[cl-pdf-devel] Binary streams

Jonathon McKitrick jmckitrick at reedlarkeygroup.com
Wed Jan 31 20:42:50 UTC 2007

This fixes my issue, I think.  'obj' needed to be replaced with 'content'
in the write-sequence call.

(defmethod write-stream-content ((content string))
  ;; Args: content Base string, may include
  ;;	   - either one-byte codes (already converted to external format if
  ;;	   - or Unicode two-byte character codes (big-endian CIDs)
  (loop for char across content
        do (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) (char-code char)) *pdf-stream*))
  (write-sequence content *pdf-stream*))

Jonathon McKitrick
Reed Larkey Group

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