[cl-plus-ssl-devel] ssl crashing in hunchentoot. A solution?

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Mon Apr 4 07:54:54 UTC 2011


03.04.2011, 17:26, "David Lichteblau" <david at lichteblau.com>:

> I have committed an updated version of the patch to CL+SSL CVS now.

BTW, from your patch I saw you are using git. Haven't you thought to move CL+SSL 
repository to some git hosting?

>>  It's done from Lisp, and should really be done directly in C, similar to
>>  the th-lock.c sample code from OpenSSL.  But let's first check whether
>>  it addresses the issue at all.
> If anyone is interested in developing a C version, let's move to that
> ultimately.  But I've decided to commit the Lisp version for now,
> because I think that correctness should come before performance in this
> case.

IMHO the Lisp solution is better, because it frees end user from compiling
C code. Before developing a C version, we should be sure that performance
is really somehow significantly affected by the fact that the locking and thread-id
callbacks are in Lisp. Anyway, cl+ssl is embedded into systems where everything
is in Lisp.

(I wander, why OpenSSL does not include these locking and thread-id functions
itself and require users to copy/paste the C code from the examples.)

Best regards,
- Anton

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