[cl-pdf-devel] Named destinations proposal and small amendments

Eric Marsden emarsden at laas.fr
Wed Oct 27 13:45:37 UTC 2004

>>>>> "di" == Dmitri Ivanov <divanov at aha.ru> writes:

  di> But how do you handle destination possitions with arguments, e.g. "/XYZ" top
  di> left zoom?

  I never finished this code (I was disappointed that xpdf has no
  support for normal Text annotations), and my memory of the PDF spec
  is vague. However, I think that this could be handled using for

  (add-link x y dx dy (make-instance 'explicit-destination :position "/XYZ"))
Eric Marsden                          <URL:http://www.laas.fr/~emarsden/>

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