[cl-pdf-devel] latin-2 + sbcl + hungarian characters

Roland Lohner lohner.roland at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 14:47:03 UTC 2008

Hi Dmitriy, List,

thanks for the answer.

A diff of an another useful solution considering you opinion is attached.
Please take a look at it.

Roland Lohner

As *latin-2-encoding* is an instance of custom-encoding, not just
> single-byte-encoding, your approach is not quite universal. The proposed
> method on charset
>   (defmethod charset ((encoding (eql *latin-2-encoding*)))
>    *latin-2-charset*)
> displaces the "standard value" :latin-2, which is stored in the charset
> slot
> and seems to work fine for the others. So your proposal could potentially
> defeat other Lisp implementations.
> Just expanding the definition of char-external-code for SBCL would be a
> better solution. I feel that that should be enough but do not know how to
> do
> that.
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