[cl-pdf-devel] Unicode/ISO-8859-2

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Sun Sep 25 18:08:32 UTC 2005

"Levente Mészáros" <levente.meszaros at mailbox.hu> wrote:

>I got the same result when I was using win-ansi. The glyphs look good in
>second row of the file you have sent, but the positions...

I've checked the generated pdf file and the encoding encoding (if I can say
so ;-) and it seems ok for me.
Can you generate the same small pdf file with another tool and send it to me
so that I can compare the way the encoding is encoded ?

>BTW: do you have some hungarian relatives? I'm asking because your name is
>quite close to a famous hungarian earl called Lajos Batthyáni.

Yes, my grand father was Hungarian and his name was Lajos Batthyáni too,
though it's probably not the one you think of. The h was dropped by the
French administration when he came in France :(. Sadly he died before I was
born so I don't have much information on him.

BTW I'm going to visit Budapest on October 24-28 :-)


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