[cl-pdf-devel] Histogram bug

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Tue Nov 30 15:05:38 UTC 2004

"Björn Lindberg" <d95-bli at nada.kth.se> wrote:

>It seems that it is supposed to be possible to give a format string
>for the values on the y axis when creating a histogram instance like
>(make-instance 'pdf:histogram ...
>               :y-axis-options '(:format-string "foo! ~A"))
>However, first of all this slot will never be set because there is no
>initarg for it in the class value-axis. Secondly, even if it was, it
>would be unconditionally clobbered in the compute-scale function.
>Below is a patch to chart.lisp with a suggested modification which
>remedies both problems.

Thanks for the patch, I will add it.


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