[cl-pdf-devel] Simple patch for draw-...-text
Andrey Moskvitin
archimag at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 12:12:35 UTC 2009
I apologize for the long silence, was strongly engaged.
> Anyway, it's an interesting feature so could you rework its
Well, I agree, this is a new version.
diff --git a/text.lisp b/text.lisp
index 8fbddf3..4c695d4 100644
--- a/text.lisp
+++ b/text.lisp
@@ -16,56 +16,71 @@ with Lisps that read source files in UTF-8 encoding.")
(loop for c across string
summing (get-char-width c font font-size)))
-(defun split-text (string font font-size max-width)
- (if (> (* 2 (get-char-width #\M font font-size)) max-width)
- (loop for c across string
- collect (make-string 1 :initial-element c))
- (let ((width 0)
- (start 0)
- (result ()))
- (loop for i from 0
- for c across string
- for d = (get-char-width c font font-size) do
- (if (or (char= c #\Newline)
- (char= c +section-char+)
- (> (+ width d) max-width))
- (progn
- (push (string-trim *delimiter-chars* (subseq string start i))
- (setf start i width 0))
- (incf width d))
- finally (push (string-trim *delimiter-chars* (subseq string
start)) result))
- (nreverse result))))
+(defun split-text (string font font-size max-width &optional max-height)
+ (let ((max-line-number (if max-height
+ (floor (+ max-height (* 0.2 font-size))
+ (* 1.2 font-size))))
+ (current-line-number 1))
+ (flet ((check-max-number-of-lines ()
+ (and max-line-number
+ (< max-line-number
+ (prog1
+ current-line-number
+ (incf current-line-number))))))
+ (if (> (* 2 (get-char-width #\M font font-size)) max-width)
+ (loop for c across string
+ until (check-max-number-of-lines)
+ collect (string c))
+ (let ((width 0)
+ (start 0)
+ (result ()))
+ (loop with max-number-of-lines = (and max-line-number (<
max-line-number current-line-number))
+ until max-number-of-lines
+ for i from 0
+ for c across string
+ for d = (get-char-width c font font-size) do
+ (if (or (char= c #\Newline)
+ (char= c +section-char+)
+ (> (+ width d) max-width))
+ (progn
+ (push (string-trim *delimiter-chars* (subseq string
start i)) result)
+ (setf start i width 0)
+ (setf max-number-of-lines
+ (incf width d))
+ finally (unless max-number-of-lines
+ (push (string-trim *delimiter-chars* (subseq
string start)) result)))
+ (nreverse result))))))
-(defun draw-centered-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width)
+(defun draw-centered-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width
(pdf:move-text x y)
(pdf:set-font font font-size)
(loop with dy = (* -1.2 font-size)
- for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width) (list string))
+ for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width max-height) (list string))
for last-x = 0 then offset
for offset = (* -0.5 (text-width str font font-size)) do
(move-text (- offset last-x) 0)
(show-text str)
(when rest (pdf:move-text 0 dy)))))
-(defun draw-left-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width)
+(defun draw-left-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width
(pdf:move-text x y)
(pdf:set-font font font-size)
(loop with dy = (* -1.2 font-size)
- for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width) (list string))
+ for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width max-height) (list string))
for last-x = 0 then offset
for offset = (- (text-width str font font-size)) do
(move-text (- offset last-x) 0)
(show-text str)
(when rest (pdf:move-text 0 dy)))))
-(defun draw-right-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width)
+(defun draw-right-text (x y string font font-size &optional max-width
(pdf:move-text x y)
(pdf:set-font font font-size)
(loop with dy = (* -1.2 font-size)
- for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width) (list string))
+ for (str . rest) on (if max-width (split-text string font font-size
max-width max-height) (list string))
(show-text str)
(when rest (move-text 0 dy)))))
2009/3/29 Marc Battyani <marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com>
> Hi Andrey,
> This is a very good idea but I think it needs some polish. :)
> Having a while clause before for clauses is not compliant even if most loop
> implementations are OK with this.
> Using a line count and then multiplying by dy at each iteration is not very
> efficient, it would be better to have a current-height and add dy at each
> iteration or even simply to substract dy from max-height until it goes
> negative (with a default huge value for max-height)
> BTW as the draw-...-text functions all call split text, in fact it would be
> much more efficient to limit the number of lines directly in split-text.
> After all what is the point of splitting a text in n lines if we only want 2
> lines for instance.
> Anyway, it's an interesting feature so could you rework its implementation?
> Thanks,
> Marc
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