Patch for external streams and CL-POP+SSL

Max Rottenkolber max at
Mon May 13 20:09:28 UTC 2013

Excuse the last mail, I accidentally messed up the subject and didn't
include the attachments. Here we go again:


I have attached a patch (against the 0.2.0 codebase). Its really a tiny
patch so it shouldn't be hard to apply it on the development codebase.
It adds a CLOSE-SOCKET-P keyword to CLOSE-POP-CONNECTION which does what
the name suggests. WITH-POP-CONNECTION now tests for the :STREAM keyword
in ARGS to decide how to call CLOSE-POP-CONNECTION. Lastly,
OPEN-POP-CONNECTION accepts a STREAM keyword argument which can be used 
instead of HOST and PORT.

The system CL-POP+SSL (ssl.lisp and cl-pop+ssl.asd) provides a macro
WITH-POP+SSL-CONNECTION that behaves almost like exactly like its non SSL
counterpart but uses SSL.

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