[cl-pdf-devel] cl-pdf examples not working in cmucl 19a

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Wed Aug 18 19:35:24 UTC 2004

Chisheng Huang wrote:
> I downloaded cl-pdf-current.tgz yesterday and managed to get
> it compiled and loaded on a Red Hat 7.3 box with
>   1. CMUCL 19a (x86 Linux) plus contrib/zlib-cmucl.lisp
>   2. LispWorks personal edition 4.3.6. plus contrib/zlib-lw.lisp
> All examples in examples/examples.lisp work in Lispworks but none
> of them work in CMUCL.  The backtrace of running EXAMPLE1 is attached
> at the end of this email.  I'll be grateful if someone can show me how
> to get around this problem.
> I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask this type of questions.

This is the right place to ask this kind of questions.
Unfortunately, I'm not a CMUCL user so I can't help you on this.
(cl-pdf and cl-typesetting used to work on the previous versions of CMUCL

All the Best,


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