[cl-pdf-devel] Using zpb-ttf to load Unicode ttf files
Peter Heslin
pj at heslin.eclipse.co.uk
Thu Mar 2 22:33:02 UTC 2006
A couple of weeks ago, Zach Beane announced the release of his zpb-ttf
library for reading TrueType Unicode font files. cl-pdf already has
support for using these fonts, but the metrics have to be read in via
a "ufm" file, which has to be generated with a hacked version of
ttf2pt1 -- a less than ideal situation.
So I tried to get zpb-ttf to load the ttf font metrics. I'll attach
the file I came up with, which now allows a pure Lisp solution to
using truetype fonts in cl-pdf. I've tested it on just a few fonts,
but it seems to work fine.
Health warning: I don't have a deep understanding of all of the parts
of this code, much of which was munged around and adapted from various
parts of font-metrics.lisp. It would be good if someone else who
understands the issues were to review it.
One thing I did notice is that zpb-ttf reports a different value for
the font's descender, as compared to the ufm file generated by
ttf2pt1. Also, I used zpb-ttf's line-gap for (leading font-metric),
but that's a guess.
Peter Heslin (http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin)
-------------- next part --------------
;;; Use the zpb-ttf library to load Unicode TrueType fonts into cl-pdf
;;; Copyright (c) 2006 Peter Heslin, All Rights Reserved
(in-package :pdf)
;; Missing: weight, char-width, version, mapping-scheme, esc-char,
;; character-set, vvector, fixed-v-p, cap-height, x-height.
;; Value of descender is different from that obtained via ufm file.
;; For leading should we use line-gap or the formula used for afm files?
;; Usage: (load-ttf-file "times.ttf")
(defun read-ttf-metrics (file)
(zpb-ttf:with-font-loader (loader file)
(let* ((font-metrics (make-instance 'ttu-font-metrics))
(characters (characters font-metrics))
(kernings (kernings font-metrics))
(units (/ 1000 (zpb-ttf:units/em loader)))
(italic-angle (* units (zpb-ttf:italic-angle loader)))
(italic-sin (sin (/ (* pi italic-angle) -180)))
(font-bbox (map 'vector (lambda (x) (* 0.001 units x))
(zpb-ttf:bounding-box loader)))
(min-code #xfffe)
(max-code 0)
(void-char (make-instance 'char-metrics :code -1 :name "VoidChar" :index 0
:width 0 :bbox #(0 0 0 0) :spacing 0))
encoding-vector pdf-widths)
(setf (gethash "VoidCharacter" characters) void-char)
(dotimes (gid (zpb-ttf:glyph-count loader))
(let ((g (zpb-ttf:index-glyph gid loader)))
(when g
(let* ((code (or (zpb-ttf:code-point g) -1))
(name (zpb-ttf:postscript-name g))
(width (* 0.001 units (zpb-ttf:advance-width g)))
(char-bbox (zpb-ttf:bounding-box g))
(bbox (if char-bbox
(map 'vector (lambda (x) (* units 0.001 x)) char-bbox)
(urx (aref bbox 2))
(stroke-width (if bbox (if (zerop urx) width (* 0.001 urx)) 0))
(make-instance 'char-metrics :code code :name name
:index gid :width width
:bbox bbox :spacing (- width stroke-width)
:left-italic-correction (if bbox (* italic-sin (aref bbox 3)) 0)
:right-italic-correction (if bbox (* italic-sin (aref bbox 1)) 0))))
(when name
(setf (gethash name characters) char-metrics))
;; Code taken from read-ufm-file
(when (and (<= 0 code #xfffe))
(when (> code max-code) (setf max-code code))
(when (< code min-code) (setf min-code code))
(setf (aref (c2g font-metrics) (* 2 code))
(code-char (ldb (byte 8 8) gid))
(aref (c2g font-metrics) (+ (* 2 code) 1))
(code-char (ldb (byte 8 0) gid)))
(vector-push-extend code (cid-widths font-metrics))
(vector-push-extend (vector (round (* 1000 (width char-metrics))))
(cid-widths font-metrics)))))))
(flet ((register-kern-pair (name1 name2 dx dy)
(let* ((char1 (gethash name1 characters))
(char2 (when char1 (gethash name2 characters))))
(when char2
(setf (gethash (cons char1 char2) kernings) (cons (* 0.001 dx) (* 0.001 dy)))))))
(dolist (kern (zpb-ttf:all-kerning-pairs loader))
(register-kern-pair (zpb-ttf:postscript-name (first kern))
(zpb-ttf:postscript-name (second kern))
(third kern) 0)))
(setf (font-name font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:postscript-name loader)
(full-name font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:full-name loader)
(family-name font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:family-name loader)
(underline-position font-metrics) (* 0.001 units (zpb-ttf:underline-position loader))
(underline-thickness font-metrics) (* units 0.001 (zpb-ttf:underline-thickness loader))
(italic-angle font-metrics) italic-angle
(italic-sin font-metrics) italic-sin
(fixed-pitch-p font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:fixed-pitch-p loader)
(font-bbox font-metrics) font-bbox
(notice font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:name-entry-value :copyright-notice loader)
(ascender font-metrics) (* 0.001 units (zpb-ttf:ascender loader))
(descender font-metrics) (* 0.001 (zpb-ttf:descender loader))
; (leading font-metrics) (- 1 (descender font-metrics))
(leading font-metrics) (zpb-ttf:line-gap loader)
(encoding-scheme font-metrics) :unicode-encoding
(characters font-metrics) characters
(kernings font-metrics) kernings)
;; From read-ufm-file
(setf encoding-vector (make-array (1+ max-code) :initial-element void-char)
pdf-widths (make-array (1+ max-code) :initial-element 0))
(iter (for (name char-metrics) in-hashtable (characters font-metrics))
(for code = (code char-metrics))
(when (<= min-code code max-code)
(setf (aref encoding-vector code) char-metrics
(aref pdf-widths code) (round (* 1000 (width char-metrics))))))
(setf (min-code font-metrics) min-code
(max-code font-metrics) max-code
(encoding-vector font-metrics) encoding-vector
(pdf-widths font-metrics) pdf-widths
(encoding-scheme font-metrics) :unicode-encoding
(gethash (string-downcase (font-name font-metrics)) *font-metrics*) font-metrics)
(defun load-ttf-file (ttf-file)
(let ((ttffm (read-ttf-metrics ttf-file)))
(with-open-file (in ttf-file :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(setf (length1 ttffm)
(file-length in)
(binary-data ttffm)
(make-array (length1 ttffm) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))
(read-sequence (binary-data ttffm) in))
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