[cl-ppcre-devel] Multi-line-mode

Klaus Harbo klaus at harbo.net
Sun May 2 20:46:23 UTC 2004

I have been using cl-ppcre for quite some time - great program library, 
thx! - but I am now looking to match multi-line data, and Iøm having 
some difficulties...

I would expect

   (create-scanner ".+" :multi-line-mode t)
   (concatenate 'string '(#\a #\Newline #\b)))

to match all three characters, but it matches only #\a.  I downloaded 
cl-ppcre from CVS just now to check that this occurs in the most recent 
version; I'm using Lispworks 4.3.6.  CMUCL 18d seems to behave the same way.

Can I make :everything (".") match multiple lines of input, and if so, how?

Any help much appreciated.



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