[cl-ppcre-devel] Prioritising matches by the order of the alternatives.

David Johnson-Davies david at interface.co.uk
Wed Jun 23 14:50:04 UTC 2010

Is it possible to prioritise matches by the order of the alternatives?

This demonstrates what I want to do:

(cl-ppcre::scan-to-strings "super(man|dog|girl|woman|boy)" "this is the story of superboy and superman.")

This matches "superboy" because it matches the first "super" and then tries each of the ORs until it finds "boy".

What I want it to do is match according to the priority I've specified in the OR list. For example, if it finds a "superman" anywhere in the target-string it should match that before trying "superdog" etc.

I know I could do this with a bit of Lisp code, but if it's possible to keep it all in the regexp I'd prefer to do that.

David Johnson-Davies

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