)))))
-	  (t
-	   (error "this server does not supports TLS"))))))
-  (cond
-    (authentication
-     (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "EHLO ~A" 
-				   (usocket::get-host-name)))
-     (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	 (read-from-smtp stream)
-       (when (/= code 250)
-	 (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr)))
-     (cond
-       ((eq (car authentication) :plain)
-	(write-to-smtp stream (format nil "AUTH PLAIN ~A" 
-				      (string-to-base64-string
-				       (format nil "~A~C~A~C~A" 
-					       (cadr authentication)
-					       #\null (cadr authentication) 
-					       #\null
-					       (caddr authentication)))))
-	(multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	    (read-from-smtp stream)
-	  (when (/= code 235)
-	    (error "plain authentication failed: ~A" msgstr))))
-       ((eq (car authentication) :login)
-	(write-to-smtp stream "AUTH LOGIN")
-	(multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	    (read-from-smtp stream)
-	  (when (/= code 334)
-	    (error "login authentication failed: ~A" msgstr)))
-	(write-to-smtp stream (string-to-base64-string (cadr authentication)))
-	(multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	    (read-from-smtp stream)
-	  (when (/= code 334)
-	    (error "login authentication send username failed: ~A" msgstr)))
-	(write-to-smtp stream (string-to-base64-string (caddr authentication)))
-	(multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	    (read-from-smtp stream)
-	  (when (/= code 235)
-	    (error "login authentication send password failed: ~A" msgstr))))
-       (t
-	(error "authentication ~A is not supported in cl-smtp" 
-	       (car authentication)))))
-    (t
-     (write-to-smtp stream (format nil "HELO ~A" (usocket::get-host-name)))
-     (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
-	 (read-from-smtp stream)
-       (when (/= code 250)
-	 (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr)))))
+(defun send-smtp (host from to subject message
+                  &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) cc bcc
+		  reply-to extra-headers html-message display-name
+		  authentication attachments buffer-size
+                  (local-hostname (usocket::get-host-name)))
+  (with-smtp-mail (stream host from (append to cc bcc)
+                          :port port
+                          :authentication authentication 
+                          :ssl ssl
+                          :local-hostname local-hostname)
+    (let* ((boundary (make-random-boundary))
+           (html-boundary (if (and attachments html-message)
+                              (make-random-boundary)
+                              boundary)))
+      (send-mail-headers stream
+                         :from from
+                         :to to
+                         :cc cc
+                         :reply-to reply-to
+                         :display-name display-name 
+                         :extra-headers extra-headers :subject subject)
+      (when (or attachments html-message)
+        (send-multipart-headers stream
+                                :attachment-boundary (when attachments boundary) 
+                                :html-boundary html-boundary))
+      ;;----------- Send  the body Message ---------------------------
+      ;;--- Send the proper headers depending on plain-text, 
+      ;;--- multi-part or html email 
+      (cond ((and attachments html-message)
+             ;; if both present, start attachment section, 
+             ;; then define alternative section, 
+             ;; then write alternative header
+             (progn 
+               (generate-message-header 
+                stream :boundary boundary :include-blank-line? nil)
+               (generate-multipart-header stream html-boundary 
+                                          :multipart-type "alternative")
+               (write-blank-line stream)
+               (generate-message-header 
+                stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
+                :content-disposition "inline" :include-blank-line? nil)))
+            (attachments 
+             (generate-message-header 
+              stream :boundary boundary 
+              :content-type *content-type* :content-disposition "inline"
+              :include-blank-line? nil))
+            (html-message
+             (generate-message-header 
+              stream :boundary html-boundary :content-type *content-type* 
+              :content-disposition "inline"))
+            (t 
+             (generate-message-header stream :content-type *content-type*
+                                      :include-blank-line? nil)))
+      (write-blank-line stream)
+      (write-to-smtp stream message)
+      (write-blank-line stream)
+      ;;---------- Send  Html text if needed -------------------------
+      (when html-message
+        (generate-message-header 
+         stream :boundary html-boundary 
+         :content-type "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" 
+         :content-disposition "inline")
+        (write-to-smtp stream html-message)
+        (send-end-marker stream html-boundary))
+      ;;---------- Send Attachments -----------------------------------
+      (when attachments
+        (dolist (attachment attachments)
+          (send-attachment stream attachment boundary buffer-size))
+        (send-end-marker stream boundary)))))
+(define-condition no-supported-authentication-method (smtp-error)
+  ((features :initarg :features :reader features))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t)
+               (format stream "SMTP authentication has been requested, but the SMTP server did not advertise any ~
+                               supported authentication scheme.  Features announced: ~{~S~^, ~}"
+                       (features condition))))))
+(defun smtp-authenticate (stream authentication features)
+  "Authenticate to the SMTP server connected on STREAM.
+   AUTHENTICATION is a list of two or three elements.  If the first
+   element is a keyword, it specifies the desired authentication
+   method (:PLAIN or :LOGIN), which is currently ignored.  The actual
+   method used is determined by looking at the advertised features of
+   the SMTP server.  The (other) two elements of the AUTHENTICATION
+   list are the login username and password.  FEATURES is the list of
+   features announced by the SMTP server.
+   If the server does not announce any compatible authentication scheme,
+   the NO-SUPPORTED-AUTHENTICATION-METHOD error is signalled."
+  (when (keywordp (car authentication))
+    (pop authentication))
+  (let ((server-authentication (loop for i in features
+                                  for e = (search "AUTH " i :test #'equal)
+                                  when (and e (= e 0))
+                                  return i)))
+    (destructuring-bind (username password) authentication
+      (cond
+        ((search " PLAIN" server-authentication :test #'equal)
+         (smtp-command stream (format nil "AUTH PLAIN ~A" 
+                                      (string-to-base64-string
+                                       (format nil "~A~C~A~C~A" 
+                                               username
+                                               #\null username
+                                               #\null password)))
+                       235))
+        ((search " LOGIN" server-authentication :test #'equal)
+         (smtp-command stream "AUTH LOGIN"
+                       334)
+         (smtp-command stream (string-to-base64-string username)
+                       334)
+         (smtp-command stream (string-to-base64-string password)
+                       235))
+        (t
+         (error 'no-supported-authentication-method :features features))))))
+(defun smtp-handshake (stream &key authentication ssl local-hostname)
+  "Perform the initial SMTP handshake on STREAM.  Returns the stream
+   to use further down in the conversation, which may be different from
+   the original stream if we switched to SSL."

[150 lines skipped]

--- /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp	2008/04/02 18:02:29	NONE
+++ /project/cl-smtp/cvsroot/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp	2008/04/02 18:02:29	1.1

[237 lines skipped]

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