[cl-pdf-devel] Concatenating PDF files
Marc Battyani
marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Mon Nov 14 23:17:59 UTC 2005
Tim Daly Jr. <tim at tenkan.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 21:08 +0100, Edi Weitz wrote:
> ...
> > Nevertheless, at the moment I don't even know enough of CL-PDF to be
> > able to concatenate the files without wading through the source code
> > for a couple of hours. So, if someone could provide me with some
> > lines of example code to get me started I'd be /very/ thankful.
> Something like this would be a start, I think:
> (require :cl-pdf)
> (require :cl-pdf-parser)
> (in-package :pdf)
> (defun concat-pdfs (out-file &rest in-files)
> (with-document ()
> (dolist (in-file in-files)
> (let* ((doc (read-pdf-file in-file))
> (root (root-page doc)))
> (loop for page across (pages root) do
> (with-page ()
> (let ((template (make-template-from-page page)))
> (add-templates-to-page template)
> (draw-template template))))))
> (write-document out-file)))
> > but I'd rather do it all in Lisp if possible.
Here is the same one with the page numbers added:
(defun concat-pdfs (out-file &rest in-files)
(with-document ()
(let ((page-number 0))
(dolist (in-file in-files)
(let* ((doc (read-pdf-file in-file))
(root (root-page doc)))
(loop for page across (pages root) do
(with-page ()
(let ((template (make-template-from-page page))
(helvetica (pdf:get-font "Helvetica")))
(add-templates-to-page template)
(draw-template template)
(pdf:set-font helvetica 14.0)
(pdf:move-text 500 10)
(pdf:set-gray-fill 0.0)
(pdf:draw-text (format nil "Page ~d" (incf
(write-document out-file))))
I will add this to the cl-pdf examples. :)
> Amen, brother Maynard!
Yep. Lisp rulez!
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