[cl-plus-ssl-devel] Error message

Mitch Berkson mitch at bermita.com
Thu Sep 3 20:53:47 UTC 2009

I'm using Lispworks on XP.

I installed OpenSSL from the binary Win32 OpenSSL v0.9.8k. When I try to 
connect to my server's Postgres database using:

(setf *database* (postmodern:connect "dbname" "login-name" "pwd" "host" 
:use-ssl :yes))

I get the error:

Error: A failure in the SSL library occurred on handle #<Pointer to type 
:VOID = #x02600208>. (Return code: 1)SSL error queue:
error:140C5042:SSL routines:SSL_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION:called a function you 
should not call

I am able to connect to the database without using ssl. I'd appreciate 
any suggestions about how to get SSL working. Thank you.


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