[cl-pdf-devel] Greek letters?

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Tue Nov 30 18:50:41 UTC 2004

"Björn Lindberg" <d95-bli at nada.kth.se> wrote:

> "Marc Battyani" <marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com> writes:
> > "Björn Lindberg" <d95-bli at nada.kth.se> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >Is it possible to somehow incorporate greek letters in the PDFs
> > >created by cl-pdf? More specifically, I need to use a few mathematical
> > >symbols in the legend of a histogram, such as \theta, \kappa &
> > >\omega. I'm using CMUCL, so I only have latin1 in my lisp.
> >
> > Yes, just use the "Symbol" font and look at the *symbol-encoding* in
> > encodings.lisp. (code-char 97) should give you "alpha". If you need more
> > math symbols, just use a TeX math font for instance.
> Ok, but I need to mix greek letters with both regular text and
> numbers. One legend entry might say:
>   Foo/Bar, \theta = 0,4; \kappa = 4,0
> for instance.
> If you have an example of this to point me to, or can tell me a little
> bit more about how to do it, it would be most appreciated. I will
> start looking at it now that I know it is at least possible though.

cl-pdf does not do this kind of stuff directly. You should use
Making a legend with cl-typesetting is easy, I added #'colored-box for this.


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