[cl-plus-ssl-cvs] CVS cl+ssl

avodonosov avodonosov at common-lisp.net
Tue Nov 4 00:25:52 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv29000

Modified Files:
	ffi.lisp index.html streams.lisp 
Log Message:
more secure initialization of OpenSSL random number generator

--- /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/ffi.lisp	2008/11/03 17:58:45	1.11
+++ /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/ffi.lisp	2008/11/04 00:25:52	1.12
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
 ;;; Constants
-(defconstant +random-entropy+ 256)
 (defconstant +ssl-filetype-pem+ 1)
 (defconstant +ssl-filetype-asn1+ 2)
 (defconstant +ssl-filetype-default+ 3)
@@ -342,33 +340,49 @@
 ;;; Initialization
-(defun init-prng ()
-  ;; this initialization of random entropy is not necessary on
-  ;; Linux, since the OpenSSL library automatically reads from
-  ;; /dev/urandom if it exists. On Solaris it is necessary.
-  (let ((buf (cffi-sys::make-shareable-byte-vector +random-entropy+)))
-    (dotimes (i +random-entropy+)
-      (setf (elt buf i) (random 256)))
+(defun init-prng (seed-byte-sequence)
+  (let* ((length (length seed-byte-sequence))
+         (buf (cffi-sys::make-shareable-byte-vector length)))
+    (dotimes (i length)
+      (setf (elt buf i) (elt seed-byte-sequence i)))
     (cffi-sys::with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr buf)
-      (rand-seed ptr +random-entropy+))))
+      (rand-seed ptr length))))
 (defun ssl-ctx-set-session-cache-mode (ctx mode)
   (ssl-ctx-ctrl ctx +SSL_CTRL_SET_SESS_CACHE_MODE+ mode 0))
-(defun initialize (&optional (method 'ssl-v23-method))
+(defun initialize (&key (method 'ssl-v23-method) rand-seed)
   (setf *bio-lisp-method* (make-bio-lisp-method))
-  (init-prng)
+  (when rand-seed
+    (init-prng rand-seed))
   (setf *ssl-global-method* (funcall method))
   (setf *ssl-global-context* (ssl-ctx-new *ssl-global-method*))
   (ssl-ctx-set-session-cache-mode *ssl-global-context* 3)
   (ssl-ctx-set-default-passwd-cb *ssl-global-context* 
                                  (cffi:callback pem-password-callback)))
-(defun ensure-initialized (&optional (method 'ssl-v23-method))
+(defun ensure-initialized (&key (method 'ssl-v23-method) (rand-seed nil))
+  "In most cases you do *not* need to call this function, because it 
+is called automatically by all other functions. The only reason to 
+call it explicitly is to supply the RAND-SEED parameter. In this case
+do it before calling any other functions.
+Just leave the default value for the METHOD parameter.
+RAND-SEED is an octet sequence to initialize OpenSSL random number generator. 
+On many platforms, including Linux and Windows, it may be leaved NIL (default), 
+because OpenSSL initializes the random number generator from OS specific service. 
+But for example on Solaris it may be necessary to supply this value.
+The minimum length required by OpenSSL is 128 bits.
+See ttp://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html#USER1 for details.
+Hint: do not use Common Lisp RANDOM function to generate the RAND-SEED, 
+because the function usually returns predictable values."
   (unless (ssl-initialized-p)
-    (initialize method))
+    (initialize :method method :rand-seed rand-seed))
   (unless *bio-lisp-method*
     (setf *bio-lisp-method* (make-bio-lisp-method))))
--- /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/index.html	2008/11/03 23:19:28	1.23
+++ /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/index.html	2008/11/04 00:25:52	1.24
@@ -94,6 +94,30 @@
     <h3>API functions</h3>
+      <div class="def">Function CL+SSL:ENSURE-INITIALIZED (&key (method 'ssl-v23-method) (rand-seed nil))</div>
+      In most cases you <strong>do not</strong> need to call this function, because it is called
+      automatically. The only reason to call it explicitly is to supply the <tt>rand-seed</tt> parameter.
+      In this case do it before calling any other functions.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Keyword arguments:
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>method</tt>. Just leave its default value.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>rand-seed</tt> is an octet sequence to initialize OpenSSL random number generator. 
+      On many platforms, including Linux and Windows, it may be leaved NIL (default), 
+      because OpenSSL initializes the random number generator from OS specific service. But for 
+      example on Solaris it may be necessary to supply this value. The minimum length required
+      by OpenSSL is 128 bits. See here <a href="http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html#USER1">
+        http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html#USER1</a> for the details.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Hint: do not use Common Lisp RANDOM function to generate the <tt>rand-seed</tt>, because the function
+      usually returns predictable values.
+    </p>
+    <p>
       <div class="def">Function CL+SSL:MAKE-SSL-CLIENT-STREAM (fd-or-stream &key external-format certificate key password close-callback (unwrap-streams-p t))<br/><br/>
       Function CL+SSL:MAKE-SSL-SERVER-STREAM (fd-or-stream &key external-format certificate key password close-callback (unwrap-streams-p t))</div>
       Return an SSL stream for the client (server)
@@ -213,7 +237,13 @@
 	Support for encrypted keys, thanks to Vsevolod Dyomkin.
-	 Chained certificates support, thanks to Juhani Ränkimies.
+	Chained certificates support, thanks to Juhani Ränkimies.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	More secure initialization of OpenSSL random number generator.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        Minor CLISP-specific fixes.
@@ -229,7 +259,7 @@
-	Improved clisp support, thanks
+	Improved CLISP support, thanks
 	to <a
 	  // pinterface</a>, as well as client certificate support.
--- /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/streams.lisp	2008/11/03 09:25:39	1.15
+++ /project/cl-plus-ssl/cvsroot/cl+ssl/streams.lisp	2008/11/04 00:25:52	1.16
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 CERTIFICATE is the path to a file containing the PEM-encoded certificate for
  your client. KEY is the path to the PEM-encoded key for the client, which
 may be associated with the passphrase PASSWORD."
-  (ensure-initialized method)
+  (ensure-initialized :method method)
   (let ((stream (make-instance 'ssl-stream
 			       :socket socket
 			       :close-callback close-callback))
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
 CERTIFICATE is the path to a file containing the PEM-encoded certificate for
  your server. KEY is the path to the PEM-encoded key for the server, which
 may be associated with the passphrase PASSWORD."
-  (ensure-initialized method)
+  (ensure-initialized :method method)
   (let ((stream (make-instance 'ssl-server-stream
 		 :socket socket
 		 :close-callback close-callback

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