[Cl-perec-devel] allegro port

Tomas Hlavaty tomas.hlavaty at knowledgetools.de
Tue Mar 9 14:38:13 UTC 2010

Hi Levy,

>> Basically, perec uses a trick which is not portable (works on sbcl and
>> allegro but not clozure and clisp for example).  Not sure how much work
>> would this be to make this portable?
> In what sense is it not portable?

I thing the problem is that +unbound-slot-value+ cannot be (portably)
used as a "value", e.g. in hash-tables, see the attached test case.  It
seems to have special meaning in some implementations.

>> BTW, I have commited more patches and the Allegro port should now be
>> working with the new hu.dwim.perec.
> Thank you very much!

Once more patch, now it should work:-)

> Eventually they will be merged in, but I'm fixing the test suite first.

No problem & thanks.


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