[Cl-perec-devel] Lots of questions :-)

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Sun Sep 13 20:53:28 UTC 2009


loads of useful information is available here:


> 1. I'm defining my own DB package in which I :USE :CL-PEREC.  This
>   introduces some conflicts that can be mitigated by
>   :shadowing-import-from :cl-perec :set :time.  What is the recommended
>   way, though?  Would it be better if I don't :USE :cl-perec and prefix
>   all names with "cl-perec:"?

these are usual CL namespace (package) issues. using
:shadowing-import-from is the right way, unless you want to do more

> 2. I have a (defpclass* page) which shows the following warning in SBCL:
>   ; caught STYLE-WARNING:
>   ;   defclass* for CL-PEREC:PAGE while its home package is not *package* (#<PACKAGE "DLWEB.DB">)
>   I can guess that there's a class named "page" in cl-perec?

not a class, but an exported symbol. defclass* interns some symbols,
and it's warning you that you are defining a class called
cl-perec:page while you are in another package. this _may_ lead to
problems (symbols interned into cl-perec instead of your package
causing some clashes, redefinitions, etc)

if you want to be tidy then you should (:shadow #:page) in your package.

> 3. OIDs seem to be randomly generated.  Are they generated by cl-perec,
>   or by Postgres itself? (I haven't use PG in many years so sorry if
>   it's PG-related).

oid's encode both the class and the identity of persistent objects,
that's why the oid's seem to be random. first n bits are the class,
last k bits are the identity.

> 4. I have a Perl background and have used various DB-to-Object mappers
>   (and even wrote my own).  Most of them, in Perl, provide an easy way
>   to "inflate/deflate" columns.  For example, if a column is of type
>   TIMESTAMP (which the DB server returns as a string), when an instance
>   is retrieved I can make that slot return an object of type DateTime,
>   which is more comfortable to work with.  So in other words, an
>   automatic conversion happens when a row is fetched from the DB, and
>   the reverse conversion when it's stored into DB.
>   Another example is storing hashed passwords in the DB.  In Perl I
>   would do:
>      $user->password("foobar");
>      $user->update;
>      ## and now $user->password is some MD5 of "foobar"
>   Is there a way to do this with cl-perec?

i think that's how perec works... just look at the predefined
timestamp type, it returns localtime:timestamp instances.

you can define your own persistent types, see the blog entries above,
or look at the standard-type.lisp in perec (which should be plural,
standard-types.lisp, but someone else needs to convince Levy, i've
tried already... :)

> 5. I plan to use cl-perec with hunchentoot for creating sites.  One of
>   the things I commonly did in Perl was to use the same code (and
>   server) for multiple websites; because they had different data, the
>   database connection was selected at runtime, depending on the target
>   domain name of the incoming request.  I presume a way to do this in
>   cl-perec would be to set the value of *database* accordingly on each
>   request, but since Hunchentoot is multithreaded, would this be safe?
>   If not, can you recommend a better way?

you should never set these contextual variables when working with
multiple threads, but bind them at a high enough point:

(defmethod handle-request :around ((x some-of-my-stuff))
  (let ((*database* *my-database*))

this will introduce a new separate thread-local binding of the special
variable in each thread when they get to that point.

btw, we will start a website Real Soon Now (weeks at most) that will
demo our web architecture, including a detailed shell script that can
reproduce that site locally on your machine and start it up.

> 7. How do I define columns of type VARCHAR(255)?  It seems wasteful to
>   use TEXT for every string..

(text 255)

hth, and good luck with perec!


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