[cl-pdf-devel] Greek letters?

Klaus Weidner kw at w-m-p.com
Tue Nov 30 22:54:17 UTC 2004

On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 08:14:51PM +0100, Björn Lindberg wrote:
> Ah. I am using xpdf to view PDFs, and there it came up blank. But now
> when I tried acroread it showed up both in your file and
> mine. However, when I print it in the normal way it came up blank, so
> there is something fishy going on. (Everything else I have done so far
> using cl-pdf/typesetting, I can view with xpdf and print with no
> problems.) This seems to be a font issue I guess.

The font got encoded as WinAnsiEncoding by default which appears to be

Try this:

  (pdf:with-document ()
    (pdf:with-page ()
      (let ((font (pdf:get-font "Symbol" pdf::*standard-encoding*)))
          (pdf:set-font font 36.0)
          (pdf:move-text 100 800)
          (pdf:draw-text "abcdefghABCDEFGH"))))
    (pdf:write-document "foo.pdf"))


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